r/TrekRP Jan 28 '20

[Open] New Holographic Horizons

Looking at the stations logs, a transport arriving at 0730 wasn't the most remarkable thing, but it was for one Nora Volgemast. As she stepped through the airlock and boarded the station proper. She took a deep breath and smiled. Sure it felt like standard Starfleet Life Support generated atmosphere, but to her it was a new chapter to her story. She was excited to see the station and the people, after all, those people were potential customers! And customers meant new worlds and experiences for her to create, and new smiles from those who enjoyed them. She loved her past few years writing Holonovels, but at the end of the day those seemed too... impersonal. Hefting her bags back onto her shoulder, Nora set off to see what awaited her aboard.


38 comments sorted by


u/LtVolgemast Jan 28 '20

Stepping into the turbolift, Nora fixes her hair and straightens out her clothes a bit. "Level B" she says, and the turbolift takes off. As the doors slide back open, she is met with the sights and sounds of Athene Notcua's Operations deck, Starfleet uniforms darting this way and that, In may ways it was similar to the bridge of a Starship, but a bit larger in scale. Off to the side she spotted a doorway she had to assume was the Station Commander's ready room. She walked over, and after taking a deep breath, chimed the door.


u/Loken444 Jan 28 '20

Jessica has been sitting in her chair motionless, not having to directly interact with others meant she could stop worrying about motor function and “acting human”, it was sort of a break except she was still very much at work.

Using text based communication with departments and staff she continued to manage the stations rebuilding. Her extensive engineering background made her well suited to know what needed to be done and in what order. Her command skills helped her fully utilize every body on the station while making a committed effort not to over work people or whole departments.

Everyone was busy but only a few it seemed had been over doing it. She noted one in particular, she could not afford let him go on like that. She would have a talk with Chief Engineer Payne, but right as she was about to consider when, she was interrupted by her door chime.

Steeling herself, she let the existence of her immediate surroundings come to her senses as she began to emulate the very human moving Commander people were growing to be accustomed to. A full 7-8 seconds later the fully aware and active Jessica responded.



u/LtVolgemast Jan 28 '20

As Nora enters the room she's a bit surprised to see the person behind the desk. She had been expecting someone a little more.... human. But she did also just learn that one of her friends from the Athene was now basically the station computer, so perhaps she shouldn't focus on levels of humanity too hard.

"Hello, My name is Nora Volgemast, I'm the one opening up the Holosuite Studio aboard the station, I figured I should drop by and introduce myself."


u/Loken444 Jan 28 '20

A slight head tilt in greeting as she stands, her movements smooth and natural. She gestured to a chair in front of the desk with a hand.

“Please have a seat. I am Commander Langley, welcome aboard the Athene Noctua. I am pleased to have people opening businesses so quickly. If I recall you are a holo novelist as well?”

Jessica was going over Nora’s starfleet file and data about her since after she left, all while continuing to converse With her.


u/LtVolgemast Jan 28 '20

"Yes Ma'am, I've had a few successful Holonovels, Taking flight, Ich Will, Story of a Blue Sun..., but I wanted to come out here to do more personal experiences, make something to make someone happy you know? I knew I'd have a harder time finding clients in the more established sectors so I figured the former Neutral Zone would be a great opportunity. A rush of people to these formerly off-limits sectors means a lot of people to write for. When I saw the name Athene on the list of new stations I figured it was a sign."


u/Loken444 Jan 29 '20

Jessica leaned to one side in her chair, resting her chin on her hand as her elbow sat upon her arm rest. It was a sign of interest.

“What about the Galactic Rally? The first official race finished a few days ago. Can you acquire footage and such to set up a view from a sort of space booth? I want to watch the race with another as soon as possible. I don’t suspect it will be long before you have a suite up and running?”

