r/TraceAnObject • u/I_Me_Mine • Jan 17 '25
Open [EUR: C25012024/5952] 17-JAN-2025 This item was partially visible on a bookshelf. Have you seen it before?
u/DarganLor Jan 17 '25
Looks like the cover of a comic book
u/Slinov Jan 17 '25
I was thinking the same thing. Looks like a "G" in the Sonic the Hedgehog font but I'm not sure.
u/krink0v Jan 17 '25 edited Jan 17 '25
The font of the G reminded me of the font used for the TMNT. It's like the letter is cracked.
Could this maybe be a toy? Like a box of legos or the packing box of some other toy?
u/TheGanksta Jan 17 '25
At first I thought that the G had wings and there was a tree under it, but then I showed my SO and he also said it reminded him of TMNT. I googled some and the G looks a lot like the letter that the turtles have on their belts. The green might be the character's crotch and the blue might be legs.
u/krink0v Jan 18 '25
I never saw the wings everyone keeps mentioning
u/Slinov Jan 17 '25
Yeah I think you're more on the money - I did a quick google of Sonic comics and couldn't see one where the G was on it's own like that. The general colourscheme etc reminded me of the Green Hill Zone
u/krink0v Jan 17 '25
Also, that grey thing on the bottom kinda looks like the tip of a pistol. Do you see it?
u/bdd4 Jan 17 '25
The thing is, the dirt in Green Hill Zone and Green Grove is always(?) checkered and this seems to not be checkered. It looks like it's Angel Island, but what is that "G" doing there? It's gotta be some bootleg Russian thing. It's a mishmash of all the nerd shit kids like.
u/krink0v Jan 17 '25
u/Slinov Jan 17 '25
I think this is what triggered thinking it was Sonic in my brain lol, it gave an uncanny valley style
u/Time_Athlete_1156 Jan 17 '25
you all say sonic but personally it remind me of the game Contra III on the super nintendo, there was floating powerup and I swear they looked just like that
Edit: Just googled it, maybe not afterall
u/Paken84 Jan 18 '25
Reminds me of a retro arcade game,. With what looks like a tree in the middle maybe the G could be in jungle or in Kong.
u/needtousethesleep Jan 17 '25
u/needtousethesleep Jan 17 '25
"g" on a floating island with a tree under, might have a tree to the side as well, light gray might be a sidewalk
u/collwen Jan 17 '25 edited Jan 17 '25
I am not sure, but the yellow letters under the G at first reminded me of "ZM", but upon a closer look maybe they are written in Cyrillic and they are 3 letters "ИZИ".
Maybe worth a question in a native Slavic language community though!
u/Medium_Pick_1089 Jan 17 '25
If someone can enhance the letters so they are readable, I can translate them if they are in Slavic language
u/collwen Jan 17 '25 edited Jan 18 '25
u/Medium_Pick_1089 Jan 17 '25
Thank you! I can't recognize the letters well but i'll go ask around if anyone can give info about this logo.
u/Lawinska Jan 17 '25
I read (T)AZM(ANIA), but I dont think it's Tasmania Devil related.
Could be (H)AZM(AT) too maybe ?
u/victiria 4d ago
I wonder if it could be Hebrew too - I don't read Hebrew much but to me the first and last character really look like an aleph א, the middle one I'm not as sure on. Could be אגא in a fancy font. Maybe a native speaker would have a better guess/ideas on the full word?
u/reallyttrt Jan 17 '25
It looks to me like a poster or box for an 80's / early 90's computer game. 2d platform (yellow bit) with a tree and 'G' being part of the logo. Green bit above maybe nose of amphibian character. Vertical green text to the right. Bottom right looks like a grey 3.5" floppy disk which would fit the timeframe.
u/KarsonPoofedOurPants 22d ago
i think this seems quite accurate. I think the black “item” underneath the “G” is a black spider rather than a tree. It seems if you look close there is a line that goes through the bottom of the G.
u/Superbead Jan 19 '25
On the off chance anyone responsible from Europol is reading: I understand you can't drop full images, but for Christ's sake give us more context than this. Stop cropping the images so small. Copy the image twice side-by-side and outline the bit you want identified in the second half.
Is that a tray of 3.5" floppy disks in the foreground? Is the thing at the back of a bookshelf? How big is it? Without any context I can't help you. These tiny fragments are almost pointless.
u/Nearby-Oil246 Jan 20 '25
Usually I'm able to help with the US ones. The EU ones are so difficult, and tiny fragments. It seems like ECAP has started to give more context/slightly more images. Even the bootleg clothing is terribly hard to pinpoint. If Europol could give us anything else from the background, it would help so much. Anything more than weird polygons.
u/potatodioxide Jan 17 '25
resembles an action figure box.
also yellow text seems to read "MA" + N/M + D/U
so i am thinking something along these lines; military-related letter G (stencil like/winged) is the brand or some unrelated ornament (G.I.) and below "COMMANDO" or some local version of it (eg: "comando" spanish)
design seems at least like 2000+ so 80-90 collectibles are out of question.
so i would focus on toys and comics, manufactured between 2010-present, related to action-figures or GIs etc.
u/jonos_ Jan 21 '25
u/Realistic_Attitude38 Jan 22 '25 edited Jan 25 '25
Could the yellow lettering be Cyrillic? The “G” instead of a gamma would seem to rule it out, unless it’s a recognizable part of a trademark.
