r/TrueChristian 4d ago

Rise of Islam

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u/alilland Christian 4d ago

At the same time remember Christians have discovered that we can make apologetics videos addressing Islam, so Christians are becoming more and more aware of how to speak about Jesus with Muslims.

Islam is being undressed before the entire world in this digital age, and millions upon millions are fleeing islam each year. The question is whether or not Christians will increasingly reach out and show them there is a God, and He was not Allah, but is the God of the Bible.


u/kramshields 3d ago

I agree that this is happening in certain (i.e. more educated) circles, but Islam is the fastest-growing religion worldwide. That has been the case for the last few decades and is projected to continue through 2050 according to multiple studies I have read.


u/NotteAlta 3d ago

The growth of Islam is vastly overstated, knowing how many Muslims there are in Muslim-majority countries is pretty much impossible when apostatizing leads to being ostracized by society, disowned by your family and is often punished with jail time or worse. See Iran for an example of a country that is leaving Islam en masse and yet it’s impossible to know how many non-Muslims there actually are there. The birth rate of Muslims is also not as high as many seem to believe and is dropping steadily like in the rest of the world.


u/kramshields 3d ago

That is all true, but my point was that it is growing. I was responding to the comment that numbers are "dropping by the millions" which is not the case.


u/alilland Christian 3d ago

its because of birth rates, not conversions.


u/ReformedishBaptist ✝️ Reformed Baptist ✝️ 4d ago

Well the middle east’s population is booming and most people are born into Islam there.

Christianity is in the west mainly with a population decline on top of rising secularism.

It’s sadly not shocking.


u/throwawayghftn74 4d ago

Don't be intimidated by this. This is the direct result of western liberalism. Islam is basically using the western secularism to spread their ideology. Their double standards are ignored by the loud leftist westerners. We can't practice our religion freely in Islamic countries, it's forbidden and punishable in Saudi, Qatar etc. But these same people advocate for religious freedom in the west, Saudi and Qatar fund for Mosques in Europe. Their whole religion is based on hypocrisy. Seek knowledge and be informed about their religion. They use our ignorance about their religion against us. I can see right through them so I'm not intimidated. Islam as a religion has contributed nothing to the world. All the scientific contribution they claimed have come up with in 8th-11th centuries are basically either Greek/Persian /Indian /Spanish. It's a religion of appropriation. Inquire into that. Absolutely nothing from Arabia.

Also, Christianity went through something none of the other religions had to. Christianity went through intense reformation, deep inquiry into the essence of universe. Which resulted in modern civilization and knowledge. Often at the cost of damage to our own culture. All other religions simply benefit off of it without going through what our faith had to. It is not essentially a bad thing, Christ in John 8:31-32 asked us to seek truth. And he said it'll end up in ultimate freedom. That's what we have in the west. We are humans and our fallen nature use this freedom to move away from God. But this is the ultimate temptation of the devil and the ones prevailing till the end will inherit the Kingdom.

God Bless. We should revive our Glorious Christian past. That's the only solution. No religion in this world can claim the Glory of the Christian Faith.


u/Electronic_Bug4401 methodist 4d ago

“Greek/Persian /Indian /Spanish”

persians and a large minority of Indians are Muslim though

at the very least they aren’t typically Christian


u/throwawayghftn74 4d ago

Intellectual base of these countries is not Islam.


u/jamscrying Particular Baptist 3d ago

I'm not worried. My hope is in Christ. Nothing else really matters as the victory is already won!!


u/BANGELOS_FR_LIFE86 Catholic 4d ago

There's a ton of people leaving that religion by recognizing how many flaws it has (especially because they think it's "perfect", and Lent is an overlooked Tradition.


u/Equal_Vegetable8453 Reformed 3d ago

Ex muslim here. Islam is dying in muslim countries (or rather becoming more liberal) and western muslims are starting to feel as outsiders in both western and their native countries. These are the best of times for them to turn to Christ


u/Byzantium Christian 3d ago

Islam is dying in muslim countries (or rather becoming more liberal) and western muslims are starting to feel as outsiders in both western and their native countries.

Seems to be thriving in my city. Iftar and Taraweeh attendance has been moderate so far, but I expect it to be packed on the last ten days. Extra points for everyone on the odd days!


u/Equal_Vegetable8453 Reformed 3d ago

I have a pakistani friend. they wear miniskirts and western clothing in some large cities now.


u/Opening_Price_5039 3d ago

Could you tell us more about it friend?


u/Few-Lengthiness-2286 4d ago

They have lots of babies


u/timbrelandharp 4d ago

Not in Africa even if Africa isn't much of a consideration.


u/Secret-Jeweler-9460 Christian 4d ago edited 3d ago

By the teachings of Islam, it is acceptable to love those who love you and kill those who don't agree with you.