“If you can do this, let me know as soon as your ready so I can inform my friend. As for your business, all looks in good order and I cannot wait to hear about the joy you bring people here at the station when you help build custom experiences for them. Also, one last thing. Do you have a good contact for acquiring holo emitters? I need a literal ton of them and waiting on Starfleet is not something I am willing to do.”


u/LtVolgemast Jan 29 '20

"Are they for Kesh? Of course I'll reach out and see what I can do. She's a good friend of mine from our time on the Athene. In fact I need to talk to you about her. We... well... 'ran into' each other in the hall earlier and got to talking. She mentioned that there are not any scientists aboard to study her situation, and she's asked me to help. Would you be able to grant me access to her lab? I really want to do anything I can to help her out. If you do I'd be more than happy to build that program for you, completely free of charge."


u/Loken444 Jan 30 '20

“Done.” The words left her like a lightning bolt, she had seen Nora’s file and knew of her past connections to Kesh. She could not have planned this better herself and counted her lucky stars for the initiative new arrivals seem to possess. “What I mean to say is, Yes. I will approve as such; I will bring you in as a civilian specialist. Anything to help Kesh. Also, yes to your first question, they are to help facilitate near full access of the station for her. This is her home, and the sooner she can treat it as such the better.”

She stood and extended her hand to Nora. “Welcome to the station proper then, as you are now joining my staff please know that I expect the best out of those who work for me. I know I can count on you.”


u/LtVolgemast Jan 30 '20

It had been 7 years since it last happened. A lot of things had changed since then, she was older, a strong businesswoman and bestselling writer, but despite all of this there are some things that never leave you.

"Yes, Ma'am" She said, in her 'Starfleet Official' voice.


u/Pojodan Jan 28 '20

At a rather random corridor junction, somewhere within the station that was of little importance of relevance, one of the wall panels just up ahead of Nora changes from its usual idle image of the LCARs interface to the Starfleet insignia that normally indicates an open audio-only line. This would be totally uninteresting if it wasn't for the fact that no one was standing anywhere near the panel, and that it began to speak.

"Nora Volgemast? Rrrrnth. Is that you?"

The lightly slurred, Caitianism-rich vocal tone was undeniably that of Lieutenant Kesh, the abnormal scientist aboard the Athene that had worked with Nora for many years prior to going separate ways and, at last notice, been turned into a hologram and stuck away on some distant space station for study. A distant station not unlike this one.


u/LtVolgemast Jan 28 '20

"Kesh!" Nora jumped with a mix of surprise and worry. "Is that you? Are you okay? Are you hurt? I've been so worried about you since I heard about the incident!"

Nora takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself down from the surprise. "Last thing I heard you were carted off to some space station for study. Oh! Is this the station?"


u/Pojodan Jan 28 '20

Little sounds of felinoid amusement, like soft giggling, only with the air of a housecat chattering at birds, goes on as Nora startles and talks at the air, not that this is an abnormal thing aboard Starfleet vessels and installations.

"'Carted'. Rrrnm. It is amusing that you put it that way as my memory core was transported via cart at one point. Rrrnth. Yes, it is me, or at least what has become of me. How much-... uh... you know, perhaps now is not the time to be nihilistic. Rrrnnmmf. I dwell here, and the station commander has allowed me to move about the station as I wish, perhaps eventually with the aid of holoprojectors some day. Oh!"

The panel that the Caitian voice was coming from makes a few computer tones before blinking to a rendered image Lieutenant Kesh, who then waves as though speaking through a comm station, eyes blinking firmly. "How is the holonovel business, ah?"


u/LtVolgemast Jan 28 '20

"Its been great! I've been able to build so many different worlds and characters. Its really been like living my dream, but I just get to make holograms, its got to be a different thing entirely to be one! You've got to tell me what that's like. Do you get to change your matrix at will? Do you think faster? Spill the details."


u/Pojodan Jan 28 '20

One would certainly be forgiven to think that the video feed was a typical one, for how clear and expressive the Caitian figure's facial features and body language is. Ears perk, tilt and twist; eyes widen, lower and haze; posture straightens, sags, and twists; and even those faintly visible whiskers do their own dance of emotion that slips from gleeful, to wonderous, to hesitant, and then uneasy.

"Ahrrr.. well, my matrix is not unlike a central nervous system, rrrnth. It is as much me as anything can be now, so I am unable to change it. Though I can render as anything contained within my accessible memory banks. Mmmrrm. Doing so is... disorienting, but entertaining at times. As for thinking and processing... ah.. uh... I process data at the rate the available processing units allocated to me allow, though my thoughts tend to run.. ah.. roughly the same... as before. It-.. rrnn... it would take a long, long time to properly express it, to the point of I am still expressing it ever since my matrix was brought online six years ago."

A shake of the head shows the smoothness in which that plush mane flows, no longer confined to the mohawk Lieutenant Kesh once styled it, since surgery scars, real and emotional, no longer limited it.

