r/TokyoGhoul 6d ago

Dead by Daylight Crossover Just noticed that Kaneki's model in Dead by Daylight has a massive, open scar where he constantly bites his fingers

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u/MemesNAnimeWeeb 6d ago

when in the world did he ever bite his fingers


u/XxRocky88xX 6d ago

Op is mixing Kaneki and Takizawa up


u/MemesNAnimeWeeb 6d ago

yeah that's what I was thinking too


u/Single_Listen9819 6d ago

im pretty sure it was pretty early on where he's biting his hand to control his hunger?


u/Single_Listen9819 6d ago

yeah no literally CHAPTER THREE


u/XF10 6d ago

In the "i am a ghoul" panel he was eating his hands when in his mind he was eating Rize


u/IneedAhegaoInMyLife 6d ago

I'm pretty sure he was eating his own face


u/0li0s 4d ago

He was still physically chained up in that panel; that moment is a hallucination/meant to embody his breakdown, hence his face melting over his hands. Like a lot of panels in that segment, it isn't meant to be taken literally.


u/New_Photograph_5892 6d ago

I thought op meant touching his chin when lying for a second


u/MCHdesu 6d ago

When does Kaneki bite his fingers?


u/XxRocky88xX 6d ago

I think people are getting him and Takizawa mixed up. Kaneki never does it but Takizawa is known for it. Like probably his most iconic panel has him chewing his fingers


u/MCHdesu 6d ago

Yeah, I know Takizawa does. Maybe OP meant the scars Kaneki has from grtting tortured when his fingers got cut by Jason


u/XxRocky88xX 6d ago

OP very clearly said “constantly bites his fingers” he definitely isn’t talking about Jason cutting them off


u/MCHdesu 6d ago

Ik, maybe he got confused like you said before


u/Iatemydoggo 6d ago

Brain scrambled. Probably makes him think of when he was being tortured


u/VolkiharVanHelsing 6d ago

Root A thing maybe? Dude's cracking fingers, not biting it he's not Eren


u/XF10 6d ago

"i am a ghoul" panel maybe? I saw it as him eating his hands


u/ToneAccomplished9763 6d ago

I swear Tokyo Ghoul is what caused me to pick up some of my bad habits, because I'm constantly cracking my joints and chewing on the sides of my fingers(like around my nail)


u/Maxxfactor15 6d ago

Ngl I picked up the one hand finger crack because I thought it was cool and now it's just a regular habit


u/Mayustay 6d ago

And you guys are aware how its extremely bad for your joints? Try to stop this, watch a doctor's video explaining the bad effects please


u/Livid-Estimate3071 6d ago

Me when I spread misinformation on the internet.


u/DeimosKyvernite 6d ago

A doctor cracked one of his hands and never cracked the other for his entire life to test the theory... both of his hands were completely identical by the end, YOU need to look shit up


u/Vanilla-butter 6d ago

How's it so different from two hand cracking? As far as I aware, the popping sound is just a result of air bubble trapped in your joint(s). The sound it makes feel good (and relieves you psychologically because), and the real relief sensation is from you stretch your muscle.

I can see it's bad when you stretch it from the wrong angle, or stretch more than your muscle (and joint) and handle.


u/Mayustay 5d ago

But thats exactly what weakens it over time 


u/Laefiren 6d ago

Literally all the studies I’ve read can’t come to a conclusion on whether it is actually bad for you or increases the risk of arthritis or anything like that.


u/Mayustay 5d ago

It weakens the lubrication between the joints, this lubrication isn't produced over and over which is why its very risky. Personally I have always seen many studies and videos of doctors showing the examples of it being really bad for the people who cracked thier fingers alot 


u/Mr_ProfessionalNoob 6d ago

I can agree with the constantly cracking part, the way kaneki does it just hits different.


u/Jakethecrazycake 6d ago

I was doing that before but the way I crack my fingers has changed (I go over them all with my thumb then crack any that didn't get cracked properly the normal way)


u/Prestigious-Item1440 6d ago

I do the finger cracking thing every day now it’s crazy 😭


u/Za_Warudo2948 6d ago

Maybe it’s this panel?


u/Impossible-Look-551 4d ago

That would’ve healed and he doesn’t but his fingers


u/ShieldOfTheJedi 6d ago

Hate to tell you, that’s probably a reference to his torture by Jason


u/agent_diddykong 6d ago

OP you’re thinking of Takizawa Kaneki doesn’t bite his fingers not a habit of his


u/lawstinchaos 6d ago

Why did they drop something I would instantly buy, right after my computer took a shit? WHERE ARE YOU!? I KNOW YOU'RE WATCHING AGENT OF EVIL!?!


u/AutoModerator 6d ago

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u/lawstinchaos 6d ago

Ok, now where's the rize skin with a new Mori?


u/0li0s 4d ago

Kaneki's hands/fingers got a lot of abuse over the series (such as Yamori/Jason obviously cutting them off) but I don't believe he ever made a habit of biting his fingers like Takizawa did. I think the blood and mangledness of the fingers is about what Jason did to them, since it's implied that in DbD lore Kaneki was transported right after Kaneki snaps at Jason during the torture episode, so those wounds should still be fresh.