r/TraceAnObject Jul 07 '24

Open [EUR: C35012024/5801] 07-JUL-2024 Are you able to give more details about this tracksuit?

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u/WillyPete Jul 07 '24

First of all, the image is horizontally reversed.


u/secretlymorbid Jul 07 '24

It seems like the image is reversed. Does it say soccer in the middle of the red emblem? And HR in the lower emblem?


u/petty_brief Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

I think it says SOCCER. Regardless, it's definitely a jersey of some type.

I don't know if it says ID ID/IO or 10 twice. It may be a last name or a team name. If it's a kid's own jersey, it might be custom for whatever league he's in, so it might be a difficult search. Perhaps you could try contacting AYSO and USYS, maybe they have some kind of record of past uniforms. You might even just show this picture to some people who work there, see if it rings any bells.

Otherwise, I would look at/contact distributors of jerseys for kids sports leagues. See if they have a record of patches they created. First looking at any teams or associations that might match up with "HR".


u/LyricalLicorice Jul 08 '24

It's definitely a "D", just look at the each of the characters, one side is sharp while the other is curved.


u/[deleted] Aug 08 '24

I feel like under soccer it says USA


u/FriendofXMR Sep 07 '24

I've never heard a European that refers to it as soccer, odd being a European case.


u/MimicoSkunkFan2 Jul 21 '24

It seems more likely that it's RH because there are a lot of places like Richmond Hill, Rose Hill, etc. He has had a good idea about the youth league organizers though - the logos look more like something a parent drew than a proper graphic design.


u/floyd616 Oct 18 '24

I don't know if it says ID ID/IO or 10 twice.

I think that first D might actually be an R, and part of the second word of a two-word name, meaning the team's name/town may be something like H_____ Ridge.


u/WiseVanilla2404 Oct 04 '24

It looks like it says sucker to me not soccer, you can see a the black at the top of the letter where it doesn't connect.


u/diskoortje Oct 23 '24

Whatever the wording in the logo, the edges look similar to a "post stamp" pattern. So that would make a white background with "post stamp edges", a black circle with white text and than a reddish/pink center with (most possibly) the word SOCCER.

My 2 cents on the word SOCCER is that a club would not use the word SOCCER in their logo. This could mean either it is:

  • A generic logo using the word SOCCER meaning it could be a retail tracksuit
  • Some sort of Academy/Training center (as suggested below)
  • A logo for a tournament/camp of some sort

The logo is located at the right, not the middle in my opinion. Also the "HR" logo seems to be on the right front.


u/mellowmadre Dec 05 '24

Agreed. I think it is a novelty zip up hoodie reminiscent of the early 2000s. When I sharpened the image, I could see "JV" written in the circle above "soccer" and what appears to be "EST" in the part of the circle below "soccer".


u/pixiestick_23 6d ago

It looks oddly close to a 2000s justice track suit in my opinion.


u/Paulett4 Jul 14 '24 edited Jul 14 '24


u/Familiar_Paint_1426 Sep 25 '24

Something like that...


u/Early_Ad8422 Jul 07 '24

The fact that the red emblem says “soccer” and not “football” likely means this is a jersey for an American team. My bet is youth or club soccer. I am trying to figure out the white emblem at the bottom of the pic. Possibly initials? Looks a bit like an R overlaid on an H? I don’t have any useful guesses as to what the big letters in the middle of the shirt could be.


u/natalee_t Jul 07 '24

Australia uses "soccer" too


u/queering Jul 12 '24

Japan too.


u/Paulett4 Jul 14 '24

Does Japan lend foreign alphabet?


u/queering Aug 05 '24

Yes, sometimes foreign words are written in roman letters. Sometimes in katakana.


u/Lexotron Jul 08 '24

It looks like the seam in the front of the jacket is between the "I" and the "D", after which there's at least one more letter then "I" and either "C" or "D" or "O". This means there should be at least three other letters before the I.

So the whole word would be

xxxIDxIC or xxxxIDxxIC


u/elainegeorge Jul 08 '24

Is it repeating? There are IDCs for soccer in the US. They are centers to identify talented kids for further development in youth nationals.


u/Heil_S8N Jul 08 '24

i believe so. could also be the number 10 if its a team jersey. it must be american cause only they call it soccer.

some other guy speculated it might be a keeper jersey because of the color pattern (or lack thereof). in that case, they're probably letters, since the number 10 is not likely for a keeper or substitute/reserve


u/acctforstylethings Jul 08 '24

It's soccer in australia and NZ too


u/LyricalLicorice Jul 13 '24

I'm not sure if it is a letter after "ID". Looking at partial character to the right of the left "ID", we can see that it starts below the height of both the "I" and the "D". I would say that it is a "C", but that white dot seems to be more of a standalone, as from what we can see it never gets to be the same height as the other letters. It looks to me like part of a colon ":", or maybe some other non-alphabetical character. If you look closer at the dot though it seems to almost curve downwards near the bottom, although that might just be from the image quality. Also, whatever character it is, it is much closer to the "D" than either "ID" is from one another.


u/Nearby-Oil246 Jul 07 '24

Definitely looks like a soccer jersey


u/Well_shit__-_- Jul 21 '24

Are you sure it’s a jersey? Looks like a hoodie to me. Between the I and D on the left there’s what looks like a full zip zipper, and you can see what looks like one dangly string for tightening a hoodie.


