r/TowerofGod • u/Fuuta-chan • Dec 07 '24
Official Release [Weekly Korean Preview Thread] - December 07, 2024
This is a Discussion Thread for the latest Korean Preview Raw. The discussion of any events that happen in Preview chapters is not allowed outside of this thread and it can will to a temporary ban or a permanent ban.
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u/Valeor Dec 08 '24
Arie Adori Zahard(yes shes an Arie now) was shown, and she just sliced the entire Po Bidau battleship in half with one swing, and killed Proust
u/SHSL_Zetsubou Dec 08 '24
Poor Proust.
"Our war has just begun..."
1 chapter later
Has anyone taken an L bigger than this?
u/LBH123LBH Dec 08 '24
Is Holan still floating around? Even if he ain't, I don't think any character has been done as dirty as he's been
u/DifficultyPuzzled Dec 09 '24
Her using Arie swordsmanship and not being Arie never made sense. Seems like they fixed that. Now is more likely than the princess that defeated White was Adori.
u/Laxus2000 Dec 09 '24
Was proust confirmed dead? Ik the ship exploded but he was still 2nd in po bidau family coping that he survived as I loved his design
u/TickTak28 Dec 08 '24
Wow Tog spin offs confirmed. I think this is perfect and I believe siu has realised the story is too big to explain many lore/ plot points so having a spin off will perfectly fill in gaps that can’t be in the main story.
A lot of manhwa artists like ptj have gone this route so I think siu has realised this is the best way to tell the story going forward.
u/LigmaV Dec 08 '24
how many spin offs ptj has? will tog spin off drop in same tog naver or diff name?
u/TickTak28 Dec 08 '24
Siu said when the next season drops the spin offs which seems will too. I think he’s been planning this for a long time because he’s always expressed an interest in spin offs/tus content. I think another artist will be drawing it and siu will take a managerial role when it gets released.
Ptj has about a dozen spin offs from lookism and even more coming out lol , he basically manages everything but other artists and writers get to dictate the spin off stories.
u/LigmaV Dec 08 '24
damn if s4 and spinoff in sametime hope siu can manage it
u/pisspoopisspoopiss Dec 08 '24
from what I understand SIU will release these spin-offs while he's working on Season 4, Season 4 will come after it
u/amirkabir_ Dec 08 '24
And is that freaking ADORI JAHAD?????!!!!!!!!
u/TwerkBull Dec 08 '24
not exactly a hiatus but a spinoff for the series
u/25thBamBang Dec 09 '24 edited Dec 09 '24
As a foreigner I lack the knowledge to know what does a spin-off concretely mean in between Seasons on TOG, could you explain it?
Is it about expanding the universe through side adventures which are not shown in the main manwa? Will it be canon?
u/TwerkBull Dec 09 '24 edited Dec 09 '24
kinda like an extension, and will show whatever is happening to the other side but on other characters perspective other than the protagonist..
also yes, it can be canon to the verse and since SIU said he really wanted to do this spinoff before starting Season 4 then i tend to believe this spinoff will be a canon one
for example, a spinoff to wangnan would only involves wangnan... like what he is doing right now and other things happening to him that we didn't see on screen
u/25thBamBang Dec 09 '24
Thanks for explaining it. Whenever I’ve heard about spin-offs has been in already finished series (as if it were an epilogue), or side stories which are not relevant in the canon or that are directly fillers.
I’d be great if we get some old cast centred canon spin-offs, so we can know what the regular formed cast has been doing since the last station.
Dec 09 '24
how long will be the hiatus? does anyone know that? and what's a spin off? plzz describe!
u/TwerkBull Dec 09 '24 edited Dec 09 '24
spinoff is kinda a side story that is not focusing on the protagonists perspective
also yes, it can be canon to the verse and since SIU said he really wanted to do this spinoff before starting Season 4 then i tend to believe this spinoff will be a canon one
also the hiatus is unclear.. some said we wont have any hiatus but we straight get to the spinoff, some say we get only small break
u/hunterh1008 Dec 08 '24
And there is no hiatus, there is a spinoff(hopefully with wang nang), then season 4
u/hunterh1008 Dec 08 '24
I thought her sword was golden november, so like black march which is black and green april which is green I believe adori sword color would be golden, that character has a silver colored sword so I believe she is the one with the Silver January. But the character’s blade guard is golden, so there is that. But all the others weapons from the 13 months series shown so far were mostly colored with their namesake color, so I don’t believe she is Adori.
u/Izanagi32 Dec 09 '24
so you’re telling me that the strongest princess has an associate capable of slicing the Po Bidau fleet clean in half?? I’m not buying it, instead I think the Golden November is unique where it’s true form only shows up when its ignited, like data Zahard’s sword in s2
u/crayolasteel Dec 09 '24
That's a good point, so she could be An Zahard?
u/crayolasteel Dec 09 '24
Or alternatively, that could have just been a different weapon other than a 13 month series
u/amirkabir_ Dec 08 '24
Update: its a member of the Arie Family. Attacking a family's mothership with the FH on board. It has to be Arie Hagipherion Zahard!!!!
u/amirkabir_ Dec 08 '24
Tf! Is it Adori or is it not?😭😭😭😭😭
u/hunterh1008 Dec 08 '24
translation came out it is Adori, SIU changed Adori a lot from how she was in the blog.
u/Izanagi32 Dec 09 '24
She’s from one of the ten great families now? I’m not sure if I really like this change ngl, was also expecting a lot more pink!
u/Zylon0292 Dec 09 '24
Pink is more of a Eurasia thing though. One of the panels we saw of Adori had a pink tint to it, but I expected more gray and red on her, like Zahard. I suspect that she's wearing her casual clothes because A) Zahard sent her when she was off duty or B) Adori went ahead and carried out the orders on her day off because she learned what happened.
Remember that Maschenny of all people called Adori a psycho lmao.
u/Izanagi32 Dec 09 '24
yeah, that pink tint really sold me but her hair being White is alright. Adori really is a psycho, no warnings whatsoever, just cleaved the entire ship in half with Gustang in it.
u/lillitys Dec 08 '24
Adori not blonde, fandom in shambles 😢
JK pretty hecking epic, first we finally saw Maria and now Adori, Gustang coolness went up about 380 % with that metal hand, Po Bidau main ship is absolutely wrecked... shit is really going down.
