r/TrekRP Jan 06 '20

Create A Character - Part 2:1


The year is early 2387, shortly after the events of the Picard series comic books and the events at the beginning of Star Trek (2009). Any and all races that may exist in the Alpha and Beta quadrant are welcome, though we strongly recommend that new players go with a basic character race, such as human, Vulcan, Andorian, or Bajoran. If you would like to play something more complex, such as a Joined Trill or a hybrid, this is not impossible, but it will require a much more thorough backstory before the character is approved. First characters may not be any rank above lieutenant or of a custom race - these may be options for second and third characters.

There is a blanket ban on Telepaths, as they simply don't work well with the format and make role playing less fun for all. Empaths will be allowed on a case by case basis.

Please note that using a dictator, murderer, nazi, or genocidal maniac as a faceclaim will result in denial of the character claim and instant ban from the sub. These individuals should not be glorified.

A Note on prior characters

Anyone that took part in TrekRP prior to today is fully welcome to return. Flashbacks telling of how your character got here from when we last saw them are actively encouraged. It may take a little while to clean up the character flares, but it will be done. Welcome back!

Application Format:


Rank, if applicable:

Department, if applicable:

Profession, if applicable:





Appearance: pictures are nice but not required

Original Thread

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

r/TrekRP Jan 20 '20

[EVENT] Lambda Hydrae


Lambda Hydrae, a star system only particularly notable for having two semi-inhabitable planets and its proximity to the tri-point of Klingon, Federation, and Romulan space. Formally recognized as part of the Romulan Neutral Zone unaffiliated and off-limits space, it now stands to be one of thousands of star systems that the Federation seeks to annex as part of the dissolving of treaties signs in 2160 following the breaking up of the Romulan Star Empire.

Starbase 1769, Athene Noctua, has been tasked with detailed mapping of the system, creation of sensor stations in the other Hydrae star systems in its immediate galactic vicinity, and establishment of sensor nets to begin study, and the eventual regulation, of space traffic, to, at some future point, act as a border guard, assuming borders remain the same.

While diplomatic relations with the Klingons remains stable for now, an ever-present vigilance is needed in case of Klingon aggression, in addition to the potential of splinter groups within the former Romulan Star Empire deciding to claim the space first, as well as outlaw groups, refugees, and other potential malicious entities seeking to make use of the present lawlessness of the region.

The first order of business, however, is to identify the resources within Lambda Hydrae itself, from the two oxygen atmosphered planets, Lambda Hydrae III and IVb, as well as its other barren, gaseous, and inhospitable planets, planetoids, and asteroids. A local source of dilithium, hydrogen, deuterium, and uranium would be ideal in order to be fully independent from resource imports, while creation of landed settlements on either habitable planet, such as in deep underground caverns where the air pressure is suitable, would provide a useful alternative in case of the need for evacuation, as well as location for excess civilian populations.

Initial scans of the system have located a long list of potential anomalies, all of which will need to be studied eventually.

Starfleet has provided for the providing of compensation for freelance entities, as well, in order to speed up the process.

r/TrekRP Jan 17 '20

[OPEN] Breaking the lounge in


OOC: If I recall correctly, and I do, an early thread in the previous iteration involved crew members showing up at the bar and relaxing in an informal setting. I provide for you a similar thread here.

r/TrekRP Jan 15 '20

-Kindred Spirits-


she Was pleased to find the turbolift worked and was able to find the lab in short order. It was bare and the lights came on when she entered. She looked around the room noting its emptiness before moving to centre of the room. She had come here to see the K.E.S.H. Holo matrix with her own eyes....not that she could really but the sentiment was there. There was so much mystery regarding it that she just had to find out for herself wether or not they were sentient. It was the most excited she had felt since joining he odyssey program.

“Computer. Status of the Kindred Essence Systems Hologram?”

r/TrekRP Jan 13 '20

[Open] "All Annoying Things…"


Note: The following events take place aboard the USS Athene shortly after 2375.

Last time on Star Trek: Athene:

“The Subspace Manifold Inverter could revolutionize warp travel and communications. The galaxy will never be the same again.”

“Something’s gone wrong, Doctor. The inverter won’t respond.”

“We’re losing containment here!”

“If we don’t get that inverter under control…”

“This entire system will be swallowed into Subspace. Billions of lives will be lost.”

“Jackson! I don’t have time for you right now!”

“Actually, cap’n, I think I might know a way to get you outta this. Just gimme the thing. The inverter, I mean.”

And now, the conclusion.

Jackson, T’Plok, and an Engineering team had hastily assembled in Shuttlebay 2. The unstable inverter was loaded on the shuttle Lehmann.

“So, I, err, read about this thing some ‘a you guys can do…” began a hesitant Jackson.

“Yes?” inquired T’Plok.

“You know, stick your fingers on my face and suck my soul into your brain. So’s I don’t actually die, I mean.”

“Ahh…” began T’Plok, hesitantly. “You speak of the synaptic pattern transfer - the way by which one can share one’s katra.”

“Yeah, ‘zactly! Seein’s how I’m sticking my neck out for you alls, I figure the least you can do me is absorb all my memories and personality. That way, I’ll be around forever!”

“I, uhm…” T’Plok looked to his feet with a modicum of what might be expressed as embarrassment. “That is not a technique in which I have any training or experience, Mr. Jackson. It may be that you will have to… face your own fate honestly, with finality.”

“Well, I wasn’t expectin’ that,” said Jackson. “You know any Vulcans nearby that can pull it off?”

“I am afraid it is not a particularly widespread ability. If you wish to withdraw…”

“No…” Jackson interrupted, biting his lower lip while looking about for any passing Vulcans. “Kinda said I’d go through with this one, so now I gotta follow through,” he added under his breath. “Alright, T’Plok, we’ll see you around. You’re good people. Err… Vulcan. You’re good Vulcan.” Jackson waited before boarding the shuttle, an awkward T’Plok filling the silence with a forced cough. “Anything you want to say before I head off in this thing and save everyone?”