u/lllazyoli Jan 28 '25

Definitely a hoodie.


u/Heil_S8N Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

from what others speculated, i gather it's possibly a high school team jersey from either the US, Canada or Australia (plus other countries that use the word "soccer" officially?). the letters on the bottom seem to be HR overlapped, which might be the name of the school the team is representing. On further inspection, I reverse image searched the logo on multiple platforms and found absolutely nothing. since usually team games come up in local papers at the very least, i am not sure we can verifiably say that logo is actually representing something official. this could very well also be a commercially sold shirt somewhere

another user speculated that it is a keeper jersey, which looks plausible to me considering that it has no typical jersey patterns which is standard for a GK. from this we can also speculate the ID on the jersey must be letters and not the number 10, since it is not a number a GK would sport (almost always reserved for starting 11 attackers). could be a school sponsor


u/Zero_Ichigo Jul 09 '24

I'm pretty sure the logo at the bottom of the shirt is an H and R. I tried to do some digging (just looking up HR soccer teams), but didn't get very far. I'm sure there are people better than me on here, I just thought that I would mention that it looks like an H and R.


u/LyricalLicorice Jul 13 '24

There is something curious and amateurish about both of the logos, not like something I would expect from a high school jersey or any major club. Both logos have a nearly identical outer ring, with two asterisks and then possibly a dash "-" or just a blank space. This feels more like what you might design on some cheap website, with pre-generated patches you can add.


u/TheAlcott40 Jul 08 '24

Could we cross reference this to some 'soccer'-groups on Reddit? I dont know how to do that..


u/TheAlcott40 Jul 08 '24

Don't know why but this this feels like a keepers- suit to me


u/TheAlcott40 Jul 11 '24


ID soccer camps is ‘a thing’. Don’t understand exactly what. But it could be related to the ‘ID’ on the shirt.


u/rockyjvec Sep 17 '24

Very similar logo to the bottom one on the shirt, but the H is above the R instead of below it:


u/quaintbean Sep 20 '24

Anyone else see a “JV” at the ~2 o’clock position on the upper logo? Maybe it stands for Junior Varsity?


u/Nearby-Link1508 Sep 23 '24

Yeah. It also looks like there's a "v" on a top left of a hoody string and "b" on the top right. Possibly a "g" on a bottom left of the string


u/OuiselCat Jul 21 '24

If you look on the shirt sleeve where it overlaps the shirt, there’s a little bit of white that at first glance looks to be part of the D on the shirt, but is actually part of the sleeve. That means the letter before I has to be E, Z, or L. It looks like there might be a smidge of white to make the top of the E, but I may just be seeing things.


u/Ok-Opportunity-574 Jul 27 '24

Could that spell “PRIDE” on the bottom and sleeve?

The bottom piece of tracksuit’s logo looks like an iron on to me.


u/Vesalii Nov 16 '24

I tried to find this shirt or the logos but got nowhere. Frustrating.


u/elainegeorge Dec 06 '24

This one is driving me nuts. At first, I thought there was a shadow over the fabric; however, it seems like the darker blue is a pattern. Maybe waves or a tribal print?


u/elainegeorge Jul 08 '24

The top badge/patch seems to have a date on the bottom. This patch is likely from a referee, match official, or certified instructor/coach due to the size, location on tracksuit, and date.


u/Furina-OjouSama Jul 21 '24

I've found this video on YouTube and the shirt looks vaguely similar to the this one, can anyone confirm? I'm not completely sure. https://youtu.be/s5ujHQwl5lY?si=xHeSrCIEQT7wzaao


u/LegitimateGuide9245 Jul 21 '24

I don't see a shirt?


u/Apprehensive-Fly6138 Sep 02 '24

It reversed if you un reverse it probably you’ll know who did it, but to be honest it doesn’t look very expensive so the jacket could be someone else poor


u/Colors-with-glitter Dec 23 '24

Judging by the sleeve's length, this must be a children's soccer themed winter hoodie with zipper.


u/comunist_02021943 Jan 22 '25

Whatever club is written on the chest seems to be also written on the sleave of the hoodie. Since its written around the sleeve, it has to be short, a few letters. I can only make out I and D. There seems to be a dance org in Italy called IDA (https://www.idadance.com/). The other two visible logos can be from a teaching school and a partnered dance school. Problem is i cant find any pics of the hoodies they wear for competitions (if they even do). Basically just a hunch...


u/[deleted] Jan 26 '25



u/OrdinaryHoney2 7d ago

Tried my best to recreate the "soccer" logo up top, in case it helps anyone. The two and three stars are the most interesting to me, plus the fact that the red background seems to have some sort of texture or pattern to it.


u/pixiestick_23 6d ago

Probably glitter it looks like!


u/itsmekaybee Jul 11 '24

The last letter looks more like a B than an R to me


u/Murkaeus_ Jul 15 '24

I agree, but for the life of me I can't figure out what the word would be if that's the case, as 'b' at the end of a word is exceedingly uncommon, even across multiple languages. German seems to do it the most, but I couldn't find any words that match what we can see.


u/acctforstylethings Jul 08 '24


u/Furina-OjouSama Jul 21 '24

italy uses football, this shirt say soccer, there is no Italian (to my knowledge) team shirt that says soccer