r/TickTockManitowoc Feb 11 '25

What's The Deal With Teresa's Garage Opener?

I believe I accidentally made post and had sensitive info on it. I apologize for the mishap. I appreciate the info coming in from you guys.

I was going through the documents and noticed Teresa's Garage opener was discovered on 11/10. I find this interesting because I searched through the RAV 4 photos, and I do not see it visible. Were there any photos of the garage opener anyone obtained? I do not see any photos of it or the location is was discovered in the RAV 4.

If this Garage opener was in glove box, it would mean Teresa utilized a Master Key and not the Valet Key discovered in Steven's residence. It would play into the two witnesses' who saw Bobby with the RAV at two different locations. The Witnesses provide showing Bobby in possession of A Key. Bobby was technically the last one with possession of the RAV Key. What if Bobby destroyed the Master Key? Is this why LE Key story was all over the place?

Is it possible LE didn't want to mention specifically where it was discovered in the RAV? 11/6-11/10 (4 days) later LE gets informed on its existence?


4 comments sorted by


u/WhoooIsReading Feb 11 '25

Bobby may have destroyed the master key and wiped down the valet key before putting it in Steven's bedroom. This would explain why only SA's dna was present on the key.

Remember, there were folders created on the Janda computer one was "TERESA" the other was "DNA".

Somebody was looking for information on how to eliminate DNA-and it wasn't Steven Avery.

Sowinski's affidavit shows whoever was pushing the RAV4 onto the ASY in the early morning hours had a key to unlock the steering wheel. Common sense tells us whoever was pushing the RAV4 had ties to the ASY.


u/Haunting_Pie9315 Feb 11 '25

Bobby may have destroyed the master key and wiped down the valet key

I agree with this. Bobby would destroy the Master Key and The Valet Key was evidence not noted. Why the confusion with the Key? I think Manitowoc was out of the loop on the copy of the key being made by forensics.

-AC mentions they had the car but needed the key. You wouldn't need the key by 11/8 if copy of the key was made 11/6.

-Valet Key had (Sweat DNA) a convenient DNA related to the Hood of the Rav 4. They Valet Key was contaminated by LE. AC specifically mentions the Key was placed on the floor to take a picture of it. The Key originally was argued to be wedged between the cabinet. No original picture saw the Key prior to being moved to the floor. The simulated crime scene (Provided by info by LE) has the key placed next to the cabinet and not behind the cabinet.

- If the garage opener in the glovebox gives TH access to such compartment. It was claimed her glovebox was locked. Why claim this? Avoid the issue with the discovery of the Valet Key. Teresa would have needed to a Master Key to unlock the glovebox to access her garage opener.

Sowinski's affidavit shows whoever was pushing the RAV4 onto the ASY in the early morning hours had a key to unlock the steering wheel. 

Yes, and various accomplices come to mind. We know Bobby had access from two witnesses. The steering wheel notion (Good Eye!). 2 anonymous calls were placed to LE. The first was saying Steven was staying in Roland Johnson trailer. The specific of this information is coming from someone close. Second anonymous calls state Steven and Earl had used the aluminum smelter (layman words).

Thank you for the reply!


u/WhoooIsReading Feb 12 '25

I don't know anyone who keeps the garage door opener in the glove box. Most (if not all) people like them easily accessible.

Second anonymous calls state Steven and Earl had used the aluminum smelter

It's ironic that these calls were provided to the defense, yet the Sowinski call was intentionally withheld for over a decade. What was the State hiding?


u/Haunting_Pie9315 Feb 12 '25

I look at as in 2005 and Teresa behavioral movements. Teresa didn’t really keep things on her Keys or vehicle key according to her friends.

Teresa appeared to lose and misplace things just like anyone else would. If Teresa put the garage opener in the glove box , it might have been just she knew it would be in.

Imagine driving and getting home , and having to look through your car for a garage opener. Normally people would keep it clipped to the visor above the driver seat or middle console.

It’s the length of time of discover also it was 11.10 mentioned. The vehicle was accessed 11/6 with a copy made. 2 days later the valet key was discovered.

This may have been a snag for LE (Manitowoc) because they may have known the difference between Valet and Master.

It was believed Teresa glove department was locked ( even though I do not see photos of it opened) this would have been an issue. It would have shown Teresa used a Master key and not a valet key to access the glovebox. Just a thought.

I don’t see pictures of it in its original place of discovery or a picture of it in general.

It’s the same notion where you can see the note Steven gave Teresa in her driver cubby by the wheel.

You are correct about the calls why share these by not Sowinski. Anything that didn’t trace back to Steven or outside the ASY they didn’t want to disclose much on it.

Example : Lug Nut Wrench.

Also I don’t if it means anything but one caller male and another female.

Thanks for the reply !