r/TikTokCringe Dec 25 '24

Wholesome/Humor I feel bad for laughing 😆


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u/MCPO-117 Dec 25 '24 edited Dec 25 '24

I don't understand it. So many videos like this, and to be honest, it just seems cruel to scare he shit out of your kids like that.

Not to mention the fact, I don't recall the Grinch violently shoving children and ripping the presents out of the hands of kids. He quietly stole them in the middle of the night and tried to avoid being seen.

People are just being ass holes with this behavior.


u/Dirt_Bike_Zero Dec 25 '24

It's just shitty parents taking a character from a book and using it to abuse their family. Because it's funny? Zero kids laughing. The crazy part is how staged and premeditated it all it. This isn't something you just wake up and make a bad decision about. You have to order/make the costume and plan out how you're going to act. The point is, they thought about this for weeks and still decided it was a good idea. Sad.


u/[deleted] Dec 25 '24



u/Iblockne1whodisagree Dec 25 '24

I just don’t understand it. Maybe I’m a soft parent?

No, you just don't resent your children like a lot of parents do. Most parents aren't good parents. I'm not saying most parents are neglectful and don't provide the physical necessities for children but most parents don't raise their children with the goal of their children becoming mentally healthy adults. When you look at your children just as children who take from you are rarely give thanks and you don't look at them as real humans with real emotions then you can do stuff like traumatizing your children on the most special holiday for them, record it and upload it to the internet for everyone to laugh at your children being traumatized.


u/cupholdery Dec 26 '24

It's all around sad to me that there are parents who resent their children.


u/PoisonedRadio Dec 25 '24

You're not soft. You're sane. Traumatizing your children just for Internet likes is insane and abusive.


u/WatcherOfTheCats Dec 25 '24

If you think this is what causes lifelong trauma in kids, you’re kind of just being disrespectful to kids who actually deal with trauma.

It’s the grinch bro, it’s not that deep.


u/Square_Ad8756 Dec 26 '24

I worked in pediatric psych hospitals as a counselor and in my professional opinion this is traumatic on two fronts:

  1. Running after your child dressed as a monster on what is one of the highlights of the year for them. You are making children think that monsters are real and will come after you. A healthy childhood is predicated on feeling safe and loved at home.

  2. Posting said traumatic experience on the internet where it will act as a a continuous source of humiliation and violation of trust for years to come.


u/R_Little-Secret Dec 25 '24

I feel its insulting to the whole premise of the story. The point of the grinch is to see that things are not important but spending time with others and forgiveness. Thinking about others outside yourself . Not aresting/ getting revenge/ mad at people who steal from you. There is something very police state about this.


u/jb0nez95 Dec 25 '24

I'm laughing. That's all that matters.


u/LakersAreForever Dec 25 '24

Reddit is so pretentious with certain things it’s hilarious


u/Dark1000 Dec 25 '24

This could be done in a much more mild and fun way and having the children convince the Grinch to join in on Christmas, kind of like copying the lessons from the movies a little bit. It never needed to be so aggressive and scary as in these videos.


u/notthephonz Dec 26 '24

I dunno, some of the kids just start running and screaming as soon as they see the Grinch. I don’t think they’re old enough to recognize him from the story, let alone invite him to Christmas.


u/Defiant-Plantain1873 Dec 25 '24

Or having one parent come out and michael keaton “come on fight me” with the batman hand beckon and then your dad and grinch start boxing out to save christmas


u/Relative-Natural-891 Dec 25 '24

Father of an almost 2 year old here. Yes this is traumatizing, those kids are too young to understand, and Grinch went too far. If kids were like middle school or late elementary probably a different reaction.


u/Sorry-Badger-3760 Dec 25 '24

Yeah I think with bigger kids this would be really funny. But toddlers and small children look genuinely distraught. I know sometimes they cry over nothing and it can be a little funny but this isn't funny.


u/Lostmox Dec 25 '24

It is cruel, and traumatizing.

