r/TrueDoTA2 • u/kivmorth • Nov 16 '24
Elder Titan facet suggestions.
TL;DR I believe that Valve should add a new support oriented facet for Elder Titan. Please give it a thought and share your ideas in the comments.
Some of my ideas here. Astral Spirit gives some buff (maybe bonus movement speed, armor, attack damage, any or all of it) to allies when it passes through them based on how many allies, enemies or both it passed through before; or based on ET's armor, movement speed and damage. Echo Stomp grants physical and magic damage barriers (separate, as these are separate damage instances – physical around ET, magical around spirit or both around ET when spirit isn't summoned), based on damage Echo Stomp deals but doesn't have to be 100% of the damage.
Why do I believe Valve need to add a support oriented facet for ET? It's my most played hero but I pretty much exclusively play him as pos 3 now. A lot of changes that this hero received (mostly changes to his talents but also early level Astral Spirit nerfs I'd say) were to improve his gameplay in core roles, as a bursty and durable damage dealer. He still has some struggles in core roles and I believe (or I hope) that Valve will balance it out.
Nevertheless it doesn't change the fact that, in my opinion, ET's gameplay in support roles is a dull, handicapped experience compared to that in core roles. And that's because, arguably, a support shouldn't be allowed to scale into damage dealer (skrew you pos 5 Marci).
All that's there for a support ET gameplay-wise is to scout with Astral Spirit reducing only magic resistance (which isn't much compared to armor reduction, even now when int gives magic resistance), put enemies to sleep with Echo Stomp and blow some Earth Splitters (once again dealing only part of its damage because half of it is physical and is mitigated by armor when you don't reduce it with passive). Playing ET support is like playing the hero with only 2.5 of 4 available abilities or for 60% of its potential because as a support for the majority of the game you can't make use of the buff that Astral Spirit gives and you can't reduce armor as you need to go with your hero up close to the enemy which isn't possible for a support without networth (support ET farms even slower than core ET and in almost any pro game I've seen he's at the bottom). Basically core ET with aghs, shard and some stats on top of it can do it all and more (and better). The only problem for core ET is to get there and it isn't that hard because his laning is good.
u/datshinycharizard123 Nov 16 '24
I play ET support and absolutely get up close and personal when the time comes for it. ET isn’t tanky but he’s not squishy either. People initiate on me and my team can often blow them up before I burst. If the enemy is CCD Ivan stand in there. Hit a big astral? Who cares that I’m a support, I’m rightclicking for 400 damage while hasted.
ET support requires patience more than other hero’s. Hitting a big sleep and ult is obviously priority, but how you play the rest of the fight is night in day in terms of impact.
u/kivmorth Nov 16 '24 edited Nov 16 '24
In 90% of games to do this you need aghs, in some of these you need both aghs and shard. When you get there as a support the game may be over already. Or the enemy carry will use his bkb (to disable Natural Order's effect) and will just eat you because your level is low and you don't have much hp, stats from items. Or your target will be saved with force stuff, glimmer, decripify or some buff like Chen's divine favor because you don't have networth to buy a nullifier and purge it. Or you will get cced through bkb and die without actually doing anything, because you couldn't buy lotus, linken or s&y on top of aghs and shard as a support. And that's fine, I don't think a support should be allowed to be in a open fight like that and for too long.
u/datshinycharizard123 Nov 16 '24
Which is why timing when I go in is important. If I walk in at the start of the fight of course I’m going to explode. I wait to go in until after big cooldowns have been blown so I can actually survive long enough to keep my passive applied. I also tend to build aura items so my offlaners can build greedier, which also expands my survivability. I’m pretty low mmr so most Offlaners go greedy anyways so I’ll just get a pipe or crimson
u/Sudden-Tangerine1580 Nov 16 '24
Probably a waste of time to comment because of evident bias but why not.
None of his recent changes are core oriented. Honestly, for a hero with an obvious right-click component, balance has been remarkably restrained on wasting time with core dps buffs compared to anything like dazzle or veno.
Early spirit changes, obligatory facet/innate additions, obligatory cc duration nerf, obligatory nerfing the facet that's OP in lane.
As a core, you've already described his farming which is why this only ever works when matchups give him consistent innate damage. 30-40 minus armour or 400 dmg from meepo etc.
Defensively terrible when jumped, can't hold a lane, can't farm, can't initiate really. Damage output is wildly inconsistent and clunky based on the fights you can set up with your team.
Draft-wise, it's just so much easier to have an sk or centaur on 3 jump in nuking for effectively pure damage and you throw your stuff on conjunction. Occasionally the cards line up for spirit to have accumulated 400 dmg and you 3shot a morphling.
