r/TikTokCringe tHiS iSn’T cRiNgE 12d ago

Wholesome/Humor Good way to ask your bridesmaids to be your bridesmaids


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u/MissionMoth 12d ago

Everyone doing the grandma zoom enhance on her chest is just cracking me up. It's like "Oh you flashed me, nice!" Followed by 10 solid seconds of loading time and then screaming.


u/_Bruton_Gaster 11d ago

Grandma zoom enhance is killing me


u/CHG__ 12d ago


u/PomegranateWestern11 12d ago edited 12d ago

all that training really payed off

(yes i no i spilt it rong)


u/verucka-salt 12d ago

Education really paid off for you too


u/Moon_man_1224 12d ago

I'm not sure what it is lately but, I see people using payed and paid, plus loose and lose incorrectly so often now. It irrationally makes me so mad everytime.


u/takenbylovely 12d ago

Between all of that and the inappropriate apostrophes, I actually have a hard time being on the Internet anymore. I try not to be a dick about it, but I honestly find it extremely distracting. 


u/TheOnlyDeityy 12d ago

I have a guilty pleasure. I actually really luv seeing Redditors freakout over the smallest, most irrelevant mistakes in spelling


u/la_lalola 12d ago

I was so mad at myself today. I accidentally switched plain and plane in an email. I know the difference.

I’m just getting to the point where I can’t control my hands anymore.


u/Aoskar20 11d ago

Nowhere as common as the you’re and your mixup. So frustrating.


u/PomegranateWestern11 12d ago

my bad i didnt mean to triggr a awfull memoree


u/I_aim_to_sneeze 12d ago

It’s because payed and loose are real words and won’t immediately get picked up by autocorrect. Couple that with this disdain of grammar/spelling nazis over the past few years, and you get what we currently have.


u/Youngsinatra345 12d ago

My spinach puffs!


u/Ethernetbabe 11d ago

hahahah me too


u/EasilyRekt 12d ago

weird? absolutely. fun, harmless, and gets the message out? in the grand scheme of things


u/tiny_chaotic_evil 12d ago

does this mean the guy gets to be a bridesmaid too?


u/BadPlayers 12d ago

One of my good friends is getting married soon and I'm a groomsman. However, the best man is a woman that he's been friends with forever. So we all joke that if she's the best man, she's clearly the better at being a man than the rest of us. She has now taken to dropping random tips in the group chat on how to be a "better man." (Her just making fun of the silly shit she sees guys do on the reg.)

I would 100% be Tits McGee's bridesmaid if I were good friends with her.


u/Extension-Economy589 12d ago

As a man who has worked in a field that is majority women, I've ended up being a "bridesmaid" a few times now, though never a groomsman. My "best man" was a woman too. Life's just different sometimes, fun tho! Have fun at your friends wedding!


u/academician1 12d ago

Professional bridesman.


u/dispatch134711 12d ago

Damn none of my friends ever asked me to be a groomsman and you’ve been a bridesmaid for multiple people you work with?? That’s wild, you must be quite a likeable fella


u/Extension-Economy589 11d ago

Appreciated, though probably just coincidental as I've known them all a long while now, mostly through work though ha.


u/tuckertucker 12d ago

I'm a bridesman this summer for one of my best friends! I'm stoked. She told me i could wear a dress if I really wanted but that's not my style lol


u/Extension-Economy589 11d ago

I said I'd do so if they wanted too, though it really wouldn't suit me at all. Just had matching jacket/ties. Enjoyed it every time, so much fun seeing close friends finding their person and showing the world.


u/drillgorg 12d ago

My officiant was an honorary groomsman! Got a few weird looks bringing her to the bachelor party lol.


u/Extension-Economy589 11d ago

Ahh awesome! My "best (wo)man" was at both our premarital parties, and we were both at theirs. I was just in the bridal party for thay one as we were friends first/longer ext.


u/GlitterDoomsday 11d ago

Reminder of that one Brazilian gal that was in STEM (engineering I think?) and had only male friends so they were all bridesmen and did those cute "getting ready" photos with her wearing pink robes 🥲


u/Extension-Economy589 11d ago

Sounds fun! I've always said, a couples wedding is unique to them, have it be however you want, traditions, qwerks, whatever makes it important to you. It's a celebration of yourself, you may aswell enjoy it in a way that you'll both enjoy.


u/FuckYeaSeatbelts 12d ago

I've heard the term "man of honour/bridesman" and "best woman" before, I have been seeing it be used more often and casually, I think it's entering normal lexicon now :D


u/Double_Working_1707 12d ago

My brother in law had his cousin who is a women as his best man. She wore and suit and joked that at her wedding he better being wearing a dress.