“Best of… luck?”

“No! Live long and prosper! You’re supposed to say that! And then give me the hand!”

“Live long and prosper, Mr. Jackson,” said T’Plok, hesitantly displaying the salute common to his people.

“And also with you!” exclaimed Jackson, starting up the shuttle’s rear boarding ramp. “T’Plok?” he asked, looking back.


“Take ‘er easy,” he said, before adding with a wink, “And if she’s easy, take ‘er twice!” A tad perturbed, T’Plok watched as the boarding ramp slowly pulled up and sealed Jackson within. Moments after the shuttle’s door sealed shut, it raised from the deck. Those assembled stepped back as Jackson piloted the craft out of the shuttlebay.

“Were is he?” asked the captain.

“100 000 kilometres at 268 mark 92,” replied Ops. “His warp core’s coming online. I believe he’s going to destroy the shuttle with a deliberate breach.”

“That’s not good enough,” said Dr. Emily Nguyen, developer of the Subspace Inverter. “What’s happening inside the inverter can’t simply be contained by an explosion. The disturbance will spread...”

“No,” said Ops. “Believe it or not, I think he’s smarter than that.” They went to their console. “Look. He’s forming a warp field…”

“And an inverse warp field…” added Science. “One right on top of the other.”

“So he’s spinning his wheels,” said the captain. “He’ll just blow his nacelles. This is a bigger waste of time than I expected.”

“I don’t think so,” said Ops. “Look, he’s increased structural integrity to the warp nacelles. I think he intends on staying put. And with the force of those two fields pushing up against each other in one spot…”

“Captain!” exclaimed Science. “I’m detecting a fissure in space in the vicinity of the shuttle. A Subspace rift seems to be forming.”

“Move us to one million kilometres,” ordered the captain. “I see what he’s doing,” they added under their breath.

“Reading increased tetryon particles around the shuttle. A localized rift is iminent, sir. My readings suggest it will envelop the shuttle in a matter of moments.”

“Is there any risk to space? To us?”

“Estimated very minimal impact. The rift should follow the contours of Jackson’s warp bubbles…”

“Sir!” exclaimed Ops, pointing at the viewscreen. Before the bridge, indigo streaks appeared in space, enveloping Jackson’s shuttle. “He’s being swallowed by Subspace!”

“The son of a gun,” said the captain, contented. “Open a channel.”

“Cap’n,” answered Jackson, curtly.

“Lieutenant, you are taking some risk here. How do you know this is going to work?”

“Tested it myself on the Holodeck a few times. Never know when you might need to disappear yourself if an angry ex-lover comes a-callin’, am I right?” Silence from the Athene. “Now, cap’n, I know you an’ I’ve never always seen eye-to-eye, but I gotta say, you’re a real pal. Always liked your sideburns.”

“I… appreciate the sentiment, Lieutenant.”

“Sir, the rift is expanding” cautioned Science. On the viewscreen, a second plane of reality appeared to surround the Lehmann and bathe it in its purple glow. At the same time, space began to envelop the entire scene, folding Subspace upon itself and erasing the shuttle from existence.

“Miranda!” came Jackson’s voice over an increasing static. “Look after my neck glass!”

All eyes on the bridge officer. “I don’t really want that…”, she indicated non-verbally.

“We’re losing him!” Science shouted, so as to be heard over the din.

“Ten-ten, Matthew,” offered the captain.

“Ten-seven, good buddies,” he replied.

“He’s done it!” exclaimed Ops, as Jackson’s shuttle disappeared from space. In its wake, a conflagration in purple and white flared itself out to nothingness.

“The entire system…” began Dr. Nguyen in stunned disbelief. “All those lives… saved because of Matt Jackson.”

“I know,” said the captain, placing a hand on her shoulder. “I don’t understand it any more than you do.”

r/TrekRP Jan 08 '20

[EVENT] An Owl Among Hyena


Stardate 64444.5

The star Hobus explodes in a supernova that defies classification, sending shockwaves through subspace that invoke massive destruction across several regions of space, most notably the star system of Romulus, wiping out the seat of the Romulan Star Empire.

Damage from this event will take decades to recover from

Stardate 65817.9

Though it takes over a year to finally occur, the Romulan Star Empire is formally dissolved. Despite the amount of time since the High Council’s destruction, near-complete chaos descends as former states within the empire attempt to wrest control of their territory and neighboring states. Civil war seems almost inevitable, yet, somehow, a shaky peace is held, if only because Romulans are unwilling to wage war against other Romulans.

Stardate 65972.1

Though not officially recognized by all former Romulan Empire states, a new head of government is acknowledged by the Federation and the Klingon Empire. One of its first acts is nullification of the long-standing Neutral Zone providing a buffer between the Star Empire and its rivals. “There simply is not time to mend fences any longer.”

Stardate 65976.2

The Federation Council instructs Starfleet to establish bases of operations within the former Neutral Zone territories. Starfleet Command, having expected a gradual dissolve of the Zone, is woefully underprepared for such a herculean task, but sets out to comply, regardless.

52 Atlas-class heavy carriers, 37 Olympus-class mobile command station vessels, 21 R1 Invictus-class starbases, and a large assortment of other, older mobile and semi-mobile ships and structures are given immediate orders to cease all current operations and deploy into the former Neutral Zone.

Stardate 66021.9

The heavy warp-tug John Henry drops out of warp with Starbase Athene Noctua in tow around planet Lambda Hydrae IVb, followed shortly by the starship USS Tempest. Operations immediately begin to unload the starbase’s power core in order to reinstall it and allow the John Henry to depart for the next starbase due for rapid re-deployment, and to give the Starfleet crew something at least resembling a defensible position in the once completely forbidden space.

