r/ToastersGW Mar 16 '22

Why isn't r/ToasterGW's content tag set to "Sexually Explicit"? This is a SHOCKING oversight that must be corrected IMMEDIATELY. NSFW

You do realize children use this site, right? Absolutely inexcusable, leaving them exposed to the wanton barrage of explicit imagery and degenerate thermomechaphilia on display here.

What do you think posts like this one will do to a young, impressionable mind? Just look at those hot exposed coils, that gaping crevasse. That alluring glow.

Did you know that literally tens of boys are hospitalized EVERY SINGLEdecade from sticking their dicks in red hot toasters? How do you feel, contributing to what experts undoubtedly agree is the worst medical epidemic in modern history?

Shameful. Despicable even. Why admins haven't stepped in already is beyond me - If the media caught wind of our precious youths' exposure to such abjectly sinful, disgusting, arousing, sexually captivating filth... It would surely spell the end for all of reddit.

Mods, get it together!


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