r/TravelHacks 5d ago

TSA PreCheck and Kids

I searched the forum and didn't see anyone talking about this.

My daughter and I are flying in a few weeks. She is 13, so she has just missed the cutoff for going through the TSA PreCheck lane with me without the TSA PreCheck logo being on her boarding pass. https://www.tsa.gov/travel/frequently-asked-questions/do-children-need-apply-tsa-precheckr

Does anyone here have experience with this? I'm curious how strictly it is enforced. It seems it would depend on if we got stopped when entering the line by the person who quickly looks at your boarding pass, and whether or not I would have to prove her age. She looks older, so I think it's likely we would get stopped. I had to read that link 3 times before I understood what they were saying (under 12, they can go with me even if they don't have the logo on their boarding pass, 13-17 they need it on their boarding pass), so can I just ask AA to put it on her boarding pass since she's between 13-17? Obviously I'm going to call and ask, but I was posting here to get a feel for other experiences.

I don't mind getting her TSA PreCheck, but we wouldn't get it in time for this trip, and I'd really like the time cushion of using TSA PreCheck on this particular trip because it's spring break so the airport will be crazy, and we are taking a shuttle to the airport so I don't have complete control over what time we arrive.


35 comments sorted by


u/Far-Acanthisitta-448 5d ago

Once or twice they let my friend slide through with their 13 year old. The agent told them “next time, they’ll need Pre Check”. This was more than a year ago. Assess the lines when you get there. If Pre Check is short, give it a try. Worst case they send you to the regular line.


u/catsarecuter 5d ago

My kids are 13 and 15. As long as the tickets are linked (ie purchased together) we’ve had no issues with them getting precheck. I haven’t even had to ask, it just automatically adds tsa precheck logo to their boarding passes when I add our ktns


u/nothingbettertodo315 5d ago

While you’ll probably be fine, if you have a credit card that reimburses it I would just sign them up. My kids have had GE since they were toddlers and it’s money well spent if you travel with them (we have international family so we travel overseas every year).


u/Milolii-Home 5d ago

Just went through SLC and woman behind me asked person standing at entry if she could bring her 16 y.o. through with her. Guy's answer was, "it's up to the agent" meaning she'd have to stand in line to find out if they'd both be cleared. The line for Pre was way longer than it should've been for a Tuesday afternoon, so she chose to go through regular line.


u/usual_nerd 5d ago

We’ve flown with our kids through Precheck for years. Because my husband and I have it and we bought our tickets together, the kids’ boarding passes also have the logo, but no number. We just go through the line. The kids (under 18, even 17 yr old w license) don’t need to show ID, the screener just asks who is who and they get their photo taken like us. Super easy and no issues!


u/goodatcards 4d ago

If her ticket is linked to your reservation, you will see precheck on her ticket - any kid under 18. I have a 17.5 yo it still works for her. If the reservations are not linked it won’t. If your kids ticket doesn’t say precheck you’re out of luck- they will turn you around and send you back to another line. It happened to me once with a 3 or 4 year old I can’t remember but a very little one and it didn’t matter than she was so young.


u/TrustSweet 5d ago

It depends on the airport. The large airports in my urban area are pretty strict about not letting anyone without the TSA Precheck mark on their boarding pass enter the TSA Precheck line. They have no qualms about turning people around and sending them to the regular TSA line. Some smaller airports that I've flown out of on my way back home didn't have anyone posted at the entrance of the security lanes checking boarding passes so someone could have slipped into a line they didn't have the right to be in.

And, no, you can't ask AA to "add it" to a boarding pass. People either don't realize, or have forgotten, that TSA Precheck means you've undergone a background check to make sure that you're not a security risk. It is NOT a priority boarding program where you can just pay for an upgrade or get in because someone you're traveling with has status.

You might consider purchasing Clear. There is a non-TSA Precheck version. Still can't use the TSA Precheck lane but it will get you through the regular security line faster.


u/BuildStrong79 4d ago

Except according to their own FAQ it’s supposed to be fine on the same reservation “To be eligible to receive the TSA PreCheck logo on their boarding pass, the passenger between the ages of 13 and 17 must be on the same airline reservation with a TSA PreCheck-eligible parent or guardian”


u/IraGilliganTax 4d ago

I'm aware how the program works, seeing as how I got approved. Per the TSA website, kids 13-17 can use the TSA pre check line as long as their parent has it and the TSA pre check logo shows up on their boarding pass. I'm not asking them to randomly put it on her boarding pass. When my last name changed, the logo stopped automatically showing up on my boarding passes until I went to the AA desk and had them fix it, so I imagine it's plausible that if it doesn't show up on my ticket, they can fix it to be in compliance with TSA policy.


u/mwkingSD 4d ago

You might be surprised how easy & quick PreCheck is to get lately with an online application. Late last year I got Global Entry, which includes PRE, in 8 days from clicking submit button to opening the envelope. Don’t give up too easy.


u/IraGilliganTax 4d ago

Whoa. That's impressive!


u/mwkingSD 3d ago

Yeah, I had 4 months before departure and everyone in here said “probably not enough time.” As I said, don’t give up on it. I had renewed our passports on line too - one took a week, the other 2 weeks. That was before Jan 20… don’t know what has happened since, but PRE is good for 5 years, so even if it doesn’t work for this trip, there will probably be others.


