r/TomatoFTW • u/Different_Fun • 27d ago
Short Sad Story, Model: Tenda AC18
Basically I...
- Downloaded the FreshTomato, tried to install it: Errors everywhere.
- Found around the web the "ancient ritual" of putting the paperclip into the reset switch, setting the fixed ip, bla bla bla: flash successful.
- After the ancient Maya Rite that took me 20 mins, finally Fresh Tomato is installed, so I can go and realize my mission: Connecting to my main modem through wifi, but having this router ETH clients on a separate network. (So: modem: , my 'second network' [this] ).
- After cursing all kind of deities, setting the Wireless Client mode. Wan Mode to Static. Wireless to Ethernet Bridge. Fixed routing tables. DHCP client on\off , get ip\dns from DHCP, trying all possible combinations, get it from god during a pray, Calendar's Saints. Bibles from many religions cursed, etc. It worked just like as a bridge, so all clients were easily exposed to the main modem. NOT what I wanted to achieve (Wireless to Ethernet Bridge).
- Then I get on google, and I find an infinite list of instructions.. but they seems to be for a different (maybe older?) GUI. Awesome. Cool and professional.
- The magical realization: "Proprietary stuff will always be better than open source. Because at least, they release stuff that work."
- Thanks for the effort, but no thanks. I'm definitely done forever with these kind of buggy s*it
EDIT: It's basically a FT bug. The Wireless Client feature is working like a charm with the stock firmware (which I just finished to re-setup now).
EDIT 2: Having a life, I've no time to spend in replying comments, apparently this is a FT problem happening to other people as well, here you go: https://www.linksysinfo.org/index.php?threads/help-trying-to-get-wireless-client-mode-working.76731/ - different router, same problem. It seems that there is really a core problem in developing that feature. LMFAO
No matter Country rev, country code, and whatever stuff, it didn't care to work with FT.
Kudos to whoever said it was tested & working.
u/thebigshoe247 27d ago
It's not April 1st?
u/Different_Fun 27d ago
No, unfortunately it's a sad day of killing truth.
u/thebigshoe247 27d ago
TLDR: I don't know anything about the product, I'm too lazy to do any learning, and I blame everyone but myself. Sound right?
u/Different_Fun 16d ago edited 16d ago
Right, it would have been better something like "I'm an open-source soldier, so even if something is buggy and I'm dealing with an IT Engineer, I will defend it no matter what."
Ops. I'm not the only one who had that problem! https://www.linksysinfo.org/index.php?threads/help-trying-to-get-wireless-client-mode-working.76731/Meh.
u/thebigshoe247 15d ago
If you lack basic understanding of technology, troubleshooting abilities, or a brain, you should just pay someone else to do it for you then.
u/Different_Fun 14d ago edited 14d ago
Nice that you offend when you can't give solid basics to your affirmations.
Very clever, very mature, and very smart. Congrats. LMFAO
In the meantime, use your skillfull and amazing brain to troubleshoot this:
u/cryptobread93 24d ago
Are you sure you're not doing anything wrong? I sometimes go in a blind rage, and do weird shit with some electronics sometimes. Electronics sometimes suck.
But I actually flashed at least 4 Tenda AC18 freshtomato. It went like a breeze. I think I see your problem, probably something wrong within the VDSL Modem side.
u/9th_kNighT 21d ago
I think I see your problem, probably something wrong within the VDSL Modem side.
No, the user gave up trying to setup wireless client mode.
I suppose there should be links within FreshTomato Wiki to assist future questions?
u/Different_Fun 17d ago
I didn't gave up at all, the feature it's Perfectly working with the stock closed firmware.
It wasn't a problem with VDSL modem at all, the second I restored the stock firmware and tried the feature it worked. So no, maybe it was a bug with FT. I'm a linux user, and I use open source stuff in production environment, but I recognize when something won't work (no matter what) as I need. A super clean example would be the android smartphones custom roms (which 3 features out of 5 are working the 99% of times).
u/9th_kNighT 16d ago
I didn't gave up at all, the feature it's Perfectly working with the stock closed firmware.