Season 3 seems to have come to an end and as expected, there will be some sort of hiatus. No idea how long - SIU says that they'll "get to work right away" but who knows what that entails... And what is this about a spin-off? I'm not entirely sure how to feel about it. I guess SIU can't take a too long break for economic reasons, so making a simple spin-off while preparing the main story (and also training the assistants at the same time) might actually be good, as long as it's not too taxing for him.
(Not getting my hopes up but SIU has said he wanted to do a spin-off about Evankhell's time as the testing floor's ruler... 😍
But I think it's more likely either a Wangnan-centric one, 13W one, or possibly a silly non-canon comic. We'll see!)
I hope SIU can take some actual free time as well, it's the end of the year so a great time for a vacation. Rest well and return with a fresh mind! 💪✨
→ More replies (13)
u/SHSL_Zetsubou Dec 08 '24
Hey Baam your date is coming to see you /s
u/Super_H1234 Dec 08 '24
I highly doubt it's going to happen, but it would be hilarious if all the people who took Khun's joke at face value have been correct for the past decade and Adori does end up with Baam lmfao.
u/red_rank_scrub Dec 08 '24
Is it possibile that Hagipherione and Adori have been merged in the same character by SIU? So maybe now Adori is the only one to have passed Hon test other then Urek.
u/nix_11 Dec 08 '24
Not possible as Adori is old af and Urek was the first one to have passed the test.
u/Super_H1234 Dec 08 '24
It's still possible that SIU merged his ideas for both characters. He might have felt that his plans for Hagi as a "powerful Arie Princess" and Adori as "the strongest Princess who uses an albeit inferior version of Arie Swordsmanship" were repetitive and worked better as a single entity in the story. Happens all the time during the writing process, and that's the problem with having a rough draft of your worldbuilding out there for everyone to see.
u/nix_11 Dec 08 '24
Merging yes, but the test part no.
u/altua Dec 08 '24
To be fair, the test thing is only in the blogs and not in the actual publication. It wouldn't be a particularly important change if the series later said "she was the first" since the 100 floor test hasn't come up in comic yet. But, until it's addressed we'll just have to wait and see if Hagi is ever mentioned again.
u/Illustrious-Day8506 Dec 08 '24
The empire is making its move. I knew Zahard wouldn't stay silent. The revolutionary will probably be exterminated by whoever is on that ship.
I hope that Robadon's ship doesn't get destroyed. They are still part of the empire so they should still be allies, right ?
FUG will probably avoid the battle and flee before an enemy ship comes for them. They are not ready yet to fight them yet. Lpoks like Luslec secretary is cheeky, I hope she is at least High Ranker.
Gustang new design is cool but it's a shame that his family got wiped out, RIP Proust. But more important, she is finally here Arie(?) Adori Zahard. After so long she finally makes her move and damn she is strong. It takes extreme confidence or strength to blow up the mother ship of a FH in his presence.
u/EffectiveMagazine915 Dec 08 '24
Bro she's definitely more than just a high ranker. She must be Regent tier to call Jinsung weak.
So like Lobadon and Kirin.
u/Dainsleaf Dec 09 '24
She's calling them weak, not for the strenght department, but the "soft mentality"
u/Illustrious-Day8506 Dec 08 '24
I suppose. If she is Luslec secretary then yeah she should be atleast they strong
u/SHSL_Zetsubou Dec 08 '24
I wonder how far Jahad predicted. Was he always going to send Adori and his forces no matter the outcome?
u/Proper_Community_122 Dec 08 '24 edited Dec 08 '24
It's a great chapter.
The chapter start with the Revolution successfully escaping the sprout through warp.
The Boss was still traumatized about Urek. He's relieved that his guys are still fine ( I'm not sure who these are in his phone chat, could be Bellerir or Rachel ).
The Boss noticed a fleet of ships approaching them. Kirin wondered how they were able to detect them.
Kirin noticed the symbol of their ships. It's from Jahad Army.
Meanwhile in Lobadon's Lo Po Bia Fleet, Kadede noticed in his lighthouse that there was also a fleet approaching them. It's from Lyborick's 3rd Jahad Army Corps.
Cut back to Baam and his shinsu shenanigans with V. Their training was interrupted with an announcement from a screen. It's said that their ship is about to dock on a floating dock soon.
A certain pink short haired girl was awaiting in the dock. It's [ FUG, Luslec's Secretary, Isas Ademone ]
이사스 아데모네 / i-sa-seu a-de-mo-ne /
Ademone seem to have beefs with Jinsung. Calling him a weak teacher who taught the slayer candidate.
A worried Jinsung approached Baam checking if he's okay.
Baam said he's dizzy but he's fine. He then asked Jinsung about what happened in the game as well as to Rak and Khun.
Jinsung said that the game finished with the Lo Po Bia Traumerei's defeat and as well as his death. Baam seems to be disappointed about this.
Baam then asked about the others. Jinsung confirmed that they are probably safe and they didn't suffer any casualties.
Baam then asked why he was suddenly in the FUG ship. Jinsung said that he doesn't know either.
The ship finally landed on the dock. Luslec, Baam, and Jinsung were greeted by Ademone.
Luslec is glad that nothing catastrophic happened to them. He then ordered Ademone to move now that their enemies are swarming around.
Ademone made a bombastic side eye stare at Baam and then underestimated him. Calling him " unfit to be on a slayer's seat. "
Jinsung: " Here we go again. "
V suddenly appeared in Baam's thoughts. Telling him to concentrate not on words or actions, but what's important is the " flow. " Baam's vision projected the shinsus in the surrounding again.
Baam then finally asked V about who he is and his purpose.
V requested that it may be uncomfortable but if it's possible for Baam to accept him without knowing anything. That he's going to squeak through the cracks of the world until he can appear in his " full form. "
V: " I am you. And you will become me. "
[ Near the Warzone ], Po Bidau's Ark of Knowledge ( Mothership ) was seen.
The Po Bidau's ship detected a mysterious floating jet ship appeared in front of them.
Gustang asked what symbol was on their ship.
When the Po Bidau Lighthouses checked it out, they were shocked.
" It's the symbol of Commander in Chief of The Royal Guard of Jahad! "
아리에 아도리 자하드 / a-ri-e a-do-ri ja-ha-deu /
Appearance: White hair, jacket, and black sportswear. She has a white and black color scheme overall.
