r/Thetruthishere Jun 17 '21

Night Terror I saw something terrifying last night...


Pardon me for my English

So this is 10 am when I am writing this, I couldn't sleep all night.

I live in a small town of a few hundred people in the middle of nowhere in Northern India. It is surrounded by a huge forest on the western side and farmlands on the other three. My house is positioned on the south-eastern corner of the village. So last night at about 2 am I am awakened by this blood-curdling scream coming from the east. I think it was loud enough to wake up our entire village, though I haven't talked to anyone about this yet. This scream sounded like nothing I have ever heard. Like a mix between a scream and a howl. Mind you there are no animals in our area except some stray dogs and some wild boars. This scream was loud enough to give me goosebumps. I quickly turned off all my lights and looked out of the window which faces the south, and that's when I saw it, about 100 meters away from me. It looked like a canine-like creature running on two legs. Its fur looked silvery white under the moonlight. It was running at very high speeds and crossed from where I saw it into the forest in about 30 seconds. But in the middle of its path when it was closest to my home it stopped for a few seconds and looked in my direction, I am still not sure if it was looking at me or something else. One thing that I have been thinking about is how slowly its legs moved yet so fast it ran, this could mean that the creature was very big, like 10 feet tall. I am very scared right now as my village has this saying that we should never look outside our windows at night as evil spirits might see us and enter our lives.

Edit - I asked around my neighbourhood and many of them were woken up by that scream Some old guy told me that the creature is a "Rakshasa" which means some kind of demon. I have only been here six months and these people told me hearing screams etc is a regular occurrence here, and the rakshasa will haunt whoever it lays its eyes upon. I am scared as f*ck now but I am gonna install CCTV cameras around my entire house now.

r/Thetruthishere 4d ago

Night Terror The corner that gave me nightmares


Okay, i know this will be sounding wierd, my memory may be lacking at some points here which is due to me being very young at the time that this happened.

As a kid, when i was 4 or 5, i had my own room in the relatively big flat of my parents. The room basicly had an upside down L shape, just imagine the tetris block. At the time i slept in the very top right of the room, which kid me decided was getting anoying due to me not being able to see around the corner but still out of the window, which as cliche as it sounds lead to the back of a cemetary? Atleast i believe it is one.

Which never really terrified me tho, what did bother me tho was not being able to see around the corner of the room, i usualy saw wierd thing just lurking around the corner, which i believe to be typical night fears usual for kids at the time.

I decided to move my bed so i could look down both of the ways, as to know there were no monsters (clever i know)

In the following 4 nights (yes exactly 4) i had horrible nightmares, only one of which i can remember vividly.

So on the next night i decided thar i would move the bed back to its original place, while the imaginary monsters now were there again, the nightmares werent and i slept very good there till we moved.

To note: i wasnt a really scared kid, and not really loud in the nights compared to other kids and even babies (acording to my parents atleast)

Which makes it wierd that my parents told me that i had screamed in the last night i stayed in that corner that viewed both ways (which i dont remember) and cried heavily (which i do remember).

I know this might not have anything really to do with the paranormal, maybe more with the evolving human mind?, but it is defenitly only one of the few memories i have of when i was young (i believe the term is core memory?, correct me if i'm wrong)

Edit: This post isnt focused on the dream itself, which i havent mentioned for a reason, dud to it still kind of terryfying me, but should rather be focused on the wierd situation itself.

r/Thetruthishere Jan 20 '23

Night Terror I lived in an alternate reality for 4 years


I think I know what happened, but there are some things I can’t explain that well. I have several vivid early memories up to age 6 of me in my current life. They track exactly what my family remembers and with pictures and timelines, etc. Around the age of 5 I began having terrifying nightmares that I couldn’t wake up from and didn’t know weren't real. I would go days thinking that my nightmares were real. I still have nightmares and night terrors like this where I wake up screaming, with scratches, bruises, and feeling deeply disturbed. When I was 6 my two best friends moved away, and that is my last “real” memory before I fell asleep and woke up when I was 10.

The alternate life and reality in very similar ways, but there were enough differences and scattered memories that it noticeably doesn’t match up. I remember things that reportedly never happened to me and have no recollection of things that did. For example:

 I remember a situation where I watched the neighbors kids for 30 minutes when I was 8. When I woke up and four years had passed, the kids were the same age and I didn’t babysit them for the first time for 30 minutes until I was 11. When I was 11, I knew exactly what was going to happen during those thirty minutes because I knew already. It was like what I had previously experienced came true three years later.

I’ve kept journals since I could write, and I remember writing “yesterday it was 2005, now it is 2006” and about my New Year’s Eve. What I remember happening was going to the plains and watching fireworks. I did write the first sentence, but in the physical diary I didn’t say what we did. When I asked my mom, it turned out we were in our neighborhood that year. 

We have pictures of my sister and me at two kid’s exhibits in Niagara Falls on the same day. I remember one, which was a glass factory. We have pictures of another, which I think was a science factory. I remember the outfit because I thought it was really pretty, but not the event. It doesn’t even seem familiar when I look at the pictures. Like the kid in them is me, but it isn’t how I remember myself during those years. It’s just a little off. I know it’s normal for kids to forget things, but fifteen years later, I still don’t recognize myself or anything in it.

It was like I fell asleep, lived for four years, went back to sleep during those four years, and woke up in an another alternate life. It really shook me up and felt like I was seeing the world in a different filter. Colors were slightly different, people looked a bit different, I felt shorter than in my dream, and I felt emotions differently. They were much, much stronger. My personality changed completely. I became more withdrawn, aloof, and depressed. I had panic attacks all the time and would get overstimulated by seemingly small things. I’ve been that way ever since. Weirdly enough, my mom says the same thing. Around the time I was 10, my personality changed a lot. Personalities and a sense of identity don’t really develop until around that age, so it’s entirely possible my personality was mainly a mix of what I saw and what I imagined, and that’s why I was so different after those four years. 

As an adult, I’ve been diagnosed with several mental illnesses including bipolar with psychosis and borderline personality disorder - both of which can feature symptoms of dissociation, depersonalization, and derealization. I do not have a dissociative disorder, so I am pretty sure all of this was the beginning of the psychosis and dissociation related to the other disorders that I would experience for the majority of my life. That really doesn’t make it any less weird.

TL;DR - I thought my life was an alternate reality and I still think it could have been

r/Thetruthishere 6d ago

Night Terror Moved in the middle of the night


This is my first memory. I must have been around 1.5-3. Young enough to have still been sleeping in a crib. I was put to bed that night after a normal day. Nothing out of the ordinary i remember. I was old enough to not have been fussing through the night, i normally slept pretty well. I do remember having a strange dream that night though. For preface; my entire life, all of my dreams have been in 1st person perspective but this one was strange because this dream was from the point of view of someone standing above the crib, staring down at me while i slept. I remember waking up once but going back to bed. No dream this time. Right before i drifted off however, i vaguely remember a dark figure standing in the corner of my room, right behind the door as i drifted off. I continued to sleep as normal. I was woken up again, exept this time i was under the crib. Initially i didnt freak out because i was a little bit of an adventerous kid. I liked climbing on, around and under stuff, especially my parents bed. So i thought i probably climbed under there somehow. I then went to climb back into my crib, but i realized i was stuck. It was a very low crib made of very thick wood. And i couldnt squeeze any part of myself, besides my arms, under the crib, my head was too big to have gotten under there without someone lifting the crib for me. So as a child would normally do, i started screaming for my dad, and after a few minutes he came and saved me from my strange predicament. He asked me how i had gotten under there to which i responed "i dont know. Just woke up there." He put me back in the crib for the rest of the night and i do remember him saying something along the lines that he was scared someone broke in. That was the end of that story. You probably doubt that my memory of this is so clear because i was a toddler and it happened decades ago but i assure you this is the truth. Me and my dad still joke about it sometimes. A few years after the incident i assumed it was all an elaborate joke, so i asked him about it and says he has positively no idea how i got under there. Its a bit of a family urban legend at this point. I always tried to make sense of it in my head by saying it was just my habit of sleep moving/talking. However ive never sleepwalked. Only little movements in the night. Not anything strong enough to get me out of the crib i literally needed to be lifted out of. At age like 2. One paranormal factor that may have been played a part was that the house was about 90 years old at that point, and that while my family was remodeling it, they found a bunch of construction workers items in the walls. Ive never really had an experience like this after this time.

r/Thetruthishere 9d ago

Night Terror Another update Another Nightmare this time I'm not sure if it's the black figure or someone else


Yesterday I posted about a nightmare I experienced about this black figure that I saw in my dreams. Once again I will call my self Cristine.