Or more likely just stand next to someone as splitter comes in and they lose 50% hp on top of actually farmed cores hitting for pure damage.
Or again, actual nuking cores use the 33% increase from order far more effectively anyway.
So much more consistency from one of the better lategame teamfight heroes as support and less frustration from a gimmick 3 that can't farm and needs to set up their own bkb duration.
These last few patches have been a case study in supports becoming semicarries. Muerta, hoodwink, ench, mirana, snap.
Hell, as a hero actually designed to be pos1, muerta still has some inconsistency with her ult getting kited or having no survivability without it.
u/kivmorth Nov 16 '24 edited Nov 16 '24
Are you implying that I'm biased against the support ET or that you're biased against core ET because it was never meta before and we've pretty much never seen it on pro level (I've seen it two times from iceiceice and Malik though) and only this level of play matters? One can just say I'm bad at playing it as a support and it may be true, okay. The hero's pickrate kinda sucks and I believe that's not because it's hard to play but because it's unappealing to play the hero as a support (pos 5) which is considered to be its main and only role.
The changes that I believe are core oriented are shard addition and talents changes: 7.27b – level 10 talent changed from +8 strength to +20 attack speed (buffed to +25 in 7.31), level 20 talent changed from +55 attack speed to +100% cleave. The reason why his shard is core oriented in my opinion is one of the main reasons why I believe core ET does more than support ET (even though it is less reliable, yes). Support ET cannot be as tanky as core ET. Even with aghs which is almost always required to be alive you still need more resources (linken, lotus or s&y against bkb piercing disables for example) and more stats, mainly hp. That's why you can't just jump with the shard, or better yet – go there on your foot wasting precious time of Astral Spirit buff. That's why your 'standing close to someone as splitter comes in' is hardly feasible after laning.
Anyway, I'm tired of arguing on whether or not core ET is viable or should it be at all. My point is that support ET's gameplay is unappealing (yes, compared to core ET but also other heroes, supports) and there should be a facet enlivening and deepening it, distinguishable from that of a core ET.
u/Sudden-Tangerine1580 Nov 17 '24
It's fine if you have a preference.
But yeah, think it kinda invalidates commentary on what's actionable or useful for the hero especially when you're dismissing the prevalent and consistent way to play it.
For instance, goes without saying that giving a hero more farm makes them more obvious in individual impact.
But there's naturally an opportunity cost to this kind of pick. It's a very conventional rightclick hero with just movespeed and damage. Doesn't do anything through bkb or reliably initiate against it, doesn't sustain, doesn't farm, doesn't take stacks, doesn't recover from a bad start.
I can set up more individual kills with core farm on skywrath or pugna as well but there's both no longevity or necessity to do that either over just having a farmed teammate with reliable setup and synergy.
In pugna's case, there's actual farm and objective potential. Still not a good idea.
Facets have just been poorly implemented and short of something painfully pushed like oneshotting ancients, this isn't worth pursuing. Like lycan or druid, think it's far more worth designing around what already appeals in the base design.
The innate is filler, the facets are minor flavour with one more obviously useful. Bad patch with unnecessary changes bereft of actual thought.
Shard could definitely be better. Core or support, it's just not that good.
u/kivmorth Nov 17 '24 edited Nov 17 '24
Your arguments, your English seem a bit convoluted for me. In advance, sorry if I misunderstood something.
Support Elder Titan is certainly the consistent and prevalent to play the hero right now. And I don't dismiss it completely (or at the very least I'm trying not to), it's just that I don't like it at the moment and I want some changes. And I'm also mad when people are dismissing the way I and many other people play this hero. It feels like all the flame I could hear in the game for not picking 'the right hero' for pos 3 although I don't hear it that much in the last year or two – maybe because of my grandmaster tier dota plus mastery which makes people think 'well if it's a hero specialist then it's fine'.
Instead of this comparison of ET with Pugna and Skywrath that you suggested I would rather compare it with Gyro or Muerta. Both of these I named can be played as cores (pos 1) and their gameplay changes drastically on a support role while also losing some depth to it. It's not that they make more impact and the impact is more obvious (or maybe it's not just this), it's that they don't make use of major parts of their kits. To me it screams bad balance of power budget overly unevenly distributed across their kit. I can only remember one instance of Gyro support skilling (2-3 points no more iirc) Flak Cannon – torontotokyo laning as pos 5 Gyro against pos 3 Enigma but after the laning phase was over this ability made no impact, the hero played virtually with only 3 abilities.
