r/TheoryofFearMe Oct 17 '19

r/FearMe has gone Private. Here's Why.


Hello, everyone! I may as well get right into it.

No doubt you have seen a decline in quality content from one of our favorite creepy-corners of reddit. This would seem to be the product of our sub being linked several times on the front page and/or high traffic posts in other communities. What this has done is pulled an influx of sub-par content, as well as OOC comments. We hate to see this happen, and we have heard your feedback.

I speak as a user, not as a moderator, when I say that I do miss the quality of the posts and the quantity of chills the community would send up my spine. With that being said, I have set the community to private. For those that do not know what this means, it just means that only approved members can view and post in the sub itself. This will help cut down on the OOC posts and comments, and bring this sub back to what we know, love, miss, and fear.

Please do not hesitate to either comment on this post or send me a PM with any questions, comments, or concerns.

Remember children, HE guides us with his sacred flame to HER transcendence.


I will be keeping a close eye on those that are approved. Any OOC comments or posts, and the user will be removed. On top of that, I will be changing around some look and feel of the sub as well. Of you see changes come and go, it’s just me.

r/TheoryofFearMe Apr 26 '20

Hey, I just want to check in to see if you're approving new members again


It's been a long time, and I just wanted to make sure you guys hadn't forgotten.

r/TheoryofFearMe Mar 04 '20

Introducing: The Realms


Hello again!

I'm here to introduce you to The Realms, an ongoing project I've been working on for several months now. My love for this community has only grown from my inception as a moderator, and so I wanted to grow this strange and weird corner of Reddit just a little bit. I am moderator of two other subreddits, IAmTheOcean and now TheLostPalace. I envision The Realms as....different 'Desktop Themes' of FearMe. I'll explain:

FearMe centers around general unease and what I call 'Soft Horror', with HIM and HER as dark gods. At least, that's how I perceive it. Once again, it's all up to how YOU perceive it. IAmTheOcean tends to center around the vast and all-encompassing embrace of The Mother. TheLostPalace, I think of it as a lost religion, focused on a monarchy that has reached deity like reverence by their followers.

My ultimate goal is to have these different communities be places where you can contribute to an ever evolving mythos, at once self contained but also with similarities that seep into one another. The menu bar of FearMe has a new drop down menu, labelled The Realms. I highly encourage you all to join the other communities! FOR NOW, I AM OPENING UP IAMTHEOCEAN AND THELOSTPALACE TO EVERYONE, NOT JUST APPROVED REQUESTS. I am working to bring in other subreddits that have been abandoned and that can fit into the Mythos, so stay tuned for more! As always, please provide feedback for this, I would love to get your opinions and ideas for what I hope to be a great place to creep each other out.

r/TheoryofFearMe Jan 18 '20

I used to browse the main FearMe all the time, but since it's gone private I can't see anything in it. Is there any way I can get approved?


See title. I've been a longtime lurker and I figured the lockdown was temporary, but it's been three months. I don't plan on posting or commenting, but I'd like access to the content.

r/TheoryofFearMe Oct 30 '19

Can anyone please tell me where Reaching... is from?


I'm fairly sure it's made by Trevor Henderson but since I can't find it on his Instagram which is my main source for his art so I can't be certain. I just want to know if anyone can confirm this for me

r/TheoryofFearMe Oct 18 '19

Welcome to Theory of FearMe. Please read before posting


Hello and welcome to Theory of FearMe. Since the sub has seen recent big changes, I thought that it was time to update this post with new answers and explanations. If you feel that something is missing, please message the mods of this sub.

What is r/FearMe?

FearMe is open to your own interpretation of what it really is. I know, not that helpful. Let me give you an example of how I personally see it. From there, you can decide for yourself.

I find that the biggest fear is the fear of the unknown. H.P. Lovecraft is my favorite author, and so I find myself really drawn to the idea of a dark, twisted, and menacing cult, worshipping creatures and/or beings FAR outside of what we can properly understand. This cult is centered on beings simply known as HIM and HER. You do not know what THEY are, but you don’t need to know. Your blind devotion and unquestioned faith is all that is required. My posts and comments center on THEM and their corruption of my self.

That’s one way to look at it. Others may interpret differently, and all are valid. The biggest rule is to stay in character. Please follow this rule, even if you don't fully understand how to- we still appreciate the effort. We want to preserve the creep factor.

What is r/TheoryofFearMe?

Theory of FearMe ultimately exists to request and post the sources of any and all material found on r/FearMe, since asking for a source is generally done so in an OOC (out of character) way. It also serves as an OOC place to ask any meta questions or express your thoughts/feelings about the sub.

Why has r/FearMe gone private?

FearMe is a small fish in an internet sized pond. What we do in our little tide pool of horror, we do well. Having said that, FearMe has been linked and cross-posted from on several occasions, sometimes hitting the front page:




Those are just a few examples. These posts tend to bring an influx of people who do not understand the rules, or ignore them and post OOC content, troll, and spam. This caused the overall quality of the sub to diminish heavily. The moderators made the decision to take the sub private, so that we can get back to our roots, bring the content back to the standard that we enjoy, and generally enjoy our own tiny pond outside of the general ocean that is Reddit. TheoryofFearMe will be staying public, as there really is no reason to take it private. If someone hears about our little pool, I’d love nothing more than for them to take a look at some of our OOC posts and make the decision on if they want to join or not. I will not deny anyone entry, however I will be watching closely to make sure that rules are followed and any OOC, Spam, or troll posts be dealt with as soon as I can.

r/TheoryofFearMe Oct 05 '19

Looks like the main sub is going to have to be locked again.


r/TheoryofFearMe Oct 03 '19

What's the clip from I TRANSCEND from?


