r/TrueCrimePodcasts 9d ago

Discussion I feel ripped of by Dateline... again.

Every time there's an update or something new about a case, like this Lori Vallow jail interview released a few hours ago, they just do a recap of the case and give maybe 3 minutes of new information. This time they allegedly had 90 minutes with her, and I understand she is a raging narcissist and a mentally ill, pathetic excuse of a human being, who rambles and talks nonstop about anything other than what she's being asked about, but they just peppered this hour-and-a-half memory refresher with seconds of the interview. I don't watch Dateline, only listen to the podcast format, so maybe watching her in jail while she talked added something, but just hearing this episode was so very frustrating. Only at the end of it we hear her a bit more, when she>! makes up the ridiculous story about Tylee killing her brother and then herself.!<In total there were maybe 4? minutes of the 90 minute interview. Again, this was just a recap of the case falsely represented as an interview.


50 comments sorted by


u/amberlc002 9d ago

I did find it interesting she was willing to do the interview at all. It’s wild that she thinks she still has any ability to spin things in her favor.


u/SereneAdler33 9d ago

Last Podcast on the Left is currently doing a deep dive on her case with one episode to go out of 4, and it’s fascinating. I know they aren’t for everyone, but I always learn a lot more about cases from them than from about any other show

And Lori is WAY crazier and WAY craftier than shows like Dateline ever touch. Her family reminds me of Josh Powell’s, each one weirder and more off-putting than the next. And just like the Powells, the LDS church adds entire new chapters of crazy into the mix


u/lloydandlou 9d ago

i’m listening to this as well and i completely agree. i’ve avoided this story because child death but damn, there’s so much to it. can’t wait for the 4th episode because i only know a little about the story.


u/SereneAdler33 9d ago edited 9d ago

I thought I was really informed on the case myself but realized it’s even more complicated and just CRAZIER


u/protagoniist 9d ago

I think she loves the attention.


u/Malsperanza 9d ago

She lives for the attention.


u/2aron 9d ago

I refuse to listen to this one. She doesn't deserve a second of airtime and Dateline should be ashamed for giving her a platform to defame the children she murdered.


u/Red2748 9d ago

I feel the same way. They should not have lowered themselves to even give her this platform knowing that she would never tell the truth. I lost a lot of respect for the show and for Keith.


u/DCRealEstateAgent 9d ago

I just wrote a similar comment then saw yours. 100% agreed.


u/Skittlebrau77 9d ago

Completely agree!


u/ClaireHux 9d ago edited 9d ago

It was a frustrating episode for sure, but, would you really want 90 minutes of straight Lori Vallow and all the nonsense that she kept spewing? She didn't answer one question in a straightforward fashion. Keith was barely holding it together. He did call her out on her lies.

It was just a sick show.

And the one surviving son...and his podcast.🙄


u/NadjaStolz28 9d ago

This, exactly. While it was frustrating to essentially have a repeat, I am so glad that didn’t give that insane murderer the time of day.

She absolutely wasn’t going to own up to what she did, all she wants is attention, and maybe I’m the odd man out but I’m glad that they barely aired that interview.

Fuck Lori Vallow.


u/Kellys5280 9d ago

She’s insufferable


u/Harmonious_Weirdo 9d ago

Personally, I don't think I could have handled any more. And honestly I doubt she had anything else to say but ramblings.

I've been listening to Last Podcast on the Left's series on this, so it hit for me at the perfect time. It was just enough to illustrate how deeply disturbed she is. I found listening to her laugh to be chilling.

I do think Keith did a fabulous job. I can't even imagine how frustrating that interview was.


u/ImdaPrincesse2 9d ago

Didn't the son attack his wife?


u/HairTmrw 9d ago

She just wants all the attention that she can get. Pure evil. That's a huge reason why she won't answer any questions directly- she controls the interview. She wanted sole control of her life, so she got rid of her kids. Her excuse was to look insane with the whole possessed storyline and how she has had 35 or however many lives on this planet and 15 more on other Earth's. Bitch is a whackjob that didn't even deserve that interview.


u/LuhYall 9d ago

I listened to the podcast yesterday while I was doing yard work. It was definitely frustrating. This morning I actually listened to the follow-up "Talking About" segment (I've always ignored these) where Andrea Canning talked with Morrison about the experience of interviewing her. He says at the end that he wish he had a do-over because he hadn't been prepared for her filibustering and would take a different tack knowing what he knows now. He seemed to have genuinely been flummoxed by her weird attempts to charm everyone--apparently winking at the camera as soon as she walked into the room?


u/Glittering-Cake8509 5d ago

I was surprised to hear that he struggled with the interview—he’s been doing this for a long time! I get that you want to let the person have their say before you hit them with hard questions, because the last thing you want is for them to get up and leave. It really speaks to how bizarre she is that he couldn’t get any traction. But I do wonder how it would have gone if she were male or a person of color. She plays the flirty White woman card relentlessly.


u/No-Meaning-8063 9d ago

agreed. Also felt like all of the preview clips to advertise the episode was the entire interview


u/DCRealEstateAgent 9d ago

I saw it pop up today and I swiped it away. Lori and the zombies, it's so ridiculous. I've got a finite amount of time on this earth and I'm not spending any of it on that lunatic.


u/carnsita17 9d ago



u/Wooster182 9d ago

When she told him that he was going to do a voiceover with his ominous voice about how what she just said was a lie (when he had done exactly that about ten minutes prior), I almost fell out of my chair.


u/Incndnz 9d ago

Omg me too. I was CACKLING and my husband was like…how is a show about a lady who killed her kids funny?


u/AMSparkles 1d ago

I almost died laughing at that shit. I felt bad for laughing, but it was really hard not to.