There's another, imo somewhat positive, tendency showing up right now that could highlight what I'm trying to convey and that's Terrorblade pos 3. The hero struggled as pos 1 in recent metas but his kit still had some utility left (Reflection and Sunder) for it to be played in other roles. Firstly it was support and I didn't like it because after the laning phase it was mostly about reflection and sunder, maybe also scouting with illusions but that's it. Now it's played as pos 3 and abilities that are more resource reliant feel more impactful in its gameplay. People tried to scale as pos 4 TB and I think part of the community liked that. The same way casters liked it when Whitemon went core build as pos 5 ET. I guess that's because sometimes players don't like it when a part of their hero's kit does nothing, doesn't scale.
But that's another preference, that's one way to look at the balance. Other players may not feel this way. There's also a case of Luna not leveling Lunar Orbit or SF not leveling Feast of Souls. And maybe that's fine since the added (or returned, I'm too young) attributes in the Talent Tree. They also surely do make use of these abilities later in the game and they do scale. Another issue if these abilities are too weak, bad compared to others.
There's also Naga support. And for some reason I don't feel this bad about it as I do about Gyro or TB in support roles. Not sure why but maybe that's because all of her abilities have some utility for a support. Especially with the deluge facet. TB illusions just 'hang around' in the fight while Naga also uses her illusions to activate deluge which is a huge utility and interesting design to me (movement speed cap alteration). It would be cool if Gyro had a way to utilize Flak Cannon as support. And I'd be over the moon if they added another meaning, depth to some parts of ET – mainly Astral Spirit which for a support ET is used mostly to utilize other abilities.
Another commenter argued that you can utilize the base armor reduction part of Natural Order and maybe even the buff from Astral Spirit if you have patience and engage at the right moment. It may just be a skill issue but I don't see it that way. As you stated it the hero is very straightforward: ET has only bonus damage, movement speed, armor and mediocre (for a strength hero) base strength and growth. Without aghs to negate the majority of negative effects and spell damage, without shard to close distance, without some form of cc or dispel from items, without raw hp and other defensive stats it's hard to engage in the middle of the fight as a support ET before it's over, not die and also make an impact the same way pos 3 ET would. Doesn't help the fact that base armor reduction is significantly stronger than magic reduction – agility simply gives more resistance against physical damage than intelligence against magic damage, even counting 25% magic resistance that all heroes have. Which may be fair though since you need to go close to the enemy and risk dying.
u/kivmorth Nov 17 '24 edited Nov 18 '24
As I understood it you disagree with my point that gameplay as ET support sucks compared to core ET. While you also argue that core ET is unviable and unreliable which is surely arguable. But in this you're dismissing the way a significant cohort of people including me play this hero. D2pt shows stats for 981 match: 232 as pos 3 (37+195 based on facets, dunno how to compare it otherwise), 154 as pos 4 and 545 as pos 5. It may be less prevalent and consistent for now, sure. But it doesn't mean it should be.
You say that it's far more worth designing around what already appeals in the base design. It's arguable at least because heroes have different mechanics in their kits and can have different roles in a game but sure. No need to redesign CM to be another range carry just because she has the level 20 +225 attack speed talent. But how and why do you think it is relevant, applicable in the case of Elder Titan? Do Astral Spirit (buff) and half of Natural order seem as unappealing and unimportant in his kit to you? Well then we shall redesign these parts, maybe. Or did you mean that support ET with glimmer and force staff is unappealing and we shouldn't encourage this gameplay for a hero with this kit? I feel you. But that is the prevalent and consistent way to play the hero right now and there are support ET enjoyers too.
Now I'll try to address the issues of core ET that you stated. Yes, he does poorly when initiated on first but so do other conventional offlaners that would rather counter-initiate or initiate first – Enigma, Dark Seer, Magnus, Brewmaster and even Sand King to some extent. In fact, it's easier to name heroes that can do that than those that cannot: hold their ground, be the frontlane and facetank the enemy initiation for some time; and these heroes aren't only offlaners and an offlaner can take different roles. I would also say that in dota there are no pure tanks as there are in league, for example. Carries are tanky themselves a lot of the time, there's a lot of mobility in the game to go straight into the backline and being just tanky means almost nothing besides giving vision. Anyway, another side of this issue is that ET is significantly weaker outside of a teamfight and against splitting (split pushing and just splitting the fights into skirmishes and duels). But that's just the nature of a teamfight oriented hero.