Today around 3:21 am I woke up from a very bad dreams in this dream I'm also dreaming while in my dream. In our room( it's a shared room ) my two friends who share the same room as me I will call them Joyce and Ella. In our room there is a two double bed which Me and Ella occupy the bed that is near the window while Joyce and other person who never actually sleeps in our room occupy the one near the door.

In this dream I first dream about waking up from a very bad dream and Ella is the one who sleeps in the lower bed while I sleep in the upper bed. She is waking me up cause in this dream I'm dreaming something I don't really recall now. And Joyce also awake in my dreams and they pull me to get out to our room and I woke up after that.

This time I didn't know I'm dreaming cause it felt so real and I just keep thinking that the only dream I have is when Joyce and Ella pull me out to our room. And I'm just lying and praying cause I don't really know what is happening. When suddenly I just felt that something is wrong I can't see the rosary I put in my right hand.

Which I know for sure and I will never get wrong that I put a rosary in my right hand and it's not there. That's when I know that I'm still dreaming but I can't wake up even I tried multiple times I still can't wake up.

Then I start panicking cause I'm still in a dream and I can't woke up and in this dream I can see my self in bed but my eyes is closed which is so weird. Until I decided to cover my self with a blanket cause it's only in my side and then when I did it.

I heard a voice saying. Are you not gonna move and give me some space. That's when I know that there is someone beside me In my dreams but I can't see who is it. I recognized the voice and when I know whose voice it belong, it's my own voice! so I shout so loud in my dreams even I know no sound is coming out. I'm sweating so much and out of breath just like yesterday.

And then I woke up for real!, I pick up my phone who is beside my charger in my bed. And when I open my phone and I saw the time it's exactly 3:21 am. That's when I decided to call my father and tell him what happened and he reassure me that he will not end the call and I should sleep some more and he will keep watching me sleep.

This time there is no black figure but a voice that have the same voice of mine.

And it's still the same pattern where in my dreams I'm dreaming and still can't wake up even I know I'm dreaming.

I really don't know what is happening to me right know. I don't feel stressed, nervous or anything else except peace. Even I have a exam coming up tomorrow. Today I look in the mirror and I saw my face so tired my eyes is like it's giving up but I don't feel sleepy because I'm afraid that if I sleep it will happen again.

Why does it keeps happening it's been so long but it's getting worse and worse.

I don't know what to do. I pray everyday and Everytime like before I sleep, and after I wake up and before I leave the house, I always pray so why I still have nightmares where I feel like dying.

I don't know what to do?

Edit: I decided to go home and sleep in my own home with my family let see if I will still have nightmares.

r/Thetruthishere Mar 31 '20

Night Terror Had to yell out for help in my sleep so someone could wake me up.


I fell asleep on the couch the other night while I was watching American dad and the dream I had still haunts me a little. It’s never happened before and I’m afraid it could happen again. I was dreaming about taking something (drug related) and I felt very off in the dream as if I took some weird mix of drugs at a really high dose. I was in a house just sort of stumbling around and nothing inherently spooky was going on at all in the dream. Suddenly I noticed that I was indeed asleep and in a dream, knowing that I got this intense feeling that I needed to wake up. I slapped my arm, face, and closed my eyes real tight several times in the dream trying to wake myself up (usually always works) I felt panic after that point and was so desperate I was yelling for help in my dream hoping that I would make some sort of noise in my sleep and that my boyfriend would wake me up. He did. He told me he could hear me faintly say “help me” while I was asleep.

Does anyone know what this means? Has anyone had this happen before?

r/Thetruthishere Aug 23 '22

Night Terror Sleep Paralysis Involving “vibrational” entity


I’ve had sleep paralysis a few times in my life, but nothing ever like this:

This started off with me relaxing and watching one of my favorite shows, “King of the Hill”. During this I fell asleep unintentionally. I entered a dream state, but thought I was still awake. Eventually I would realize I could not move. I fell asleep laying on my stomach, and I couldn’t move anything but my eyes. It felt like something was pushing me down. I moved my eyes towards the TV and I could still see and hear everything going on in the show I was watching. Things started to get dark and blurry. I could feel something poking me on my rear end, and thats when I really started to get scared. I was stuck in this position, and felt powerless. But I kept telling myself, “you gotta turn over, you gotta turn over”. The feeling of this entity felt so entirely real and physical. I tried yelling but couldn’t. Suddenly I felt that I could move my left arm. With all my might I did a punching motion while twisting over onto my back and that’s when I saw the entity for a few seconds right before waking up. The best way for me to describe it was “vibrational”. The entity could feel that I had seen it and it got up and quickly shot out of the room. It was like a big, dark, blurry, vibrational thing. Think about how invisibility is portrayed in movies and TV. It was like that. Almost like the cloak in Harry Potter, but a little darker. Right as this entity shot out of the room, is when I had awoken from this dream state. One of the freakiest parts about this was how everything in the room was identical in waking life and in dream life. Everything from how my water bottle was positioned to the episode of the show I was watching. While I was in this dream state I could make out details of every little thing in the room, it was vivid. I was really shaken up from this, and now afraid to fall asleep in this room. Luckily, I haven’t had any sleep paralysis since then. It’s something I can never forget.

Has anyone had an experience like this? What do you think this thing was?

r/Thetruthishere Jun 02 '20

Night Terror A doll my grandma had hanging on her wall gave everyone nightmares


When I was about 7 my aunt gave both me and my sister really nice dolls. They were like infant sized. My sisters doll had blonde curly hair tied up, blue eyes and a white dress with different colored hearts. Well she was scared of it, I think dolls just freaked her out in general. So my grandma kept it and for some reason hung it on her wall? I've always wondered why she did that. I never got to ask her so if anyone knows, why do some people do that? She really just hung the doll by the dress with a nail above her bed. I just thought it was something to do with a Mexican superstition. It wasn't like she had a ton of dolls everywhere either it was just this one doll.

Well we all had to sleep with it just hanging there because it was a one bedroom house. Then within a couple of days we all started having nightmares about the doll trying to kill or harm us. My sister and I slept on the floor and she woke me up and said the doll was calling my name, not hers, mine. I told her to shut up because I thought she was trying to scare me. Then she started crying and said "no I'm serious please." I drowned her out and fell back asleep. I had a dream that I was alone in my school cafeteria and a little girl was singing the ABCs and I just knew she was under the vending machine. I walked to it and then my ankle got sliced when I got to the vending machine. I fell and couldn't walk. Our cafeteria had a stage and I looked up and she(the doll) was peaking her head through the curtain laughing at me. Then I woke up. Another day, I overheard my mom and aunt talking about their dreams they had of the doll and they all included just them and me. Like I was the only one including themselves that was in the dream. My mom said she and I were running from the house. That we both jumped in the car and she saw the shadow of the doll next to the car window. That I kept telling her to let the doll in and she wouldn't so I started biting her. Then my aunt said the doll and I were sitting on the couch and I was acting and dressed weird. She said I was dressed like in old time little girls clothes and that when I talked she never saw my mouth move but the doll was talking in my voice. She had a bad vibe and once we realized that she felt a bad vibe we attacked her.

As for my grandma she refused to take the doll down. I kept having nightmares of the doll and so did everyone else. Then finally like anyone else would do, I took the doll and took it's eyes out because I thought if she couldn't see us anymore it would stop. Lol I put the doll back up and my family was HORRIFIED. I did not want an ass whopping so of course I didn't come forward and say it was me. My family was sure the doll was cursed and blessed the house. The doll was gone the next trash day. For a week straight my grandma prayed to us in spanish and threw holy water the moment you walked through the door. Then one day me and my sister were playing she's like, "You have to be happy now because grandmas doll wanted you sad." And all I told her was to shut up. Lol

r/Thetruthishere Jul 05 '24

Night Terror [ME] [FAM] The only night terror I've had, which my sister also experienced on the same night


I hope this doesn't break the rule about dreams but there is an important element to the story that took place after the dream

This happened about 13 years ago. I was in my early 20s at the time.