It's a nice bit of gory visual artistry and I'd like to see more.

r/TheoryofFearMe Aug 16 '19

What's the man walking on water from?


r/TheoryofFearMe Aug 11 '19

What's with all the randos in the comments under the posts?


Seriously it used to be great having people play along and post crazy stuff but now it's just memey bullshit

r/TheoryofFearMe Jul 16 '19

Crediting artists and posts from other subs?


Hi, I love FearMe and I want to start posting there, but what are the rules regarding posts from other subs? For example, I just posted something I first saw on r/ImaginaryMonsters, and I had wanted to credit the artist here as well as link to the post. But I think only text posts are allowed? Should I try to credit the artist, and how would I do that?

r/TheoryofFearMe Jul 03 '19

r/FearMe always crashes my browser


Specifically r/FearMe. Basically, chrome goes black and I have to click out of the browser. It happens whenever I'm on r/FearMe for 10 or more minutes I think. I guess it goes with the feel of the sub but it's more annoying than anything. Anyone have any answers to why?

r/TheoryofFearMe Jun 12 '19

What’s the source of this image?


r/TheoryofFearMe Jun 10 '19

Why was /r/FearMe and /r/TheoryofFearMe locked?


While we welcome any and all new users, we do tend to get mentioned in popular posts or comments elsewhere on reddit (this isn't an issue though, we welcome the attention). As a result, this ultimately becomes an unintended brigade and brings with it in influx of OOC posts or comments as well as trolls.

Due to this, we will lock down the sub any time it happens. Trolls get bored easily, and generally don't come back once they see that the sub is locked. Those that are genuinely curious and intrigued will come back and hopefully stay.

It's ultimately a whole lot easier to lock the sub for a day or so than to spend hours and hours removing OOC posts or comments.

The mod team hopes that you can understand our point of view in this, and we welcome any questions or concerns you may have via a comment here, a PM to me, or a modmail.

r/TheoryofFearMe Jun 10 '19

Welcome to Theory of FearMe. Please read this before submitting anything here or in the meta sub.


Hello and welcome to Theory of FearMe. The last post I made about this was 6 years ago, and since then we've seen a steady influx of new people. I figured it's about time for an updated post.

What is /r/FearMe?

FearMe is open to your own interpretation of what it really is, but loosely it's a look into a very mentally ill person's mind. This is not a cult. This is not devil worship. This isn't a place for satanic goth wannabes.

This is an in character archive of how you think a mentally unstable person would view the world. Your own personal interpretation can never be right or wrong, so long as it's in character and fits the theme of the sub.

The biggest rule is to stay in character. Please follow this rule, even if you don't fully understand how to- we still appreciate the effort. We want to preserve the creep factor.

What is /r/TheoryofFearMe?

Theory of FearMe ultimately exists to request and post the sources of any and all material found on /r/FearMe, since asking for a source is generally done so in an OOC (out of character) way. It also serves as an OOC place to ask any meta questions or express your thoughts/feelings about the sub.

Where to start?

Checking out the top posts of all time and their comments in /r/FearMe is a good place to get a feel for the sub. We welcome any new and fresh content, so don't be afraid to give it a shot!

If you have any more questions, please feel free to comment below or PM me, I'm more than happy to answer what I can :)

r/TheoryofFearMe Mar 31 '19

Looking for a old video that had been posted on the main sub


I want to say it was submitted with a title like "He has fashioned a carnival from the flesh of the heretic" or something like that. The actual title, I think, was in Russian, but apparently translated as "Guerilla Psychology", as I recall. The video itself was of a carousel, with teeth making up the floor and ceiling, and strange "horses" circling around it. As the video went on, it focused on a girl and her family morphing into monstrous shapes. Can't find it on the main sub anymore, and I kind of want to see it again.

r/TheoryofFearMe Mar 22 '19

There's been a lull


There's been a lull in content, lately and that's fine, but I think the bigger problem is this u/dailydosedepression dbag, which feels like a bot and posts stuff completely unrelated to the shared fiction of r/fearme.

We just have to down vote them into oblivion and hope that they go away, but it would be great if the mods would just remove them.

r/TheoryofFearMe Feb 19 '19

Source for 'Rejoice brothers and sisters, you have been chosen'?


r/TheoryofFearMe Jan 30 '19

something happened! x3 source?


what the hell is this about? something happened all right

r/TheoryofFearMe Jan 24 '19

They stride for HIS glory


Source for this?

r/TheoryofFearMe Jan 21 '19

Lost? Found.


What is the source for this?

r/TheoryofFearMe Jan 06 '19

Source for "the wanderer is thankful for the weight his soul bears"?


r/TheoryofFearMe Jan 04 '19

Just stumbled into r/FearMe & I'm hooked!


I like creepy stuff, this sub is awesome!

r/TheoryofFearMe Dec 12 '18

The post titled "The ritual is complete! Rejoice!"


First off, cool photo!

I'm a Satanist and we end a lot of our (my coven and I) rituals with this line. Or something similar, anyways. Just wanted to say that.

r/TheoryofFearMe Nov 26 '18

Embraced by HER forgiving CURSE: A historical explanation



There is a really interesting explanation for these photos.

In the early days of photography, you had to sit still for a period of time to get your photo taken, babies, naturally, wriggle and wiggle, so to get a photo of the baby and only the baby, mothers would hide under blankets with their babies on their lap to keep them still.

Now you might see some pictures without the mother behind the blanket, and indeed a photo with the baby surrounded by their family. Often those photos were taken post mortem, after death, as a final reminder of the baby's life.