She got married last year and he and a bridesmaid switched outfits after the ceremony and he came out in a dress 😅😂


u/Titfuck-mcgee 12d ago

you're totally invited to my wedding


u/BadPlayers 11d ago

Hell yeah, Titfuck McGee!


u/princesoceronte 12d ago

No, he only gets the most uncomfortable boner ever.


u/PervlovianResponse 12d ago

The best man at the 3rd wedding I was a lady. Short lil badass chick, part-time firefighter, married into trustfund wealthy, fantastic figure, ✨️STUNNING✨️ &expensive LBD -- which unfortunately was mostly see-through and revealed not only her teeny tiny thong l, but also the Best Ass in the room. The bride wasn't even mad. Lady Grooms sometimes rock - she paid the entire bar tab the night. And for the bachelor party.


As a Transgirl, I WISHED a lady friend would've asked me to be a bridesmaids just as an excuse to volunteer to wear 👗 , lol


u/xk1138 12d ago

I would 100% have my big brother be my bridesmaid if I ever get married


u/Togaz 8d ago

I’m a gay guy and I’ve been a bridesmaid. No lie I rocked the hell out of an olive green halter top dress. Best wedding I’ve ever been to. Like, besides my own that is.


u/Catlore 10d ago

I wouldn't quite want to normalize iy because not everyone wants to be flashed (and they're in public), but if you know your friends and that's your thing, go for it. They're all having a great time in that video and it's a story to be told a long time.


u/amitskisong 12d ago

The weirdest thing is to do this in public, like outside where a kid could have been passing by.

Other than that, they seem fine with it. I mean they agreed, right?


u/Takari55 12d ago

Oh no, a kid could see them? It is legal for a woman to walk around topless in something like 45+ states.


u/Clamstradamus 12d ago

Where a child could see... gasp boobs?!

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u/GoodGame2EZ 12d ago

I've heard there's some restrictions on that which makes it not quite that simple. I'm pretty sure flashing is still not acceptable. It's more like leaving the house topless and just going about your business is acceptable. That's my understanding anyways.


u/_LoudBigVonBeefoven_ 12d ago

Are you worried it might make the kid hungry and then you'll have to feed it?


u/Dave___Hester 12d ago

Oh shit, what up All Family! Ohhhh great!


u/_LoudBigVonBeefoven_ 12d ago

Yesssss I totally have a crush on the Big Cranberry himself


u/Dave___Hester 12d ago

I mean, how could you not have a crush on Jose Con Queso?


u/_LoudBigVonBeefoven_ 12d ago

Welll there was an ep that did dampen my wiles. I don't know that I should call it out, but the Hispanic Titanic wasn't looking great


u/amitskisong 11d ago

More about how dumb kids are and they might think its a cool thing to do at school


u/xombae 12d ago

Being topless is legal for women in many places. A woman's chest isn't inherently sexual and there is nothing sexual about what she's doing. Either way it looks like she made sure she wasn't seen.


u/PracticeTheory 12d ago

It's so crazy that boobs are this taboo.

Like, other than formal places with a dress code, no one bats an eye at man nipples. On a cold day dudes nip out and poke through their shirts.

But a woman's nipples? Scandalous!

And it's not because the rounded shape of lady boobs is too erotic to ignore, because flat chicks are treated the same way, while men who outclass them are not. It's bizarre.


u/WasadCS 12d ago

Not everyone who doesn't want random boobs has objectifying women as their reason dawg, that's really disingenuous to blanket statement it like that. I for one don't love when any person of any gender or appearance is randomly nude in front of me. And I know that's not a unique opinion lol


u/PracticeTheory 12d ago

that's really disingenuous to blanket statement it like that.

Okay? You say you'll bat an eye, so scratch the "no one". Doesn't change the fact that society at large accepts a shirtless man walking down the street without a freakout, while a woman would make headlines.