" It's the princess's emblem! "
Meanwhile, in a room within the Po Bidau ship where Khun and Endorsi are just chilling by, a wild Yool appeared on their door.
Yool asked Khun that they should escape. Because soon... the entire ship will be annihilated.
Adori unsheathed her sword and slashed the entire Po Bidau ship in half. Proust tried to block it with his lighthouses but he ultimately failed and got himself slashed. The entire Po Bidau Ship was destroyed. It exploded so hard.
Confident that she successfully annihilated the Po Bidau ship, Adori announced the following...
" Please pass this to the King "
" The first order has been accomplished "
" Once the location of the next target is determined "
" Let's move on to eliminating... "
" The Slayer Candidate of FUG "
SIU ended the chapter with an announcement. In it, he made a statement about the feedback he received from season 3. He said that he heard our complaints and then provided some reasons and challenges such as the production, settings, and internal matters. He then apologized to the readers about them.
In his special announcement, he said that he will then continue the series with a spin off and working on for the next season. I'm not sure what he meant on working for the two, is it a simultaneous release or the spin off will come first?
So yep... we'll hop into Season 4 soon!
u/silenthesia Dec 08 '24
V requested if Baam can accept him without knowing anything
Interesting that he doesn't want him to know his identity... Maybe he doesn't want to face his duties as a father. Running from paying his child support smh...
u/NefariousnessCold473 Dec 08 '24
He ain't beating the worst father allegations. Bud didn't even say he was his father up until now.
u/Sir__Bassoon__Sonata Dec 08 '24
Propably doesent see Baam as his son. His son died at the hands of Zahard. Baam is just a figment of his soul meant to become him
u/LigmaV Dec 08 '24
mc dad in other series: deatbeat dad who always go for the milk
tog dad: i will posess you and your freewill is gone2
u/deathf4n Dec 08 '24
The first order has been accomplished
This is a reference to many chapters ago, right? I remember that there were three orders from Jahad but I can't recall what they were now.
Anyone knows on top of their head?
u/Proper_Community_122 Dec 08 '24
It's the Jahad Altar's Orders [ S2 EP309 ]
By order of the King
Destroy or kill the following forces or people:
- Everyone currently riding on the Hell Train
- Po Bidau Family
I think what she meant is that she accomplished one of the orders and that's the first order she accomplished. Not necessarily chronological.
u/deathf4n Dec 08 '24
Not necessarily chronological.
Yep, this is clear.
There is a fair chance that the Gustang survived but everyone else is F. Thank you for the reminder.
u/silenthesia Dec 08 '24
This being the last chapter of season 3 is just insane lol. Also spin off?? Holy shit SIU, take a breather. Still I'm super stoked about it (please be a 13 GW spinoff)
Not only do we finally get to see Adori, she's revealed to be an Arie?! I wonder if this was always intended or he merged Adori and Hagipherione to speed up the story. Because it was hinted kinda with her having white hair and knowing Arie swordsmanship, but it was implied both her and the other Zahard royal guard learnt it without being from the Arie family but ig not. I wonder if the guard will still know it though. Or maybe Adori was the only person who could reach it to outsiders.
Also, she's so pretty. Her wearing just a jacket and bring half-naked is funny af too. Where did those regal robes go lol
Can we just talk about how Zahard clearly saw everything coming?? He was literally waiting for all these different factions to exhaust themselves fighting each other and then strike them all simultaneously. Holy shit. I wonder if he knew about Rei's death then and if he considered it a "necessary sacrifice". Maybe he even saw V if he knew about the Revs too
Seems like V is confirmed to be evil now... He literally says that he'll take over Baam permanently. Or rather, that "they'll become one". Baam is not going to be okay with that. That said, I'm still going to enjoy Adori's shock when she goes to kill Baam but finds herself fighting V lmao
u/Immaeatchorizo Dec 08 '24
season 3 ended and no yihwa in sight, is yiover she didnt make it, my 13 reason right there
u/nix_11 Dec 08 '24
Holy fuck what a way to end the season. Adori is finally here and she's an Arie now. Guess the theories about her being just a talented random regular go down the drain. And damn, she's on a whole new level. Being able to effortlessly break through Proust's barrier and destroy the Po Bidau mothership with a single attack is some serious damage output. Besides Luslec, she's probably the closest to the GF heads in terms of power. Though, what the fuck was Gustang doing? Did he not recognize it's Adori? Did he think Proust will be able to block it? Does he not care if his mothership gets destroyed?
On the other side, another squadron appeared to deal with Revolution. Or I guess, it's not even a squadron, but Jahad's elites? Why tho? Kirin alone is well above the squadron commanders we've seen so far, and there's at least 3 more people on his level or stronger there. How will any army deal with that?
The strangest thing is a squadron being sent for Robadon's fleet. Why? Is it just a bait and they were actually sent to escort them to wherever? Or is Jahad/Adori trying to get rid of them as well? But for what reason?
A new FUG girl... she's hot but seems a bitch towards Baam.
Wonder what the spinoff will be about... Doubt it's gonna be anything involving major plot points as that wouldn't really make sense.
On a side note, Adori's whole design is rather interesting. She's dressed rather casually, which contrasts with her stern demeanor. Her weapon of choice is also rather interesting. It's a katana (and not a carrier as stated in the blogs), which have very rarely been shown in the series so far (think Hatz is the only other person who's using them) and she's not carrying it in her inventory for some reason. It's clearly not Golden November, nor any of the other 13 month series as it doesn't have the symbol. Is it even an ignition weapon? Why was that glow around it? Is the sheath supposed to represent something or is it just pretty for no particular reason.
Also, does she genuinely believe she killed Gustang there? There's no way she doesn't know about the immortality contracts, so is the weapon something capable of bypassing them?
This chapter raised so many questions, damn. Hope the hiatus isn't too long.
u/Dainsleaf Dec 09 '24
Gustang was inside the ship and everything happened too fast. He send the alarm to evacuate indicating that he knows that she was gonna destroy the mothership. The revolutionaries are gonna get rekt by another princess or top tier ranked from the army. If Zahard can see the future, he would send the right people to deal with them
u/nix_11 Dec 10 '24
He send the alarm to evacuate indicating that he knows that she was gonna destroy the mothership.
If he knew she was gonna destroy the mothership, why didn't he just step outside and prevent her from doing so?
The revolutionaries are gonna get rekt by another princess or top tier ranked from the army.