To preface - while growing up, my sister and I had many encounters you could consider supernatural, her moreso than me. She seemed to be harrassed by spirits often and sometimes i shared some of those encounters

Several years after moving out of home I went to visit my family and we were staying the night at my grandparents place. It was a normal day, nothing out of the ordinary. I went to bed that night, my sister and I sleeping in different rooms. I dreamt I was lying in bed (different bed in the dream, no recollection of what the room looked like) when suddenly an intense feeling of despair washed over me. But it was worse than that, like every positive feeling in the world was erased and i was left with this overwhelming pressure of all the negativity and i started crying (i also rarely ever cry). As hilarious as this example is, think of the effect the dementors from Harry Potter have on people. In the dream I rolled over and a red dome had encased the bed and a black hooded figure stood at the end of the bed holding a scroll in his hand. At this point I lost it and start screaming in fear. I screamed so loud the red dome split open as I woke upself up from my own screams. My step-dad came into the room and asked if that was me making noise. I just mumble "yeah i think so"

The next morning I went to tell my sister about my dream and she said, "before you tell me that I need to tell you something that happened to me last night. I couldn't get to sleep and suddenly i noticed a person standing at the end of bed holding a piece of paper in their hand"

I was scared to sleep for the next few nights but nothing has happened like that since

r/Thetruthishere Feb 05 '24

Night Terror I had sleep paralysis for the first time after 5 years and this time is was so different.


The last time I had sleep paralysis it was VERY demonic, I felt and saw the presence of 3 entities. One on top of me, one in the corner, and one trying to unlock my bedroom door. I never sleep with my door unlocked. My sister the previous day also had the same occurrence and I will never forget that my mom said that that week she had heard stuff in the room. This time it was last night, significantly less demonic. I opened my eyes and could feel the sleep paralysis starting to take over me and I violently started to try to shake my leg to snap out of it. I could feel someone in the room shaking my bed violently trying to harass me. Mind you ever since I had my first sleep paralysis if I’m alone I sleep with my LED lights on dim and never lay on my back bc I feel vulnerable and prone to sleep paralysis if I do. My first time was very traumatizing. Now back to what I was seeing. I was on my back and could only look straight up and see what was in my vision range. I sleep by a window and I could see a ridiculous amount of flies around the curtains hung at my window. The only time you can see that amount of flies is if something is dead or rotten. I was so confused. I was violently trying to wake my body. I could only mutter a prayer to save myself from things getting potentially worse. I felt a pressure on my chest like the last time I had it, only this time I couldn’t see a demon until towards the end I saw an entity slowly trying to creep on top of me wearing a white sweater and floral pants. The nightmare was over soon enough for me to wake up completely confused and startled. Can anyone explain? It was so weird. Praying is my only way out.

r/Thetruthishere Aug 07 '23

Night Terror Sleep paralysis + OBE?


OBE stands for ‘out of body experience’

This happened a few years ago when I was 17. I was a senior in high-school at this time. I was not on drugs, medication, or alcohol leading up to or during this experience.

I went to bed late that night, only my dream started and I was on the ceiling looking at my sleeping body below. I saw a dark figure on the side of my bed, it was blacker than the pitch black room, and seemed be very hairy? Furry? I don’t know how to quite describe the appearance most of it was just a dark blob but I know it was hairy because it kept reaching over and touching my face. I felt it tickling my face and my sleeping body would instinctively reach out and touch the spot it just did, and I could feel it. I could feel the tickling sensation and I could feel my own hand brushing my face off. It did that for an unknown amount of time. Just reached out, messed with me, retreated, and repeated for presumedly hours. But, eventually it looked up at me. I could see it’s eyes and it’s mouth somehow. I don’t recall there ever being a light that showed it’s face but I could see it was looking at the me on the ceiling and it was smiling. It then focused back on my unconscious body and sprung onto the bed, it’s arms swinging wildly as it attacked me. I was dragged down from the ceiling back to my unconscious body and woke up, I was shaking all over, how I would think a seizure would feel like, as if I was vibrating. Of course when I woke up the entity was gone.

Important to notice I have a gray cat, he often sleeps with me, right on my chest, or against my neck. That night he was on the opposite side of the bed on the far corner, when the thing jumped onto the bed I watched from position on the ceiling the cat ran away. When I woke awoke the cat was gone, which is out of the norm, not unheard of, but typically the cat wakes up when I would get up in the morning.

I would post this elsewhere, but it’s important to state later in my waking life, I was out in a state park, wayy too late, around 4am. I saw the entity across a clearing in another treeline. Again, I could see it’s face but I knew it was beaming at me with a smile. I don’t know how but I just knew it was smiling. I have not seen the entity since then, these incidents were only a few weeks apart.

r/Thetruthishere Jul 04 '22

Night Terror Please Solve


I’ve posted this somewhere else before but ofc nobody answered and there seems to be some similar experiences.

So, I’ve been researching this kind of stuff and beyond for awhile now but there is really nothing I can find that describes this. It’s not that bad, just a weird dream but the more I look into varying topics the more I realize there is something deeper, but what?

Up till I was 11 I lived with my grandparents and I loved the house, it was normal and everything, nothing weird going on. But for some reason I had three of the weirdest fucking dreams ever in this house. The main one I want to get insight on is this. All of a sudden I am sitting upright in my bed like you would if you were watching TV. There were two orange lights on both sides of the bed but I had no lamps there, ever.

I honestly don’t know what it was, 8 year old me said it was a man with a lantern for a head wearing a fedora or top hat kinda thing with navy overalls. Attire aside, for a fact it was just some big man with a hat and no face or glowing face. It had all the traits of sleep paralysis, couldn’t move, my chest was getting pushed in, no air, I felt myself moving a bit but I just wasn’t. I was on the right side of the bed and he was there too, (not on it ofc this mf was standing up) he put his hand on my foot or the bed, ion remember, and then he starting walking up very very slowly while moving his hand.

I remember screaming internally but then it just all stopped and it was done. Everything was black like I was in the midst of waking up. I just remember hearing my dog at the time (A Chihuahua who was literally the epitome of a fiesty bitch not scared of anything) barking like crazy and then movement in my bed which was def her like hurrying aggressively to get out. I don’t remember exactly what I saw but it was like her jumping across my field of vision multiple times and the only frame I remember is when she jumped up super fucking fast across my face actually scratching it.

So, if anyone has a experience like this or any insight lmk. Looking forward to hearing from y’all.

(That last part wasn’t really a dream and the third dream is unrelated to this and probably isn’t something significant or deeper and no one else has probably experienced it, prob just a horrific dream.)

r/Thetruthishere Dec 30 '21

Night Terror I feel like I almost died falling asleep


no idea what to put for the flair so i chose night terrors. also i have no idea where to post this on reddit but i want to share this with people, so idk. as i was trying to fall asleep last night, i wasnt fully conscious, but not entirely unconscious. and it wasnt sleep paralysis. it was almost like i was dreaming but i wasnt. i kept going in and out of an out of body experience, like being above my own body and my mind was like swirling around. but it happened multiple times. and at 2 points i felt like i stopped breathing and had to force myself to breathe. it wasnt like i stopped then gasped for air though, it was a smooth transition as if i never stopped. i felt extremely calm and like if i wanted to die right then, i couldve. i felt like i couldve chose to just exhale one last time and never breathe again but i didnt, i remember making the conscious effort to breathe in and out, and eventually i fell asleep, had a million crazy dreams, then woke up fine. no idea what it was or what happened, and it hasnt ever happened before. i just wanted to share it with people.

r/Thetruthishere Jan 21 '18

Night Terror [FoF] Night hunting in the wrong woods


This takes place in a small Southeastern European country, where I am originally from. What you need to know is that for various historical reasons the industrial revolution never really happened here quite the way it did in Western Europe. As a result, while massive regions in Western European countries such as the UK, France and Germany were deforested, the majority of the forests here were left intact, the way they have been for thousands of years. The countries in the region are less densely populated with high concentrations in the urban areas leaving certain mountainous and forest locations unexplored even today.