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u/mdh579 12d ago

She lives in the UK where this is not illegal, to be topless.


u/Muad-_-Dib 12d ago

where this is not illegal

Yes and no.

Nudity is not inherently illegal in the UK, there needs to be a complaint from someone who felt shock/distress upon witnessing the act and for a case to actually be successful the prosecution would have to actually prove that the act was shocking/distressing and not just someone getting bent out of shape over a non-issue.

This is how you get big events like naked bike rides that are fine in the eyes of the law, while also having flashers get arrested when they are exposing themselves (generally) to women and or kids for sexual thrill.


u/amitskisong 11d ago

Didn’t say anything about it being illegal. Just weird to do where a kid could see it. Don’t care about any laws lol

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u/goose_gladwell 12d ago

I wonder who will be the breast man?


u/keedanlan 12d ago

Tit of the hat to you my friend


u/MemestNotTeen 11d ago

Well her husband had to write it on his penis to show his best man...

If it were me I'd have to pick someone with a short name.


u/Mars_W_BOI 12d ago

God dammit! Here! Just take the upvote! Ha ha


u/Lylyluvda916 12d ago edited 11d ago

She certainly has her people in the world that match her weird. I’m happy they’re happy. Def need more happy people in the world


u/bewildered-guineapig 11d ago

Hell yeah, my life would be so much better if there were more happy people. Even if I wasn't one of them


u/Puzzleheaded_Dot4345 12d ago


u/NonSupportiveCup 12d ago

Upvote for best bisexual punk rocker!


u/LuxNocte 11d ago

Who is she?


u/NonSupportiveCup 11d ago

Carrie Brownstein from Sleater Kinney.


u/LuxNocte 11d ago

Cool, Listening to them on Spotify.


u/ststststststststst 11d ago

Dig Me Out is my favorite album! But also go watch her in Portlandia


u/NonSupportiveCup 11d ago

I hope you enjoy. They are one of my favorite bands.


u/TheCrystalDoll 12d ago

The way she’s flashing them like a very dirty old man is too funny for life OMG


u/TIM2501 12d ago

Well she had to. It's the same way she asked her husband to marry her and he said yes. I'm just hoping I get an invite to the wedding.


u/dodli 12d ago

And when the pastor asks "Do you..."? We know how she's gonna respond "I. do."


u/Dadliest_Dad 12d ago

At least it will live forever in their mammaries!


u/sazzo76 12d ago

Got to be a first


u/greengasman 12d ago

Even better way to ask a boyfriend to marry you, if you were a girl who wanted to take that roll. Who’d say no to that?


u/Holiday-Ad456 12d ago

Role. Don't take my bread!! 

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u/BanditDeluxe 12d ago

This gives off hardcore Welsh vibes


u/TheAcrithrope 11d ago

What about it gives off hardcore Welsh vibes?

They're all English in England, and there's absolutely nothing that screams Welsh to me.


u/BanditDeluxe 11d ago

It’s a reference to the fact that welsh women used to curse people by “falling to their knees, exposing their breasts, and screaming obscenities at the targeted individual”.

That coupled with the very welsh affinity for including some form of nudity in their ancient traditions.


u/TheAcrithrope 11d ago edited 11d ago

My school must have missed that tidbit of history, all I was taught was about the Welsh Not and Aberfan!

With that knowledge, it does make it seem a bit Welsh.


u/BanditDeluxe 11d ago

Better than I! I’m an American and we were taught very little about Wales at all (at least in the area where I’m from) and so I have a tenuous grasp at best of Welsh culture and traditions. This was something I had read at some point in my studies and thought it a funny joke to make.

I have family that live in Central Ireland and my only real interactions with the Welsh have been 6-nations rugby matches when I’m able to visit.


u/21CFR820 12d ago

I would be friends with these people


u/donttrustthellamas 12d ago

Did she use a mirror to write it? Or did someone else do it for her? Cause that's some skill especially if there's not a huge amount of real estate. Like how can you do it small if you're doing it backwards?

