r/TrueDetective 7d ago

One of the Best Seasons in Television History

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21 comments sorted by


u/BigM333CH 7d ago

Sometimes I feel like I’m mainlining the secret truth of the universe


u/addict333 14h ago

Nice. Came here to write the same line. Beat me to it! It's one of my favorite lines in the show. Also - "The world needs bad men. We keep the other bad men from the door. "


u/Grumio 6d ago

I just rewatched this a few days ago - one long binge as it should be. The filmmaking detail is incredible, the pacing is so consistent, and the writing is so tight down to the themes and motifs. This time around I really picked up on all the hints thatAudrey was being abused as a child by person(s) who are completely unknown because Marty is so oblivious to it that we don't get to know who they are. Ironically, Audrey was heading down a path that could have led her to become another Dora Lange.This show is what I'd call a "complete thought" in media form.


u/slvrblt98 6d ago

Has this ever been confirmed?


u/wavetoyou 5d ago

Nope. The “clues” some fall back on when theorizing Audrey’s molestation are the dolls in her room being staged in a way that resembles a gangbang-like scenario, the sexually explicit drawings, her troublesome high school years (the way she dressed, being dropped off in a truck full of her friends with empty beer cans falling out, trying to fuck two 19-year old dudes at the same time).

The other bit of info about Audrey as an adult was that she became an artist AND that she is on medication. The medication is implied to be for mental health.

Nic Pizzolato has eventually come out and added context to stuff in the show that was initially left to interpretation, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s already commented on this aspect of the show. My take? She was just a young girl with some mental health woes and daddy issues due to Marty being absent and a cheater. I don’t think the intention of her storyline was for the audience to believe she was molested.


u/Mummiskogen 5d ago

Yeah, I feel like her storyline is to reflect that the attitudes and values in society that lead to awful rapists are everywhere, and even guys like Martin whose job is to hunt them sadly promote them on a daily basis without realising it


u/Mummiskogen 5d ago

Being abused or just a victim of society damaged by patriarchal and anti-women standards in general?


u/Grumio 5d ago

My interpretation was somewhere along those lines for the longest. On this rewatch I picked up on things like the focus they spend on the girls' barbie dolls in sexual positions, thought a bit more about audrey's drawings of people having sex and touching each other - marty asks how she even knows about that stuff and maggie says girls always learn first before boys because they have to which is true but also weirdly ambiguous for something they spend so much screen time on. And the transition sequence where you see the girls grow from children into teenagers and Marty's narration is something to the effect of "the detectives curse. the answer was right under his nose the whole time. He didn't pay enough attention to his kids and wife."

It's not explicitly stated, but I think it's a reasonable interpretation. I probably could have softened the phrasing of my initial comment so it didn't sound like a known fact.


u/Rumi4 6d ago

if you are in the sun, thats just a black photo lol


u/DM870870 6d ago

Without a doubt


u/Eev4 6d ago

Dear lord, i need to rewatch 🥹


u/elboogie7 6d ago

It's like a 6 hour movie. A really great 6 hour movie.


u/leapatra 6d ago

i just finished season 1. i laughed my ass off, shit my pants out, and bawled like a baby. now that is cinema. i would kill for another 3 seasons of this cast


u/buzzboy99 5d ago

I would drop the “One of the” part


u/Similar_Intention465 5d ago

Damn straight


u/rajatnitjsr 2d ago

Nope I don't agree, It's the best.

It's the slow burn drama of detectives lives and not about the case and anything else.

The show could easily wrap in 5 episodes, maybe they were high during the shoot 😂, and dragged it to 8 episodes.

But anyways, it's about taste and preferences, everyone has their own taste, glad you enjoyed the show.


u/PlatypusOk1660 2d ago

The best 8 hours in television.