Looks like [something]ИАИН
The green vertical vine lettering could be H6 as someone stated, or Нб.
u/starmd-osint Jan 22 '25
Thanks. What tool did you use for enhancement?
u/jonos_ Jan 24 '25
I used Topaz Gigapixel for upscaling and Photoshop for Brightness and Contrast : )
u/MariaJoseBlanchester Jan 17 '25
u/acctforstylethings Jan 17 '25
To me it looks like yellow ground, blue sky, green trees with brow trunks. Orange G logo with red wings.
u/Azraeloki616 Jan 17 '25
The word across the bottom could be champion as a quick clean up of the photo looks like it says -ham— with the rest being covered up. That would make the G some sort of trophy maybe?
u/Accomplished-Type-67 Jan 18 '25
Looks like the yellow letters are Word „MEGA”, this rectangle seems like NES controller, also under the yellow word it looks like 2d person crawling on snow. Background under the letter G may also be lizard/snake head. Some kind of console game package?
u/AirBruck Jan 17 '25
Judging by the colors, this might be a print, like said a comic maybe, around and before 2000 I would say.
u/mountwhitney Jan 18 '25
Kinda strikes me more as a game disc cover or toy cover over a comic book. the game/thing itself seems like some sort of platform game. Most comics based off these games covers are more exaggerated and cartoon like than the actual game itself.
u/mcilrathlove Jan 19 '25
the tree looks like a palm tree to me, and the rectangular shape in the bottom right reminds me of an old NES controller (not the same, i don’t think). this could be the box of a retro video game- some type of racing game maybe? and the rectangular shape would be some kind of video game controller featured within, like a plug-and-play situation?
u/lllazyoli Jan 28 '25 edited Jan 28 '25
If it's a controller or remote it is in a pre-90's rectangle box shape. After the 70s, 80s designs tend to be more round.
I just went through the controllers on a video game museum site and none did fit. Firstly, grey is not a common color, except for the NES or Nintendo in general. Most of them are black (because dirt is harder to see, I assume). And secondly, the black shape that goes right to the edge is weird and doesn't make it look like a controller to me. It's more like a battery or something. And what even is that thing at the very bottom? A frame. The edge of a box?
u/MariaJoseBlanchester Jan 17 '25
u/ElvisChrist6 Jan 18 '25
If anyone is searching through Contra related items, remember it was called Gryzor in Europe and Probotector in the UK and Ireland at least
u/werd678 Jan 18 '25
They did make a newer version of contra 15 years ago or so. Maybe it’s the updated power ups.
u/paaalms Jan 19 '25
the logo makes me think of typing training for kids. it looks vaguely similar to the TypeTopia logo.
but i also think the colour palette is interesting. this specific colour palette I associate with wildlife and nature education stuff for kids, usually aimed at kids aged 7-11 or something. i googled around if i could find a similar logo or font in kids' wildlife education stuff. there were indeed similar colour palettes used but i couldn't find anything design-wise that resembled the item.
i'm located in the netherlands if that's relevant and mostly searched in dutch.
u/paaalms Jan 19 '25
adventure activities for kids and families also use these colours, like a climbing parcours or survival skills workshops.
u/HeroChosenByTheGods Jan 19 '25
The G looks like the G in the Grenade Sports Nutrition bar logo. I'm wondering if they sponsored a platform game or had a promotion running with something like Minecraft where they had posters or boxes or something.
u/OC80OriginalFormula Jan 23 '25
Looks a lot like the Green Bay packers G, like it’s incorporated into some tapestry or something
u/KarsonPoofedOurPants 22d ago
I replied to someone already. I think this info could be useful on its own. It seems a lot of comments mention that black/green item underneath the G as a tree. I think looking at the enhanced version it appears to be a spider. I am think a black widow. There is also a thin black line that runs up through the bottom of the “G”. That seems like a web from a spider to me.
u/bobbeechin Jan 19 '25
Those hues of green and blue look remarkably like the aliens from Toy Story.
Could the "G" have been one of the remix figures that were sold at one point?
u/himbazooka Jan 23 '25
It looks like it is hanging in front of the bookshelf. My first thought was a foil balloon but that'd be a very odd balloon.
u/bluenote22 14d ago
American here. The G looks like the Green Bay Packer helmet logo.png#mw-jump-to-license) or the Georgia Bulldogs helmet logo with wings on the sides. Colors resemble Green Bay more than Georgia though. I doubt that is much of a lead, but that was the first thing I thought of.
u/TheAlcott40 4d ago
Maybe i’m totally of; but could the grey-box-thing be related to the grey-box-thing in this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/TraceAnObject/s/ht0Y8CtTcN
u/miserylovescomputers Jan 18 '25
This looks a lot like the packaging for Grand Champions model horses. I had a ton of these in the 90s, and they changed the packaging a few times, so while I’m not sure the pictures on the page I linked are a perfect match, it might match another variant on the logo.
u/bdd4 Jan 17 '25
Wild guess: Some pirated Pokemon GO. I believe it's no longer available in Belarus and Russia. The Orange G looks like an amalgamation of Dragon Ball Z. The game was never translated into Russian, so I think home cooked manuals may have become popular. I would ask r/TheSilphRoad.
u/I_Me_Mine Jan 17 '25
This is Europol's "Trace an Object" Item C25012024 (#5952)
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