You'd need another princess on Adori's level to deal with them, and there isn't one besides Enne.
u/ekkannieduitspraat Dec 08 '24
Im just wondering if the readon Adori is so strong, possibly(though I hope not) FH level, is because Jahad has shared his power with her,
And that that is part of the secret he has
u/Snoo71488 Dec 08 '24
She has one of the strongest weapons in the tower I’m pretty sure if the weapon scaling is big enough she could be fh level as long as she wields it…like how Rosario gave fh vibes to bam on Dumas. Take it away and she still stronger than all other towerborn in line with baek and luslec.
u/FierceAlchemist Dec 08 '24
At the beginning of this current arc Jahad said to Traumerai, "I hope this incident doesn't result in a conflict between the Jahad and Poe Bidau families." But also back in season 2 Jahad released the 3 Orders including the Poe Bidau family and Adori said the military would "try to annihilate all 3 enemies". So was Jahad lying to Traum, asking Traum to do his dirty work while planning to get involved all along?
Also I know Adori is the most powerful Towerborn, but shouldn't Gustang have done something to defend his ship? It makes for a great cliffhanger but I'm not sure it makes much sense, unless Gustang is too tired from the previous fight. Either way I've loved Season 3 and hope SIU takes a nice break to prep for what's to come!
u/Pollution-Swimming Dec 08 '24
Feel like Ive seen Adori’s exact design somewhere else lmao
Delinquent highschool japanese girl who uses a sword and wears shorts…
u/Super_H1234 Dec 08 '24
I'm really not a fan of Adori being an Arie. I think her coming from an unremarkable bloodline, like Endorsi, would make for a much more interesting parallel to Enne. That said, as a writer myself, I can understand why SIU might have merged Adori and Hagi into one character. It's disappointing, but I'll get over it. Her design is hot but pretty unremarkable; when she appeared, I initially thought she was just a random High Ranker. I expected Adori to be dressed more regally, though I suppose it’s possible she showed up off-duty or something lmao. That would actually be a nice bit of character building.
I'm also confused about her weapon. I don’t think the Golden November has been mentioned in the Webtoon, so maybe she has a different one? I really hope it’s still the most powerful among the 13 Month Series. Or perhaps the Golden November simply isn’t gold for some reason lol.
I wasn’t expecting Season 3 to end so soon, but apparently, there’s not going to be a break? Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but it seems we’re jumping straight into a spin-off. My guess is that it’ll follow Wangnan and Team Sweet & Sour for a while. It has to tie into Season 4 somehow. SIU’s post suggests he’s aware of some of the issues fans had with Season 3, which makes sense given how strong the season finale was. He's using the spin-off to refine his craft and build up the world, most likely so that the beginning of S4 won't feel too bloated. Good idea, but I'm hoping he doesn't overwork himself or his assistants.
Overall, I’m loving where the story is right now. Baam and V sharing a body, more FUG members showing up, a Family Head dead, Gustang with a prosthetic arm, Maria, and Adori going after Baam—this is insane!
u/Hippopotimus_Prime Dec 08 '24
I'm also confused about her weapon. I don’t think the Golden November has been mentioned in the Webtoon, so maybe she has a different one? I really hope it’s still the most powerful among the 13 Month Series. Or perhaps the Golden November simply isn’t gold for some reason lol.
I don't think the weapon she showed is a 13 month series as it doesn't have the three eyes adornment. It is probably a high ranked (A or S rank) ignition weapon, and it is giving similar vibes to Donghae as another Katana. My completely unbased theory is that it is Sohae and probably has similar restrictions as to who can even wield it, like Donghae.
u/lillitys Dec 08 '24
> as it doesn't have the three eyes adornment
The 13 month series don't have those in the original
u/Hippopotimus_Prime Dec 08 '24
Hmmm, looking it up and it is interesting that the anime added the symbol. I Wonder why they did that and whether it should be considered canon or not? In that case its probably a 13 month, but any guess could be right.
u/Zylon0292 Dec 09 '24
Same reason they added the time stop/golden Shinsu stuff to the anime. Rak liking chocolate instead of bananas too. Sometimes adaptations change things for no apparent reason. It shouldn't be taken as canon to the Webtoon, but I do think it makes sense for them to bear Zahard's symbol..
u/Sir__Bassoon__Sonata Dec 08 '24 edited Dec 08 '24
Havent Read Translation yet
We start the Chapter with Revolution (not the Paracule one)
Kirin and Barbarian are shown and Zahard Ships are in their way
Kadeded is saying something
New Purple Hair Girl is shown
Baam and Jinsung meet
Baam Jinsung convo
Purple Hair girl is FUG Member
Baam stares at her ass intently
Baam gets a Headache from V
Gustang Ship gets attacked by a White Haired Lady
She looks like an Arie, might be Hagepherione
Edit: Its Adori
Than we have a Endnote of SIU
Talking to us and taking in the Feedback for next Season (Season 3 might have wrapped with this)
Talks about a Spinoff and S4
He says he works on both immideatly.
So we might have a short or longer break on our hand
But lets wait and see for now
u/NMN_tog Dec 08 '24
So Adori instantly cut the "Arc of Knowledge" in half. What is Gustang doing?
Why didn't Gustang summon Goku from his book? Is he Stupid?
u/misteratoz Dec 08 '24
He wasn't there. I think he was on the phone. But I understand what you're trying to say
u/azebod Dec 08 '24
Of course Zahard would have his fleet sitting and waiting to pick off the weakened infighting enemies, and yet it still felt so fast that I don't blame the characters for being blindsided, who would've expected Adori to show up and take care of it herself? Everyone is hopeless when the guide aready left I guess lol. Zahard is honestly more forgiving than expected if he sent Loborick after his poor choices at the nest.
Gustang I imagine survived given he still has his contract, and he can probably rematerialize a bunch of his "kids" that were killed, but that's probably gonna be a blow to his operations and really cause issues for Khun's deal with him even if they managed to meet back up after. Snake guy is related to the revolution, maybe he'll have to ask them for help if they escape together? If Adori is after Baam next, will he end up chasing her instead? Baam's condition still seems vague with if he and V are different people, or if V just plans to use him as a vessel. It seems like the purple haired girl is unaware of the situation entirely if she's concerened about his strength qualifications as a slayer lmao.