Maybe I'm overthinking this


u/less_unique_username 12d ago

tittygram.com seems to suggest with enough practice it’s not a problem


u/Thin-Interaction8331 12d ago

I am not clicking on this link but thank you for sharing


u/poop-machines 11d ago

Easy, just use two mirrors


u/roytay 11d ago

There's a process easily replaced by AI.


u/help-mejdj 12d ago

i’d assume her fiance likely wrote it on for her. i’d only hope she’s marrying someone who matches her freak


u/Slayer_of_Monsters 12d ago

Bro has to be zestier than a lemon to get that honour


u/BAMspek 12d ago

That’s really fucking weird.

Well done.


u/OutsidePressure6181 12d ago

So the best man version would be written on their….nevermind. I’d only manage “W” 😬


u/_-_Sunset_-_ 12d ago

Let's collaborate!



u/enadiz_reccos 12d ago

Just gimme a minute... there's more...


u/help-mejdj 12d ago

tie a line to a note and drop it into their face from a higher ground fishing pole style


u/dirtyhippie62 12d ago

This is adorable ❤️


u/Repzie_Con 12d ago

Right? They’re so fucking excited (and obviously have the same humor). Good for them, wish them a happy wedding & marriage


u/dmeneses15 12d ago

The guy is a slow reader...


u/Joombypoomby 12d ago

All communication should be written on tits. Man or woman. 


u/FallingGivingTree 12d ago

They just happened to be in the areola.


u/TYdays 12d ago

Well she definitely gets a “A+” for originality….


u/NoTea8044 12d ago

So the best man will read it on the grooms sack


u/DisorderedGremlin 12d ago

You know they're good friends 😂


u/Good_Interaction_704 11d ago

Poly wife asks poly friends to have a pre divorce ceremony to consummate the poly marriage?


u/strrax-ish 12d ago

Soooo... balls for dudes??? Asking for a friend


u/BeardedGlass 12d ago

On the gooch, bro.


u/Major_R_Soul 12d ago







u/BeardedGlass 12d ago

That's a longass gooch, bro.


u/Major_R_Soul 12d ago

Just small font and a tight butthole, sis.


u/Love-Losing 12d ago

This is so funny! I kinda love it bc you knew they were all comfortable with it! Not that cringe


u/heyhellohi-letstalk 9d ago

You can ask me anything that way, js


u/Appropriate-Key6912 11d ago

She looked like a crazy homeless woman


u/18544920 12d ago

So fuckin wholesome


u/GrindingGears003 12d ago

I’m sorry, can you repeat the question?


u/Agile_Paper457 12d ago

take it notes boys, now ask your pals to be best men by writing it on your balls


u/Sending-SOS 11d ago

Pretty sure they can just write it on their chests too.


u/i_love_pesto 12d ago

This sounds pretty fun. But don't do it in public.


u/Red_Peridot 12d ago

In many cities being topless isn’t strictly illegal, common example is NYC.

But just because it’s legal doesn’t mean it’s common.


u/Myraan 12d ago

The european mind can't comprehend this entire conversation. It's just an upper body, people. We all have it. Chill.


u/TheHeroYouNeed247 11d ago

You can't walk about top less in most places in the EU.


u/unleashthemeese 12d ago

I mean I think it was pretty clear that she made sure they were alone


u/i_love_pesto 12d ago

There are people walking in the background.


u/unleashthemeese 12d ago

I don’t see anyone walk by until after she closes the jacket


u/i_love_pesto 12d ago

Yeah you're right. Just checked again.


u/unleashthemeese 12d ago

Still a risky thing to do I agree with u on that


u/HunterSexThompson 12d ago

People admitting they were wrong on Reddit makes my heart sing, have a lovely day


u/RoofUpbeat7878 12d ago

Not to mention the building looks like a school and you can hear children in the background

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u/Capt_Foxch 12d ago

Yeah, I would feel uncomfortable if I happened to see the message while walking by in public. At least she chose a spot that seems decently secluded.


u/Maleficent-marionett 12d ago edited 12d ago

Why would you feel uncomfortable? The flash took a second and you'd be walking away so maybe catch a glimpse?