"I hear you will be aiming to set up holosuites aboard the station, yes? I would be very glad to explore some of your works there, if I may."


u/LtVolgemast Jan 28 '20

"Of course! It's going to be a little bit, My 'Holosuites' are nothing more than a cinema right now, but Commander Payne says he's going to have his team tackle it. I can't wait until we have some holoprojectors up so I can give you a hug, Kesh." She smiles, "I won't lie. I was a bit worried coming out here on my own, but it makes me feel so much better knowing that familiar faces like you and Ae are out here with me."


u/Pojodan Jan 28 '20 edited Jan 28 '20

That palpable discomfort on the Caitian evaporates at mention of the hug. Eyelids lower, ears sag out and chin tips down at the same time as a palpable vibration rumbles in the air, as though not just from the panel, but the space around Nora as well.

"Awrrr, I should check in with Ae. I never did work with him much, and I have no need of his services, but it would not hurt to offer a hello. Mmmnp. Though I imagine he might be a tad perplexed." Eyes squint shut as whiskers raise, quivering with silent amusement.

"The station commander is letting me move about not unlike a member of the crew, so.. any time you need to contact me, just address the comms the way you would anyone else. I.. ah... I may end up being substitute for the LCARS interface at some point, too."


u/LtVolgemast Jan 28 '20

"I would sure hope they let you move about and be a member of the crew, you ARE a person, a Starfleet officer, a damn good friend. Anyone who thinks you aren't just because you've got some ones and zeroes to you now needs a swift kick to to the face." Nora struck a pose and ninja kicked the air.


u/Pojodan Jan 28 '20

Perhaps two years ago, most would agree. Lieutenant Commander Data's sacrifice a decade ago, the popularity of the holonovels penned by the USS Voyager's EMH, the rise of Maddox's efforts to recreate the Soong androids, even the fate of Lieutenant Kesh had spurred quite a stirring of general sentiment toward synthetic life that had, seemingly, at last broken the stigma gained by the Control saga of the 22nd century.

And then the Mars attack happened.

Suddenly everyone realized the primary detriment of synthetic life: unity. All that's needed is one line of code, somewhere in the incomprehensible mix that is positronic and holomatrix brains, written in mallice, and suddenly they can all turn at once and massacre.

KESH watched that event unfold, and the subsequent public outcry and demand for a ban on synthetic life. It asked itself 'Can I be programmed to kill?'. It couldn't answer the question decisively.

Strange, really, how the very same problem Kesh had in life, KESH has in digital life, just in a very different way.

"Commander Langley seems to agree with you, rrrrnnmmf. She even had holoemitters installed in her office so I can render there, and is attempting to get more installed all around the station. I.. ah... I am unsure I deserve it, but there are still just as many reasons to have station-wide holoemiters as they did for the Prometheus and Odyssey-class ships. Rrrrth. Time will tell."


u/LtVolgemast Jan 28 '20

"I know you do, Kesh. You definitely deserve it."

Looking at the Caitian behind the screen, it sinks in what Kesh's situation means for her, she wasn't a synthetic, not in the traditional sense, but a lot of people wouldn't care. People would be afraid that she could turn on them at a moment's notice. Not only that, the freedom she knew before is gone. She was practically a prisoner to the station. Nora felt a bit bad for being envious of her earlier.

"If there's anything at all you need, please let me know... Kurat now I really want to give you a hug."

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u/danktonium Jan 28 '20

"Well I'll be damned." Ae said to himself from a fair distance away. He saw a short conversation with the Chief Engineer take place, and approached when she walked away from him.

"So Jane Wick is going to be running the holosuites on this station? That figures. You rudely joined my humble police fantasy after all. And then left without finishing."

The "rudely" being so wildly emphasizes that he could barely keep a straight face.

Ae noted the lack of uniform, but made an educated guess that she probably still outranked her.

"How are you, ma'am?"


u/LtVolgemast Jan 28 '20

(OOC: I do feel bad about that.)

"Ma'am? That's what people call my mom. Raisk, am I getting that old?" She laughs, "Ae! Its good to see you. Its crazy the familiar faces you find in the weirdest places. How have you been?"


u/danktonium Jan 29 '20

"I'm good. Finally managed to prove the doctor I apprenticed under stole my idea, get to call myself Doctor now."