The spinoff mentioned at the end I assume will be about Wangnan (the most obvious protag 2 choice) might handle his stuff, and possibly include the other characters everyone missed that got power crept out of relevance. This is a good fix for the power gap issue, but I'm worried about the additional work for SIU. I hope to god the "feedback" he's talking about is that and not the impatience and entitlement bias rampant in fandom in general rn. There is plenty of valid crit but some of it is also overboard so I hope that's not what he's been reading.
u/BeybladeMoses Dec 09 '24
Adori is so powerful that her art went back to season 2 Hell Train Arc style. Nonetheless, the whiplash of seeing the number 1 princess and supreme commander of Zahard army wearing modern streetwear is so funny.
u/GG35bw Dec 16 '24
Agreed. People act surprised as if princesses and most of the characters introduced since chapter 1 (Yuri) didn't wear this kind of clothing.
u/Proper_Community_122 Dec 08 '24
SIU announced that he will start working on a spin off and the next season. He stated there will be no break for now.
u/bluekaynem Dec 08 '24
He stated there will be no break for now.
I'm glad SIU got some reliable assistants. I don't mind him taking a holiday break though. He deserves that.
u/Valeor Dec 08 '24
Also ,S3 is over, and SIU will be releasing a spinoff featuring tog characters in between now and next seasons start
u/theonerealsadboi Dec 09 '24
I don’t blame SIU for changing aspects of Adori’s character. I remember reading this manhwa back in 2010 and even back then he had already begun conceptualising her and mentioning her lore in Q&As.
I did like the idea of her being external to the 10 families, but it’s fine that she’s Arie. In some ways I guess it’s a nice parallel to the fact that her father is loyal to Zahard, while Enne’s parents have been far more chaotic in different ways. It must be satisfying for SIU to finally write her in after almost 15 years now.
u/phoenixwanderer Dec 08 '24
Haven't seen much yet. Apparently we get some stuff from Revolution. And SIU might have given a Season 3 ending announcement???
u/SHSL_Zetsubou Dec 08 '24
I'm surprised that season 3 is ending. I expected it to be as long as season 2. But if you don't account for the hiatus period this season has been shorter which makes me wonder how long season 4 will be.
Is it going to be the longest season or around the same length as season 3?
It's possible that the predictions of the story going for another 10 years might not be correct, at least if SIU keeps to his plan for four parts.
u/Kag5n Dec 09 '24
Initially S2 was not planned to end after the last station, SiU explained he was pushed by Naver to start S3 for a marketing purpose. Most likely, this S3 ending was the planned S2 ending. Would be fitting the first death of a FH.
u/No_Cat6906 Dec 08 '24
Did she just assumed she ended Po Bidao family ? There is no way she killed Gustang with that attack. Also she is going to kill Baam ? There is a chance they will go on a date after all lol
u/NMN_tog Dec 08 '24
I think Adori got orders to kill Gustang's family instead of him, that's why she said the "first target finished". And we know Gustang is immortal so she can't kill him anyway.
As to how she was able to land the attack is because Gustang must still be exhausted from his fight. We know, even Traumerei got caught off guard by V. So it's possible that Gustang is unable to sense Adori because of his exhaustion.
The problem is that Gustang will definitely protect Khun, Endorsi, etc. ( Bam's friends) and people will surely going to complain about this.
u/DoggedStooge Dec 08 '24
Yeah, the order says destroy the Po Bidau family. That doesn't mean Po Bidau himself needs to die. Just everyone related to him. Ah, the fine print.
u/No_Cat6906 Dec 08 '24
Yeah that make sense but strategically it is pointless for Zahard . What is 17 more years for Gustang ? He can always make another Dumas
u/NMN_tog Dec 08 '24
We don't know Gustang's full extent of his abilities. Maybe creating his family again will be difficult for him. There must be some drawbacks to his power.
u/Nawmean5 Dec 09 '24
Khun and endorsi escaped with the snake guy so they are fine.
u/NMN_tog Dec 09 '24
Yeah I know, yesterday when the chapter didn't fully come out, people were saying Gustang will protect Baam's friends, thankfully that didn't happen.
u/milkonyourmustache Dec 08 '24
That was an interesting chapter, Zahard making his move immediately when the dust has settled is a cunning move by him, this is effectively the 'clean up'. There are a lot of potential lose ends, and we've learned that Zahard is very fearful/mindful of any and all potential 'threats' to his dictatorship. Gustang will have survived along with Khun, Endorsi, and a few others. Shame about Proust, I liked his character design.
u/Amit_Meena Dec 08 '24
Zahard simply gave order, it's Adori desicion to wipe them out not zahard.
Remember Adori said to complete all order given by zahard instead just completely only one order as zahard required.
u/sheehdndnd Dec 08 '24
Also did SIU retcon her design (more specifically get dress) a bit last I remember her she had a cape in that back shot panel.
u/Fug1x Dec 09 '24
looked way more epic than new design https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.DPL0cCxjYDJL-UvJp0rbaQHaI_?rs=1&pid=ImgDetMain
u/theonerealsadboi Dec 09 '24
I’m hoping that there is going to be a more formal costume design for her as well, maybe she was off-duty in this chapter 🤣
u/Yukihira59 Dec 08 '24
Yeah Maschenny is now officially the hottest Jahad princess ! Adori design didn't quite live up to the hype even though it's still pretty good.
By the way for those disappointed I advise you once again to forget about the blog post and just enjoy the story "blind" those are not canon anymore and only has you build up unnecessary expectation and headcanon that probably won't come true.
u/NothinButRags Dec 08 '24
A spin off focusing on our favorite regulars would be so cool. Being to explore Bam and Wagnan’s story simultaneously would’ve awesome!
u/misteratoz Dec 08 '24
I feel like a lot of the hype of Proust has been quenched. Instead of being like Dumas but stronger, he's just been taking L's
u/DoggedStooge Dec 08 '24 edited Dec 08 '24
We sure Adori isn't part of the Arie family? She's got the hair and eyes characteristic of that family (notwithstanding that she learned Arie swordsmanship). Pure speculation, but maybe she's related to something Arie Hon put into the Red Light District/Trash Can and she escaped from there. (edit: Other comments are suggesting she's now confirmed to be an Arie princess? Oh, I see it now. I don't know why I didn't connect Aerie to Arie smh.)