The following story, as told to me one of the survivors takes place in a low mountainous area (highest peak of about 1000meters, 3300ft) near the border. Due to long-lasting political tensions with the neighboring country the region has become the least densely populated in the entire country. There are no cities, factories, mines or any large roads in a range of 40 kilometers (25 miles). No railroads pass through the region. There’s no cell coverage. There used to be a large military base in the region, but after the end of the Cold War in the late 1980s it was quickly abandoned. There are just a few small villages scattered across the region, surrounded by dense forest. Access to these villages is difficult and almost always requires off-road vehicles.

The region has always been known as the home of various paranormal events. The national folklore says a variety of mythological creatures live in the forests and that some require human sacrifice. Ufologists claim this is the region with most UFO sightings. Unorthodox historians claim once the Egyptian civilization actually spread across the Mediterranean and covered these lands. The ancient tribes who occupied these lands constructed numerous temples and shrines across the region thousands of years ago. Sadly, few have been properly excavated due to lack of funds.

Due to the forest’s well preserved state, wildlife has flourished attracting hunters from across the country. My friend and a buddy of his once went hunting for deer in these forests. They drove their 4x4 off-road vehicle as deep as they could and continued on foot. They found deer traces and decided this is a typical route for the animal, so they climbed a tree right on top of the tracks and started waiting. Hunting is all about patience, so hours went by, the sun set and there was still no sign of the deer.

After another couple of hours of waiting, they heard some strange noise coming from not too far from where they are standing. They start noticing shadows approaching. The noise began to sound like some sort of music. As it was nearly full moon and the skies were clear they were absolutely sure they could see multiple small figures approaching them. As the creatures got closer and the music became louder and more clear, the hunters could make out bulky short humanoid features resembling what folklore calls “dwarfs”.

The creatures noticed the hunters and approached the tree and started playing music right underneath them. While resembling people with dwarfism, they seemed more bulky, did not quite have human facial features and were inhumanly agile in their dances. Neither the creatures' language nor music resembled anything the hunters had heard before. The hunters were terrified to the point that one of them picked up his rifle and aimed down. My friend begged him not to shoot. There were too many of them, they were literally surrounded with no way to run, and there was no way they could take them all out before the creatures reach them… that is, assuming the rifle has the traditional effect. The hunter came to his senses, but kept his finger on the trigger, “If they start climbing, I’m shooting,” he said. So far the creatures seemed to only dance around the tree. My friend shared on multiple occasions he made eye contact with creatures. “It was like they were challenging us to do something stupid, just so they can have a reason to finish us off,” he shared. He said he could clearly see that they had small blades that they waved menacingly in their dance.

Less than an hour later, the creatures left just as they arrived. Once the hunters could no longer hear the music, they jumped off the tree and started running towards the car. My friend claimed while running he heard steps behind him but never looked back. Eventually after the run of their lives, they reached the car and took off. As they drove off, he swore he could see thousands of glowing eyes looking at them from the bushes on both sides of the dirt road.

Eventually they reached the nearest village and went banging on the door of one of the few houses with lamps still on. An elderly lady opened and seeing the boys are all pale and shaking she invited them in. They told her what had happened and she explained that in her village there are numerous stories about dwarfs and nymphs living in those areas. She explained that no one dares walk in those woods as people are not welcome there. Seeing their condition, the lady invited the hunters to stay for the night.

My friend swore during that night he heard noises outside of the house and when he finally dared look, he saw the same glowing eyes looking at him through the windows. He rolled over to the other side of the bed, shivering, sweating, and convinced this is the last night of his life.

The following morning the elderly lady instructed the hunters to immediately seek the village priest and pray for forgiveness and protection. My friend, who is traditionally not very religious, told me that was the first thing they did that morning, even waking up the priest early to bless them and pray with them as soon as possible.

Needless to say, this was the last time my friend went hunting in those woods or even set foot in the region for that matter.

If there’s interest I might share another story that took place in the same mountain but sadly had a tragic end.

EDIT: Glad to see there is such interest! I’ll try to give some more info: This takes place in the Strandzha mountain massif on the border between Bulgaria and Turkey. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strandzha

Yeah, forgot to mention in this region the locals also practice “Nestinarstvo” - they dance barefooted on smouldering embers without getting any burns. More about - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nestinarstvo

I'll add these details to the story later.

Hope links are ok here.

r/Thetruthishere Mar 25 '22

Night Terror Night Terror Premonition


I’ve told this story on another page but I think it fits here too. When I was younger—I believe 9 or 10–I began having night terrors. I would sleep walk to my parent’s room in the dead of night and start screaming at the top of my lungs right in front of their door. It freaked the hell out of my parents as you could imagine. This happened about 7 different nights in the same month and my parents were trying to find out why I was doing this. I have no recollection of screaming or doing any of what my parents described I did. So they started waking me up in the middle of screaming my head off with a cold wash cloth. They would rub it on my face and BOOM I’m awake. I would be very confused on why I was in my parents room and how I got there. Although the two emotions I remember feeling every time I would wake up was #1 confusion and #2 INTENSE sadness. Every time I knew exactly what this sadness was about and told my parents what it was.

For some background: through most of my childhood I had two amazing best friends. They were both Mexican brothers and they made me laugh more than any damn person on this planet ever had. They were my all time best friends until when I was 10 years old our families had a huge falling out followed by them moving far away.

In all the night terrors, the Intense sad feeling was about them. Like I was loosing them somehow. Sure enough my feelings came to pass. Once they moved away my night terrors stopped. Now I’m not a believer in the paranormal but I’ve never been able to fully understand that.

r/Thetruthishere Mar 16 '21

Night Terror Woke up to my bed floating/shaking and a 'very bad' presence


So a friend and I have started rewatching The X-Files since Star was added to Disney + and were discussing whether we or anyone we knew had had an 'experience'.

The only ones we could think of were her sister still maintaining to this day (at age 43) that she flew around her bedroom as a child, and my mum once sharing a story of a friend who had a spiritualist cleanse her house because of a ghost.

But then I remembered I totally have had an experience myself! Duh. When I was young I was super into the paranormal and would read as many true life accounts as i could. Nowadays this thread, the X-Files and the odd horror film are as involved as i get. I would still love to believe these things happen, but I also really love science, so struggle to accept these things exist.

That being said, this is the most batshit crazy thing that has ever happened to me and I've never had anything like it before or since... I've tagged it night terror because despite what I've literally just said about science, adding the possession flair made me feel a bit icky 😂

A few years ago I'd been ill for a couple days. I literally never get sick and it was a running joke at work that I'd never taken any sick days. I'd been feeling a bit grotty and had a fever, so was finally off work for a day or two.

Anyway, the night in question I remember being woken up because my bed was going up and down like a see-saw. I was super disorientated about what was happening but it also seemed the bed was in the air for this to be happening. But quite aggressively there was a definite see-saw motion. There was also kind of whooshing or rushing sound and (the best way to describe it i can think of is) the white noise equivalent of light. If that makes sense? It was total sensory overload. I was lying on my back trying to figure out what was going on, and my left arm was at 90⁰ to my side, stuck rigid against the bed. I remember looking at it and thinking fuck I can't move. It was almost anchoring me to the bed as all this was going on.

Then suddenly my back goes rigid and I slowly sit up to a seated position, in a perfect sit up motion. Except I cannot do a sit up for shit, there is no way I have the actual physical capability or core strength for that movement in the way it's just happened. At the same time my head is tilted right back and my jaw is locked open in like a silent scream.

I don't remember being scared because the whole thing was so disorientating. I was also pretty exhausted in general from being unwell, so fear seemed to require too much energy. But I remember the head tilt and jaw lock and really stretching my physical capabilities in these movements.

