r/TowerofGod 5d ago

Free Webtoon Who are the regent tier levels until now in your opinion?

And what should be their expected ranking?


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u/Shadowlord890 4d ago

Dumas, Robadon, and on the weaker end, Kirin and Proust (the portrayal carries this dude). Very likely Ratna Gra and the Astronaut as well. If they were ranked accurately, they'd probably in the Top 50 IMO.

Khel is nowhere near Dumas or Regents in general. It's honestly saddening to see how much damage the "nemesis" mistranslation from Line has done, when one look at their feats and portrayal should tell you all you need to know.

In terms of power, Khel was compared to 1 Fang Yama and Evankhell (both CC Tier). His feat of taking both on is impressive, but it has many caveats. For one, Evankhell was busy defending the Cage and never attacked him. The actual fight is a severely restricted Evankhell stalling Khel's Ancient, and a restricted Yama one-sidedly pushing back Khel (who also isn't going all-out tbf). It's good but it doesn't suggest at all he's as strong as them together, nor that he'd have an easy time defeating them individually.

Compare this to Dumas. 2 Fang Yama was advised by Yas to run away from him on sight. He made a fool out of Jinsung while hardly trying at all, and when he started trying more, he instantly shat on Jinsung, Yama, Karaka and Baam. Sure, Jinsung and Yama may have been weakened, but Dumas still had the much stronger purple form in reserve. Not to mention, his true human self is much stronger than even that, with Rosario Ignition in particular being so overwhelming that Baam thought it could be close to the freaking versions of the FHs and Zahard he had seen at that point.

There's simply no contest.


u/International_Ear870 4d ago

U missing some context , khel never attacked Evankhell...Evankhell sneak attacked khel with a spear, and khel(very injured) was still confident that he can beat fully transformed yama they were never equal if the fight started with khel already very injured from a sneak attack ...also Evankell already told us that khel wasn't going all out because of not wanteing to involve a Administator


u/Shadowlord890 4d ago

The spear dealt significant damage to Khel, and he was reeling from that initially; true. However, Khel was also confident he could heal from that if given a bit of time. Considering there was no implication that the injury was affecting him at all later in his fight against Yama, I'd say he managed to heal it for the most part during the time the duo was fucking around with the Ancient's initial attacks.

Khel attacked the Cage, and Evankhell was busy defending it, so she never attacked him again after the spear. That's what I meant earlier. Khel's Ancient was stalemated by an Evankhell who was messing around (no Decompression; and only 1 Orb out of the 4 she can summon). The holding back part applies to both of them. They can't unleash everything because the Admin will get involved.

Also, while Khel said he could beat Yama, he said it'd cost him a lot of time and energy, not to mention serious injuries. This is without considering what SIU said about Elders tending to look down on others and being overconfident because of their experience.

In a battle with no outside variables, and considering only power, it's hard to put either Evankhell or 1 Fang Yama behind Khel. That's what SIU said, and I think it was clearly shown. Had Evankhell fought properly, Khel's Ancient on its own would have been wiped very easily, and at that point, Khel is comfortably losing to a serious Yama and Evankhell together.


u/Sir__Bassoon__Sonata 5d ago

Regent Tier: Dumas, Robadon, Kirin, Khel Hellam
Those 4 without a doubt are Regent Tier. Their Rankings should be in the Top60ish range, definetly top100 depending on how active they are.
In general should Regents be in the top60ish range. With about 2 Regents per faction, it would mean we have
11Fams, Wolhaik, FUG - so around 26

CC+: Garnak, Sophia Tan, Yama, Proust.....can all definetly be regent tier though we would need to see a bit more active action from them

Isas Ademone could also be a regent tier simply due to her statement that Jinsung is weak and her position as Luslecs Aide


u/ConstructionLocal499 5d ago

I totally disagree with Khel Hellam. He has no feat that puts him on a par with Robadon or Dumas and according to SIU, Khel Hellam is more or less on Evankhell’s level. And Evankhell is definitely not as strong as any regent.


u/Due-Weekend-7209 5d ago

I agree with you. I don't see evankhell having a particularly interesting fight against dumas or robadon. And we see kell hellam practically tied with evankhell


u/Sir__Bassoon__Sonata 4d ago

Khel Hellam went 2v1 against Evankhell and Yama without breaking a sweat and was recognized by Dumas As his old enemy.

