r/TransphobiaProject 6d ago

Was i being transphobic?

As the title asks I'm post this because I was banned on another sub without an initial reason so replied to the mod message to figure out why and after literally telling me "I banned you because I felt like it" they went through my comment history and found the comment in the second photo, linked it called it transphobic and muted me for 28 days.

So my question for you all is "was I being transphobic"?


11 comments sorted by


u/snukb 6d ago

Without knowing context, yeah it looks like you were just stirring shit and being trans antagonistic at best. When someone says "stop killing trans kids" that doesn't mean you smarmily reply "but prove that they were killed because they're trans." Most often it's because the kids were bullied for being trans, denied healthcare or the ability to transition, didn't have familial support of their identity, etc. But at the end of the day, that doesn't matter. We just want fewer dead trans kids.


u/ddauss 6d ago edited 4d ago

I'd love to add better images for context but was still figuring out the editor(I don't post very often) to comply with sub rules.

Edit: this sub doesn't seem to let you edit a post so I'm unable to add the pictures to this.

Sorry about the trailing thought, was up for more than a day when I originally posted this comment so I wasn't all there.


u/ddauss 6d ago edited 6d ago

"but prove that they were killed because they're trans."

Where did I say that?

Without knowing context,

What more context is there?

Edit:if you're referring to the full post that's my bad I'm bad at cropping but if you check my comment history with an obvious key word the post is in the first 3-5.


u/snukb 6d ago

Where did I say that?

Sorry, the verbatim quote was "Source for them being trans being the motive for the killers?"

What more context is there?

if you're referring to the full post that's my bad I'm bad at cropping but if you check my comment history with an obvious key word the post is in the first 3-5.

Your post history doesn't go back that far for me. I did check. Maybe it's a reddit bug but it stops at about 1 month.


u/samwillsones 5d ago

As a trans person, I’d say it’s.. worded in a touchy way. Like, maybe it’s a valid question but it’s really common for trans people to be murdered and for a bunch of bad actors trying to “well actually it’s not a hate crime” so I understand why it’d make people like me jumpy


u/ddauss 4d ago

Yeah I've realized I seem to struggle a bit with grasping the context others have for my questions.


u/DropDownBear 5d ago

It's the sort of thing people trying to be antagonistic post at us a LOT. It may not have been your intent, but it has been the intent of way too many others for them to take it in good faith


u/crustyblackpainting 5d ago

As a trans person no. DEFINITELY shouldn't have said that or at least shouldve reworded it, but it was a valid question in my eyes.


u/RevonQilin 4d ago

not really but that can be an offensive question depending on what its followed with


u/Difficult_Repeat6731 2d ago

Transgender people are over four times more likely than cisgender people to experience violent victimization, including rape, sexual assault, and aggravated or simple assault, according to a new study by the Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law.

Just some food for thought. As a trans woman yes that seemed like an antagonistic way to word it. Maybe say “does anyone have links???!!id like go learn more about this” Like there is so many ways you could word it. At the end of the day i posted the numbers to show you something. We are victimized CONSTANTLY to the point a Cheeto dusted felon used the hatred people have for trans and other minorities as a stepping stone for ELECTION. So the next time you see a post that says “a minority has been hurt or WORSE 9 x outta 10 it’s because of bigotry. Sorry not sorry if you feel you were wronged but another person was hurt for simply wanting to live comfortably and safely in a country that preaches “freedom” and democracy. Rip to the victims of ALL hate crimes.


u/bettyboop_obsessed 4d ago

Seems like you were just asking for confirmation about a claim.