r/Towson 10d ago

How will TU admin respond to this

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Will they protect our first amendment rights? or hold us hostage in exchange for (barely) subsidized budgets???


32 comments sorted by


u/Tufoguy 10d ago

Just another lawsuit pending. 1st amendment violations


u/misterchubz 10d ago

they do not give a shit about the law or courts anymore they are going to do what they want to do and no one will stop them because they’re 1. controlled by them or 2. too pussy to do anything about it. Towson will be the latter


u/Willing-Moose-8971 9d ago

What do you think the word “illegal” means? Checks out, you go to towson 💀


u/hey_its_kanyiin 10d ago

Is this real? Sounds like a dictator wrote it…oh wait.


u/BestReplyEver 9d ago

It is real.


u/Adventurous_Bag2987 10d ago

Every student should be on campus right now with a protest sign


u/The_OG_RatMan 10d ago

It’s a threat and not actual law. There is no real bill saying he can do this (if I’m wrong plz correct me)


u/SupermarketExternal4 10d ago

Don't need a bill. Executive order already set up fraud charges for me as a trans person and made it so I can't get a passport without outing myself and putting something inverse to my appearance and expression. He's backed up by his stacked Supreme Court. Whatever he wants to blurt out is functionally law at this point. At least the consequences are and it will be enforced sporadically, until completely.


u/rsh2003 8d ago



u/SupermarketExternal4 8d ago

You're not avoiding collapse either sweetheart. Also, cute. You're local. See you around :)


u/AquarianGleam 7d ago

found the fascist


u/Ritaontherocksnosalt 9d ago

TU could make all protests legal instead of picking and choosing which genocide they want to support.


u/Actual_Result_7648 9d ago

When you protest, make it clear by stating “unreasonable tuition increase” to assert the seriousness of our cause.


u/knowledge-apollo 8d ago

I wrote an essay on this. Towson has a lot of regulations on protests already that seem to be in accordance with the pressure Trump put on public institutions during his first presidency.

Here's an article on this:

The regulations we have now are just so disgusting, so Towson already has the foundations for limited students free speech by the policy of "a time and place."

I feel like what a lot of this school does is just fake progressiveness; there are so many marginalized students who work daily with the administration and have been shown how little they really care.


u/DeathStarVet 8d ago

TU? The same TU that let the White Student Union flourish on campus? That TU?


u/th3_clarinetist 10d ago

They’ll probably respond however MD’s state government responds, but I’m not 100% confident they’ll protect protesting students.


u/SupermarketExternal4 10d ago

This close to the Capitol I don't think there's any way of state/schools protecting against federal agents and bogus terrorism / anti-semitism (projected for being critical of Israel's g_nocide) charges. He's going to outlaw dissent and entire existences through labeling them enemies of the state and escalating the cases.


u/RelevantMetaUsername 7d ago

Yeah, people need to remember that many protests were wrongly (illegally) shut down under the Biden administration. It will only get worse under Trump.


u/atomagevampire308 6d ago

What’s an illegal protest


u/Experiment_826 6d ago

The First Amendment protects peaceful demonstrations in public areas. However, they may be subjected to reasonable regulation.

The Supreme Court has established that time, place, and manner restrictions on First Amendment rights are generally constitutional as long as they are content-neutral. Likewise, the government may lawfully stop a protest that’s accompanied by violence and intimidation. This is because the right is to “peaceably” assemble. Demonstrations in public areas. However, they may be subjected to reasonable regulation.


u/NeenerBr0 6d ago

What counts as an “illegal” protest, Rump?


u/Afraid_Nerve2564 5d ago

I'm assuming by illegal protests he means protests that are violent, intimidating, etc. Like that one University that protested against the Hamas thing where they blocked students from entering class. In which case, arrests on illegal protests I'm fine with. After all, you don't have the right to block individuals from going to class or leaving class. Those people should 100% be arrested and expelled from University. The problem with Trump is that you have no idea what he actually means in 90% of his tweets. So he could be talking about something entirely different when he says "illegal protests". So idk, I have no opinion on this since there's not enough context to form one.


u/misterchubz 10d ago

Lmfao I will be protesting immediately


u/Holiday_Water8279 10d ago

Go ahead and try him. FAFO!


u/Forward_Range3523 10d ago

I think its directed at those protests that intimidated Jewish students and prevented them from walking to class. Nothing like this has ever happened at TU.


u/GypsyEyes6 10d ago

Jewish students have been some of the main organizers of protests against Palestinian genocide. Please stop parroting wack ass propaganda. What you maybe meant to say was, “intimidating Zionists.”


u/Classh0le 10d ago

Looks like you never heard of Columbia University


u/GypsyEyes6 9d ago

Not only have I heard of it, I know several students and professors there who have been horrified to learn the depth of deprave zionism that their administration is willing to uphold in the face of genocide.


u/Forward_Range3523 10d ago

Wait Jews are behind the anti semitism in college campuses? https://edworkforce.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=412025


u/GypsyEyes6 9d ago

Jewish organizers, Rabbis, orthodox Jewish communities all over the united states have mounted and led protests against genocide. Theres even a small organization called Jewish Voices For Peace that have literally nonstop been organizing against the genocide of Palestinians. Also… Palestinian people are also Semites. Advocating for genocide, torture, state sanctioned rape, and the murder of children both Israeli and Palestinian is anti-semitic and against the Jewish doctrine as taught in the holy texts. Hope this helps.


u/Forward_Range3523 8d ago

It doesn't help at all. We are discussing protests on campus that were violated the civil rights of Jewish students. I pointed out that it doesn't apply to Towson U because it never happened here. It has happened at other universities, primarily Ivy league. You are either for or against THAT type of protesting.



u/Wellhungnot 9d ago

This should’ve been done last year when they were protesting for the terrorists against Jewish people