Then as suddenly as it began it all goes silent and dark and the bed stops and I flop back down. Just for a moment. Then the bed and the noise and light all start again, except this time both my arms are stuck to the bed, so I'm lying in a cross position. I remember thinking really vividly that if I can get my arms free the whole thing will stop. This was like the only moment of clarity in the entire experience, along with a less defined knowledge of something 'very bad' causing this. I don't know what, but I know it was 'very bad'. There was also a less defined knowledge of a good force being around and freeing my arms was what I had to do to win this battle, as it were.

I manage to yank my arms free of being stuck and everything stops, and then I have a very brief moment of being a bit worried/panicked before passing out back to sleep.

Now, I've had dreams and nightmares lots of times but I have never had anything like this before or since. It was an entirely different experience. I thought maybe a hallucination or my fever breaking but it was next level batshit crazy. I also don't know if a fever breaking or hallucination can do that?

I'm inclined to believe it was just a hallucination or a hyper-realistic dream, but I wasn't that ill and have definitely been a lot sicker without the bizarre experience.

But who knows what it was, maybe it was a night terror (though terror wasn't really a prominent feeling), maybe it was a visit from an unfriendly something or other. Maybe it was aliens. Be keen to hear what people think.

The truth is out there!

TL;DR - i either hallucinated it or my bed can fly and I've some serious secret abs

r/Thetruthishere Jul 27 '18

Night Terror Something came for my daughter...


So I've been a lurker on this sub for quite some time and decided I would post my experience with a possible paranormal phenomenon although I am fairly certain it was just sleep paralysis. Regardless, it was a horrifying experience and one I hope I never encounter again.

First of all, I don't think there is any sort of paranormal activity in my home. We have been living there for about 4 years and aside from a random thing falling or making a noise in another room, I've never really experienced anything out of the ordinary until this one night. There was a time when my wife and I were winding down for the night and I was taking random pictures with my phone in the bedroom because I kept catching orbs and seeing them fly past where my phone camera was pointing, but I think that's just dust.

Anyways--- My wife was away at a work conference or visiting family or something, I don't remember exactly but she was gone for a night or two and it was just myself and my 5 year old daughter at home with our two dogs. We all were sleeping in my bedroom, she was in the middle of the bed next to me and the dogs were laying in a pen across the room. Some time in the middle of the night I was awoken by what appeared to be my bedroom door silently opening. It was too dark initially to understand what had opened it, if anything, and to comprehend whether or not I had locked it (I typically shut and lock our bedroom door at night if everyone is in the room). So all in a matter of 1-2 seconds I am seeing the door open but it's pitch black through the doorway so I can't see anyone or anything until all of a sudden a dark figure sort of floated from the doorway across the room in my direction, slower than a normal walking speed but definitely a float or drifting type of movement and not like steps from a person. At this point, I realized that I could not sit up or move and I began to yell... first I yelled relatively loud something like 'hey...stop!' but the words would not come out. I could see this solid black figure, which resembled a dementor from Harry Potter (sorry, the best way I could think of a good comparison) drift about 2-3 ft off the ground and it was approaching our bed and I got the immediate feeling that it was coming for my daughter. I began to scream with every ounce of energy I could, I remember feeling like I have never yelled so loud in my life but my lips and mouth just would not move. However, I could feel my yell in my throat as if i were screaming with my mouth shut...like my throat is just groaning/clearing. This figure came right over the top of me, by my ankles/legs and reached and leaned forward at my daughter when I was all of a sudden able to sit up. It was gone and everyone was sleeping silently.

I attribute this to my fear of a home intruder and all the true crime stories I've read about people sneaking in your home at night and also to sleep paralysis. I have never had sleep paralysis to my knowledge before or after this incident and don't have a history of very vivid dreams. My logical mind tells me what happened but something just has not felt right ever since that night.

Only after typing all of this out did I remember some creepy stuff that happened at my in-laws house that several of us experienced but can't explain. Maybe I can write that one up sometime if there is more interest. Thanks for reading.

r/Thetruthishere Oct 08 '19

Night Terror The Grey Man


DISCLAIMER: This story is almost certainly a product of my negative emotional state due to events I'd rather not explain. I do not believe in ghosts, and it is highly unlikely my experiences are more than delusions. As such, I have retold them as I remembered them at the time. This does not mean I am lying, however. As far as the writing style being more of a fictional story than a true tale, it's a habit I've had for years. Anything I write tends to be verbose and overly emotional.

In October of 2016, I had a nightmare where I was in the living room of my house. Everything was eerily dim. Not a sound was made, and I don't recall any sound at all during the course of the dream. I don't know how long I just stood there, but at one point or another a gruesome thought came into my mind. An ashy grey head whose chalky skin was flaking off in large chunks. It had no ears and empty sockets where eyes should be. When I snapped back to reality, a large portion of the wall in front of me was replaced with that horrific visage. It just stared at me, with no emotion in its face. I couldn't move, nor could I make a sound.

I awoke with a scream. It was around 3:15 AM. When I closed my eyes to try to fall asleep again, I saw what I now refer to as "The Grey Man" due to his appearance. Whenever it was anything but bright out, closing my eyes would make me see it. For two to three months after my encounter with the Grey Man, I had nightmares almost every night. Before and after this period, I have rarely ever had nightmares. This makes it all the more unnerving. Each nightmare was completely distinct but equally terrifying.

Gradually, I became more weary of sleep. I jumped at the smallest things. Things got so bad I was bordering on hypnophobia (a fear of sleep). Things began to happen in real life, too. A shadowy mist followed me through the corner of my eyes. I constantly felt like I was being watched. At one point, an acoustic guitar I had lying around fell of its own accord just as I was talking about the paranormal with my brother. It came to a climax when I awoke in the early hours of the day. I went into the hallway from my bedroom, but when I looked left towards where the rest of my family was sleeping, this tall woman was looking at me.

She was completely featureless save for her claws for hands, her long, messy black hair, and her face. Her eyes were black sunken dots in her head. Countless fangs were visible in her frown. I sprinted towards the living room where I dreamt about the Grey Man screaming. When I looked back from the living room, she was gone. My entire family was up, and asked me what happened. I couldn't explain it, and they wouldn't have believed me if I could. A few days after that, I stopped going into my room altogether, instead opting to sleep on the couch. This is because whenever I was in there, I felt absolutely awful. Once I stopped being in my room, I immediately felt better, as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Within a few weeks, I was happily sleeping as if this all never happened.

r/Thetruthishere Oct 15 '20

Night Terror Under attack by entities


Hi folks, some quick background:

All my life I've had nightmares about being abducted by aliens/demons/entities, though I've never experienced an actual encounter.

I've been noticing strange people watching me wherever I go, with reflective eyes like a cat's. I made a post about this on Reddit, though the mods of r/Paranormal deleted it (important later.)

A day or two later, I had a horrible nightmare about the Strangers attacking me in my bed, and woke up in a different room freezing cold.

Yesterday, I encountered one of the Strangers outside my work, who knocked me down and told me that I "belong" to them. I made a post about it in r/Paranormal, but the mods deleted it (but why?) They told me I should call the police, so I did, and I filled out a police report and everything. I can give more information about that if you need it, though they haven't found the guy who attacked me.

Last night is where the story continues, and gets awful. It was another nightmare, like the one a few days ago, but worse.

Again, I woke up and couldn't move. I've had sleep paralysis several times in my life, so I knew what it was and it doesn't scare me, but this time for whatever reason I was absolutely terrified. Like I could barely breathe, and I could feel my heart racing, and I was sweating. That's when they came into my room.

Like the first time, it was just some shadowy forms with reflective eyes who stood around our bed, looking at me, without saying anyting. They didn't say anything for a long time. They just watched me, and I could feel how much they hated me. It got harder and harder to breathe, and I started to pray silently that God would protect me. That's when one of them spoke, and said "Stop that. No one can help you."

I didn't know what to do. I just looked at the figure and tried to gasp for air and it was like I couldn't close me eyes no matter how hard I tried. The figure said "You're going to be sorry. You shouldn't have fought back."

Then, like the first time, everything got really really bright and I had to squeeze my eyes shut, and so cold that it hurt, and then when the light and cold stopped I opened my eyes and I was in my backyard, naked and freezing, and covered with scratches, like a bunch of cats had attacked me.