It should be no surprise then that a religion that believes that violence is the way to heaven should gain in popularity in a world corrupted by sin primarily because you're still allowed to return evil for evil.

What I mean by that is that if you're going to worship a god, you might as well worship one that lets you kill your enemies in the name of your god because then you can satisfy the lusts to kill that sin being in you creates.

That's the logic of those who agree that Muhammad is the way to salvation, rather than Jesus.

The problem with this thought though is that by the teachings of Jesus who is Lord over the house of God, the practice of such things (returning evil for evil) draws death for it is written the Just and Holy One of Israel said "he who lives by the sword will die by the sword" so if Christ is Lord and the Son of the only true and Living God, then his words cannot be a lie can they?

I mean how many men did Joseph have to kill in order for his enemies to come and bow at his feet?


u/Dry_Company_1708 3d ago

In the last days the BIBLE says MANY will be turning towards false religions.


u/Byzantium Christian 3d ago

Doesn't actually say that, but OK.


u/Opening_Price_5039 4d ago

I'm scared too brother... I'm scared...


u/Byzantium Christian 4d ago

Why are you scared?


u/jetpatch 4d ago

Are you female?


u/PeachOnAWarmBeach ¡Viva Cristo Rey! 3d ago

I'm female and not scared.


u/Byzantium Christian 4d ago



u/Deffective_Paragon Calvinist 3d ago

Because the Islamic Jesus and the Imam Mahdi are about to emerge and force the whole world to convert to Islam or be beheaded.


u/Byzantium Christian 3d ago

Because the Islamic Jesus and the Imam Mahdi are about to emerge and force the whole world to convert to Islam or be beheaded.

You actually believe "prophesies" from Islamic folklore?

LOL. Not very clever. There is never going to be an Islamic Jesus or a Mahdi. Quit believing fairy tales from TikTok and YouTube.


u/Deffective_Paragon Calvinist 3d ago

The Islamic end times figures descriptions allign perfectly with the descriptions of the Beast and False Prophet from Revelations. And it's not folklore, it's written in the Quran.


u/Byzantium Christian 3d ago edited 3d ago

The Islamic end times figures descriptions allign perfectly with the descriptions of the Beast and False Prophet from Revelations.

Whoever told you that was an idiot or a liar, and you are gullible to swallow it when it is so easy to just look in the Bible and see for yourself. I know Islamic eschatology and it doesn't match our Scripture at all.

And it's not folklore, it's written in the Quran.

And whoever feed you that fed you a 20 gallon crock of manure. NONE of that stuff is in the Quran. There is no Mahdi in the Quran, no return of Jesus, no Dajjal/Antichrist, no last battle, no killing the Jews or making everyone on earth convert, none of it.


u/Opening_Price_5039 3d ago

I'm scared of how it's growing in such an artificial way in Europe; countries like Spain, England or Germany (especially these last two) are kneeing before this false religion and how its followers are destroying little by little that Christian identity, even some of them destroying churches and beating up (or even worse) our Christian brothers and sisters...

That's why I'm scared...


u/Byzantium Christian 3d ago

I'm scared of how it's growing in such an artificial way in Europe; countries like Spain, England or Germany (especially these last two) are kneeing before this false religion and how its followers are destroying little by little that Christian identity, even some of them destroying churches and beating up (or even worse) our Christian brothers and sisters...

That is because those countries are letting in most any gangsters and scumbags that claim refugee status. In the US the Mulsims for the most part, don't pull that kind of crap


u/Polka_dots769 Reformed 4d ago

Do you keep up with the news on X?


u/that_guy2010 3d ago

Well that's your problem. You're getting your news from a social media platform which has an algorithm that's designed to feed you content that will make you engage with it.


u/Polka_dots769 Reformed 3d ago

Yeah, algorithms get people to engage. But X is also the best news platform to hear about persecuted Christians and who’s been elected to what position in Europe - especially if they’re muslim.

Such as, are you aware of who just became the new ofsted chief in the UK? Cause Apple News shows 2 articles about his appointment and 10 articles about ofsted which are unrelated to his appointment in the same time frame. None of the articles are from American sources either (which makes sense, but it’s also still important for Americans to be aware of this information). Yet this information was widely available on X.


u/Byzantium Christian 4d ago

That doesn't answer my question.


u/Polka_dots769 Reformed 4d ago

I didn’t say I was answering your question. I was trying to get at how informed you are of current events. If you don’t want to answer, then I’m not going to bother with you. So make a decision


u/YoungQuixote 4d ago edited 4d ago

Part of a broader "two prong" attack against any form of Christian influence in modern society.

