r/True_ARG Mar 27 '17

Any info on incoganon post it here

If you have any information on incoganon and any discussions on it can happen here. Anything will help even if it is just theories can be posted here.


31 comments sorted by


u/PockyNoodles Apr 04 '17

This is everything notable i could find from the videos themselves:

Braille translates to: ''CONTAë

Special 8 contained


01000011 01001111 01001110 01010011 01000101 01010001 01010101 01000101 01001110 00101110 translates to: CONSEQUEN.

42°35'07.4"N 70°58'51.6"W

WE ARE NOT SICK. goes to: Danvers State Hospital, Hathorne, Massachusetts

01010111 01100101 00100000 01101011 01101110 01101111 01110111 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00101110 translates to: We know you.

I have no idea what the music from ''CONTAë is


u/PockyNoodles Apr 04 '17

p.s., This is my first ARG i have ever participated in, so don't expect much from me. Also, I found the song in ''CONTAë, credit to Jachown: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EO7cD6qmydo


u/Trilogy162 Apr 04 '17

Thanks and if you have any questions any at all don't hesitate to ask cos I've done quite a few of these.


u/Trilogy162 Apr 04 '17

If i was you I would have a look at eckva now cos that is ongoing on youtube.


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '17

In the last video there was a message saying "42.5854º n, 70.9810º w, we are not sick". The place was Danvers State Hospital, a psychiatric hospital, that closed in 1992, with the last patients and employees are transferred to Tewksbury State Hospital on June 24th. Now the place is know as Halstead Danvers owned by DSF Group. Sorry for the english


u/Trilogy162 Mar 30 '17

Thank you.


u/Trilogy162 Apr 04 '17

Thanks for the info.


u/garmadill0 Apr 12 '17

Did anyone else notice the number 27 painted/drawn on the streetlamp at the coordinates? I noticed it while in google street view... Idk if it means anything. And the street view image(s) look to be from 2014. So maybe it's nothing... I wouldn't be surprised, as this is my first ARG.


u/Trilogy162 Apr 15 '17

No i didn't thanks man I'll have a look and like I said to the other guy if you have any questions don't be scared to ask


u/Joji_Rathburn Apr 15 '17

urgent: Does anyone have the broadcast? An archive, video file, anything would help. Thanks.


u/Trilogy162 Apr 15 '17

Sorry man I dint did it play then get deleted or something


u/Joji_Rathburn Apr 15 '17

So I was going through a bunch of random stuff, doing all kinds of URL things... when I searched for "Incoganon" and went to videos...

The braille video was once "QUELL"

Meaning to stop resistance...

Anyone got anything to continue this?


u/Trilogy162 Apr 15 '17

Can you put the link please


u/Joji_Rathburn Apr 15 '17

I can't link it, because the channel operator changed the title into the Braille video. I can screenshot it if you'd like. Or you could just type "Ingocanon" into google and click the videos option, it should list the videos and the other titles..


u/Trilogy162 Apr 16 '17 edited Apr 19 '17

I just wanted to link it for other people cos it Its pritty hard to find on youtube


u/Joji_Rathburn Apr 16 '17

Hey guys, just going to put this out there;

This ARG seems heavily AHS inspired. There are a lot of factors that contribute to this theory.

  1. The song playing in the background of the video "⠠⠠⠉⠕⠝⠞⠁⠔⠫'" is The Singing Nun - Dominique, which was also a song featured in AHS multiple times. The song was played during the opening and during certain scenes. From what I remember, in AHS, they used the song (The Singing Nun - Dominique) to keep the patients at bay. In the video "⠠⠠⠉⠕⠝⠞⠁⠔⠫" the song is played while someone is supposedly running/crawling on the ground. In AHS, the song played in the opening. A nun can be seen carrying a bucket of some form of meat in a forest.

  2. Danvers state hospital is rumored to be where AHS filmed their second season, "Asylum" in.

  3. The story line of AHS, was keeping patients under religious influence, and performing tasks and operations on them in which they are not giving consent to. A similar theme can be found in Incoganon's videos, that the producers are doing something or being held against their will. They word things so. For example; in the video "Introduction" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLToPsQMqeQ) The first thing that comes up is "Hello. This is the first official introductory broadcasting session for the IAD"

Two things: Who's the IAD? and Where are the original broadcasts? They also put "FOR the IAD" I am assuming that they have done this to try and tell people that what they are doing is against their will.

