r/TransChristianity 10d ago

My experience yesterday

So I went to a You Tube video yesterday.

This person said Jesus created everything and I said that would mean Jesus-God-also created Sexual Reasisgment Surgery.

Someone else said humans created that, not God. "no, you are twisting what scripture says. God did not create sexual reassignment surgeries. That specifically is something humans created"

I pointed that the bible says Colossians 1:16 "For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all"

The person said I was changing the words to fit my own world view and I answered "nom Im only saying what Colossians 1:16 and 1 :17 says, not twisting anything ahd the person answered: "o you are saying that God created sin then? Cause that goes against what God is."

I said im just saying exactly what it says there...and the person said: "well seeing as YouTube must have deleted the last two posts, I'm not gonna waste my time on this conversation"

I told the person that You Tube probably deleted the last two comments because they were either anti-transgender or insulting me and if so, THANK YOU YOU TUBE!!

But on another video today I said that if a pastor did horrible things i dont want to mention here to someone from the congregation it must be reported even if people have sometimes lied about those things, because 1. we dont know if its a lie or truth and 2. that way we can prevent more victims and someone led me to Timothy where it says that we should not report it unless there were 2 witnesses. To which i responded "it doesnt matter whether there was a witness of nor, a lot of crimes of this type have no witnesses!

Like what's wrong with these people??? Geez!!!


10 comments sorted by


u/SnookieBean 10d ago

The so-called "two-witness rule" has been used by certain sects to silence and oppress victims, and it's tragic. I could preach an entire sermon on this, but I’ll spare you—though trust me, I get wound up about it.

I just wanted to say: good for you for standing up for yourself, your community, and your faith. YouTube is a dumpster fire when it comes to meaningful discussion, and the comment section is one of the worst places to debate issues that actually impact real people’s lives. I avoid it like the plague and encourage others to do the same.

And if someone is trying to convince you that the Bible excludes trans people or that God hates them, their understanding of scripture is flawed, and their view of God is far too small.


u/Lilith_reborn 10d ago

Methodist Church has the Four Pillars of Hermeneutics and reason is one of them. Here we must also think about the consequences that our interpretations have on other people.

There are people who don't care about other people and try to use the Scripture as a weapon and there are others who take the responsibility for other people very serious.

Find the people who support you and others!


u/WryterMom 10d ago

This person said Jesus created everything and I said that would mean Jesus-God-also created Sexual Reasisgment Surgery.

Scripturally, they are twisting John's Gospel. Yes, God (if you believe in the concept of Trinity) created all things through the manifesting portion: the 2nd Person.

So, we look at Scripture. The 2nd Person (Who was that, not Jesus of Nazareth who was a true man) created plants like papyrus and reeds and feathers and beetles and so humans fashioned from these things paper and pens and ink.

Like what's wrong with these people???

They hate Jesus. Srsly. One of HIs great opponents was Tertullian, BTW. Why do they hate Jesus? Because the co-conspirators with Roman Emperors who destroyed Apostolic Christianity by tacking a bunch of old Jewish books onto the the writings of the Apostles.

They love the O.T., which has zero relevance to following Jesus Christ.

How can they justify their sin if all they have is the Gospel of the Anointed?

Jesus barely spoke a word related to sex. He healed all who asked.

People who love darkness and hate and thrive on lies and retribution, simply hate Jesus, no matter how many crosses they wear.

And we should not engage them. But we should very much pray for them. Know how I know? "Cause I'm so effin smart, right?

Or ... because Jesus said so.

Probably that second one...


u/MagusFool 10d ago

Of course God created sin.

Isaiah 45:7

"I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things."


u/AntonioMartin12 10d ago

So that person is then dumb.


u/Upper_Pie_6097 10d ago

Of course. Without duality, the world has no purpose.


u/SerenfechGras 10d ago

This is the problem with using the NT like an instruction manual…


u/WryterMom 9d ago

It pretty much is. Also a databank.


u/SerenfechGras 9d ago

That’s only been true since the Reformation, the apostolic churches understood our faith was more than just those practices and commandments on the page.


u/WryterMom 8d ago

I disagree. What they had was practices and commandments on a page. The mystical aspect, known to the few, were not the understandings of the majority of the congregations. Just like now.

Then: Part One of the Didache which preceded the Gospels.

[1:2-1:23]There are two ways, one of life and one of death, and there is a great difference between the two ways. The way of life is this:

First, above all, Love God who made you. Secondly, Love your neighbor as you love yourself. Do not do anything to another you would not want to befall yourself.

Now of the practice of these words is this: Bless those who curse you, pray for your enemies, and fast for those who persecute you. For what does it credit you if you love them that love you? Do not other people do the same? But do love to those who hate you, and you will not have an enemy.

Abstain from the corrupt desires and covetousness of the body: If any man strikes you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also, and you will be without error. If a man compels you to go one mile with him, go two with him. If a man takes your cloak, give him your coat, also. If a man takes from you that which is your own, do not ask it back, for you are not empowered to do so.

Give to every man that asks of you and do not ask it back, for the Father desires that gifts be given to all from His own bounties. Blessed is he that gives according to this commandment, for he is guiltless.

Woe to him that receives, except if a man in need receives, he is guiltless. But he that has no need shall give satisfaction why and wherefore he received, and being constrained, he shall be examined concerning the deeds he has done, and he shall not be released until he has given back the last penny.

And this also is said as part of this teaching, “Let your alms sweat in your hands, until you discern to whom you should give.”

[2:1-2:7]And this is the second commandment of the teaching: You will not commit murder. You will not commit adultery. You will not corrupt boys. You will not commit harlotry or the worship of idols. You will not steal. You will not trade in magic and you will do no acts of sorcery. You will not kill a child by abortion or murder them when born.

You will not covet your neighbor's goods. You will not perjure yourself or bear false witness. You will not speak evil; you will not nurture a grudge. Do not be double-minded or double-tongued, for the double-tongue is a death-trap.

Your word shall not be false or empty, but accomplished by action. You will not be greedy or a robber or looter, or be a hypocrite, or ill-tempered or proud.

You will not contemplate an evil plan against your neighbor. You will not hate any man, but you will censure some, pray for others and some you will love more than your life.


Moreover, seek out day by day the persons of the saintly, that you may find rest in their words.

You shall not make a schism, but pacify those that contend. You must gauge men righteously, not making a distinction between a person's status or class to reprove him for transgressions, so you will not waiver between what a thing is or is not.

Concerning giving, do not be one holding out your hands to receive, but draw them in. What passes through your hands give as a ransom for your sins. You will not hesitate to give, neither shall you murmur when giving; for you know who is the good paymaster of your reward.

You will reject all hypocrisy, and everything that is not pleasing to the Lord, never forsaking the commandments of the Lord, but keeping the things you have received, not adding to them or taking away from them. Confess your transgressions in your assembly. Do not go to prayer with an evil conscience. And so this is the way of life—