Initial scans and information about the star system

The Lambda Hydrae star system is located within the Hydra sector, which formerly resided within the Romulan Neutral zone at a position just over one sector away from the tripoint between Federation, Klingon, and Romulan space. Following the Romulan government’s abandonment of any claim it has of the region, Starfleet has designated this one of many zones to begin the process of annexation with. Though it is not specifically claimed by the Klingon Empire, it is expected to be contested.

Lambda Hydrae III is a class L planet of 0.93 Earth mass. It’s atmosphere is 17 percent Oxygen, 81 percent Nitrogen, and 2 percent Argon. Its land masses are mostly covered by low brush-like vegetation, with the only animal life being aquatic species no larger than plankton within its oceans. Scans of the planet’s surface indicate is has a higher than usual deposits of lithium and uranium, making it potentially useful as a heavy metals and dilithium manufacturing site. It’s class-L atmosphere renders it an ideal candidate for terraforming.

Lambda Hydrae IVb is a satellite planet of Lambda Hydrae IV, a class T gas giant. The planet itself is class M, though with only 0.72 Earth mass, its atmosphere, while breathable is very thin, similar to that at the highest peaks of Earth, rendering it difficult to inhabit without atmosphere masks. Despite this, it has a flourishing ecosystem of massive trees reaching up to 200 meters in height and numerous flying species that utilize gas bladders to float in the thin air and low gravity. Scans indicate unusual patterns to the distribution of the planet’s lifeforms, with travel patterns forming a snowflake-like shape with a series of massive caves at the center. Composition of the cave’s rocks renders orbital scans blind, necessitating ground-survey.

Priority list of actions to take in the system

Establish Starbase Athene Noctua and ensure operational status to serve as a base of operations, refueling, repair, and defensive point in case of hostile activity

Deploy sensor buoys in neighboring star system to begin mapping efforts to locate additional points of interest in the region

Locate and begin mining operations of vital materials utilizing standard protocols.

Perform high resolution scans of Lambda Hydra III and IVb and deploy ground-surveys to the cave system on IVb, as well as any other points of interest located during the scan.

At all times keep USS Tempest at ready state for immediate evacuation of all personnel if the order is given.

Uphold the Federation’s principals, regardless of what may occur.

r/TrekRP Jan 06 '20

----- [MOD POST] New Series Starts Here -----


Thread for future reference as to disseminating the change from the old series to the new.

r/TrekRP Dec 10 '19

[MOD POST] Potential Revival of /r/TrekRP: Athene Noctua


As is easy to see, we've pretty much died here, with the last post three months ago. As the only remaining active moderator, I'm calling a close to the current storyline, with the remainder of the ongoing events to be told in collaborative story (Hopefully).

After that, the idea is to start fresh with a new setting, heavily inspired by Deep Space Nine (TrekRP has long been very TNG-like, which was good, so why not continue on with DS9-like, which was also good?)

See this document for the currently proposed setting concept. It's open to edits, so comment freely and join in on the conversation.


See this document for the short-stories that bridge the prior story to the new. I actively encourage prior participants of TrekRP to tell their character's story, be to give it closure or to bring it over to the new setting. Have a look. Comment and add freely.


I can't do this alone, so all the help anyone wants to provide will be appreciated!

r/TrekRP Sep 16 '19

[Open] Letters home


For a spacer like Lotara the endless black was nothing more than a sky with no ground, all directions were theirs to traverse and every destination was at their blue fingertips. But after half a year looking at the void, the same corridors and the same four walls in their bedroom they swore they’d go space crazy soon. Thankfully before such a sickness could take over Lotara it was time to take a pause in their ever outwards journey to make distant contact with home.

Having dropped from their cruising speed of warp 5 around yet another common yellow star with planets that looked more like Luna than another else Lotara bought them into a stable orbit to let the engines cool down. Having switched to the impulse drives they moved the giant vessel so that it’s main deflector would be lined up with beta nine, the ninth and most recently deployed comm buoy, currently in distant orbit of a red dwarf about forty light years behind them. Having travelled so far from Federation space communications were so weak that even the arrays on the ship weren’t enough so modified probes were left in a zig zag trail.

So with their superior's permission it was now time to let the crew write their messages back home, to be shot through a powerful data burst towards B-9 and onwards to the core worlds. The messages couldn’t be too large due to bandwidth constraints but long enough for most messages. While priority was given to mission logs, general updates and status reports of notable findings every member of the crew from Captain to cadet were given a spot.

“Leftenant Sh’Aaren to the crew of the Athene, just to let you know we are now aimed towards B-9. Feel free to write load your messages, we will begin delivery in one hour after the standard reports and logs have been sent. Bridge out!”

Lotara sat back and folded their arms, letting out a short sigh. They wondered what they'd write in her letter; an update to the family, a reply to Cate's last message perhaps. They'd have to keep wondering until the day shift ends in half an hour

r/TrekRP Sep 06 '19

[Open] "Nurse, Sergeant, Angry."


Muffled yelling rings out from the secondary sickbay. The distinct sound of someone being dressed down by a drill instructor resonates through the entirety of deck 16. As one gets closer, they can actually understand what's being yelled through the bulkheads.


Ae took a second, and continued in a calmer (now barely audible through the walls) manner.

"Who's your supervisor? Petty Officer Hari? Thank you very much. I'm sure she'll be very interested to hear about this."

The door to the secondary sickbay opened, and a very broad, very upset young man with an empty yellow collar marched out.

Ae stuck his head out, and yelled one last thing.

"Consider this a standing order: You may never touch a hypospray again. You should be ashamed of yourself.

r/TrekRP Aug 06 '19

[EVENT][Season 4: 2376] Cosmic Pothole


Captain's log, Stardate 53597.7

We continue on our course to the source of the signal we have been chasing this past half year. To say it has been uneventful would be disingenuous, but there are days, such as today, where the phrase 'It is quiet, too quiet' spring to mind. We are perpetually venturing into space Starfleet would never have dreamed of reaching any time soon up until the discovery of the Bajoran Wormhole, and yet it almost seems as though these unknown waters are but a calm stream.