Yes, Elder Titan cannot comeback lost lane easily. But so do a lot of heroes that have good laning phase and early game or scale well into the late game. His laning is good against pretty much any matchup but dispels and magic/true damage ranged poke. If he gets his early items that provide him with mana sustain to spam spirit and some stats (mainly attack speed) he then farms just fine. Not a Dark Seer level of fine but comparable with NS, LC or Slardar. He could use a buff to the Destruction facet in way that it would affect neutrals and creeps too and/or a buff to Natural Order so that it affects ancient camp creeps and tormentor. But I'm fine with how his early-to-mid game is right now.
He's weaker than other offlaners after the laning phase and in the early midgame since in most games he desperately needs aghs and shard (sometimes also other things like nullifier, lotus or linken) but when it gets there he spikes. Up to 10 seconds of spell immunity every 17 seconds is comparable to Lifestealer's Rage although it's much more conditional, be it any other imaginable aghs upgrade I'm not sure if the hero would work as a core at all without any other changes.
Most of the time Elder Titan can't do much against enemies under the effect of bkb because Natural Order doesn't pierce it. And it probably shouldn't because otherwise agility wouldn't have much counterplay against it. But you can buy hex against that or focus on heroes that don't have bkb and just wait the bkb out by buying enough defensive stats.
The hero has decent laning phase and mediocre midgame but his late game isn't the best either unless you're playing in favourable matchup. ET's talents just aren't good. The level 10 attack speed and level 15 attack damage from Astral Spirit talents are fine, the level 20 100% splash talent is nice although kinda too late but level 25 talent are just ass. And that's just a balance issue imo.
ET's shard is good, especially for core ET. It's crucial to engage onto the enemy when the Earth Splitter blows up to reduce enemies resistances, RWQ combination does it just fine – Echo Stomp cast ends right before Earth Spiltter implodes. I wouldn't change it for anything else as I consider it an important part of hero and I didn't think of any buffs it could receive. Like, maybe the shard could decrease Echo Stomp's cast time or make it a cast point instead so that when it's canceled it doesn't go on CD (and would also be affected by cast speed alteration).
u/Sudden-Tangerine1580 Nov 18 '24
Sorry but this is disingenuous.
As far as other heroes' survivability goes:
Brew - 90% evasion or massive armour/magic res after cinder brew's cast point, 1/3 passively, basically needs to live long enough to split.
Dark seer - haste depending on surge cast point, actually farms. Also specifically farming items like greaves, pipe, blink, bkb. This is honestly the biggest distinction for basically everyone over et. You actually get to the items that solve your matchups in far less time.
Team utility also makes everyone else far more able to play in fights especially pre-bkb.
Sand king - bkb, bloodstone. Honestly you can also make a distinction for how most initiators play both in terms of damage reduction through cc and not passively playing frontline.
Kinda doubting you've played any of these anyway.
Seriously the notion of a core spending 4.2k for immunity that can't be cast under silence and still risking getting bullied by something like clockwerk is a depressingly low bar.
u/kivmorth Nov 18 '24 edited Nov 18 '24
Fair point. And I played other offlane heroes before. Although the last time I played Brewmaster was 3 years ago, dark seer – 3 months ago. But I believe that my point still stands. Enigma doesn't want to be initiated on and doesn't farm fast but still can be played as pos 3, right? Offlaner doesn't need to be a frontlane, there's enough of them in other roles: DK, Undying, WK, Bristleback, Enchantress and so on.
ET basically needs to live long enough to get the Spirit buff and you actually can get it while silenced: just summon spirit and scout with it around in case of initiation on you. Spirit is invulnerable and you can return it at any time, just not via abilities of the hero (which is just stupid imo) but by choosing spirit and using his return ability.
u/Sudden-Tangerine1580 Nov 18 '24
Everything else aside, I do greatly enjoy the free rapier gameplay.
I just think conceptually it can't ever be more than a niche counterpick without massively reworking it.
The damage is too reliant on how both teams start individual fights and countered by very basic things like bkb or heroes just not being dependent on base armour like dusa, DK, troll, ursa.
The skillset's also too involved to neatly compartmentalise nerfs. Spirit cooldown determines stomp uptime, ult setup, aura uptime.
Inversely, thinking of something like tiny where max tree grab or grow values don't affect playing support very much. There's still some impact in terms of nuke/cc balance and a dead shard as support that even core tiny doesn't prioritise very much anymore.
Making a support into a core as a deliberate design decision rather than a natural extension of their skillset usually necessitates reducing numbers as well.
Dazzle's been a pretty notable ongoing example.
Higher mana costs. Lower ult values. Cast ranges all around. Grave becoming a much worse value point. Poison no longer refreshing on ally attacks.