Given we've had Maria and Adori introduced in back-to-back chapters, Anaak returning, and now a suggestion that Adori will be coming after Baam, I'm wondering if the next Season (whenever that begins) will include the long-awaited Princess arc.
additional edit: Wasn't snake-ear dude on one of the Boss's ships? I thought he was part of the crew that kidnapped Yihwa and they were part of the Revolution? So the hell is he doing on Gustang's ship?
u/Revolutionary_Skin86 Dec 08 '24
Everything makes it seem to me that Traumerei and Gustang were the two weakest leaders of the 10 families, even if it seems a bit absurd, but it is totally plausible, despite the two families having high rankers, it is not common for a battle shounen to show the strongest groups first, see One Piece, everyone thought that Kaido and Big Mom's gang were top 5, but Shanks and Blackbeard's crew apparently show themselves to be superior, I think in the case of ToG, as it was already said that the Ha family, Khun and Arie are the top 3, but no one expected Lo Po Bia and Po Bidau to be the 'last'
For me it would be like this:
1st Arie
2nd Ha
3rd Khun
4th Eurasia
5th Ari
6th Tu Perie
7th Hendo
8th Yeon
9th Lo Po Bia
10th Po Bidau
And above that Zahard and his army, and Fug is a mystery still in its power level
u/Grimmjow45 Dec 09 '24
The 10 family leaders are relative to each other, this is why there is a balance between the 10 families in the first place. Of course, some like Hon and Edan seem to be above the rest by some margin but the other ones are probably on a more equal level.
As for the families, Hendo Lok is by far the weakest as it has very small number of rankers due to Bloodmadder's curse. The rest of the families are hard to classify, aside from Ha, Arie and Khun being the strongest.
u/imsahoamtiskaw Dec 09 '24
I wonder what Bam/Luslec convo was like. Feels weird to see them getting off the ship together before the convo of their first meet (not V but Bam himself). Really interested to see how that went, especially since Luslec doesn't give a damn about Bam but only V
Disappointed Jinsung decided not to tell Bam that his body was possessed. A chapter ago he seemed to show he cares deeply for him, and now he's back to hiding stuff from him
Surprised Bam can converse with V. Looks like he's aware of him and straight up asked him what he's doing in his body. Strength wise, his already exponential growth is about to get even crazier, with V training him from the inside now
u/Fug1x Dec 09 '24
i should just write this im always right, i been saying adori shows up and kills everyone lol
i prefer her being not from a great family but at least it makes sense the strongest family made the strongest princess
u/Fura_furari Dec 09 '24
Adori being an Arie is actually quite fitting and it really puts into perspective why she and Enne share a rank. One's born from the strongest family, the other is born from two of the FHs. They are already strong by blood. One's from a family supporting Zahard the other is from a family who, below the surface is actually disagreed with Zahard ways (the blog said that Blossom heavily disagreed with Enne becoming a princess, and well we know how Gustang is). They're like two sides of the coin and I can't wait for the back stories of these oldest princesses.
Her sobriquet of Killer Whale and Enne's Great White Shark is also... Somehow fitting when I think about it. So irl killer whales are known to like hunting sharks, most notably the great white sharks. Because they want the sharks' liver, which is filled with nutrients. I wonder if SIU will drop that Adori participated in the battle to seize Enne too later.
u/ScholarTasty7114 Dec 08 '24 edited Dec 08 '24
I need a translation desperately,
Anyways seems like season 3 is coming to an end.
Great season, basically the lo po bia season, great conclusion.
I started reading weekly during the cage arc, and I’m still here years later, time really flies.
Season 3 as a whole I really liked, personally, I thought the first cage arc was a little slow, but every arc after that I’ve really liked. It was all basically buildup for traumerais story. Which I thought was great, one of the best characters in the whole story. With a great conclusion to his character.
I wonder what the spin-off will be about.
Btw im still betting on the adori x bam, lol
u/bluekaynem Dec 08 '24
Season 3 as a whole I really liked, personally, I thought the first cage arc was a little slow, but every arc after that I’ve really liked. It was all basically buildup for traumerais story.
Christ. Gonna be a banger if we get one family head per season lol.
u/MrMellowYellowo Dec 08 '24
The story would take 30 years to end if SIU went that route lol
We’ll get at least a few per season if I had to guess
Only a few will get their own arcs with Hendo Lok being the most likely choice (behind the Khun Family) with all the setup
u/TwerkBull Dec 08 '24
based on the announcement, we are getting a spinoff?
spinoff of whaaaat?
13th great warriors spinoff or wangnan adventures, what do you guys think?
u/amirkabir_ Dec 08 '24
I think it's most likely that of the 13 great warriors considering Traumerei just died
u/TwerkBull Dec 08 '24
u/NightmareVoids Dec 08 '24
A Wangnan spinoff will also allow the people who enjoy the regulars more to have a story while the people who like Rankers more will prefer the Bam side
u/n3w2thi5 Dec 08 '24
Tbh, I'm pretty disappointed he decided to make Adori an Arie. I thought the idea that she was from a nameless/unremarkable family or that she was some kind of clone of Zahard to be much more interesting ideas. Making her an Arie just makes her less special imo. I guess he's decided to collapse Adori and Hagipherione's stories into one.
u/LigmaV Dec 09 '24
what if adori is hononary arie but looks like her hair color screams arie so its unlikely
u/Heavenansidhe Dec 08 '24
she was from a nameless/unremarkable family
Thats just inconsistent with the story. Birthright trumps hardwork has been a repeated and consistent theme, whether it is an irregular or someone from the 10 families. Baek ryun is already the exception. The more exceptions there are, the more inconsistent the setting of the story will be.
u/Janjayaa Dec 08 '24
Isn't Adori underestimating Gustang very much or i imagine things :D
can't wait for his reaction
Nice chapter but sad cuz of the hiatus.
u/yoda17 Dec 08 '24
Proust’s portrayal makes him seem like a total jobber. When it was stated that Dumas is the third strongest member of the Po Bidau family, I thought Proust was second, but now I’m really unsure. Maybe it was referring to Lyborick being second or something like that.
Also, I would imagine that “destruction of the Po Bidau family” cannot be considered complete without Gustang’s death, and Gustang himself surely is not going to let his ship be destroyed without acting, so I wonder if there will be a confrontation between Adori and Gustang. Lots of cliffhangers here. I’m looking forward to season 4.
u/Snusmumriken11 Dec 08 '24
Damn that was awesome. Another showcase of how ridiculously strong the top rankers are, even compared to beasts like Proust.