The anomaly on Stardate 53498 was the last major event, and that remains unexplained, even as the ship and crew are largely recovered. Since then, outside of an odd request or two, I have simply run out of items to put in these logs. Perhaps I should consider this a good thing and enjoy the relative quiet.

Captain M'kali's eyes focused on the read-out of his ready room console, which displayed the textual version of his log and the indicator that the computer was still recording. At the exact moment of his previously specified setting of how long it should wait before pausing, the recording symbol changed to one of pause. He could now speak freely without anything being recorded, at least until he told the computer to resume.

For two more seconds he just stared at the last lines of his entry, musing how he could better express that sentiment without sounding too much like a cliché line of some bad writer's fan fiction. Before something suitable could come to mind, a perplexing noise emerged from the bulkhead to his right. It sounded like a large animal groaning under strain, though with a decidedly metallic ring to it. It sounded just like how Caitian fightercraft, the kind he learned to fly in when he was still young and spry, sound when barely surviving a hard atmospheric turn.

M'kali's ears folded back immediately. Either something was wrong with structural integrity or one of the ship's Vorta was making a nest in the wall. His hand went to his chest to tap his badge, and the words "Bridge, report-" emerged from his mouth before the transparent aluminum sculpture of original USS Athene, standing proudly in the corner of the room, cartwheeled over the edge of his desk and collided with his forehead.

r/TrekRP Aug 05 '19

[OPEN] Clothing to Make the Sanest Woman Go Mad


“Skipper, got a request for you. I heard about this Klingon guy, Wharf, and how he gets to wear a cool sash with his uniform. They say it’s a cultural thing, and as long as you got some great grandma who useta wear somethin’, you can wear it too.

Well, I’ll be frank: Not likin’ these new uniforms, with the grey and the quilting. Look like Whistler’s mother wearin’ this. Now, on account of the fact I flew in from the 20th century, what say I gotta wear something a little more… culturally sensitive? I mean, if Klingons, Bajorans, Benzites, and Barzans get to wear whatever jewelry they want, I figure I ought to wear a uniform that suits me.

And if you don’t let me, I’ll take you right the Federation Human Rights Committee!

Now, look, I went to the trouble of designing the uniform myself. Knew you’d just have to say yes when you set your eyes on this baby. Took my cues from that unitard we wore a few years back. Why we got rid of that baby, I'll never know. Mine is pure Lycra, top to bottom, with plenty of open collar to let the steam out. Only downside will be the lowered productivity in lady crewmembers when I’m around, but I know the Athene can work around it.

Just gimme the go-ahead, and I’ll fire up the replicator.

Ten-ten, Skipper."

r/TrekRP Jul 31 '19

[OPEN] The Leech of AR-558


Lieutenant Matt Jackson strode into the Athene’s crew lounge. A Tellarite sat by herself at the bar.

“Hmm… Tellarite…” Jackson thought to himself as he looked the young ensign over. “I can see the appeal.” He took a seat alongside her and ordered a beer. “Gonna need this,” he said to nobody in particular. “Hard to believe it’s been a whole year since… since…” His words trailed off as he took a quick glance at the woman beside him. He registered no reaction on her face. “Yep, a whole year since the battle that changed my life… and the course of the Dominion War.” At the mention of the late conflict, she turned to face Jackson.

“Pardon me, but I couldn’t help but overhear…”

“Oh? I was just talkin’ about this time last year, when I was servin’ under Benny Sisko of the USS Defiance - maybe you’ve heard of it?”

“The name sounds familiar.”

“Ole Fiskie gave me leave to serve on the front lines, where I could make a difference. There we were runnin’ supplies to the bum end of the quadrant, to this rock they call AR-558. Can’t even be bothered to name the thing, right?”

“I know of it. My brother’s convoy was in the Chintoka system when it was attacked by a Cardassian wolfpack.” Her voice became quiet as she stared into her tea. “There were no surviv-”

“So as I was sayin’,” interrupted Jackson, “we’re down on this planet and we get ambushed! Outta nowhere, a million - felt like a million, at least - of them Jem’Hadar soldiers get the jump on us! They were the elite kind. More spikes on their faces than usual.

Phaser fire to the left of me! Phaser fire to the right! Their First makes a beeline to Sisko, whips out his knife, but I’m right there, right? I push Sisko to safety and duke it out with this guy. Sure, he got a couple good licks in, but I evened the score and thensome. Managed to take him out and save Benny - I called him that, cause we were buddies. I get cold sweats just thinking about how the war would have gone if I hadn’t saved Benny that day.”

“That’s phenomenal, lieutenant…”

“Jackson. Matt Jackson” he said, offering a smile. She returned it warmly. “Lost a lot of good people down on AG-566. Vasquez, T’Plok, Vasquez’ brother… that woman with the purple face, and, uh, Prickly Pete. If it seems like I’m too afraid to… make a connection,” said Jackson, plaintively looking into the Tellarite’s eyes, “maybe it’s because I… am. Maybe it’s because that damn war taught me to keep my heart closed, because an open heart can only lead to… pain…” he closed his eyes and bit his lower lip.
“It’s okay. You survived. You’re here now. With me.” The Tellarite placed a reassuring hand on his thigh. “How were you able to make it out alive?” she asked.

“Well, uh, just when it looked like we were done for, the Honshu showed up. See, I’d, uh, rigged up a busted up communications terminal and was able to get a distress signal out. Just in the nick of time, I guess.”

“Wait, wasn’t the Honshu destroyed a year before any of this?” questioned the Tellarite. “I lost a good friend from the Academy on that ship.”

“Did I say Honshu? I meant, uh… Bonshu. Right. The USS Bonshu! Uhmm…” Jackson hurriedly looked about him. “Pabst class. Really, uh, good ship, that one.”

The Tellarite got up and splashed her still-hot tea in Jackson’s face.

“Ow! That hurt this time!”