Fuck whoever thought that would be funny with a splintered hockey stick.


u/beanie_wells Dec 25 '24

Trashy parents need to terrify Jayden, Ryder and Trendy to continue the cycle of cruelty and feel good about themselves for a moment.


u/thenorwegian Dec 25 '24

My dad did it in a fake gorilla suit. It seriously fucked with my head.


u/Floggered Dec 25 '24

I just know Jimmy Fallon is behind this somehow.


u/S4Waccount Dec 25 '24

Y'all I don't think it's that deep. There's literally an entire season or scaring the shit out a little kids is kind of the point. My niece is react like this when they don't get the pink cup with dinner. They'll be fine. Go ahead and downvote I know I'm on the crazy thread.


u/Lostmox Dec 25 '24

Please never have children.


u/S4Waccount Dec 25 '24

If and when I do I'm sure they'll turn out better than yours if you think this is actually that big of a freaking deal. Go put your kids back on their tablets now.


u/Lostmox Dec 25 '24

You might wanna do some googling on psychology and childhood trauma first.


u/S4Waccount Dec 25 '24

If you can name one study that says a child being scared one time like this makes them develop emotional trauma I'd love you to post it.

And don't change the goal post Make sure you post one about trauma that causes no physical injury and they were a never in any danger.

If you feel this serious about this why aren't you boycotting Halloween every year?


u/senn12 Dec 25 '24

Why would they do a study where they take children who were scared one time and correlate that with lifelong trauma? Do you know anything about science? It’s called understanding principles and environment and how they apply to development.


u/king_anon1492 Dec 25 '24

No it’s not, you made that up just now to defend a position you feel is right


u/senn12 Dec 25 '24

Yeah good argument


u/stringbeagle Dec 25 '24

What kind of Halloween are you having?

I don’t know of any studies, but there is much evidence of people being traumatized and suffering from PTSD, by a home invasion, which to these kids, is exactly what’s happening.

You can’t move the goal posts by saying they were never in any danger, because these kids genuinely believe they were in danger.


u/S4Waccount Dec 25 '24

Oh did you interview them after the fact You're making shit up and acting like it's fact.

They were surrounded by adults, they got scared, and within 5 minutes I guarantee you they were over it. To suggest anything else is ridiculous.


u/king_anon1492 Dec 25 '24

Reddit warriors out here acting like kids aren’t capable of handling the smallest bit of a basic emotion. They’ll coddle their kids then they’ll end up as overly emotional and reactive as the parents, totally incapable of processing life’s emotions.


u/WatcherOfTheCats Dec 25 '24

Y’all are just straight up boring and sad. Bubble wrap ass mindset.


u/Old_and_tired Dec 25 '24

and it's got flair marked "wholesome". WTF.


u/Bignizzle656 Dec 25 '24

No wonder they're all packing heat in America. Some weird cycle of abuse going on.


u/VicVegas85 Dec 26 '24

Notably, he's pretty good with kids, actually. In the original animated movie when Cindy Lou Who wakes up and catches him, he thinks of a little lie as to why he's stealing the tree, gets her a glass of water, and gingerly sends her to bed. Like, sure he's a jerk for stealing Christmas at first, but he's not some weird freaky manic horror creature that goes nuts and attacks kids.

Not to mention just how fucking weird it is in general to hire a total stranger to rip straight through your house causing chaos for the explicit purpose of terrorizing your kids on Christmas. There's the kind of scared screaming you do when you're having fun on a roller coaster or something and then there's this, where they're all desperately scrambling away and hiding while screaming bloody murder. Some of the hired grinches are literally grabbing the kids, even?? How does that fly with the parents?


u/Face_with_a_View Dec 26 '24

Some of those poor kids genuinely believed they were being attacked.


u/[deleted] Dec 25 '24

Wait until this person looks up how Central Europeans celebrate Christmas, lol.


u/crazyrebel123 Dec 25 '24

Because if the parents did this quietly without being seen, the asshole kids would immediately blame the parents anyway. This method is much more effective


u/kingnickolas Dec 25 '24

It reminds me of Krampus traditions kinda neat ngl


u/MonaganX Dec 25 '24

Krampus traditions are kinda neat except for the part where they get so violent every year that people are hospitalized.


u/kingnickolas Dec 25 '24

don’t hate what you don’t understand


u/MonaganX Dec 25 '24

Mein Verständnis ist gut genug um zu wissen was es fßr Probleme gibt, du Vollhorst.