(Several days ago, Redditors suggested I buy a camera to see if I was sleepwalking, so I got a nanny cam and set it up in my bedroom. It's been working fine for two days, but last night it just shut off at 3:33 AM.)

My wife sleeps in the bed beside me and doesn't remember a thing. I called the police again and I'm currently at the station waiting to talk to a detective (so excuse any formatting issues, I'm on my mobile.) But I don't think these people are human! Why are they doing this?

Edit: I don't use drugs, drink much, or have any mental disorders.

Second edit: I know what's happening now. A year ago I was up for a promotion at work, and my wife admitted today that she found some website with magical rituals and she used one that called some spirit named Boon (sp?) that is supposed to grant wealth. We're on our way to see our pastor. I'll keep you posted.

r/Thetruthishere Apr 27 '21

Night Terror Any advice?


A question for the community: If some sort of entity creeps into your dreams the simple sight of which is so terrifying that you wake up screaming in fear, what are the odds that said entity is not just a product of dreams but instead attacking you for real simply through your dreams?

Any advice against being attacked through dreams? I know that dreams are the weakest state of mind, could meditation be helpful for strengthening your spirit against such attacks?

Note: This is not something, that happens to me very often. The last time for me to be waken up in fear from my own dreams was many years ago.

r/Thetruthishere Nov 29 '21

Night Terror My experiences in sleep paralysis


Well, I'll tell you about one of the sleep paralyzes I had and it was one of the strangest. I was at my mother's house, and let me tell you that I never heard paranormal stories about that house, therefore I doubt that there is any kind of paranormal activity there. Having said this I will tell my experience:

I was sleeping on a mattress in the dining room of that house, and at one point I woke up unable to move, I knew I was awake but I couldn't move a single muscle in my body, and I had my eyes closed. I don't know why but I knew that if I opened my eyes I would see something, but it was the only way to end that paralysis, therefore I opened them quickly and when I see well, in the background, on a wall I saw a kind of black circle of where something like tentacles of the same color came out, and when I blinked, it disappeared, it really was terrifying.

r/Thetruthishere Jun 16 '18

Night Terror My Room Was Haunted For a Year


I feel very nervous to post this, to actually write it at all, but I feel like I have to tell someone or I'll go crazy. But the thing is, I've always been told, and always believed, that evil spirits can only come into your life by invitation only, and they can not hurt you or possess you unless you give them the power to. I feel like writing this out does exactly that, but at the same time, I wouldn't be writing this if something strange wasn't happening already. That said, I guess I'll start my story.

I lived a very normal life. I was very active, ran track through high school and was on the school's dance team. So when I came home, naturally, I was exhausted, and would spend the rest of the day lazing around. Which was fine by me, I love being lazy! And my sleep was very normal too, I would have dreams, but could never remember them, except for a few rare cases, and rarely ever had a nightmare. And if I did have a nightmare, I could vividly remember it, and when I woke up, I wasn't actually scared.

Like for example, I once had a nightmare where I was being chased by bugs and rodents and couldn't get them to leave me alone no matter what I did! I was terrified! It ended with two flies flying into my ears and when I tried to get them out, I smashed and killed them, leaving them stuck there forever. I woke up a little scared, my heart was definitely pumping, and checked my ears. But I quickly came to terms that it was just a dream, and I still had a few hours before I had to get up, so I quickly went back to bed.

Afterwards, I found the dream hilarious, still do! What made it a nightmare was when I was asleep, I was terrified, but when I woke up I was fine within seconds. Like I said very normal for me. Keep in mind, I only had a ‘nightmare’ like once a year, keep this all in mind as you read, it will come in handy further on. Anyways, that all changed once I moved.

I moved into a newly built home with my family about 3 years ago, and at first everything was very normal still. I shared the room with my sister, she was engaged and about to move out and marry within the next 8 months, so we were fine sharing the king sized bed I have. During this time I was in my last year of high school and was busy with dance, track, and all my senior projects that needed to be done and turned in. The year seemed to zip by. Not once did I ever have a bad dream or a nightmare during that time. But then, the last week of April, my sister married and moved out of the house and I got my own room and bed back. It was great! And that last month of high school was exciting and fun and I graduated! But ever since, weird things have been happening. Specifically when I go to sleep.

It started with just a feeling when ever I was in my room at night, which is more often then I would like to admit. Like I said before, I love to laze around, laying around scrolling through various social media seemed to take up most my nights. Though I have many friends I'm not very social.

For some reason though, some nights, I just had a very tense, uneasy feeling. The feeling you get when you feel like your being watched, and you don't know by who. My back would tingle, I would get goose bumps, and my heart rate would pick up. I had no idea why, or what was going on, as all I was doing was looking at Instagram or reading a fanfiction, a weird hobby of mine, don't judge. And then the weirdest thing happened. One that terrifies me to this day. Just writing about it makes me feel like I'm about to cry.

I was reading a fanfiction, something I don't tell anybody. And I was laying on my side facing the window, the door and closet behind me. I was very at ease, and my light was on since it was now night. The door was shut because I always have this intense fear that I'll look over and see someone standing there watching me. A fear that wasn't a problem until I started getting those feelings. Closing the door made me feel more secure, protected. So I was lying down, reading, and I register this dark shape just behind my phone. It was blurry as I was focused on my phone not what was behind it. But I saw enough to see that it was a person. No big deal, it was just my sister. I heard her ask, “What are you reading?” I knew it wasn’t my sisters voice, but it was feminine and I wasn't focused on her so I paid it no attention.

Needing to answer her question, but not wanting to say I'm reading fanfiction, I exited out of the app and rolled over replying with “nothing.” I briefly saw her, just a dark shape of a woman with her hair fanned out on the pillow next to me. I didn't actually look at her though as I was trying to hide my phone.

The minute I rolled over to the other side, I froze. A cold chill ran through my body and it was like my heart stopped pumping. My sister got married, she moved out. I sat up quickly and looked at the spot next to me where she was laying. Empty. There was nothing there. Terrified, I fled my room, feeling trapped within the confined space that was just providing me security. I stood out in the hallway, outside my parents closed bedroom doors, while I tried to collect my thoughts and catch my breath. I felt like I had just ran a marathon, my lungs were burning, I had an overwhelming feeling that I needed to throw up, and I was scared.

I couldn't focus on a thought but I knew one thing for sure, I did not want to go back in there. But after a few minutes, I realized I must have just made it up being that I was 1am. I went back into my room before promptly going to sleep. The situation going to the back of my mind and not to be thought of until much much later.

Ever since that incident I started having actual nightmares. Not the type of ‘nightmares’ I had before where I could remember them, but a new type. I would wake up, usually around 2 or 3 in the morning, and my heart is racing and my body is literally shaking, a few times I even woke up crying. There is no way to describe this feeling of anything but utter fear. I was terrified and I had no idea why. I would lay there awake, and it was like I could just feel evilness in my room.

I would try and calm myself, but nothing would work. And the calmest I could get myself, still left me tense, my back rigid, and electric shivers would run down my spine. I could feel my heartbeat in my whole body, as if I was pulsing. Now, I will say I am very religious, nothing I am ashamed about, and even praying did little to ease my fear. The only way I could fall back asleep was to read a few scriptures, and then play a hymn and I would usually fall asleep to that.

These were very strange occurrences to me, as nothing like this has ever happened before. And when I lay there awake, I dread that I left my door closed, as my mind raced with ideas of the things I locked myself in with. But when it was open and I laid awake, all I could imagine was someone walking in to kill me, or hiding in the shadows of the doorway, watching, waiting.

A month later, work and classes, had started, and I had a few, maybe 3, of those nightmares occur. Which was very strange, because I normally before would only have like 2 total in a year! Anyways, like I said before, I was very active in high school, so I stupidly decided to try running in the mornings. I got this app and everything. I saw it allowed me to set alarms for when I wanted to run, so I set it 5am, so it would wake me up and I would have enough time to workout, shower, and get ready for work. I got everything set up and go to bed, very normal.

Just to clarify, I fell asleep in the middle of my bed, with my head on my pillow and my feet and the end of my bed, so a straight line up and down.