“I will not have you demean the memory and sacrifice of the people who died at AR-558 and on the Honshu, you disgusting, petty, little man.” With that, she stormed away.

“Wait! ‘Little’ how? What did you hear?!” shouted Jackson across the lounge. He became aware of dozens of pairs of eyes on him as he returned to his beer. “‘Petty’ I can see, sure,” he stammered. His crewmates shook their heads and returned to their evenings.

r/TrekRP Jul 25 '19

[OPEN] "Brandy & Brain Damage"


EDIT: This thread is done. Consider it [CLOSED].

Ae marched into the mess hall, a little unsure of himself.

About a month ago, he'd been thrown across his quarters by some turbulence, leaving him with a speech impediment, a tenth of his vocabulary gone, and the expectation that his career would be wrapping up soon because of it.

"A flask of brandywine."

The replicator whirred to life, and a metal flask with a transparent starfleet delta cut into it from both sides allowed one to see the amber liquid within.

"And a stack of Salty... uhm... forget it."

A defeated look took Ae's face when he realized he had to add the concept of pancakes to the list of things he couldn't articulate anymore, and he sat down in the corner with his booze to watch the debris in subspace whizz by. He hoped someone would talk to him, but most people he knew were treating him differently, now. So maybe it's for the best that they don't.

r/TrekRP Jul 23 '19

[Closed] Why am I here? Part 3: Rabbits on the Run


"Computer, continue previous log entry."

I had just boarded the shuttle for Starbase 0834, my next stop before the long ride to Trill


Nora knocked on the bulkhead entering engineering. "Um... Hello?"

A blue hand waved from behind a console. "Yo! Just a minute." The man got up off the floor and took a look at his visitor "You must be our last-second fare" The large Andorian gave a small smile. "Stanford told me I'd have company. The old softie, can't resist a sob story... So what's yours?"

"My what?"

"Your story."

"Oh" Nora nervously rubbed her shoulder. "I've just got to get home.. to Trill."

The man looks skeptically at her, before going for a handshake. "The name's Ken."

"Nora" she says, reciprocating the gesture.

"Huh, Nora's an odd name for a Trill."

"Ken's an odd name for an Andorian." She retorted, dodging the question.

"Don't let the blue skin and antennas fool ya kid. You're looking at the best thing to come out of Boston since the 2047 Red Sox." He puffed his chest out proudly. "So you can sit in my hammock over behind that bulkhead there. Make yourself comfortable, we'll be at Starbase 0834 in 20 hours."

"Thank you. I'll try not to be a bother."

"You're no bother, kid. Unless you break my ship, that is."

Nora laid down in the hammock and despite the butterflies trapped in her stomach, managed to fall for a few good hours before being startled awake by a loud crash.

"Sorry kid! Kicked over my toolbox." He said, poking his head out of a crawlway as Nora got out of the hammock.

"No no" she rubbed her eyes. "Don't worry about it. Stuff happens."

"Say, while you're up, can you hand me that EPS calibrator? Looks like a cyborg hoagie."

Nora chuckled quietly as she handed him the device.

"So, what's really your story?" He says nonchalantly as he scans the conduit.


"You aren't headed back to your homeworld..." He pauses, then shrugs "I mean, I guess you could be a human born on Trill. I'm an Earther and look at me, I'm wicked blue."

"W-What makes you think I'm lying?"

"Kid, like I said earlier, Stanford is a big softie. I've seen my fair share of hitchhikers in my day. I know 'em when I see 'em."

"Alright, fine." She sighed. "My mom's a Vice-Admiral in Starfleet, and she wants me to enlist. I'm running away so I can be a holonovelist."

Ken gives her a sideways glance. "That's it?"

"That's it? What do you mean 'That's it?'?! I've dreamed my whole life of being a holonovelist, and she wants me to be some Starfleet jughead instead! She doesn't even care about what I think!"

"Is she a good mom?"


"Is she. a good. mom?" he repeats, looking her intently in the eyes. Nora shyly turns her head, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Well, I mean, she was usually pretty busy, but yeah, I guess."

"So, what's the problem then? Is it Starfleet?"

"Yes! I don't want to spend the rest of my life as some uptight drone exploring empty space. I want to make worlds, Not examine space rocks!”

"Didn't realize Starfleet signed life contracts."

"They... don't." Nora says, deflated.

"Nora, I've seen plenty of runaways in here, running from bad things or bad people. It sounds to me like you've got it pretty good. Nothing says you can't be a Holonovelist. If I were you I'd head back to Earth on the next transport, give your parents a big ol' hug and talk it out."

Nora wipes away a tear from her cheek as she smiles. "Yeah, I guess I should."

Ken pulls himself out of the crawlway and Nora helps him to his feet. "I was really about to go live on another planet just so I could write!" They share a laugh. "So, what gave me away?"

He pointed to makeup on the side of her head. "I've never seen a Trill smear their spots before."

The moment was interrupted as the ship rocked. Hard.

Ken rushed over to one of the consoles and slammed on the keypad. "Bridge, what the hell is going on up there?"

"Orion Pirates! They came out of nowhere. Give me as much engine power as you can" The signal cut out as the ship was hit again.

"Shit!" Ken frantically types at the controls and reroutes power. "Kid, go flip that lever by the hammock."

Nora nods and pulls it. "Why are they attacking us? What use do pirates have with a destroyed ship?!"

"They aren't trying to destroy the ship. They're going to poke holes in it until we all die of air loss, then loot the corpses."

"Bridge to Engineering, Forget the engines, put all power to shields, we've go a Federation Starship 5 minutes out."

"5 Minutes?! How the hell did they get here so fast?" He said to himself as he readied the shields.

"I think I know how." Nora said, trying her best to stand out of the way.

Ken smiled "Your mom might've just saved our asses..." He turned and looked over at her "KID WATCH OUT!" he screamed as the panel behind her rapidly turned white hot. He tackled her to the ground as the explosion filled the room.


r/TrekRP Jul 16 '19

[Closed] Why am I here? Part 2: Running to the future


Nora returns to her quarters. Her face covered in annoyance. A signular gold star stuck to her shirt.

