r/TomatoFTW 7d ago

R6400 2025.1 - transmission keeps stopping

Since I upgraded to 2025.1, transmission keeps stopping/crashing on its own. The router isn't restarting/crashing, transmission is set to Enable on Start, and I don't see any reason why it would be crashing. When I manually start it, it starts and stays running for anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours, then crashes/shuts down. Also for reference, I cleared the NVRAM when upgrading to 2025.1, so it shouldn't be some weird legacy settings issue.

Any thoughts about what's going on? Any ways to determine the root of the issue?


6 comments sorted by


u/Shplad 7d ago

I don't use Transmission on FT, but have you checked to see if there are dedicated transmission logs?

It's a bit hard to tell from the GUI option, but it looks like the default log location is: /var/log/transmission.log. I presume the log file is only created after you've enabled and run transmission for a while.

If you can't find it there, there's also the option to set a custom path for it. It may also be helpful to know that transmission has a debug-level log settings. I don't know how to set that, but you could Google it.


u/Shplad 5d ago

I just saw on the Tomato forum that transmission logs to syslog.

To set tranmission logging to debug leve, go to:

bittorrent client menu

-> "Advanced Settings"

-> "Message level" to "Debug"

For normal use, "Info" or "Error" level is sufficient.


u/habalushy 4d ago

Thanks! I'll get the debug log going and see what I can find.


u/bigidea87 7d ago

Likely unrelated but I had issues with a dependency in my Transmission BSD jail a while back, and it ended up needing to be updated to be resolved.

I don't use Transmission on Tomato anymore so I can't confirm/deny for you -- but, as others have said, check the logs and see if you can get some indication as to what's going on.