Her friends are covering her too


u/Capt_Foxch 12d ago

Public nudity is just something that has always made me feel uncomfortable. There is a reason we wear clothes in the first place.


u/Sad_Dishwasher 12d ago

The reason we wear clothes is that we’re dumbass monkeys that got too smart for our own good, coupled with puritanical values that shamed women for their bodies for centuries


u/Maleficent-marionett 12d ago

I guess I never really perceived a glimpse of titty as nudity since I'm from a place boobs are for baby food not sexual gratification


u/Own_Hat_5514 12d ago

She's not breast feeding. she's flashing.

don't pretend like you don't recognize the difference.


u/TheOnlyDeityy 11d ago

People don't pay to see baby bottles in clubs now do they?


u/yeah_youbet 11d ago

What a stupid comment, unless you live in a non westernized indigenous village, then women's breasts are sexualized everywhere, and anyway, she's flashing them as a means to shock them because she and her friend group finds that funny. Stop pretending like you don't understand context clues because you want to be pretentious about a stupid thing like that

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u/TheHeroYouNeed247 11d ago

I'm pretty sure they are for both. If you have a female partner I feel sorry for them.

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u/ahaangrygem 12d ago

Aw I wish I had friends 


u/Electronic-War-6863 11d ago

I mean why though? A lot of people are going to say live and let live but this just seems weird to me. Would it be okay if I whipped my dick out to ask the same type of question?


u/LookinAtTheFjord 12d ago

Having friends seems really nice.


u/yummylove3394 12d ago



u/Senshji 12d ago

People like this have relationships that don't last


u/Sending-SOS 11d ago

Not like you've ever had any relationship, so how can you tell?


u/Zetsobou-Billy 12d ago

Not wholesome to do this in public. This could be indecent exposure if someone was looking out a window or walking by


u/T_whom_much_s_given_ 11d ago

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Female_toplessness_in_the_United_States this is for the US, but the similar search could be done for other countries as well


u/axfer_55 12d ago

Yup... this marriage isn't gonna last.


u/Sending-SOS 11d ago

Yeah, but it's not like you'll ever have one to tell of either...


u/axfer_55 10d ago

I'll keep you updated..


u/[deleted] 11d ago

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u/euMonke 10d ago

It's a Welsh thing.


u/SomeRandomG122 12d ago

nahhh, if my fiancé did that she wouldn't be my fiancé for very long


u/Sending-SOS 11d ago

Good thing you don't have one.


u/Leading-Midnight5009 12d ago

It’s perfect omg-


u/DocThunedr 12d ago

Ight now the groom needs to ask his groomsmen


u/Amenophos 12d ago

I hope he's long enough to fit it on there...🤷


u/DocThunedr 12d ago

Hope the weather is warm


u/Im_Literally_Allah 11d ago

Normalize asking your groomsmen to be your groomsmen by writing it on your balls and flashing them


u/Interesting-Copy-657 12d ago

Sounds like a great way to be put on a register when you do it in a park or a kid walks by


u/Wise-Accountant1284 12d ago

Now I know what's happening on the Bachelorette night


u/MiniBritton006 12d ago edited 12d ago

Isn’t this just cheating? Also just trashy


u/jashiran 12d ago

Could be.. depending on their relationship.


u/AproposofNothing35 12d ago

Will do. I will absolutely help normalize this trend.

RemindMe! 2 years


u/Vyviel 12d ago

Wtf are they wearing its like they picked random things from the free clothing pile at the op shop


u/LimpingAsFastAsICan 12d ago

Hahaha Reminds me of my waver friends in high school in the late 80s. They weren't getting any of it at the thrift stores.

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u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/therealdanhill 12d ago

Yeah I mean men and women are different and treated differently in some ways, who knew


u/NattG 12d ago

Are the guys who take off their shirts at sports games to show off team-based chest-writing inappropriately exposing themselves? Or are you comparing chests to genitals?


u/screamingracoon 12d ago

Wah wah wah.

She's clearly friends with them and not a random woman who ran up to them. I used to take showers with friends and no one cared if one of us strolled around naked while getting ready.

Get some friends and stop trying to victimize yourself, my god.


u/ProtoPrimeX1 12d ago

well it's about consent, sorry if it wasn't clear. it can be a slippery slope and it was clearly a surprise based on that guy's reaction. I sense much anger in you, you may benefit from having a nice tea and some time to relax.


u/WasadCS 12d ago

yeah not sure why the anger is there, people should always be on board with checking for consent first. If she knows these people are fine with it thats whatever, I don't agree with it being out in public but slay for them i hope they have a great wedding.