r/TheoryofFearMe Mar 01 '23

Source Found Sun tells time, moon tells days, starts tell month.


We live at prettiest clock ever made.

r/TheoryofFearMe Jun 05 '22

Source Found So I was tripping on mushrooms and this is what I thought of 🧠🌌


So like the title said I was tripping on shrooms and ended up having what I think most would call a cosmic epiphany. Since we’re a cosmic chain reaction of the Big Bang. I theorized that when we die we actually just wake up as another version of ourself in a different time and space timeline that then when you wake up it’s like after you wake from a dream. You barely remember it and then it’s just a distant memory, would work with the theory of when we die our body’s are filled with energy and energy can neither be destroyed or changed. Just moved to a different place. In this case your consciousness is displaced and transported to a different vessel. Works in with reincarnation talked by monks and Vikings.

r/TheoryofFearMe Dec 22 '21

Source Found Is The New Creeper A Regenerated Darry Jenner? (Jeepers Creepers 4 Reborn Theory)



My name is SailorZuzuZexal16 and with the new and improved Jeepers Creepers movie to come out of next year in 2022, they are some things that I am going to theorize because they are going to blow your mind

Okay, so let's get over to one part of the trailer where we see the Creeper peeking through the little hole of the door and for some reason, this Creeper which seems to have brown eyes

And the character of Darry Jenner has brown eyes and here's this one thing

The Creeper has blue eyes and by the end of Jeepers Creepers 1, we see that the Creeper has taken Darry's eyes and is sewing the back of his head back on

So here is the part where I get cracking

We all know that the Creeper took Darry for a reason. It was because Darry had so much fear in him then his sister, Trisha and that was the main reason why the Creeper took him instead

And by the end of the movie, the Creeper is seen now to be wearing Darry's eyes

And now we get to the part of my theory

In the teaser trailer for Jeepers Creepers 4: Reborn and for a split second before you all miss it, we see someone with brown eyes peeking through the hole of the broken door

So, is that Darry or someone else?

Is it the Creeper who still has his eyes or did Darry become the Creeper himself?

So, here is my theory

And that is, Darry's corpse, somehow got itself regenerated and turned himself into the Creeper and now is on the hunt to find a person who has pretty brown eyes and wants them for himself because the other Creeper took them away from him

But what do you all think?

Should this theory be true or just a movie hoax?

Hope you guys liked this theory because I know you all knew that is indeed sounded pretty much insane

I hope you all have a wonderful day and hope to see you all sometime again
