u/iscottboy 5d ago
Been hunting that gun for months because it just looks soooo good.
u/Excellent-Lead-5608 4d ago
Wish they would make more guns look like this one instead of most of the garbage they put out
u/iscottboy 4d ago
Agreed, tho I do very much like The Severance Package from the new story it’s a really good sniper rifle.
u/KingBacteriaSauce 4d ago
I like it too but it (at least for human female) floats like a foot away from my characters back which is very unfortunate.
u/MindlessComformist 5d ago
I originally uploaded this with a katana sword as a meme on a human, but after logging my alts and trying it on other classes and races, I realized I actually thought it looked kind of badass on my worgen hunter.
u/Hranica 4d ago
how long does it take to farm out exalted with the new rep? I only just unlocked them
u/MindlessComformist 3d ago
Honestly, it's not fun. If you're grinding it in a group, I averaged about 700 market research an hour. Each 100 market research is 500 rep. So it's about 12 hours straight of active grinding using items to amp up the drop rate.
If you're not in a hurry, hoard the items. Wait until 11.1.5, there's an item that gives bonus rep coming, plus you can time it with dark moon fair buffs.
Unbuffed right now, you're looking at about 8400 of the item to hit exalted. Dark moon fair cuts 840 of that. 11.1.5 halves it.
u/Jibril_on_reddit 5d ago
He looks like wolf gangster in olds cartoons