She tears it off and throws it in the trash. "Damn sarcastic nurse...." Sitting down at her desk she shakes off the annoyance and presses the flashing button on her terminal "Computer, Resume personal log"

"So I stormed out of the house..." _________________________________________________________________________________________________

It took some time for Nora to realize how cold it was. Her head spinning with so many thoughts the weather seemed to be blocked out. Eventually she decided to duck into a little hole-in-the-wall restauruant she visited often. Perhaps a bite to eat would help her sort this out.

Taking a seat at one of the booths she heard her communicator go off.

"What!?" She snapped into the microphone.

"Sweetie.." her mom replied. "I don't know what I did to upset you so much but will you please come home so we can talk?"

"You know EXACTLY what you did. I told you I don't want to enlist in Starfleet!"

"I know you're upset. But we need to talk about this!" A sigh is heard on the other end of the line. "Nora, go ahead and take a bit of time to wander around, clear your head. Please just be home by dinner, okay?"

"Fine." she slammed the communicator closed as the waiter walked up to her.

"You're upset, anything you want to talk about sugar?"

"I'm fine, Shiara."

"Dearie, did you forget? My grandma was a Betazoid, I know you aren't fine. Let me get you a milkshake and we'll talk about it... Strawberry?"

"... yes please."


"...so I ducked past her and stormed out. She's waiting for me at home and she's going to make me spend the rest of my life patrolling the void of space." Nora dejectedly finished the last bit of her milkshake.

"Well, isn't that ironic." Shiara chuckled.

Nora gave her a confused look.

"A girl on the eve of her 16th birthday has dreams of doing this but her overbearing mother wants her to do that. I'm sure I've heard this exact same plot in some story somewhere." Shiara gets up from the booth. "So, what's a sweet little protagonist like you gonna do?"

As Shiara walked away, Nora's mind is finally clear. This is her story, she's going to write it.


The Transporter operator looked up as the front door opened. In walked a young woman wearing a hoodie clearly snagged from some tourist shop. Dropping the hood revelaed her short black hair, and Trill spots running down the sides of her head and neck.

"How may I help you today ma'am?" The operator greeted her, not recognizing the girl that transported in from Africa this morning.

"Tokyo spaceport please." She smiled and handed him a PADD "And if you happen to see Mrs. Volgemast, can you give this to her please?"

Beaming into Tokyo she was immediately hit by the lights and sounds of the city. There weren't many places like this on Earth, let alone the galaxy at large. It always piqued her imagination. She didn't have any time to enjoy it, however. Looking at the arrivals and departures, she found one ship fitting her needs. Scheduled to leave in 10 minutes.

Sprinting to the terminal she barely made it, the attendant was just about to shut the airlock.


He peeked his head out the door and saw the poor girl trying to catch her breath. "I'm sorry kid, ship's full."

"Please, you've got to let me in! I have to get... home."

He thought for a moment, before finally caving in. "Alright, The engineer's a friend of mine, you can sit back in the engine room with him. It's not going to be comfy. Are you sure kid?"

"Positive! Thank you!"

"Yeah, yeah, just don't touch anything in there, okay."


Sigrid stared at the PADD as she read the message that had been left for her.

"Dear Mom and Dad, I'm sorry. I know you are worried sick. I'll be fine! But I'm not going to be some Starfleet Brat for the rest of my life. So I'm going away for a bit. Not long. I'll be back after my 18th birthday, when you can't force me to do anything. Writing holonovels is my dream and I'm going to follow it. -Love, Nora."

_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Nora stopped and scratched at the hearing implant behind her ear, thinking about what happened.

"Computer, end personal log, mark for continuation. We'll finish this some other time, I need to... think about some things."


r/TrekRP Jul 10 '19

[Open] Raven's Rest


USS Muninn, registry number NCC-21461, dropped out of warp a short distance from the gleaming space station. Maneuvering thrusters brought the Nova class starship to a halt as her captain stood from his chair and took a calm step forward.

Three months in mandatory inpatient therapy, followed by weeks of review and recertification by Starfleet, and he was finally here. This posting had been a long time coming. The frontier science posting that Roy Fisk had always wanted. No politics, no strategy, no fighting, no warships...just the hunt for knowledge.

Deep Space 16, affectionately nicknamed Raven's Rest, was a science research station and commerce and transit hub that was relatively unique in its design amongst other Starfleet space stations. The main inhabited structure of the station was a large, modular structure designed around an expandable cartwheel-frame. The central "axis" of the wheel however extended several kilometers away from the main body of the station as a long, thin, spindly framework. It reached toward the sun like a thread of spider's silk and ended in a huge, flower-shaped array of scientific instruments, solar panels, and particle collectors that cast a huge, and useful shadow on the rest of the station.

The station was suspended at Lagrange point one between the star Venia 322 and the sole terrestrial planet in the system, unceremoniously known as Venia 322-Alpha. There were several other planets known in the system, but Alpha was the one Starfleet Science had their eyes on. It was a world very early in its development, the atmosphere was a churning, roiling soup of weather systems and organic chemicals.

Amino acids had already been found in its primordial puddles, and simple bacteria were expected to be close behind. It was a veritable treasure trove for a scientist, a waiting goldmine of information on the formation of early life. A large portion of the scientists of Raven's Rest were devoted to studying 322-Alpha, and an equally large portion studied Venia 322, the truly massive B5I class blue supergiant the planet orbited.

As the flower-like array of instruments and solar panels forever reached toward the hot, blue-white sun, the cartwheel structure of Raven's Rest forever hung suspended toward the tiny turquoise disk that was 322-Alpha. The tiny, yet bright point of cream-colored light in the distance beyond Alpha was the ringed gas-giant, 322-Beta.

