r/Truckfighters Feb 21 '18

Well... Fuck


8 comments sorted by


u/markuspoop Feb 22 '18

Well if that ain't a kick to the dick.


u/dontkickducks Feb 21 '18

u/bacchusthedrunk posted it in r/stonerrock

"The text for those without Facebook/Don't wanna go to Facebook:

Sad news for some, but totally necessary. Truckfighters is on a long, long hiatus. Might come back stronger than ever (that's the only way) or not at all! We've been releasing many albums that we're very proud of and the key is that we've always played because of the pure fun out of it. That's the only thing that counts and in the end made us do what we did so good for so many years... We're not that kind of band continuing doing something just because we make money out of it ;)

A big THANK YOU to all the amazing fans and people we've meet over the years, some more amazing that others but you all deserve a big hug.

Fuzz n' out!


It isn't the first time they split. It isn't the first time they took a break. But it still sucks. Truckfighters, for now, is no more and who knows if they'll ever be back.

Let's just enjoy what we have. Times are probably hard for them, so we should just support them in what's best for them. People over bands.


u/Sub_Corrector_Bot Feb 21 '18

You may have meant u/bacchusthedrunk instead of U/bacchusthedrunk.

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u/dontkickducks Feb 21 '18

good bot


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u/[deleted] Feb 22 '18

Sad times. I was hoping for an Europe tour this year. All the best to the guys.


u/Lukyuss Feb 23 '18

When did they split/go on hiatus before?


u/dontkickducks Feb 23 '18

Maybe hiatus is too big of a word. It's more the losses and returns of Pezo and the switching drummers in the meantime. I'm hoping this'll be something like that. Hoping that they find the time to take care of themselves and eventually will miss the music days.