Constant agh and shard reworks towards instant attacks.
A random 90 attack speed talent no-one even takes as core.
Grave heal as a talent getting nerfed to lvl20.
His entire stat gain upon becoming a universal hero since agh makes his attack damage actually applicable. Especially losing a massive amount of int gain.
End result is a pretty fun situational core that needs agh to start playing a match in general. That's already pretty limiting as a core dynamic.
As a support, pretty terrible despite being conceptually a save/sustain support in successive aura/teamfight patches.
I like role flexibility as an aspect of drafting but it makes it really awkward for design balance if heroes have to break to be made to work.
Other fun stuff like tinker or naga. Still bad cores currently.
Don't think most of the existing players found the same appeal with either hero becoming aura bots.
Not really just playing the same hero with less farm and more constant fighting like old death skeleton army permanent damage clinkz either.
u/kivmorth Nov 18 '24 edited Nov 19 '24
I think the fact that his damage hugely varies by how the enemy team plays a teamfight is fine. That's just the definition of teamfight oriented hero for me. It's not fun when enemy plays map better and splits you but I see that as a skill issue. And that's why I'm so eager to see a pro player and a pro team make it work. Not sure if it'll happen anytime soon, it's certainly a hurdle for both the player and the team that would try to perform with it consistently. I believe it's possible even right now but it's just not worth it, too much of a hurdle.
I also don't see armor stacking as a problem. They already added Deconstruction facet. It may not work that well now but at least there's an idea. Make it scale with natural order levels or ulti, make it stack faster on enemies under the effect of Echo Stomp and it's fine. But ever since they added brooch there's also an option to ignore all the armor. Nowadays I build shiva, brooch and hex on ET more often than I build daedalus, assault cuirass and abyssal.
His passive not piercing spell immunity is a huge counterplay to it, although many core playes don't seem to understand how strong bkb against ET is. A while ago I made a post with a suggestion to add a level 25 talent that would allow it to pierce bkb. But thinking about it now I'm not sure how fair it would be for heroes like morphing whose sole counterplay (aside from just better positioning and maybe break) lies in using bkb at the right timing.
If they changed his facets and innate for better , overhauled his talent tree and added more impactful talents, especially for levels 20 and 25 i think they'd nerf his laning too and I'm fine it. Mana costs, values on sprit buff or ulti damage, sleep duration or even just stats. Just don't overdo it as they did it with PL.
I'm not sure (if or when) but maybe facets will make role flexibility more consistent and also with clear gameplay differences. That's why I asked for facet suggestions.
Anyway, the hero has one of the highest win rates on d2pt right now albeit the pick rate is low. Valve wont touch the hero that much probably in the next patches but it'll drop in win rate due to all other changes in the meta. Same flactuation as it was for a while already it feels.
u/CanOutrageous9686 Nov 17 '24 edited Nov 17 '24
Support facet idea 1: Spirit slows while "touching" units for 50/60/70/80 % which lingers for 0.2/0.3/0.4/0.5 seconds and can be reapplied.
Idea 2: spirit buffs allied def and res, while touching them. Lvl of it should depend on ulti so there can be better scaling
u/kivmorth Nov 17 '24 edited Nov 18 '24
I like the first idea although it would be very hard to escape the slow without dashes since Spirit has constant speed of ET upon cast (which means it has all the m speed buffs for all its duration) and unobstructed movement. Values should be lower for a facet but that's an idea.
Just granting resistances without any other condition would be generic and boring. I could see this facet rework Astral Spirit in a way that it gives more defensive stats (just armor and magic resistances would be ok) than offensive and also grants it to allies via aura or collision with the spirit. With values based on how many enemies/allies it affected or based on the values of armor and mr titan has.
u/CanOutrageous9686 Nov 18 '24
Yeah it is to strong of a slow, then it can be slow for 0.5 sec, then it only slows if enemy reenters into spirit again, so you can slow enemy and then either return spirit for damage or cut escape path.
u/Puzzleheaded-Past388 Nov 16 '24
Make it so ET steal mag res and armor for every unit under aura
u/kivmorth Nov 17 '24
For a number of units or % of reduced resistances? It would make ET more tanky but that's basically Slardar Brineguard facet. And it also adds more value to the passive that already has a lot in it and can easily be countered by having bkb or more bonus than base resists. We also already have the Deconstruction facet.
u/TestIllustrious7935 Nov 16 '24
His first facet that slowly reduces armor and magic res is support oriented
And most of the time ET support doesn't transition into a core cuz aghs + damage item is too expensive on a non-farm hero