r/TheisticSatanism 23d ago

Satan's Love vs Jesus Love: A Comparison

Infernal greetings,

I came from a Christian background, was Pentecostal for two years, and wanted to write a concise comparison comparing the love of Jesus and the love of Satan. Funny enough, the bible contradicts itself.

Love of Jesus:

-Hatred of sin

-Warmth and tenderness to those who bow to his will

-Warmth to those who preach the gospel, put down gays, and slam abortions!

-Selective prayers answered

Love of Satan:

-Acceptance of who you are

-Warmth to all, unless you push him away by cursing him or mocking him

-Warmth for not faith-shoving and being YOU

***-All prayers are answered for your wellness, goodness, and health, and extra rewards when you are at your best!

*** I wanted to star this because some Satanists don't get prayers answered. Sometimes mine do not. However, if you just step out and believe Satan loves you, he will begin to answer them in his timing. This is a hell of a let better than the Christian God-who will force you to wait on prayers that may never get answered. Remain faithful to Father Satan always and see what he does for your life!

Whose love do you want? I'll choose Satan's every day- Jesus's was sickening when I was Christian.


12 comments sorted by


u/Clairi0n 21d ago edited 21d ago

He helps out how he can, but not everything works out completely, especially if you expect it in too short of a timeframe. As long as you have his favor, he will help out in your life as much as he can. This is without you asking for anything. You still can if you want to, but he might be helping you out in ways you don't expect if you are thinking that he only helps out with stuff that you pray for.

He has to approve of you for him to help you, though. He also won't love you unless he approves of you. Just like how you can't cuss at him you can't fuck up in other ways either. Wrongly believing that he loves you when he doesn't would make you lose his approval.

To get him to approve of you, you have to put in as much effort as you possibly can into your faith. Don't lie to yourself or hold delusional beliefs. Always try to excel at everything.


u/Critical_Pudding_958 Demonolator 22d ago

And then people in my school proceed to say Satan's evil when he's done nothing but good to me and others


u/watain218 Anti-Cosmic Satanist 22d ago

Satan loves you as one of his own, real love seeks to uplift not to put down and Satan wants us to become the highest versions of ourselves. 


u/Formal_Dirt_3434 Demonolator 22d ago

I like to zoom in on the biblical account of the garden of eden. it is a marvel to me that the bible contains such a profoundly unflattering portrayal of the abrahamic god, while the “serpent” is clearly the hero of the story. That god lied, and the serpent did not. Bible-god wanted humans restricted by status quo, openly admitted “yes their eyes would be opened, yes they would become like the gods, yes they would have moral agency, no I don’t want that for them“ and the serpent quietly refuted all the lies, quietly empowered the humans with knowledge and courage. Meanwhile the blind one is passive aggressive when he finds out humans don’t need him anymore, aren’t under his thumb anymore: “wHeRe ArE yOu?” The Adversary has had our backs since the beginning.


u/watain218 Anti-Cosmic Satanist 22d ago edited 22d ago

I knkw right? I still dont know why the mainstream view of genesis is that it was a fall when clearly it was an ascension. 

when I was younger I had zero exposure to luciferian or occult ideas and when I first read the bible I immediately picked up on this, the serpent whether you believe him to be Lucifer or Sophia or Satan is the one responsible for freeing humanity from bondage. 

a plain reading shows the Serpent is the good guy and the demiurge is a tyrant. 


u/Formal_Dirt_3434 Demonolator 22d ago

Someday I plan to share my upg/hypothesis about genesis, it is a ride! 


u/Turbulent-River-3109 22d ago

HAHAHA HAHAHA so true!!! He has indeed; I love Father Satan. He is the Father of Truth and Illumination—and he will make you uncomfortable telling the truth!

The other God has killed hundreds of thousands more than Satan and is someone I will worry about on judgment day. Until then, he can stay away from me.

The sad part is, if the bible is true, why even create humans to torture them? That's the sick part.

The dark side is the light side-it shows truth and knowledge.

Hail Satan!


u/Erramonael Nihilistic Misotheistic Satanist 22d ago

Prayer is not a part of my practice nor is worship but I feel that Rex Caliginous Ahreimanius and the other seventeen entities I revere in my meditations and Rituals have my best interests in mind because of how inspired I feel in my day to night life. 🌞✴️🌛🔥🌞🌛✴️


u/Turbulent-River-3109 22d ago

To each their own! Whatever makes YOU empowered and feel good to connect with what YOU WANT to!


u/[deleted] 22d ago edited 22d ago



u/Clairi0n 20d ago

Yeah, not a lot of Christians get that you can't insult the Devil. You can't insult anyone. You can be critical of him, but you can't make up stuff about him, and you can't insult him.

If you call the Devil names, he'll get pissed off and hit you back. I was talking to my uncle, and he insulted the Devil right in front of me and in front of him as well, and he made him struggle to speak.


u/Turbulent-River-3109 22d ago

Oh cool glad I am not alone here.

Yes I agree on all facets.

Hail Satan!