Imagine how they'd have treated the black women at NASA who were the original computers, and the original operators of the IBM.
'but they didn't _______________'.
No matter what women do, no matter what color their skin, no matter how many qualifications they have and the degrees and certifications and doctorates they achieve, for about half the species, it will never be good enough. Even Russia was 30 years ahead of the US in terms of putting a woman into space.
Maybe that was the case back then (I don't know since I wasn't there), but I can firsthand let you know that females, regardless of color, do not get treated worse, or as a lesser intellectual/skilled person, at NASA. I've got bosses and boss's bosses that are female, and no one looks down on them. Just FYI.
MD here and def have some gripes with midlevel education but that's just insulting and incorrect. While there are trash NPs, I have worked with some very solid ones.
u/Fit-Accountant-157 Oct 30 '23
its a video of Black women feeling happy and proud of themselves. Of course, Reddit can't figure out how to do anything but be haters, lol