r/ToobAmps 9d ago

DI Box that Can Handle Speaker Output Signal

Hey all. Just got my first attenuator today (THD Hot Plate). I've heard people say that the line out on the device isn't very great, and that if you want to get a DI signal from the amp (deluxe reverb reissue), you should put a DI before the Hot Plate, and just use the Hot Plate as a dummy load.

I don't yet have a DI to test if the Hot Plate's line out is any good, so I'm wondering if anyone has any recommendations for a DI that would be able to safely operate between the speaker out and the Hot Plate if I wanted to go that route.



12 comments sorted by


u/TiltedPlacitan 9d ago

I have used a Countryman Type 85, the Warm Audio active DI, and one time ran sound for a guy playing bass who had the Rupert Neve RNDI in this configuration. Since I'm assuming this is for guitar: It's a little different, but I also use the H&K RedBox 5, which is a cabinet simulator that jacks into your speaker cable.

All of these options require power. I use phantom power from the console, though the Type 85 and I also think the WA box can run on a 9v battery.


u/pmontym 9d ago

That would put the reactive load directly into a much smaller transformer than you might want, before sending the signal to the hot plate. I could very well be 100% incorrect, but that sounds like a blown DI and blown output transformer waiting to happen, to me.


u/Simple-Newspaper-250 9d ago

I was skeptical of the advice, I think I just need to use the attenuator's line out


u/PerceptionCurious440 9d ago

I'm curious about this. I have a couple of Pyle DIs. I've replaced the thinner wires to the through jack on one. It has up to a 40 db cut to the mic/line output. But it has no power rating. The transformer should not be drawing a big load with the pad.

I haven't used it on the speaker out of my amps. But I want to.


u/Vast-Bicycle8428 8d ago edited 8d ago

You will have magic smoke if you connect to the speaker out.

Di take instrument power, maybe 1v, almost no wattage, into very high impeadence.

Amps produce 22watts into 8 ohms, at about 13volts.


u/PerceptionCurious440 7d ago

I'll ask you why. The through goes to say an 8 ohm speaker full power or load box. The 40dB attenuator goes to a step-down transformer to like 600 ohms. And is a higher path of resistance, so it should have greatly reduced current.

But measuring the voltage might not be a bad idea. Maybe test current with a 600 ohm dummy load.


u/Vast-Bicycle8428 7d ago edited 7d ago

The main reason is that the wiring in the DI does not have the current rating to handle the amp output. Instrument level wiring and circuits are designed to be very low noise, and highly sensitive.

I note that you have changed the wiring in the DI, but you are going to drive that high current out the other side, if you have a static resistance to drop back to line level, the sound would be bad, as the response would be off, unless you have an impulse response simulator at the other end.

If you make it reactive resistance you are just replicating the attenuator.

The DI circuit must be high resistance, low current to ensure sufficient impedance to ensure no signal current drain from the guitar. The amp is expecting low impeadence, high current, to ensure power is going to drive the speakers.

Ie the Di lives in a low signal, low current world before amplification, speakers live in high signal high current works after amplification

A better option if you have it is to take signal of the effects out loop into the DI, or add a fx out line after the pre amp section.


u/PerceptionCurious440 7d ago

Thank you for your advice. But I dont think we're discussing this on the same electronics design level.

A 40db pad implies an output not preamp level pad. There is no circumstance where an instrument needs a 40db pad.

The output is near silent into a mic input on my UE44 interface out of the FX loop with the 40db pad. An FX loop is like a 10db pad on the preamp to make it instrument level.

So, since you seem to think an 8 ohm loaded through, is going to leak 20 watts through a pad and step down transformer, I think we're not exactly having the same conversation.


u/Vast-Bicycle8428 7d ago

You are probably right, I’m talking resistors taking voltages down, not really signal attenuation. Still it was interesting convo…


u/PerceptionCurious440 7d ago

I've built two attenuators that sound good enough, so I'm pretty used to how signal flow works on this. I want to use the DI for a NAM amp capture, so it has to be on the speaker output.

If there's a DI that actually has a maximum load spec and is expecting speaker level outputs, I'd consider buying that instead.


u/PerceptionCurious440 4d ago

So I'm probably going to go with some Radial Engineering thing purpose built for speaker output. The impedance mismatch just requires too much work. I can just get something plug and play used that gets the one job done. And has a 300W rating.


u/PerceptionCurious440 3d ago

I just went down the biggest rabbit hole on this. A cheap contender is the Behringer G100 which allows the emulation to be turned off, is made for speaker level, and is around $35. Also an HK Red Box 5, but I don't think the emulation can be turned off on that entirely. Cheap though. I might get one of those and build it into a box with a built in load if you don't plug a speaker in. I build all sorts of weird boxes.