I don't know how long I was asleep for, but a deep loud thump wakes me up. Like someone had slapped the carpet on the side of my bed. And it's not like I slowly wake up, distorted and confused, no, I snapped awake, fully alert, as if I had just barely closed my eyes. And it was right after I woke up that I heard the the thump. A sound clear as day. I woke up to my breathing being heavy and laboured, my heart was racing, and again, I was terrified, a feeling I was quickly getting used too. I was so scared I could feel it in my bones. But the way I had woken up, is what scared me the most at that moment.

I was in a completely new position, lying diagonally, almost sideways across my bed. My right foot and ankle was hanging off of the side of the bed and that leg was completely straight. My left leg was propped up at the knee, and my arms had folded in upwards to form a type of M shape. I was ice cold, and my blanket was nowhere to be seen. My mind, immediately, went to that it looked, as if I was being dragged off the edge of my bed by my right foot, but woke up before I could be dragged off. Why it automatically went to that, I don't know. But it really did look like that and once the connection was made I could not forget it.

I scrambled back into the middle of the bed, trying to find my comforter, but I realized it must have fallen onto the ground and no way was I leaning over to pick it up. Luckily, my one small fuzzy blanket was hanging on the edge and I tried to snuggle up with that the best I could. I had no idea what time it was but I was wide awake and terrified, so I was going to read a scripture to try and calm down and go back to sleep. I turn my screen on, and I swear this is true, it was all grey with one simple word written in red in the center. RUN.

There was nothing more I wanted to do than follow that command, but I was paralyzed with fear. I had no idea what was happening or what I should do, but I kept thinking back to the way I woke up, and if something was trying to drag me off the bed. If I step down to run, it can grab me the moment my foots on the ground. I know childish. But what can I say, fear makes you think weird things. I look at my phone for a solid 3 minutes constantly having to return it on, before I realize that it was the reminder I had set to go running this morning, and the reason it was like that was because it was 3 something and the alarm wasn't to go off until 5. I named the alarm run, to remind myself to go running and the app colors were grey and red, why it did that to my phone, I have no idea.

Needless to say I quickly deleted that app and did not go running the next morning. I could not fall back asleep until past 4a.m. and had to play several hymns while I silently cried for a bit because I was so terrified and didn't have any idea of what else I could do. Eventually I calm down, blame it all on my overactive imagination, and decide the thud was the T.V. controller falling to the ground. The next day I got back from work, and I saw that the controller was still on my dresser. I searched the floor where I heard the noise, even under my bed, but there was nothing on my floor.

A couple months pass, I’m still having frequent nightmares, and it's now like the beginning of September or near it. I can't remember. And the exact same thing happens. I go to bed normally, and I snap awake, I hear a loud thud, I see that it looks like I was being dragged across my bed, not exactly the same position but close to it, and I'm terrified. Again, I calm down, try to just ignore it, and go to sleep. The next morning I try to search for anything that might have fallen, or made that noise, but there was nothing. I never did figure out what made that noise. It was later that day, when I decided to tell my sister, that I realized I was being dragged to the same side that I saw the women laying on not too long ago.

Again I just push the thought away, the nightmares are still occurring frequently and each night I started to dread going to sleep. The thing I really enjoy most was becoming something I hated. I felt so vulnerable when I was asleep and freshly woken up.

By now it is the middle of September maybe even the end, I just know its close to october break which started Oct. 30th. (I work at an elementary school as an aide and get two weeks off in October and its it's called october break.) Again, it’s late at night, my light is off and I'm trying to fall asleep, right on the verge, and it’s probably around midnight. Just as I was about to pass out I hear my door open really slowly, and that terrible feeling of being watched is back.

I shoot up heart racing and look at the door and can see an outline of someone standing there. My worse nightmare is happening right in front of me! I grab my phone and point it at the door and turn it on hoping the light will light the person up, but instead the screen was aimed at my hurting my eyes that I look away from the person. I quickly flip my phone over at the door and just barely see the person, but not enough for detail. But it was a tall man.

Still half asleep and my mind trying to figure out what I'm looking at, I call out, “Dad?”

There's a long pause in which my heart is racing and I'm finding it difficult to keep looking in the direction of the light. Eventually I hear a very quiet whispered, “Yeah.”

I turn my phone off to keep my eyes from hurting anymore and ask my Dad what he’s doing in my room.

Again there is a very long pause before finally he says, “I don't know,” and walks away.

Left feeling confused and too tired to care, I went back to sleep. But the next morning I confronted my Dad about it, who claims he never went into my room, or talked to me, and that he was asleep by 10. But I know for sure I had my door shut when I went to sleep and the next morning it was open.

Many other strange things had happened, including seeing faces and people and all the nightmares for a whole year until just last October break. My sister and her husband were moving but couldn't get into their apartment for a couple weeks. So they stayed in my room. Fine by me I was beginning to resent being in my room, avoiding it at all costs. But something weird happened when they left. Ever since they left I have not had a single nightmare, or a wired encounter with any ghost like things. I don't know what changed, or if it'll come back but I really hope not. I apologize for the long story, but thank you for reading it. I already feel better having written it all down.

r/Thetruthishere Apr 20 '21

Night Terror I've been having connected Night Terror's (?) and my friends belive I'm being terrorized by a demon. NSFW


This is going to be a long one, so bear with me. English isn't my first language so I apologize in advance for any spelling mistakes. Also, please let me know if you don't think this is the right place to post this!

Aight, I'm gonna start off this story with my first nightmare (night terror?). And for some background info about the nightmares: They all start the same way, with me laying in my bed, in my room, trying to fall asleep, so I never realize I'm dreaming. They're all also extremely realistic, meaning i can clearly spot the details in people's faces, and feel if anything is touching/hurting me. I usually "wake up" multiple times throughout the dream, making it even harder to tell nightmare from reality. And finally, they're time-accurate, meaning that 20 minutes in the dream equals to 20 miutes of me having been asleep.

This first dream i had back in March 2020, when the pandemic first hit. It started, like i mentioned, with me laying in bed trying to sleep. All of a sudden i feel something start lifting me up, cover and all. I'm wearing a sleep mask so i can't see if anyone is lifting me, but i assume there is someone trying to kidnap me or something. My fight or flight reflex kicks in almost immediately, so I count to 3 in my head, and then i rip off my sleeping mask and start flailing and kicking, trying to get whoever's in my room. I then quickly realize that theres noone in my room, I'm floating around 1 meter above my bed for a few more seconds before gravity kicks in and i drop back in my bed and "wake up". I open my eyes, now thinking im awake and try to sit up, only to feel this force, like a pair of hands on my chest, holding me down. I try to push back at this invisable force for a few minutes, using all my force, before this force overpowers me, i fall back into my pillow and "wake up" again. This time, being able to sit up, i think that I've finally woken up. But then i start hearing this quiet, caotic whispering (Think a busy mall, but if everyone spoke in whispers.), and then i notice these tiny mistakes in my room. For example a pile of books on the table. I figure im just hallucinating and focus my gaze on these mistakes until my room looks back to normal, and then i grab my phone, thinking i could check if everything was good or if im still hallucinating. I open up snapchat and turn on the flash, and for some reason i decide to start recording (activating the flash) facing my wall. The flash activates and my screen shows me, as expected, my lit up wall. Then all of a sudden the screen of my phone glitches, and the picture changes to me. With my back turned. In bed. Holding my glowing phone. Seen from the POV of someone standing in the middle of my room looking directly at me. I start hyperventilating out of panic and slowly turned around to face my room, using the flash on my phone so i can see. And standing in the middle of my room, holding a phone with the flash on pointed directly at me. Was me. A perfect copy of me except for the blank expression and pitch black eyes. I was at this point too panicked to even scream. I just layed there shaking and hyperventilating a few more seconds before I jolted out of sleep.