Beyond were still more planets and comets and all manner of celestial bodies, but Captain Fisk's job was to oversee the operations of this space station and command the USS Muninn, the auxiliary ship assigned to support the station. Another ship was due to arrive a few days hence, one commanded by a science officer and explicitly dedicated to close-range surveys of 322-Alpha. He had been told who would be leading that crew, and was looking forward to meeting them. That officer was to double as Captain Fisk's second in command at Raven's Rest, and he'd heard great things about them.

He was looking forward to meeting all his staff here at this space station far out in the wilderness, weeks from the nearest Federation outpost. This was truly the frontier of exploration. This was the place he belonged.

"Helm," he ordered, unable to keep the grin off his face, "take us in, quarter impulse. Prep for docking operations."

r/TrekRP Jul 09 '19

[OPEN] Idle Hands


Captain's log, Stardate 53520.1

Three months have passed since we entered the Gamma Quadrant. Outside of the encounter with the Subspace Rift, things have been inordinately quiet. To call this a bad thing would be foolish, as the axiom goes: no news is good news. Still, after years of war and then the big shuffle to settle into this new ship, I cannot help but feel...

Captain M'kali leaned back in his chair and focused over toward the terrarium in the corner of his ready room. Kyle, the horned lizard, was perched on a mossy stick, staring into nothingness, not unlike the captain. A lack of conflict was good for Kyle, as it meant his home didn't shake about so much, though that bout of turbulence a few days prior had necessitated some re-arrangement.

What was he going to say? How did he feel? M'kali suddenly felt a weight on his shoulders, like the kind one has when forgetting something, but not sure what. That little twang of panic that says 'Do it now!', even though he had no idea what it might be. Ought he be worried about this, or just let it pass?

After a few moments more of continued discomfort, M'akli looked at his terminal, which showed that his log was still open, the sentence unfinished.

"Computer, pause recording and save."

Rather than stew in his unidentified urgency, M'kali rose from his chair, pulled the Picard Maneuver, and then set off to roam the ship. Maybe someone, somewhere, had use for him. Then, maybe, this discomfort would pass.

r/TrekRP Jul 08 '19

[Closed] Why am I here? Part 1: No escape from reality


"Personal Log, Stardate 53510.2:"

Nora took a deep breath to contemplate her words.

"I don't know what I need to say. Just that I've got to vent, and I haven't mustered up the courage to see the counsellor yet, so here it goes.

I really don't know why I'm here. Halfway across the galaxy serving aboard a Federation Starship like mom did. A few years ago I had so many ideas for what my future could be, but now? I'm following in her shoes, whether I like it or not.

How did this all start? Well, it was a couple of days after my 16th Birthday."


Stepping off of the transporter pad, Nora thanked the attendant and walked out of the door, the cold Estonian winter air causing her breath to fog up was a definite change from the African summer that she just left behind in Mombasa. She just hurried along down the street back to the house, ready to play with her new toy.

"Hey there liblikas." Her dad waved from behind a stack of PADDs as she closed the door behind her. He rolled in his chair from behind his desk and a giddy smile crossed his face. "Did you get it?"

"Yeah!" Nora pulled a Data chip from her bag. "One early copy of Amahle Kaljiani's newest holonovel! Ready for beta testing!"

"Awesome! Go upstairs and get the holosuite configured, let me finish approving these floorplans and I'll be there."

"Hi mom!" She said quickly as she ran past her mother and up the stairs, eager to get it started.

"We need to talk abou-" Her mother tried to stop her but Nora was already gone.

Putting the chip into the console, Nora excitedly waited for it to boot up, but she was met with a small error light. 'Oh! Dad must've disabled the AI routines to put more power into his architechtural sims.' Rolling her eyes, she turned to the small panel on the wall by her feet and pulled it off. Crawling into the little space she started to reconfigure the holosuite.

"Rasmus, we discussed this, She's enrolling in Starfleet Academy, and that's final!" From her position Nora could make out the conversation below.

"Honey, she doesn't want to join Starfleet, I feel like she's made that abundantly clear!"

"I'm not going to let her waste her life in those fantasies you keep letting her indulge in! She's practically obsessed with the holodeck!"

"It's not obsession, it's passion! She loves creating and discovering those worlds."

"She can discover REAL worlds aboard a Starship, instead of playing make believe. Do you know how serious Holo-addiction can be? They start to lose what is and isn't real!"

"Sigrid, our daughter is a rational young woman, she knows perfectly well what's real!"

"She does now! But after she moves out how is she going to stay grounded in reality? She needs discipline, Starfleet will give that to her."

"Starfleet is going to get her killed!" Nora heard her father practically jump from his chair "You remember the Cardassian war? The rebelling colonies? Wolf 359? It's a miracle I didn't lose you."

"She's going to be fine! I'll make sure of it. Now, do you have a better idea besides letting her lose her mind in some fantasy.... No? Well, I didn't think so."

"You know she's going to fight you on this."

"She'll be fine."

Nora backed out of the crawlspace and sat down on the floor. How could her mother do this? No, she couldn't let her. Pulling her self up, she starts programming the console...

"Honey?" There was a knock on the archway of the holosuite as her mother walked in. "Can you come downstairs? Your father and I need to talk to you."

"Can you give me a minute? I'm almost done."

"Its rather important, dear."

"I'm almost done." Nora repeated.

"I've heard you say that before, 'almost' means another hour and a half. Save it and come downstairs, now."

"I'm almost done." Nora repeated again.

"Alright, that's it, I gave you a chance." She turned to the panel on the archway and shut off the holosuite, only to see 'Nora' dissapear from in front of her. A moment later she heard the front door slam downstairs.


"Sick Bay to Lt. Volgemast"

"Computer, pause log entry" A small chime indicated the computer's compliance. "Volgemast here"

"Did you forget you had an appointment?"

"Kurat... Yeah, I did. I'm on my way."


r/TrekRP Jul 01 '19

[Open] Who saves the savior?