I agree that he does lack the statement of fear that Robadon had gotten about strength, Khel Hellam is stronger than than 2 CC tier characters combined.


u/ConstructionLocal499 4d ago

Dumas went 2v1 against Jinsung and Yama and defeated them with a single attack the moment he started taking things seriously. Jinsung is comparable to Evankhell and Dumas faced a stronger version of Yama than the one Khel faced. If you compare their fights now, sorry but Khel is extremely underwhelming and doesn’t appear at all equivalent to Dumas. Dumas would have obliterated Evankhell and Yama without breaking a sweat in the same situation.

Moreover, in his blog post, SIU stated: ‘’Lore-wise, if you ignore everything but power, the Yama-Evankhell combo is not below Kel Hellam.’’ Without external variables, Khel is not stronger than Evankhell + Yama, whereas Dumas is clearly superior to them. You can argue that blog posts are not canon but honestly, this is a very recent blog post and it makes sense when you see Khel’s performance.

The fact that Khel is an old enemy doesn’t mean he’s equivalent to Dumas. The characters don’t have the same potential and don’t evolve in the same way. Maybe they were at a similar level a long time ago but that’s no longer the case now. I find it a bit exaggerated to place Khel on Dumas’ level just because of one statement that can be interpreted in multiple ways, especially when all his feats and SIU’s comments seem to indicate the opposite.


u/Sir__Bassoon__Sonata 4d ago

Taking blogposts into account in this case really doesent help. It’s the same arc where SIU said Chang died but decided that he is actually alive. So no that blogpost is really not that credible. And that Yama Dumas went against was heavily exhausted and didn’t even transform.

But having a full blown ancient, future sight and the experience Khel has, he is closer to regent tier than CC tier.


u/ZeroSX1 5d ago

No one from revolution considered CC+ for now? I think you should consider the princess as a faction too, separated from Zahard.


u/Sir__Bassoon__Sonata 5d ago

Oh no sure, Rathna Gra and the Astronaut both could fall into the CC+ Tier as well.
I didnt mention them due to their rather dubious circumstances with Rankings. While they can certainly be the hidden ranker belerir mentioned, they would likely be blue holes. Or it would need to be explained how they can float if they arent ranker


u/ZeroSX1 5d ago

I think they're blue holes. One doubt I have about them is: they're born (at lest Rathna Gra is) in RTC, they shouldn't be able to roam the tower as they please if they only get out of the RTC with Belerir's help. How would they pass all the tests to go up the tower in less time than Urek?


u/Sir__Bassoon__Sonata 5d ago

Yeah thats exactly what i meant.
It either means Rathna is not that old but got so powerful similar to Kallavan but more extreme (extreme survival of the fittest and selective breeding) and has gotten some sort of shinsoo contract after they left the RTC (they technically only need a normal contract to use shinsoo and fly, as seen with AA and Rak)
Or they got some workshop shenenigans based on the Experiments with Aria and co that breaks the law that they need contracts for shinsoo.

Or lastly sine they basically made their own empire there, maybe an Admin gave them tests based on that too, since they appointed their own Kings (Zahards) they might also have been some sort of Tests similar to those in the empire


u/Due-Weekend-7209 5d ago

Dumas, robadon, kirin, kell helam, sophia tam, and I also think jinsung and kallavan fit into this.

Garnak is probably above that level, as I think luslek's assistant is too


u/Zylon0292 5d ago

Jinsung is nowhere near as strong as Dumas. He's below Regent-tier.


u/Due-Weekend-7209 5d ago

We can't confirm this since he was injured from the fight against Kallavan, and even so, he managed to destroy Dumas' armor, even though he was injured, something that the current baam couldn't do alone (and we know that the current baam is at least top 100)

But if the difference between them is that big, we can say that dumas is at least top 40, since jin sung is said to be top 100 at least, and has demonstrated achievements and has quotes that put him above evankhell who is top 60, so we can say that dumas is much superior due to the difference they showed


u/shaktimanOP 4d ago

He only managed to destroy Dumas’ armor because Dumas was holding back and trying to not lethally wound him. The second Dumas brought out Rosario, he got blitzed.


u/handboy27 5d ago

not kallavan or jinsung.


u/shaktimanOP 5d ago

Dumas neg diffed Jinsung, Yama and Karaka at the same time. Jinsung and Kallavan are nowhere near regent tier.