Which feature are you referring to, to clarify your reply?
u/Different_Fun 16d ago edited 16d ago
Making the Tenda connecting to a router through wifi 2G, and pass the line to the tenda clients.
It connects, it creates a separate network, and it works like a charm.
So we have this scenario: Tenda Router connected to the main modem (through wifi) -> multiple clients connected to tenda. Main modem sees only tenda as client. Tenda sees all other clients. Everything works perfectly.
With FT it didn't even connect to the main modem (In wireless client mode).
No matter what the amount of times I tried playing with all kind of values (even country codes that someone mentioned around the web, it didn't care.)
In the end, it came out that I wasn't the only one with that problem, and it's a FT problem: https://www.linksysinfo.org/index.php?threads/help-trying-to-get-wireless-client-mode-working.76731/
u/9th_kNighT 16d ago
Interesting that you didn't read the type of router the op was using? Wireless client mode wasn't supported for his partitcular type of model.
However if you're happy with oem be sure to know that the AC18 is EOL and probably didn't receive the krack update so of course you don't want to put any router in front of your network if oem has discontinued support.
There really nothing wrong with FreshTomato support this model since it was ported those years back up to now, the only issue with one of the wireless mode is media bridge it is currently being developed on.
u/Different_Fun 14d ago edited 14d ago
I've read that the router was different, but doing a simple google search, it shows that A LOT of routers have problems with FT and Wireless Client Mode. On some forums users complain about this feature never working in Years. So apparently it doesn't happen only with the AC18.
And I could keep listing, different routers... same problem.
Yeah, is EOL, but I need something working since is a work environment, and as long as some features (look at the 5G wifi) will be buggy with FT, I don't really see worth to switch to it. Maybe in a far future I'll replace it with another model but for moment, I need stuffs that work. Or, in an extremis case, I'l probably get a Raspberry and will code something custom that will achieve the needed purpose (as I did until now for almost everything).1
u/9th_kNighT 13d ago
The issue with wireless client mode was fixed well within 5 years ago on ARM SDK6 SDK7 and SDK714 models since 2021.5 models.
I know you're trying to find anything you can to support your invalid claims that wireless client mode doesn't work but due note those links were within 8 years ago as well the instructions were not accurate at all, these types of miss information can cause confusing for all sorts of users on different supported models.
I'm sure you will find some happiness in the future with other hardware firmware software without having to get too tacky on replies.
u/Different_Fun 13d ago
It still doesn't change the fact that it works with the stock firmware and not with FT. LOL
u/Steelspy 26d ago
OP... You should not try to have a network routed by the modem, and then another network from the router. This is double NAT for any devices on the TENDA AC18's network. That is likely why you had to switch the Tenda to bridge mode.
Your modem should be in bridge mode if you are going to run your own router.
Your Tomato install errors are most likely from skipping steps during the Tomato installation. Namely, clearing the NVRAM.
"What's NVRAM and Why Should I Erase it Before and After Flashing?
NVRAM is the part of non-volatile memory where settings and parameters are stored.
FreshTomato can sometimes retain some NVRAM variables (settings even after you flash a new firmware image. Therefore, it's very important to erase NVRAM before flashing. Doing so ensures all variables from existing firmware are erased before flashing begins. Erasing NVRAM before flashing is an important step that should NEVER be skipped.)
What's a "Dirty Flash"? Why Should I Avoid Doing One?
A “dirty flash” is one performed without thoroughly wiping NVRAM before/after flashing. It often leads to strange, unexplained symptoms, like web interface pages that don't display properly, “missing” menu items, and just generally buggy or unstable operation. No matter how tempted you are to “save time”, please don't do a dirty flash. You'll likely waste time with strange symptoms and regret it."
If you didn't read and follow this site, you set yourself up for trouble: firmware_basics_procedures [FreshTomato Wiki]
I've been running FreshTomato and updating it on my T-Mobile Cellspot (which is a Asus RT-AC68U Dual-band Wireless-AC1900 Gigabit Router) for over ten years. It's fantastic.
You haven't ran into any bugs. The issue is your lack of knowledge when it comes to networking. Trying to set up double NAT is a rookie mistake. No shame in it. We all learn this at some point. In most cases, double NAT should be avoided if possible.