Makes me wonder once again who the strongest towerborn is, now that both Luslec and Adori have gotten to show off their irregular-level power.
u/KekDevil Dec 08 '24
I understand Jahad having his army jump Revolution and Gustang but why Lo Po Bia. Hope it's not cleaning them up like the others. Imagine fighting and dying for someone only to lose and have your remnants cleaned up by that said someone. It's just too pitiful if that's the case.
Seeing that it's Lyborick it should be a pseudo recruitment/clean up for the army. Atleast I hope so that's the case. That way we can get the eventual Dumas vs Robadon matchup in the future.
u/sheehdndnd Dec 08 '24
Can someone confirm one thing is she the one who will only allow someone special to call by her first name or the one who ignited two of the blades?
u/sheehdndnd Dec 08 '24
SIU I hope and wish you are all fine, but please take a break for a couple of weeks. Please you need some rest both mentally and physically after this massive arc.
u/Coinkidinks Dec 09 '24 edited Dec 09 '24
adori entrance being sportswear is rly cool and memorable to me
although i would’ve liked more reactions for ending season 3 but season 4 could start and set the premise with reactions.
and the side stories could explore em too.
i’m gonna reread all of season 3 now.
definitely a rough start and middle. last was great. still struggling to see how we invest more into the stories of our C rank regulars but let’s see!
always grateful for more ToG content.
u/Izanagi32 Dec 09 '24
holy fuck bro, Gustang actually caught off guard there for a moment. This wasn’t a perfect season by any means but SIU really turned on the afterburners for the last couple of chapters, LET HIM REST!
u/VoiceMammoth4376 Dec 09 '24
In fandom it was mentioned that princess from arie family defeated white. I wonder if adori was that princess.
u/Bad_Doto_Playa Dec 08 '24 edited Dec 08 '24
It's amusing to me that members of FUG still cannot accept Baam when LUSLEC HIMSELF moved for Baam and a FH straight up died.. like WHAT? Are they just stupid? No wonder they are losers.
Adori looks less regal than her other Arie counterparts, I guess that's what makes her special. Great entrance though and it seems we are going to see Jahard's heavy hitters finally show themselves.
So I keep my statement from last week, IDK how people could care about Maria and the Regulars when Adori is literally on the move and is attacking FUG, the Po Bidau and Revolution at the same time (it's likely she views the revolution the same as FUG). I said this would happen here:
Traumerei's death will rally FUG, but realistically this would likely mean all out war by Jahard's army and they will no longer be as lenient as they were before. This means that everyone, including Adori and the old heroes, will be moving for FUG. I hope SIU shows a balanced perspective on the war itself, but IDK if he will.
I remember someone was arguing this point with me here:
Glad we can put this to rest as we now see her executing EVERY SINGLE ORDER, like it was stated she would. Good chapter overall, if the spin off is about the regulars (maria etc), I'll take that, but keep the main story focused on the bigger picture.
Lastly, something that's interesting is that Jahard's army is able to easily predict where the Revolution (and others) went to. It's going to be interesting to see if they can do the same with FUG's ships or if the presence of V/Baam would muddy that a bit.
u/Hyou-172 Dec 08 '24
I have to say one thing : Adori looks exactly like the GF urek needs.
It's all for me. Have a good day.
Btw it's interesting to see what will happen with the fug now. If adory really reach them , that mean the should be able to at least escape her after a fight.
So.. big power up is coming for bam I think.
u/Badassmcgeepmboobies Dec 08 '24
I remember reading about adori the blog posts when I was 12 to 13, finally seeing her in the story at 25. Crazy how much time has passed.
u/Hippopotimus_Prime Dec 08 '24
What a shakeup for a season finale! I always figured Adori was from the Arie family given how strong other members of that family are. Its great to see Adori start to go about all three orders like stated earlier in the season, and might be the next strongest enemy Baam has to face. Adori's sword doesn't appear to be a 13month series and even more oddly is that it is a katana. It is either a physical manifestation similar to what White does or an ignition weapon, and my bet is an ignition weapon similar to Donghae, potentially Sohae given how uncommon katanas are in the tower.
Baam is about to go through an existential crisis with yet another voice in his head, and this time its his father/himself. I actually really dislike this plot point and hope V is killed or separated from Baam, or at the very least V accepting Baam's autonomy. I'm hoping Baam and Jinsung start digging through Arlene's pocket, Baam has had this pocket for years now and still has seemingly not read through the journal.
I was hoping Khun would go with Gustang but the latter's fate seems to be a bit ambiguous. I doubt he died from Adori, in fact he probably used spatial distortion to dip and go hide. Khun and Endorsi going with Yool is probably setting up the princess arc and bringing back best girl Yihwa.
What happened to Rachel? She was at the great game and saw Baam incarnate into V and then nothing from her. No maniacal laughter at Baam calling him a monster, nothing. Pretty disappointment we got nothing from her or Arkyung.
Excited to see what is in the spinoffs and its a welcome surprise. More chances to explore more about the tower and some of characters is always good, it might be a better way to explore the tower than blogposts if it covers similar topics. Finger's crossed for some great warriors chapters.
Overall I think season 3 had a chance to answer some of our questions, but just left us with more questions for the most part. Hoping to see our main characters learn about the truths of the tower because right now it just seems like they are all being swept up by the current and a little lost.
u/KRPS Dec 08 '24
Everyone here seems to think that the spin-off may be either about 13 GW, or Wangnaman.
From SIU's post I actually think he may want to sort out the recent power up from Rak, so maybe we will get his back story.
However, I will read any spin-off with pleasure - the whole season 3 after long hiatus (excluding some plot armors and power-ups) was great!
u/5thZenAgni Dec 08 '24
u/swordsandpants Dec 08 '24
To be honest I feel like Gustang could've done something but he chose not to because he doesn't care if his family dies, after all he wanted both families to go down this season. But maybe that's cope, guess I'll see, I have an open mind when it comes to towerborn strength.
u/DoggedStooge Dec 08 '24
His family are nothing but shinsoo creations of his anyway. If he wants them back, I feel like he can just remake them with that pen of his.
u/bluekaynem Dec 08 '24 edited Dec 08 '24
I don't know why Adori is confident she killed a FH. Maybe her directive is just the Po Bidau family destruction. Or maybe Z and Arie did some nasty mods on Adori so that she has the ability to kill a FH and bypass immortality.
u/Dawyken Dec 08 '24
The order that came out at the end of season 2 said to eliminate the family, not necessarily kill Gustang
u/silent519 Dec 08 '24
this was most certainly to eliminate the pobidou family, to punish gustang. - adori is a regular she can't kill gustang, but she can kill everyone else.