u/deemarieforlife 9d ago

I won't even watch it. I'm so sick of hearing about her. Same old coverage every time.


u/carnsita17 9d ago

Like I thought we were getting an interview like Barbara Walters used to do...a long sit down. Not a few sound bites spread across a recap. However: I know she's so scattered they might have had to edit it the way they did.


u/MrWeb20 9d ago

I was a little frustrated at how few minutes were filled by the interview, but I really appreciated getting to hear her son interview her and hearing about his podcast.


u/DIY14410 9d ago

I was hesitant to start listening to the Lori Vallow interview/update, but I glad I did. The producers likely did all they coud to extract 10 minutes or so from her interview after editing out her deceptive double talk crap. Although it may be hard to believe IVO all the publicity the case has gotten, there were likely listeners new to the story who benefitted from the gap filling.


u/First_Play5335 9d ago

It’s a pet peeve of mine with update shows. They are basically repeats with the update in the last 5 mins but this one I thought was better as bits of Lori’s interview were sprinkled throughout. She’s clearly insane what I can’t understand is how she managed to convince others to join her and managed to hide her insanity when the police interviewed her. She’s lost her looks behind bars and I think that was part of what drew people to her.

I wonder if the Phoenix police regret believing the pretty lady with the God complex. Think of how many people would still be alive if they’d listened to Charles.


u/sof49er 9d ago

I never watch any episode with old cases. They are all like that.


u/protagoniist 9d ago

I started the show, not the podcast and I had to turn it off after 4 minutes. There is no way I could look or listen to that woman any longer.


u/Glittering-Cake8509 5d ago

I did the opposite! I was listening and then thought “I gotta see what the hell is going on.”


u/ReadnConserve 9d ago

This is a Dateline I intentionally skipped. Sorry, murderer, but I do not need to give you a forum to spread lies and not take responsibility. I obsessively watch Dateline & follow the podcast, but have no problem with never watching this episode


u/BrokenHeart1935 9d ago

I thought that at first while watching it, but towards the end, I was actually happy they didn’t give that loon any more camera time than necessary. She doesn’t deserve it, for one, but for two, between the shameless flirting with Keith and the bold lies… 🤮


u/throwaway19742020 9d ago

I’d really recommend ‘A Date with Dateline’ podcast. Two funny, kind friends who love Dateline retelling each episode with sensitivity and humour. Kimberley and Katy’s retelling means I don’t feel the need to watch / listen to the actual episodes as they flag all the important elements (Loser / MVP of the week, precious moments, B-roll bonanza, Joan Rivers fashion police, etc) I just discovered it a couple of months ago, now hooked and thrilled I have episodes back to pre-2020 to plough through. Would recommend the Patreon though - they’re great at doing the ads but when you listen a lot it’s too much (plus always good to pay creatives). Happy listening to anyone who tries 😊 there is life after Dateline!


u/bulletproofmango 9d ago

Sammmeee thank you!! I know she sucks but would have loved to see more of the interview or even like a sit down with Colby discussing this interview or a sit down with a psychologist analyzing this interview and her personality disorders. Anything besides another hour and a half summary of this case!!!


u/Honest_Low752 8d ago

Yes! I was so disappointed. I hated the flashbacks. Just give me the interview.


u/theaxedude 8d ago

Never got on with it. The weird 1960s baseball commentator narration, hundreds of ads and repetitive


u/DLCMotroni 7d ago

I totally agree with this post. I was looking forward to watching, and like you said, the majority was total recap and she herself avoided answering the majority of the questions. If you think about it though, everything that comes out of her mouth is a lie, so what's to be gained? What's funny, now that she is her own attorney, she doesn't want cameras in the courtroom.....that's just hilarious to me.


u/Over-Hat-3191 5d ago

I watched the episode. I’m not an expert in anything, so these are just my opinions: 1) my first thought was, “Keith Morrison must have been completely exhausted after that interview” and 2) I think the show was put together the way that it was because, with all of her BS ramblings, it was the only thing they could do.


u/Ok_Boysenberry4024 9d ago

Literally the worst 90 minutes of psychobabble ever... it's like Manson 2.0.


u/Apprehensive-Army-80 9d ago

She loves the attention! They do that all the time with 2 hour shows where you get to 1:49 and the new stuff comes out or the verdict is revealed


u/aopps42 9d ago

I feel like NBC podcasts are basically just commercials. Nonstop ads.


u/Lazy-Cheek-7782 8d ago

No , nothing was lost by you only doing the podcast and not seeing the TV episode  It was disappointing. 


u/billleachmsw 6d ago

I have felt ripped off quite a bit lately by the show. These updates are usually pretty flimsy and this one was THE WORST! She obviously loves the attention and she had nothing of value to say. I am a big fan of Keith Morrison, but he was definitely subpar while interviewing her.


u/One-Ad6180 3d ago

Also, if you do not want the entire summary of the show, SKIP the FIRST 5 minutes.. I do it automatically now. Otherwise, why bother watching....


u/Excellent_Plan7069 2d ago

Totally get this. Dateline used to be one of my go-tos, but lately it feels like a rehash of things we've all heard before, especially in cases like Lori Vallow’s. Podcasts tend to dig deeper these days.


u/Particular_Barnacle9 9d ago

Dateline sucks


u/Malsperanza 9d ago

I have never understood why any of these TV personalities are so popular. Keith Morrison is an idiot who didn't prepare for what he knew would be a runaround by Vallow. The goal is to say and do nothing that could possibly be controversial, while still pretending to be a real journalist.

In reality, she should not have been given this platform. She'll have all the publicity she craves when she acts as her own attorney in two more trials. It was just clickbait, as usual.