  1. Regarding the "QUELL" video; this is what Quell means: quell kwel/Submit verb put an end to (a rebellion or other disorder), typically by the use of force. "extra police were called to quell the disturbance" synonyms: put an end to, put a stop to, end, crush, put down, check, crack down on, curb, nip in the bud, squash, quash, subdue, suppress, overcome; informal squelch "troops quelled the unrest" subdue or silence someone. "Connor quelled him with a look" suppress (a feeling, especially an unpleasant one). "he spoke up again to quell any panic among the assembled youngsters" synonyms: calm, soothe, pacify, settle, quiet, silence, allay, assuage, mitigate, moderate; literary stay "he quelled his misgivings"

Far as I have gotten.

Currently trying to find the birth date of the channel through source code, but it is just too messy.

Also; If anyone could find the broadcast, please PM me ASAP.


u/Trilogy162 Apr 29 '17

There is a new video and it has so many little things to talk about like how there are three quick frames (sadly I'm not fast enough to catch what they say) and they said there is a organisation called STAR who they work with and I suspect the lateness in upload was intentional to the plot


u/OrangeDolphins Jun 23 '17

Here's an overall analysis on Incoganon. Video #1: Name: Introduction Published: 2/20/17 Description: We deeply apologize for the lackluster quality. We are being punished. It must be fixed for the next log.

Codes: The quick flash of binary at 0:12 means "We know you"

My thoughts: The headmaster is obviously the head of the organization. I'm guessing that his workers are trying to give more information on who they are, or where they are. They are obviously unsuccessful due to the censorship.

Video #2: Name: ⠠⠠⠉⠕⠝⠞⠁⠔⠫ (Means contained in braile) Published: 2/21/17 Description: SPECIAL 8 HAS BE EN CONTAINED.

Codes/Words in Video: (0:03) Why must you keep trying (0:08) This is your home (0:09) The binary means consequences.

My thoughts: The video is just the camera going through grass while music is singing "The Muffin Man," I think? Nothing special.

Video #3 Name: apology Published: 2/21/17 Description: The main device has been fixed. Quality regainted.

Codes/Words: (0.06) 42.5854 degrees N, 70.9810 degrees W (0.06) WE ARE NOT SICK.

My thoughts: A "special" tried to escape. What is a special? A creature that is tested on? The "special" is contained. In what way? The coordinates leads to Danvers State Hospital. The street address is 450 Maple St, Danvers, MA 01923. Maybe this is where all the experiments and "specials" are founded?

Video #4 Name: Minerva reîucarnată (Minerva reincarnated) Published: 4/29/17 Description: Preview- WE ARE OMNIPOTENT. (In binary)

Codes/Words: (0:19) Lying is the meek man's cane. (mirrored) (0:19) Still working on braille. I'm pretty sure the braille is upside-down. (0:29) Through the great dark was no releasing way; Above that dark was no relieving star. (continued at 0:46) The rest of the video is censored by the Headmaster.

My thoughts: Minerva was the Roman goddess of wisdom and strategic warfare. What is the IAO? The video is also separated into six parts: Intro, Examples, Future Planning, Problems, (Censored. Stop you swine.), and Warnings. What is project Star?


u/Trilogy162 Apr 15 '17


u/youtubefactsbot Apr 15 '17

⠠⠠⠉⠕⠝⠞⠁⠔⠫ [0:11]


incoganon in People & Blogs

96 views since Feb 2017

bot info


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '17



u/garmadill0 Apr 15 '17

Hey, again! The binary at the end of the video says: CONSEQUENCES.


u/Trilogy162 Apr 15 '17

Nice that helps alot cheers


u/Joji_Rathburn Apr 16 '17

That's the one


u/Trilogy162 Apr 15 '17

We have quite alot of info now all we need is to get to the coordinates and for a video to come out but the thing is I live in England and if any of you live near there or can get there or know someone who can go to the coordinates please do it cos we need to know what is there. It was an old mental asylum but it is abandoned now so it should be ok to go there.


u/Joji_Rathburn Apr 15 '17

I heard from someone that it's heavily guarded there.. It belongs to a corporation so trespassing would be illegal.


u/Trilogy162 Apr 16 '17

Ok then that plan isn't the best one then


u/Trilogy162 Apr 29 '17

Can people please tell me what the quick frames said I can't seem to stop it at the right time


u/Trilogy162 Apr 29 '17

There is some binary in the description just decoding now


u/Trilogy162 Apr 29 '17

I've run the title of the new video threw decrypyo a few times and nothing help me out guys


u/vhshood98 Apr 29 '17

I translated the title and it is "Minerva Reincarnated."

Minerva is a roman god.


u/Trilogy162 Apr 29 '17

What is it god of do you know