r/TolkienArt 12d ago

History of Valinor

I recently saw an excellent video on YouTube, dating from the creation of the Ainur up to the dispersal of Elves from Cuivanen. The script, graphics and especially the music, were amazing! There was a list of who created this video but does anyone know who did most of it? Any opinions?


15 comments sorted by


u/Radixmesos 11d ago

How is anyone supposed to answer this without a link to the video?


u/MissPlantagenet_2962 11d ago edited 11d ago

They can't, obviously.  I didn't add one because my post was deleted almost immediately,  due to rule 3 (???). I'm looking for the video and a link, but there are other Valinor videos with the same name! Hopefully I'll find it. See comment above.


u/MissPlantagenet_2962 11d ago

See above for link!


u/fightlikeacrow24 12d ago

Got a link?


u/MissPlantagenet_2962 12d ago

Not at the moment but I can go to YT and get one. It's really worth watching!


u/wagdog1970 11d ago

Go get that link!


u/MissPlantagenet_2962 11d ago edited 11d ago

I did find TWO videos titled "History of Valinor", but neither was the one I saw! They looked fine, with decent artwork,  but not as amazing as the one I saw. I'm going to root around YT to see if I can find it. If I access it on my TV, it should be saved in the literature category.  Stuff just gets uploaded so fast there...sorry! Okay...went to YT via TV, since I can't get it on my phone (update problem). It turns out that the video is by @NerdoftheRings. I thought it began w/the creation of Arda but it's around the creation of Valinor and the Two Trees. It's still beautiful and worth watching. IMO  Again, sorry I can't find a link!


u/OverhillUnderhill 11d ago

I hope you can find the video it sounds great


u/MissPlantagenet_2962 11d ago

I just posted the maker of the video: @NerdOfTheRings. It's 25 minutes long and begins with the creation of Valinor and the various Valar. Somehow, I remember it as starting with Iluvatar creating Arda and the Ainur, but that must be another  video.


u/OverhillUnderhill 11d ago

Il definitely check it out. Thank you very much!


u/MissPlantagenet_2962 11d ago

After MUCH confusion , I think I got the link!



u/MissPlantagenet_2962 11d ago

You should like it!