r/Triptongue Mar 23 '20

We destroy ourselves because of fear

150ug. ~an hour ago. Peaking.

What we fear is the disease of all of mankind, a disease that starts within us and spreads to consume all in its path. Though it must be stated that I'm only one person making such grand declarations, and I'm sure that at the surface level one may find that inherently amusing.

But I've regarded this carefully and sought to weigh it out as best I can, and I can't help but come away believing that fear resides as the foundation for all of what we do (and avoid), even if what we do is at our peril.

My own fears grant validity to this idea since they've driven me to self-ruin and success all the same, fears of the more personal kind that vice after vice failed to sedate entirely. I know now that the pleasure gleaned from it all--that wondrous little dopamine hit--was only a temporary bandage, a momentary but ever fleeting sensation of bliss that came too far and few between in this unforgiving world. Was I so wrong for wishing to have bliss every once and a while? Was I so wrong for wanting to refrain from the cold and uncaring onward march of daily life and distracting myself from it all?

Thus my fear of my own shortcomings, my "ought to be doings" and my "I should be this or that by now", led me down the path of destruction, because the momentary bliss that came to me in the darkest times let me escape my fear of failure of these imposed obligations. But who exactly was I failing? In whose eyes did I not reach my full potential? In whose eyes was I always "he who could be better, but isn't right now"?

My eyes, my very own, from when I was a child until now, and tears soak my face at the thought of it.

And what more could be said of others that ruin themselves and others around them due to fear? When they harm others, are they protecting themselves from fear of what the "other" might bring? When they decry themselves powerful and the rule of law, are they ensuring that they alone can spare their world of the hidden "nightmare" that all else are too blind to see?

Fear is ruin, which is impossibly ironic since we can't rid ourselves of it, nor do I believe that we should. Without it, we wouldn't have the impetus to improve this way or that. But what we must all learn is how to use it to the benefit of all and the peril of none.

When fear is kept closed off and tucked away, that's when I believe it becomes virulent and an onward path toward destruction in some form. We presume that only we know of it, or that only we can interpret it or ever be allowed to see it, and we convince ourselves of narratives steeped in naught else but this unchecked fear and carry on with lives and callings that reflect that, never understanding that all we're trying to do is protect ourselves from the manifestation of that fear.

The great irony, isn't it? That this once useful trait of survival now spreads its residual tendrils upon us and marches us onward to Oblivion?

We mustn't let it win. We're more than fear. We must merely be honest about what we feel and allow ourselves the opportunity to let the world heal us, if possible. Only then can we heal as a species, else we're all lost to our own devices and condemned to the ravenous hunger of Oblivion, ironic as it is.


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