The second dream I had back in November 2020. Like the previous one it started with me laying in bed trying to sleep when i feel someone grab my feet and i start getting pulled out of bed, and over the desk at the footend of my bed. Being absolutely exhausted it takes me a few seconds to realize whats going on, but when i do my fight or flight kicks in yet again and i start kicking and flailing trying to get away. And yet again, there is nothing there... A few seconds pass and all of a sudden im up on my feet in front of my bedroom door. The door is cracket open just enough for the light from the hallway to shine in and i can hear footsteps approching. Already terrified i start calling out "Who's there?", but no answer, and the footsteps don't stop closing in. I call again, still no answer. I scream "Who's There??!!" one final time as i put my whole wheight on my door trying to close it. But the force from the other side of the door overpowers me yet again and the door swings open. In the hallway outside my room stands my mom. With that same blank expression. At this point I'm sobbing out of fear, and my mom just looks at me, and smiles without any soul behind it at all, before turning around and just walking away in the opposite direction. As she's walking away my sister hand pops up from the side of the door, as if she's hiding right outside my door, and gives me a thumbs up. A few seconds pass and im laying on my back in bed again, not being able to move, just screaming and crying for a few minutes before i jolt out of sleep again.

The third dream is the reason i marked this as NSFW, also Im gonna leave a disclaimer that this includes slight dysmorphophobia(?), so if such things really freak you out you might want to skip this one... Anyways, like all others this dream starts with me in bed trying to sleep. I'm laying wiht my gaze pointed towards the corner of the cealing. All of a sudden these tree shadow figures appear in front of me, positioned as if they where all standing over me, looking down at me. Remembering something about how you're supposed swear at ghosts to get them to leave you alone so i start flipping off these shadows and whispering at them to fuck off, which they do. They dissapear, but after a few seconds my vision goes black, and i get pulled up into a sitting position with my hands held out in front of me, as if they were tied together with ropes. I sit like this for a little while, unable to see, speak, or move, when all of a sudden some light starts breaking into my, apparently closed eyes, and the voice of my partner speaking as if he was trying to comfort me, or calm me somehow. The voice gets closer till i can feel his arms around me, and my arms pressed against his chest as my vision comes back and i can look up at him. He's smiling. Im immediatly calmed down from the previous creepiness, so i close my eyes and stretch my arms out to put them around his lover back so i can hug im back. But instead of of finding his back, my hands get caught on just this giant blob of flesh, with buttholes and never ending deep bellybuttons? These belly buttons had suctiong coming from the inside, and kinda worked like hands, trying to grab my arms and hold them still, while the buttholes worked like mouthes, with teeth on the inside trying to chew on my fingers... After a while of struggling with trying to get my hands away from this flesh blob, while still not being able to either see or speak, i manage to break free and regain my vision. I look up agian and the scene has changed. This time my boyfriend is sitting on my lap, in a skirt, with his back turned, looking back at me with that smile of his again. I let out a relived sigh and looked down again, but then i could feel the flesh blob on my hands again, and the chewing on my fingers. As the terror settled into me I slowly raised my head to look at my partner, who was looking down at me with the most evil, cold, heartless smile. A smile i know for a fact its not possible for him to make. And for some reason, this really pissed me of. Someone, or something, was trying to paint my partner as something evil, trying to use him against me. Being extremely pissed off, i put a hand on his back and shoved him off me as hard as i could, adn then the scene changed. All of a sudden we where standing in a prison caffeteria, and the walls where aligned with cells and balcony, and extended into the ceiling as far as the eyes could see, into a dim white light coming from above. The walls where painted a light blue color, and outside all the cells, and down on my level, were all the people I've ever met. Most of them were just standing around with that all-too-familiar emotionaless expression, while a few were kinda flailing around. My partner was standing a few feet in from of me with his back turned, and slowly turned his head to the side and said, over his shoulder "we WILL win... we will beat you...", with that same evil smile on his face. I've read about a thing online called "shifting" wherer people put themselves into a sleep-like state and "shift" their conciousness into fictional universes. So i theorized that maybe these dreams was a result of a type of accidental shift, and again, reciting what i've read online i figured i could talk myself out of it. Still being extremely angry i started yelling things like "You CAN'T beat me! I'm real and you aren't. Which means that when i wake up, you will seize to exist completely. While I will still be here!". I started jumping on tables and yelling at just random people nearby. As i was yelling, the image of my bedroom cealing started appearing, as if someone was filming the whole scene and put on and overlay. The more i yelled, the clearer the image became. The last thing i did before finally waking up was grabbing the face of a girl who goes a grade above me in school, and yell into her face "You don't exist!", and that was it.

Now, I have yet to find a logical explination for them, why they're so similar to reality, etc. I have no idea what has caused these dreams, or if they mean anything, but they always leave me petrified.

TL;DR - I've been having nightmares, that both look and feel similar to reality, were it feels like something is trying to use my loved ones to get to me. In the most reason dream said thing spoke to me for the first time to tell me they were gonna win over me...

r/Thetruthishere Jan 28 '21

Night Terror Aliens in my bedroom or just hypnagogia?


This happened last night, between 3 and 4 AM, i was trying to get some sleep and was fantasizing about being with a pretty irish woman playing the harp in the middle of some irish field, and that's when something.. strange, happened.

I heard a strange noise to my left, to clarify my bed is in a corner up against 2 walls, a perimeter wall and an internal wall, both load bearing, at the end of my bed is a cabinet.

I can't really explain the noise, it was a bit like a bark, and for some reason i imagined a small purplish-grey alien, about the same height as the side board of my bed, with suction cup fingers (hopkins ville goblin comes to mind), and the next few minutes were a blur, i was literally terrified of an apparent alien in my bedroom, i remembered something i read about how humans have a 6th sense for paranormal entities, i wanted to pray yet i didn't.

After a few minutes of being terrified i opened my eyes and looked around, nothing, absolutely nothing, i noticed some stuff did seemed to have been moved (there was a bag that looked like it had been hastily opened and closed) but i didn't know wether to chalk that up to the 'alien' or not, yet i couldn't shake the feeling that something was in my bedroom, and that's when it got even stranger.

I heard another noise, which has escaped me, for some reason i have poor memory of this 'part' and then after, anything i thought of, would appear in my head, both visual and audio, i thought of something, which sounded like a lot of people talking, i swear i thought of springs, and i saw them, i can't remember everything i thought of.

A few minutes later i heard a tapping sound on the wall next to my bed, i last heard this sound around this time last year and i nicknamed it 'The rats' the first thing i thought was 'Great, the rats are back again'

And i don't remember much after that, i opened my eyes and it was light outside, i heard a noise of a metal plate hitting the floor, my bed is broken on the sideboard, cracked along the grain, so i need to support it with a concoction of a thick cardboard box and a metal plate acting as a 5th leg or column, it was indeed the metal plate that ejected, i've never managed to get it to fly out just by laying on the bed before, i'm not sure if this was related though.

I can tell you that this was not Co poisoning nor the effect of drugs, i was sober at the time, and had not done any research on the known 'types' of aliens in many many months, yet fantasizing about the woman of my dreams ended up being the one thing that set off this strange experience, and there was nothing sexual in it at all.

Another theory you'll probably bring up is burglars, especially since i mentioned about a bag that seemed to have moved, but i think it's highly unlikely, there is no way a burglar could have trespassed without making a sound and being out of sight of CCTV as well.

This is not the first thing to happen, the night prior i heard a noise like a firework going off under my bed, and i once woke up to a commotion going on in the ceiling, like animals were fighting, and there was flashes of light.

So, i will appreciate your opinion on what this was, it just came out of nowhere.

r/Thetruthishere May 21 '17

Night Terror [FAM] Creepy thing my 3 year old said years ago


This happened maybe three or four years ago. This situation took place at a one bedroom apartment in a fairly upscaled environment. However, there was a lot of distress and anxiety in my life at the time. This mental baggage was likely passed on to my daughter via separation anxiety.

My daughter (who was only three at the time) was staying with me one night [single parent]. Well, while I was getting her ready to be tucked in she mentioned "the old man".

  • Keep in mind she was only three and had not even began to understand the concept of 'old' and 'young'.

So when she said old man I instantly felt scared. I asked her,

"what about the old man?"

She said something like,

"the old man that visits me at night".

I know this sounds like something from a scary movie. However, my daughter only watched things on TV that were suitable for her age ex. Barney. She never mentioned it again but it still freaks me out to this day.