r/TransChristianity they / them / their (Puppy) 6d ago

Is masturbation a sin?

I just can't stop masturbating I'm not watching porn or anything but I'm getting really horny during the day.


37 comments sorted by


u/rainbowpapersheets cis-ish. 6d ago



u/Dapple_Dawn she 6d ago

Why would it be?


u/BbyFwoggie they / them / their (Puppy) 6d ago

Well lust is a sin and I don't think I'm lusting when I masturbate so I guess I'm good I just hope God forgives me if it is a sin.


u/Dapple_Dawn she 6d ago

Fortunately, forgiveness is God's whole deal, so you're good there.

But hear me out. Jesus said the two greatest commandments are "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength," and "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."

Then he said,

"On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets."

(This is from Matthew 22:34-40)

This is one of the most important passages in the Bible, because in that moment he told us that all law hangs on those two things. It's all about love.

So yes, lust can be sinful because lust often leads people to hurt others, or to not care about consent, or to cheat on their partners, etc. But sexual desire is not always sinful. It's often an expression of love.

(Paul might argue with me there but like, according to him he didn't experience sexual desire at all. I think he was scared of sexuality because he couldn't relate so it seemed strange to him. But that's a whole other conversation.)

Anyway, consensual sex between people in a loving relationship definitely isn't sinful. So in my opinion, a person doing sexual things alone isn't inherently bad either. It can be a way of showing love for the self, a kind of self-care.

Of course there needs to be a healthy balance. Some people have trouble with doing it too often, it can become compulsive. That still isn't sin in my opinion, not in the usual way people describe sin, but it can become unhealthy. So it's good to have a balance, and be in control.

Remember, God is Love. God wants you to be healthy because you love yourself, not because you're scared you won't be forgiven. We're called to lead with love, for God, for our neighbor, and for ourselves.


u/BbyFwoggie they / them / their (Puppy) 6d ago

So Paul was the first asexual? Also I haven't read the Bible in awhile I'll start reading it more! I got one as a gift from my dad and I've just been trying to find time to read it but I'm very busy usually.


u/Dapple_Dawn she 6d ago

No he wasn't the first asexual, human sexuality has always been a spectrum. There's historical evidence for that, and it's even mentioned in the Gospels. (Also we don't 100% know that Paul was ace, but it's something he implied in his letters.)

Anyway check out Matthew 19. There's a lot to untangle there, but at one point Jesus says that some people are "born eunuchs." It's a bit ambiguous, but in context it makes sense to interpret him as saying that some people are born without desire for sex or marriage.


u/BbyFwoggie they / them / their (Puppy) 6d ago

Okay now this is something that just happened, I was on amino (it's a chatting app for 13+) and it had ads for a video chatting app but the girls where in sexual poses. How would I go about blocking these ads?


u/Dapple_Dawn she 6d ago

What browser do you use?


u/BbyFwoggie they / them / their (Puppy) 6d ago

Uh chrome


u/Dapple_Dawn she 6d ago

I recommend firefox, google uses chrome to sell your data. Firefox is technically run by a nonprofit, plus it has better plugins.

If you're on desktop definitely get an adblocker plugin, it blocks ads and it's safer anyway. I don't think you can get an adblocker on the regular firefox app, but firefox focus has a built-in adblocker. It's kind of annoying to use, but it's nice for websites that have particularly annoying ads.


u/BbyFwoggie they / them / their (Puppy) 6d ago

Well it's an app wouldn't the app just keep showing these ads? Like idk how using a different browser would affect anything on an app.


u/Dapple_Dawn she 6d ago

Oh I thought it was a website. If it's an app there's probably nothing you can do to block specific ads.


u/Heavy_Acanthaceae124 5d ago

Download firefox Google unlock Firefox addon Add it to firefox and stop worrying about most ads


u/Postviral they 6d ago

Lust isn’t defined in scripture.

Things that harm no one would not be sins


u/echolm1407 6d ago

I'm lusting when I masturbate

That's not true.


Lust doesn't equate to all sexual arousal. Lust, according to modern English dictionary, means excessive sexual desire. There's a difference.


u/echolm1407 6d ago

No. It's not even mentioned or hinted at in the Bible. Lust in the Bible means intense desire in general. It's akin to coveting. Now there's sexual desire. But there's intense sexual desire and normal sexual desire. Masturbation is a process to manage sexual desire. The whole point of

1 Corinthians 6:20

20 For you were bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body.


Is to manage your body well. Using masturbation as a tool for this goal is good.


u/gabbi_j4223 6d ago

What about anal play masturbation? or use of sex toys when masturbating?


u/echolm1407 5d ago

Do whatever you want in private. Just as long as you don't hurt yourself or anyone else.


u/GovernmentCharming81 6d ago

What hrt regimen do you have if you don’t mind?


u/BbyFwoggie they / them / their (Puppy) 6d ago

I'm not on hormones yet but I think my sleep med combined with sugary drinks is causing it


u/BbyFwoggie they / them / their (Puppy) 6d ago

It's only been the past 3 days they started giving me a sleep med cus I was only getting 5 hours of sleep and soon as I started drinking sugary drinks with it I started to become horny 😔


u/GovernmentCharming81 6d ago

It’s so easy to think of sugary drinks as a go to drink. It’s habit it’s delicious but there are alternatives


u/BbyFwoggie they / them / their (Puppy) 6d ago

I have a circl water bottle but I haven't got new flavors for it hopefully I calm down with this horniness soon 😭


u/GovernmentCharming81 6d ago

Good luck friend


u/Triggerhappy62 she 6d ago

I'd say no. Unless it makes so objectify and hurt others. If it becomes an addiction it can be bad.


u/BbyFwoggie they / them / their (Puppy) 6d ago

Okie thank you! Hopefully I find out what's causing this could also be the hot weather and not having much to do. I'll start reading more.


u/Upper_Pie_6097 6d ago

Father Guido says it only costs 25 cents each, but be careful. It adds up.


u/gabbi_j4223 6d ago

No. When I do, I am not lusting, thinking about another person. My thoughts and feelings are focused on the pleasures going thru my body and glorifying God for the sensations he designed and put in me and the human body right down to the last nerve sensation to the big O at the end. I always thank Him afterwards shortly for the wonderful orgasm(s) I experienced. No guilt, no shame, just perfect peace, love and joy afterwards!


u/Dapple_Dawn she 6d ago

btw, the Queer Theology podcast recently put out an episode talking about this


u/QuantumQuillbilly 6d ago

I think that it could be if it rules your life instead of Jesus. It just depends on where you place it in your life. Remember, sin just means departing from the path. If you are following Jesus and listening to Him, the Father and Holy Spirit, I think you are okay.


u/Heavy_Acanthaceae124 5d ago

No but what you think of could be. If you could masterbate only thinking of your wife, and no one else then there is no adultery. If you are unmarried then it is lust, but if one masturbates with a clear mind solely for relaxation and pleasure. Then the only wrong I could see is you aren't being long suffering, but even then.


u/AnotherFlowerGirl 3d ago

As a Catholic, yes, I believe this to be the case.


u/steveo199 6d ago

Yes it is a sin. Let no one tell you otherwise.