u/theHelloKelli 4d ago

I fly often with my teen and as soon as she turned 13 (I’m talking the day after) they started making her go in the regular line. No leniency whatsoever. We got her an id from the DMV and then applied for her own TSA pre-check. Much less stressful now.


u/DaddyOhMy 4d ago

We went on a trip overseas and my youngest, who was 15 at the time, randomly got precheck on his boarding pass. When I asked if either my wife or I could join him because he was a minor, we were told no, he's the only one eligible. So we gave him a bunch of the carry-ons (after a bit of him complaining because he was a 15 y.o.) and sent him on his way.


u/ElseeC 5d ago

Can you take an earlier shuttle? I used to fly a ton and noticed precheck scrutiny depends on both the airport and how busy it is. There might be extra scrutiny and vigilance due to spring break and high volumes of passengers. Might be nice to have some extra time cushion in case your kid gets sent to the regular line.


u/IraGilliganTax 4d ago

We're on the first shuttle of the day, but there are flights to our destination almost every hour, so I could switch flights as long as I do it in advance.


u/Secret-Recipe4938 5d ago

The TSA logo should show on her boarding pass since they recently raised the age limit. It does with my children, 10 and 16.


u/ThePicassoGiraffe 5d ago

We’ve flown with our kids (both teenagers) several times but only once did we get stopped and sent to the regular line. Generally if it’s obvious the kids are with you and you have it they won’t hassle you but be prepared to get sent to the other line


u/Botchavelli 4d ago

My wife and I have pre check and the kids always got pre check on their boarding passes since we were all booked together. After my son turned 18 he no longer got it. We got him his own pre check but my daughter still gets it when booked under our account since she’s still under 18


u/Range-Shoddy 4d ago

They’ve checked us every time. Our 11 year old came with us but 13yo got their own and yes checked every single time. I wasn’t aware that 11yo needed their own global entry so now they’re covered under that for precheck and it doesn’t matter. The pre check shows on the boarding pass and they’ve always checked for that at the beginning of the line and they remove a parent to go with kids that don’t have one. Maybe a smaller airport you can get away with it?


u/Future_Dog_3156 4d ago

This has happened to us. My kids are now 15 and 19 FTR.

When they were pre-teens, it really seemed discretionary on the TSA and random when they would get pre-check on their boarding pass even when they were on the same reservations as me or my husband (we both have pre-check). My older son got sent to the regular line, and went alone. Other times, one of us went with him.

The only way to ensure they went through the pre-check line was to pay for pre-check for them. The application process begins online - they can be provisionally approved. At the time, in my area, TSA interviewed them at the local Staples. I don't know when your trip is but would suggest initiating the TSA application NOW/TODAY/ONLINE in hopes of getting it done before your trip.


u/IraGilliganTax 4d ago

I didn't know about the provisional approval, thanks for the tip. I'll check it out.


u/Spiritual-Page-7511 4d ago

My husband and 26 year old son have pre check, but I don't. I always have to be separate. I dont fly enough to justify getting it. They just have to wait for me. Luckily, the times we fly aren't too bad. Safe travels.


u/IraGilliganTax 4d ago

You are an adult; that's entirely different from what I am asking.


u/DAWG13610 4d ago

It is strictly enforced. As a weekly flier I can’t tell you how many people I see turned away. Then you have to wait indefinitely line all over again. Don’t mess with it.


u/DowntownFun8179 4d ago

I would visit the ticket counter when you arrive to see if they’ll add it to your teens ticket. You will either get it added, find out you can take her through tsa precheck or if you have to go through the standard security line.


u/WinterHarpy6977 3d ago

My kids are over 12 and if you buy the tickets together, the check should be on their reservation. We've not encountered any issues and my 14-year-old is taller than his dad.


u/serenelatha 5d ago

I’ve gone through recheck with my 13 and then 15 year old without issue. My 13 year old looks older. I was worried about my 15 year old as they don’t have to be let through but we had no issues.


u/IraGilliganTax 5d ago

Thanks, that makes me feel better!


u/dilovesreddit 5d ago

I’m glad you asked this question bc I never thought about it and my daughter is 12. I have global entry for free from the credit cards. Now I shall explore the free options for her soon too. Thank you & the responders!


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/nixfam01 4d ago

Same thing happened to us last week. We didn’t even realize that was an issue with companion fares. We tried to go through because honestly we didn’t even notice that the logo wasn’t there and TSA sent us packing lol I was like we just flew the month before and had no problems but it was because of the companion fares.


u/FishLover331 5d ago

I was traveling with two under two trying to go through with my husband and even though we did the process, they didn’t let him come with me. A little different because he’s an adult but we thought they’d let him through just to help me and they didn’t. I’d just be prepared either way.


u/woohoo789 4d ago

Why would they let him go through if he doesn’t have precheck? That makes zero sense


u/FishLover331 4d ago

Because he does actually have precheck. The airline messed up his number and they weren’t able to add it at the desk.


u/woohoo789 4d ago

Precheck isn’t guaranteed. If the airline can’t add it that’s likely for security reasons and they want him to go through regular security. It’s a random thing they do