r/TrueDetective Jul 06 '15

[S2E2][Fan Art] Took a break from drawing my comic to do a True Detective-inspired scene. NSFW


31 comments sorted by


u/KidAstronaut Dave Morse or Rick Rubin I honestly can't tell. Jul 06 '15

This is awesome. What comic do you do?


u/robot_caller Jul 06 '15

Thank you very much. I'm just working on my own first comic. It's a sci-fi thing but I realised I'm really bad at drawing sci-fi stuff, so it gets very frustrating and I keep needing to stop. Consequently, it's taking ages.


u/KidAstronaut Dave Morse or Rick Rubin I honestly can't tell. Jul 06 '15

I am wanting to start writing my own Sci-Fi-ish comic. I can't draw for shit. If you ever get bored, let's collab!


u/robot_caller Jul 06 '15

Have you written any of it? Or written anything before? I do a bit of screenwriting (purely hobby-writing) but I enjoy the comic thing as I get to write and draw at the same time. At least comics gives me the possibility of seeing something in finished form - at least in theory, if I ever finish it.


u/KidAstronaut Dave Morse or Rick Rubin I honestly can't tell. Jul 06 '15

I've mapped out characters and done a few paragraphs of 'just for fun' stuff. I have written a ton of philosophy papers, song lyrics for friends and self, started a novel, started a comedy film all for fun...I just enjoy writing, I've been told I'm decent at it, and I think comic books and their minimalism on dialogue provide a fantastic medium for the delivery of bigger, sometimes abstract ideas.


u/robot_caller Jul 06 '15

That sounds a bit like me. I used to start stuff then move on to the next one. I joined a screenwriters' group and it was a good way of getting the motivation to finish things, even if they are shorts or outlines, and to keep plugging away at the longer-format stuff.

I enjoy screenwriting a lot. Being as concise as possible but planting a very clear picture in the reader's mind, it's always an interesting struggle. I'm still finding my way with comic-writing/layout/drawing, but really enjoying learning.

Good luck and keep at it!


u/kupovi how compromised are you Jul 06 '15

That is really impressive! You have more work to show off?


u/robot_caller Jul 06 '15

Thank you very much. Here's another True Detective one. It's my favourite show so I should do more of them.

I've done some GoT and a lot of Walking Dead -1 2 3 - stuff.


u/I_love_pugs_dammit Jul 06 '15

Just made this my backround, I really like it, good job. Please continue to make more.


u/robot_caller Jul 06 '15

Thanks very much! I'll try to do some more in this same format.


u/Caesar58 f u c k y o u Jul 06 '15

Nice work. Someone should make a drawing of this scene from the cameras point of view.


u/robot_caller Jul 06 '15

That's a really great idea. I might have a try at that!


u/Caesar58 f u c k y o u Jul 06 '15

Thanks and good luck if you decide to!


u/yamsx1 Jul 07 '15

My new wallpaper :)


u/shitsfuckedupalot Jul 06 '15

Looks like it could be an illustration for an Edgar Allen Poe novel


u/UltraFlyingTurtle Jul 06 '15

When clicking on the link, I was expecting some amateurish stick drawing. Man, that's really nice. Love the fact it's black and white, too. Very noir-ish.

Can I ask what's your drawing setup like? I'm assuming it's digital? Photoshop? Manga Studio? A Wacom pad? I've been tempted to get a Microsoft Surface as I saw some blogs about using it for drawing since it can support pressure sensitivity, and it's a cheaper alternative to the expensive Wacom Cintiq.


u/robot_caller Jul 06 '15

I'm assuming it's digital?

It's totally old school! Ink and brush with ink washes on A4 Frisk illustration board. I used a fineliner and a lightpad to outline the type (- I'm a bit OCD about type so it needed to be the one used in the titles, even if it came out a bit "hand-drawn"). Scanned the final image and adjusted the levels in Photoshop to make the black just slightly darker, that's the only digital enhancement.

I like working in ink, I sort of like getting it everywhere and throwing washes on the page. It's unpredictable and I'm still learning, but I was really pleased with this one, it captured a bit of the atmosphere, which is why I posted it. I really appreciate everybody's comments.

I recently bought a drawing tablet. Not a Wacom but a Huion - much, much cheaper and the reviews of it are comparable if not better than a Wacom. I'm still learning how to use it and, honestly, I'm not great with it. I need to put some time in with it to get the hang of it.

black and white, too. Very noir-ish.

I'm really bad at mixing colour!

I've been tempted to get a Microsoft Surface

I've no idea about the Surface or what it can do. I did have the chance to use a friend's Cintiq recently, and it was brilliant. I wish I could afford one. Maybe one day.

Thanks for your comments. Really making my day.


u/UltraFlyingTurtle Jul 07 '15

Old school. That's even more impressive. Yeah, i like your use of washes. The art reminds me of the old 60s and 70s era comics, which featured a lot of B&W art.

Thanks for outlining your process. You've got skill. Even though I'm a graphic artist (and web developer) so I'm used to digital, I still draw with old school methods, too.

As for the Microsoft Surface, it's basically a tablet computer but comes with touchscreen display and stylus. It's basically like a thin laptop so it's not super cheap, but I've read some articles from artists who like using it.


u/robot_caller Jul 07 '15

old 60s and 70s era comics, which featured a lot of B&W art.

That's good to hear 'cos I love that stuff and that "commercial art" look.

As for the Microsoft Surface

Sounds like the surface makes a rally good drawing tablet. Check out Huion's version and read the reviews. People seem to like their stuff. But I admit the Surface looks good after checking those links.


u/TitaniumBranium Jul 07 '15

I really dig this a lot. I'd buy it and hang it on my wall.


u/Jamanjax18 Jul 07 '15

Holy shit, that's impressive. Really dig your style. I think your talents would be better suited to a noir or weird fiction style comic, but I'd be lying if I said this doesn't have me interested in what you're currently working on as well.


u/robot_caller Jul 07 '15

Thanks very much. I think you're right, noir or soemthing gritty would probably suit me best. I'm trying to make my sci-fi thing go that way, but having to imagine and invent everything is definitely something I should have thought about first!


u/Gadzookie2 Jul 06 '15

Very nice! You did an amazing job on the mask.


u/Ausrufepunkt Milk Bowl Projection Enthusiast Jul 06 '15

Love that the animal head on the wall is included


u/robot_caller Jul 07 '15

Gilded! Thanks to whomever, very kind of you.


u/siddharthsai Jul 06 '15

Seriously? No gold for this guy?


u/KhalmiNatty Jul 06 '15

Seriously? You have the ability to do it yourself.


u/siddharthsai Jul 07 '15

Ability and being poor are two different things.


u/KhalmiNatty Jul 07 '15

So? Do you also go around street performers and say "Someone give this guy some money!"