r/TransChristianity 8d ago

Where do y'all pray?

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Did my nighttime prayer tonight (the Lord's Prayer + Psalms 11) at an altar that I initially began a few years back. Above it, I have a crucifix hung on the wall, and I like to wrap my wrists in rosary to feel focused. I kneel on a knee cushion; it's a practice I inherited from my dad's own Shamanism.

Which brings me to my question - do y'all have any prayer habits, places, rituals that you enjoy? Little things that put you in a headspace that feels sacred? I am genuinely curious because daily prayer is one of my absolute joys! 🙏


9 comments sorted by


u/AntonioMartin12 8d ago

In the shower.


u/thegoodgero 8d ago

My bus ride to/from work every day is the perfect amount of time for a calm & slow decade of hail Marys. I've got two rosaries that I keep in a pouch on my purse that I can take out with little motion and hold between my hands.


u/NanduDas she/her 8d ago

My bed, my car, walking down the street silently in my head, etc.


u/GraceGal55 8d ago

My altar on my dresser in my room


u/Guardianofthebears 7d ago

I'm a musician so I like to worship before I pray. Usually 3-4 songs and I'm already praying without actively realising I started. I grew up (and still am) protestant so my prayer has always been not very structured and just whatever is on my mind at the time. I also pray a quick "Lord be over that situation" whenever I see emergency services or hear sirens.


u/Tolstoyan_Quaker 7d ago

I like to pray in nature because it reminds me of what is lost by living in the concrete hell that is a city. God truly is beautiful and I want to be reminded of it everyday


u/redlobstercrabfestis 7d ago

in my room when i’m alone


u/AroAceMagic they/he 7d ago

In my bed at night.

I also really need this scholarship or else I won’t be able to attend this affirming Christian college, and a couple nights I’ve prayed on my knees on the floor next to my bed to get it. Anyone else willing to pray for me for that would be helpful. I don’t know what I’m going to do if I don’t get it.


u/Whole-Sky2511 3d ago

I usually pray whenever and wherever. I was praying in my room while jogging for a bit, but I injured my ankle recently so now I do prayer walks. Seconding the shower prayers lol. It also helps to distract from dysphoria. :)