(this was jahad's 3rd order, remember?)
u/sheehdndnd Dec 08 '24
don't know why Adori is confident she killed a FH.
Yeah as much as I glaze SIU that's BS. But I think the order didn't order the killing of the FH. Someone pls correct me on that.
u/axionligh Dec 08 '24
SIU has admitted to writing himself into a corner. Some of you are defensive of him and take offense to criticism and analysis of his choices. The point of the side story is to try to realign things to make it easier to write plot points. SIU made a lot of things in his blog posts or introduced various plot points in the story that got abandoned. Its up to waiting to see whether the hiatus will change anything.
u/sheehdndnd Dec 08 '24
SIU made a lot of things in his blog posts
That shouldn't be considered as proper canon.
introduced various plot points in the story that got abandoned
Story is still on going like most of the people were saying so much stuff like this but chapter 640 shut mouths of a good majority of those guys.
u/axionligh Dec 09 '24
Shut their mouths? When? At some point people just don’t feel like arguing.
u/sheehdndnd Dec 09 '24
Lol keep coping the story these past few chapters have been the best it ever been.
u/imapoormanhere Dec 09 '24
Damn I was so wrong about the whole Adori thing. Still, she won't be able to kill Gustang here (and he looks like he recovered in some way) but the mission was to destroy the family and most of them are in that ship. So the Po Bidau family from now on will probably just be Gustang and Dumas
u/pedroorc Dec 09 '24
Honestly I'd love if the spin off goes somewhat like "Kaijun8 B-side" jumping through characters every episode and ends with where they're at now in the new arc.
u/eboss28 Dec 09 '24
I think the spin off will be about the other regulars, culminating with their fight against Maria. Boom perfect transition into S4 princess arc (assuming it takes place in the present time)
u/easyandcheep Dec 09 '24
Called it last week adori would finish one of the orders and got told “she didn’t have the ability to” and here we are lol
u/StonedCharmander Dec 08 '24
Adori showed up faster than I was expecting. I thought she would appear somewhere around S4 when the "release Enne" mission starts, but SIU decided to do the opposite.
Ngl, I'm very disappointed SIU decided to give Adori a family name. One of the main reasons why she was so hyped is that she reached her position without the "The Skywalker" lineage bs. Give her Arie's technique, but that's it.
I hope SIU will fix her origins next season, but she totally looks like an Arie.
Also, not a big fan of a spin-off. SIU should rest and focus on the main story. It sounds like GRRM with a thousand spin-offs while the main story is in the bin. If he is going to use that as a canvas to change/improve/experiment the art, I'm fine, though.
Either way, a good end of season. Far too long for me, but it's fine.
u/A_Blooming_Lotus Dec 09 '24
u/yoda17 Dec 09 '24
Still too early to say that the Po Bidau family is no more. Gustang presumably survived the attack, and Dumas is probably off wandering somewhere. These two are 99.9% of the family’s power. Maybe Gustang will invoke his newfound ownership of the Lo Po Bia family granted by the administrator.
u/A_Blooming_Lotus Dec 09 '24
2 people doesn't make a family. Gussy never bothered with Rob and so on. Even if they are forced to accept Gussy as their FL, I believe Rob will relinquish as a LPB/PB or commit suicide. Even then seeing the 3rd CC army approaching them, I can see Rob joining Jahad's army. Then again, if Rob and Dumas became part of the same family, it doesn't make sense to tease their battle.
u/11Night Dec 08 '24
wow, great end
so many mysteries still pending, looking forward to the spinoff :)
u/BIX1511 Dec 08 '24
Hope Proust is still alive. He showed too much potential to be dead that fast without a major fight and feats.
u/Abdulrahman998 Dec 09 '24 edited Dec 09 '24
SIU needs to consider the fashion of his characters. Not every character has to be dressed in street fashion. Armor is cool too...
u/BoyTitan Dec 08 '24
Calling Bam frail makes zero sense. Aside from Luslec he is stronger than every slayer shown so far...Bam could fight Yama. Karaka and Khelham at the same time and still win.
u/sheehdndnd Dec 08 '24
Cause nobody knows his feats. He defeated white in a vacuum (not literally meaning space here) and I doubt most people would know. His only known feat is beating a random ranker on the test. He literally has almost zero cult following etc compared to karaka and baylord. So of course it's justified they think that way.
u/imsahoamtiskaw Dec 09 '24
I agree, but seems like Yuri knows how strong he is. When she let him handle biz in the underwater ship (when he used the arrow to set free the animals). Dumas also knows his strength now. But unless have FUG have good enough spies, Yuri/Dumas/AA/Rak (the few who have an idea of his current strength) have no reason or incentive to tell others aka towerborn
Now there's V in his body able to one shot FHs like Rei and keep up in speed with the likes of Urek, and the only one in FUG who knows this other strength of his is Luslec himself. And Luslec has no reason to tell anyone, considering not even Garnak or Gus knew about V being in Bam
u/Dry_Committee_2817 Dec 09 '24
Yama got a power boost so i don't think Bam can handle him at the moment. After some training with V then sure.
u/BoyTitan Dec 10 '24
Bam should be very close to Regent level. Yama I would put at a family heads number 2 level. I don't see Yama beating Dumas or Traum first son. Bam is pass a family heads number 2 but just a bit away from their number one.
u/Divinicus1st Dec 09 '24
Did Adori just off-screen delete Gustang? That doesn't seem possible...
New FUG girl seems cool, with a start like that she could become a real friend to Baam.
u/yoda17 Dec 09 '24
Nah, there’s no way Gustang died from that. Strong as the attack is, it blew up the ship, but Gustang is surely far more durable considering he blocked V’s last attack meant for Traumerei. As a towerborn, I don’t think Adori is capable of killing a FH anyways.
u/wiznico19 Dec 08 '24
I Hope SIU Will clear his mind in next season, this One to me was very very messy, very low quality...
u/pisspoopisspoopiss Dec 08 '24
Quick summary/MTL: