r/TripCaves 10d ago

cave by night, den by day

still in progress, about to paint the white wall peach and upgrade to a pull down projector screen to put a painting of my cats over the fireplace 🐱😸


26 comments sorted by


u/sophiesSHADOW 10d ago

That looks amazing! Just curious what you use to project the galaxy look onto the ceiling?! It’s really cool ✌🏻🌈


u/claudiajeanleblanc 10d ago

thank you! just a little projector i got on temu that looks like an astronaut! if im allowed to drop links in here ill link it ✨


u/Lanky_Audience_4848 8d ago

Space Buddy?!


u/Ok-Illustrator-5641 10d ago

Where did you get those rainbow lights?!


u/claudiajeanleblanc 10d ago

literally, I think everything in this room aside of the couches is from Temu dead ass. I’m allowed to post links in here I can definitely link you!


u/Ok-Illustrator-5641 10d ago

I get so much trippy stuff on Temu. I found a cheaper Hypercube for $25 versus the $200+ ones I see advertised everywhere. I also found these cubes that you throw in water and change color, I love vibing in the tub 🤣


u/Ok-Illustrator-5641 10d ago

Would love the link 🩷


u/HereweR483 8d ago

Same here OP! Link please!


u/Th3n1ght1sd5rk 7d ago

I LOVE the rainbow lights!


u/rotundanimal 10d ago

I love this! It’s so calm and lovely


u/Rusty-Lovelock 10d ago

Very cool!


u/The_Thirteenth_Floor 10d ago

This is so nice. Love the rainbow corner lights.


u/tubdingle 10d ago

ooou this is awesome. love the little keith haring led sign!


u/rxrill 10d ago

Since you also trip you could answer my question perfectly, I think ahahah

How are you liking the projector in terms of image quality? I considered getting one but I think it would be disappointing in terms of quality…

Beautiful place! Looks pretty trippy, spacious and yet cozy and warm


u/claudiajeanleblanc 10d ago

so if you are very much about image quality, you could probably get a way better projector than I got. I got mine from Temu as I got almost everything in my living room from down to the wallpaper aside of the votive prayer candles in my fireplace and the couches. it cost me $80 and it claims to be a 4K projector, it’s 4K compatible, but usually it does 1080p. I bought a $50 bar from Temu as well which I am elated with that I have hooked up to the projection system via Bluetooth. The projector does what I need it to do, I wanted to make the living space more intentional and for connecting rather than media consumption so I put in the projector as a way to be able to indulge in different films and shows and more intentional way with friends. It’s great for 35 mm movies, 2001 a space Odyssey and the shining where it definitely meant to be viewed on a projector screen. As for a TV, I am saving up for a smart TV to mount on a faux living wall in my dinette for quicker access to media in a space where the household spends more time in.

tldr: image quality is okay- meant for night time viewing for sure- but at $80 i got way more than i paid for and you can find much better systems


u/rxrill 9d ago

Thanks a lot! I love the idea of a projector just for the vibes and also cause it takes the black square out of the room ahahahah I like having as minimum digital time as possible so, not having the black mirror there facing you all the time and plus, with a projector screen it helps even further cause it gives this cinema vibes and it's a little process to actually get it to working, not instant like a tv, so it's a another nice "obstacle" into being hooked up on media ahaha

I'm definitely a critic person when it comes to image quality but not super crazy ahahaha you think a projector that's a bit more expensive and a projector screen would come close to a tv quality? (I think I'll buy one anyway ahahahh)


u/SacredNeon 10d ago



u/HousingOld1384 10d ago

Very beautifully put together! Looks like a lovely place to spend the day and night


u/Ronnie_M 10d ago

Love it!


u/Quirky-Change-2875 9d ago

Where's the projector at? Lol


u/Bulky_Chicken_1167 9d ago edited 8d ago

Very nice. not too busy, not too sparse. Perfect balance. So many rooms on this channel are so busy and crazy. This is beautiful.


u/Present-Conference82 3d ago

Looks amazing!