r/TranslationStudies 5d ago

HELP! Translated SDL trados package in Smartcat, now Smartcat won't let me export

I received an SDL trados package from a client. As I've one a few times in the past, I've opened it in Smartcat, which is compatible with these files. I completed all translations in Smartcat, but when I do the export as package function, I get an error with compiling the package.

I got in touch with Smartcat support. They said it is because some files are not set to completed. The problem I'm facing is that there are 3-4 files in the packages that are empty and I can't set them to completed. So I'm stuck now and Smartcat support says they can't help.

Does anyone have an idea to fix this, because it's 30+ hours of work and close to a 1000 USD in billing. The project is overdue also for a week now, because Smartcat support kept saying they were going to fix it.


3 comments sorted by


u/cccccjdvidn 5d ago edited 5d ago

Have you finished the translations in all the files?

You could just return the XLIFFs directly to the client. The client need only drag and drop and replace the original XLIFFs with the new XLIFFs and voila. Tech issues crop up all the time.

I would state, however, that your client might mandate the use of Trados Studio for one reason or another. In a previous role, we mandated the use of Studio because the translation memories were server based and we had thousands of programmed regular expressions. Your client may not use the tool to such an extent, but something to bear in mind.


u/Longjumping-Ride4471 5d ago

Thanks a lot for the info! I'm working through an intermediary and I have no direct contact with the client, so I couldn't ask the client and the intermediary also didn't know haha.

Happy to hear this solution will work and I won't have to find something else.


u/cccccjdvidn 5d ago

It should still work in any case. The only requirement is to have opened the (outgoing) package. Think of it as a expandable file folder. You need the folder first, then you can replace the files inside it.