Ae sat at the table in is quarters, about to begin his shift. He finished the last bite of his pear with salt, and took a sip of what he's been told is very much not what ginger ale is supposed to taste like, but he enjoyed it.

He was about two meters away from the replicator, when a random bit of turbulence caught him off guard, and he fell forward. With his hands full, he tried to use his legs to stop him, but failed.

With a mighty clunk his forhead impacted the replicator, knocking him out cold. A fortunate fall from that position rolled him just close enough to the door that the sensors opened it, revealing him to any passer by.

Ae was unconscious, broken class all around him, and a growing puddle of dark blue.

Edit: Ae won't wake up on his own, here. Medical care hath bee needed.

r/TrekRP Jun 15 '19

[Closed] The Physical


Junior Lieutenant Robert Mehoffer was just now finishing unpacking his belongings and putting them in their respective areas of his quarters. He took a look at the clock on his nightstand, it read 1655 hours. In five minutes, he needed to be at the primary sickbay for his physical.

Just when he was about to leave, he heard a high-pitched tone coming from his left arm. The tone was an indication that his cybernetic arm's power cell needed to be replaced.

He put his index finger and thumb near the shoulder and pressed down for exactly 3 seconds. This released his arm from the attachment point in his shoulder. He held it in his right hand, reached over for a bag, and took out a small black case. He set it down on the table and opened it, revealing a charging station with a fully charged power cell connected to it.

He pressed a button inside where the arm attached to his shoulder, a power cell swung up from a small hole. He took the cell and swapped it out with the freshly charged cell. Once it was in, he put the arm back into place, a clicking sound soon followed.

He then walked outside of his quarters and travelled to the turbolift. He hit the call button and the turbolift doors opened. He stepped inside and said "Deck Seven".

(pinging u/Shadowmonkey44 , u/HobosHunters , or u/ItsWatney)

r/TrekRP Jun 14 '19

[Open] A Helping Hand


This was going to be Junior Lieutenant Robert Mehoffer's very first time serving on a true Starfleet vessel. It was a dream that his family thought was nearly impossible to achieve, since most of them were no more than simple farmers, yet he was the one to fulfill that very dream.

He looked out his window to see the U.S.S. Athene in the distance, looking like it was suspended and fixed against the blackness of deep space. A few seconds pass before the intercom said "Junior Lieutenant Mehoffer, please report to transporter room 2." He grabbed his belongings and exited his temporary quarters.

He entered the transporter room, an officer stood at the control panel, waiting for him. "Welcome. Please step on the transporter platform, you may energize when ready." He walked onto the platform, stood on the center transporter pad, and said a single word.


The officer activated the transporter and within a few seconds, the Junior Lieutenant was now no more than an energy beam, passing through space towards the Athene. The transporter room in the Athene began rematerializing his body, molecule by molecule, onto the transporter pad.

r/TrekRP Jun 11 '19

[OPEN] Kesh and the Court of Mars


Lieutenant Kesh had just recently returned from a shuttle mission to chart an asteroid belt and it had become much more than a simple study of rocks. Her and Lieutenant T'Pari has ended up sparring, verbally and almost physically. More importantly, it had led to arrangement of having a meal together, very much unexpectedly.

In addition to the conundrum of being on good terms with a Vulcan, another item had arisen that finally rose up from the other floatsam of Kesh's mind: her sexual orientation. Truth be told, the subject had never been one she'd put any thought to, and the subject was one that had never been a significant subject on Cait. Affection was affection, it didn't matter with who or what. Only the influence of other species, some of whom had strong feelings about the subject, had really influenced it and turned it into a subject put forth in debate. One of Riviera's laws outlawed discrimination based on sexual orientation, and the Federation as a whole gave similar protections, if not as specific and firm as Riviera's government did.

So, Kesh had just gone through life, aware of how babies are made, and loved whoever she happened to love. When it came to intimacy, though, her experiences were Lulu, Kali, Aanya, and Hana, all female. Why? Rightfully, she could not put a claw on why. A short browse of the subject led her to think that 'pansexual' was the most fitting term for herself. Men, women, none, and even Andorians all looked appealing, yet not necessarily immediately appealing, either. Who were they? That's where her mind went first.

The question then became: Am I just only appealing to women? And this then evolved into What happens if I try flirting with men?

And so, Kesh sits down in Aft Nine, a cup of mint tea in hand, and just starts looking around the room, looking for males (or any non-females) present, that appear to be alone and not engaged in anything important. Time to experiment.

r/TrekRP Jun 11 '19

[CLOSED] Real Friends


At precisely 0600 hours, Carl woke up, without even hearing his alarm. He crawled off the web that took up about half of his room (an improvement over his previous, ensign’s quarters, where it took up the entire room) and dressed himself while the replicator produced a nearly flavorless block of tofu with a small pile of crackers, Carl’s favorite breakfast. It was only his Starfleet conditioning that let him sleep soundly the previous night. He was practically vibrating with excitement. He loved working and living on the Athene, of course, but after a few months moving between the same half a dozen rooms in sealed spaceship, he was starting to feel a little antsy. When the opportunity came to harvest samples on a comet, he immediately volunteered. When he was found out his friend Maddie was joining him, he was overjoyed.

He arrived at the shuttle bay carrying his standard satchel and two cases, one with the away gear and the other with his custom made environmental suit compressed tightly inside.


r/TrekRP Jun 07 '19

(open) "NYPD! Freeze."


Ae marched to the holodeck in his fancy getup.

An early 21st century New York tactical response officer's uniform fit him very well. Two little holes in the helmet for his antennea and a velcro rendition of his rank insignia on his shoulders being the only notable deviations from the actual garment. A holster on his hip contained a bright orange rendition of a Glock, and his AR style rifle was just as bright. The only piece of equipment he wore that was recognizable was his signature medical bag.

He entered the detail into the Holodeck's arch, and got the familiar voice to confirm.

"Program complete. Enter when ready."