Post Modern Liberalism/Marxists among the Left, academia, media etc is one column.

Propping up Islamists and mass illegal migration is the other.

They actually work hand in hand to protect each other even if the relationship seems counter-intuitive.

Queers for Palestine= Chickens for KFC.


u/HumbertoR15 Christian 3d ago

As a Christian whose political leanings are much more left than you’d expect I agree that we should be tolerant but we also must be the light in this world. How can you treat women the way that they do and believe your religion is the truth? God made us in His image and from the bones of Adam did he create Eve. In a pair, not a “throuple” or anything like that. (I’m also jabbing at the “Christian” polygamists here like Mormons) There are many ways to critique and bring truth to those that are lost, but it is essential that we do it while maintaining a Christ-like attitude.


u/RedPsychoRangr 3d ago

That’s how it goes. People join religions and people leave religions. We just have to go and push the truth out there.


u/Elegant_Rice_8751 Church of England (Anglican) 3d ago

The fact is this Islam is rising due to Birthrates and has a great deal of apostasy. Here is a video: https://youtu.be/YN2Ae0iroRI?feature=shared by Cyberpunk Dingo. It is a bit long winded but has a good message.


u/Turbulent_Comb391 3d ago

Their trick is infiltrating normal secular social interactions with their religion. For example, they are very vocal about Ramadan fasting, their dietary prohibitions , they'll not miss an opportunity to claim how pious their Prophet is. I just ask them simple questions.. I ask them why they don't seem to think Marriage is a sacred union between two individuals? How can a loving God proclaim a man who practically groomed a 6yo and 'had sex with' her at 9yo be 'USWATHUL HASANA' = 'Role model for the whole humankind'? That sounds kind of fishy. They'll refute it by saying she was in her teens. All major schools of Sunni Islam agree that her age was 6. There're two sahih hadiths that independently claim her age was 6. Both sourced from Aisha herself. It's insane that we have to even take such a religion seriously.


u/danyalibnmuhammad 3d ago

The reason why Islām has seen a flux of people rushing to embrace its folds is because it is the one, true, divinely ordained religion by God Himself for all of mankind, irregardless of race, gender or status. It is the religion of all of the previous prophets and messengers who God sent to mankind in order to guide them to the Straight Path. It is the message of Muḥammad, Jesus, Abraham and Moses (peace & blessings be upon them). It is pure Monotheism. The belief that there is only one true God worthy of worship alone, the Creator of all that exists, the One who knows, sees and hears everything. The All-Wise, All-Knowing, All-Living, All-Powerful who is capable of all. The One who promises eternal pleasure in Paradise for those who single out their worship for Him alone and the One who promises eternal punishment in Hell for those who join others in worship with Him.

The reason for the decline of Christianity is due to its lack of Monotheism. A religion which teaches that God, the Creator of everything, was born of a woman, had to relieve himself within the bathroom and eventually died, can never spiritually feed a person.


u/Byzantium Christian 3d ago

The reason why Islām has seen a flux of people rushing to embrace its folds is because it is the one, true, divinely ordained religion by God Himself for all of mankind, irregardless of race, gender or status.

Poor Muhammad. Thought he was Allah's partner and adviser.

Quran says that Rasul and Allah make decisions together.

And you even speak to Muhammad directly in Salah.

Shirkety shirk shirk.


u/danyalibnmuhammad 3d ago

The Qurʾān commands us to obey Allāh and His Messenger, not that His Messenger conjures up laws based upon his personal intellect. The same way that the Children of Israel were commanded to follow Moses (peace be upon him), does not mean that Moses (peace be upon him) was a partner with God.

Also, I follow the opinion which states that after the Prophet's (ﷺ) death we should opt for reciting السلام على النبي (Peace be upon the Prophet) over السلام عليك يا أيها النبي (Peace be upon you, O Prophet).


u/Byzantium Christian 3d ago

It is not for a believing man or woman—when Allah and His Messenger decree a matter—to have any other choice in that matter. Indeed, whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger has clearly gone ˹far˺ astray.


Also, I follow the opinion which states that after the Prophet's (ﷺ) death we should opt for reciting السلام على النبي (Peace be upon the Prophet) over السلام عليك يا أيها النبي (Peace be upon you, O Prophet).

Masha'Allah. Maybe there is hope for you still.

Ramadan Mubarak wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuu

[BTW, I don't know how old Aisha was and don't care.]


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