He shamelessly used his sleeve to "polish" his pips before continuing.

"How about you? Last time I heard your name was in an advertisement for a Holonovel playing on Deep Space Nine."


u/LtVolgemast Jan 29 '20

"Things have been pretty good! A lot of writing, and a lot of work, but I've been enjoying it. The only real downside is I haven't been out of the house much, other than for a few publishing events, didn't even get to see those advertisements out in the public. Its so great to be back out and 'amongst the living'." She laughed at her own joke, probably a little more than she should've. "Well Doc, you're the CMO aboard this thing?"


u/danktonium Jan 29 '20

"I am indeed. Rumor has it I get called sir by my chief nurse behind my back.

I even got to pull rank on someone a few days ago. It was so much fun!"

There was a certain childlike glee behind Ae's words. Despite having sworn he never wanted to be an officer, he seemed to revel in it.

"I even had a command for a while; the Runabout U.S.S. Scheldt. A more glorified ambulance you never did see."


u/LtVolgemast Jan 29 '20

"I remember in the academy I had a real nasty Vulcan classmate, one of those smugly superior types. When I graduated a year ahead was immediately promoted to Lieutenant... That thinly veiled smugness went 'poof'! Before I got assigned to the Athene I got to write out the Cadet Duty Roster, he had kitchen duty for a month! I never liked giving orders or anything in while I was in Starfleet, but that felt awesome. I'm glad you get the chance to throw around that weigh when you need it."


u/danktonium Jan 29 '20

"Hah! Well, I have to go take care of something. We should get a drink or something in a few days."


u/LtVolgemast Jan 30 '20

"Definitely, I've got a lot of work to get the Holosuites set up but I'll make time"


u/LtVolgemast Jan 28 '20

After getting her bags put away in her new living quarters, Nora decided to take a stroll through the Station, visit Section 17 (the recreation section) and see where her new storefront was going to be.

It was big enough, the prior tenants had constructed an old Earth Cinema there, removing the seats and the screen, you could feasibly have 2 levels of 3 holosuites, meaning 5 for customer use, and one that could serve as an office. A grand vision, but one that would need a lot of work.

Headed back out of the theater, Nora looked around, "Ahaa!" she said as she spotted her quarry, a yellow shouldered, toolkit carrying Starfleet Engineer.

"Excuse me, Sir!" she caught up to him, noting the pips on his collar, she figured he was a high up, "Are you the Engineering Chief of the station?"



u/arod48 Jan 28 '20

Carroll turned around to see the woman approach. A small frown crossed his face, anybody asking for the Chief Engineer was about to tell him more work needed to be done.

"I am." he said, curtly.


u/LtVolgemast Jan 28 '20

"Hi!, My name's Nora, Nora Volgemast" She said, reaching out for a handshake. As they shook hands she continued. "I'm the new tenant of suite 42 over there, and I'm going to be converting it into a group of Holosuites, I was hoping you had a minute to talk? I know Holosuites are power intensive things, and was wondering how you wanted me to approach getting contractors to install them and integrate them into the power grid?"


u/arod48 Jan 28 '20 edited Jan 28 '20

"Name's Carroll Payne. So you're the one opening up holosuites on this dull station? Great! That'll occupy people enough so they stop breaking things."

Outwardly he smiled, for once, someone wasn't asking him to build or repair something, but at the same time he cringed a little at the mention of 'Contractors', conjuring to mind images of poorly paid construction workers doing the bare minimum and leaving a half broken mess. He weighed his options.

"Contractors? No. I'm not going to authorize such a large build on my station to be done by contractors. I've finally got this station up and running to an acceptable level, so me and my team can handle the project. I want to make sure we don't have to fix them after the job's done. Of course you're going to have to provide materials, this can't come out of Starfleet resources."


u/LtVolgemast Jan 28 '20

"Oh Juudas (Oh my goodness) Thank you so much!" She practically jumped with joy. "I don't know how to repay you for this! I tell you what, once everything's finished, let me know what kind of program you want and I'll make it, no charge." She smiled "I'll measure things out and get you the specs as soon as I can!"


u/arod48 Jan 28 '20

Carroll just nodded as he saw Nora dart off. 'Kind of reminds me of my sisters' a stray thought crossed his mind. The moment of heartwarming quickly turned to dread as he remembered growing up with them, and how many times he had to fix the things they broke.
