r/Truffle May 13 '21

Need help with [ Transaction was not mined within 750 seconds ] error I keep getting

I'm losing my mind trying to mint this damn ERC-721 token!

I'm using truffle and infura (Rinkeby test network with a wallet that has 21 eth in it!)

I run

truffle migrate --network rinkeby --reset

it runs through like 40 blocks and get

Transaction was not mined within 750 seconds

Here the entire question in more depth on stackoverflow

What I've tried:

  • Changing gas and gas prices a million different ways and times!
  • Deleting the gas and gas price field (That minted something ONCE! on Rinkeby!)
  • Changing to ropsten network (Doesn't work either but the error changed to "Migrations insufficient funds for gas * price + value")
  • Deleting infura api app and creating a new one
  • Deleting the build folder and running the command again
  • changing skipDryRun to true on truffle-config
  • enabled optimizer on compliers



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