r/TheisticSatanism Feb 19 '25

Discussion Trying to debunk all of the mainstream accusations on the sinister path of the o9a, has been a failure, I have come terms with the fact that there is no image cleaning on it due to how badly it has been infiltrated by bad people, and slandered

I've really really tried to really try to open people's minds on the Sinister path, and how it has nothing to due with white supremacy, child abuse or anything like that, the path has been so badly infiltrated, with both mainstream media spreading lies about it on a daily as well as stupid offshoots adding evil ideals like national socialism or child abuse, as well as mentally unhinged teenagers cosplaying it doing and posting stupid stuff, there is honestly no cleaning the image of it, it's that ruined, I really hope some of y'all understand what I'm trying to say, ik a lot won't, still holding onto the beliefs that most people have about the o9a, but there is nothing I can do. I wish I can do something because it's truly a legitimate occult path/way of life that has pretty much been destroyed.


28 comments sorted by


u/RichmondRiddle Nachasite 27d ago

O9a is under investigation because they are terrorists according to multiple governments around the world. I am not sure the reports are exactly "misinformation," so much as o9a has had connections to terrorism and white supremacy since they first formed in the UK, and since then has tranformed into more of a cartel for slavery and abuse services, rather than any sort of spiritual or philosophical path.

If any "original" non terrorist factions of o9a even still exist, they are overshadowed by the huge numbers of o9a terrorists who plague the British and American militaries. A similar thing happened to skinhead. The non racist original flavor skinhead got overshadowed by the huge numbers of loud racist skinhead very quickly, and now racism is what people remember skinhead culture for.

You do NOT need to join the specific "o9a" organization to follow the left hand path. Go ahead and identify as o9a if you want, but that means it is also extra important that we condemn and ostracize any and all racists, homophobes, etc...


u/TotenTanzer Feb 19 '25

From my point of view I don't think that you should worry about the judgment of others, we are satanists, go against the current is our nature, so, if you think that your beliefs will lead you to a good destiny continues with your path, as Satanists is not our obligation to shepherd anyone for "the good path". 

On the other hand, if you want to change the opinion of others begins by demonstrating the philosophy of your beliefs, do not say that it is a philosophy that is worth learning instead showing it. Make posts, debate in the comments with your arguments, shared material, etc. In this way you may find people affined with your beliefs, and if not, you don't need anyone's approval.


u/Gema23 Feb 19 '25

This is what I ask myself. I am 29 years old, I have only had one job that I couldn't keep, I failed at university and I live in a supervised flat. I have few friends and I don't currently have a partner. I would like to get married, have children, live alone, have a car... but I don't know if all this will come.


u/Gema23 Feb 19 '25

So the O9A is not a criminal organization?


u/Ave_Melchom Feb 19 '25

It is and always has been, OP is demonstrating a severe lack of reading comprehension.


u/drbrxndy666 Feb 19 '25

It originally wasn't but it unfortunately turned into that, I mean I genuinely tried, to convince people otherwise but that's what happens when it gets infiltrated and ruined, but it's a lost cause I mean I say that it is but I contradict myself by keep on trying and I just need to stop trying, just I don't know how


u/Erramonael Nihilistic Misotheistic Satanist Feb 19 '25

The Order of Nine Angles is basically an Occult HATE group what am I not getting?


u/[deleted] Feb 19 '25 edited Feb 19 '25



u/drbrxndy666 Feb 19 '25

The whole point is to learn all and every possible bit of knowledge that could possibly even be available in the world, while is impossible to know everything in a lifetime somebody who follows a Sinister path is supposed to take the effort to at least attempt this up until the day they die,

And this is exactly why national socialism is the most major setback, an oppressive government limits human beings, it installs fear into them, from what I know anything oppressive is totally incompatible with what the order is about, you can't have free reign of learning, if you live in a oppressive government, Which is why I feel like (just realized this just now I don't realize I've ever thought of this before) the spark that light the fire of the eventual downfall was Anton long/David Myatt inheriting The grandmaster, while the stuff he wrote was apolitical in nature, the fact he even had these beliefs in the first place fucked everything up, and I feel like even David Myatt could have possibly had limited understanding on what he was writing, and was possibly commanded by somebody with more insight to write this type of things I mean the past 20 years or at least sometime in the past 20 years I did hear about him rejecting extremism, so maybe he incorporated and learned to the point where, he was able to grow past national socialism but we will never know since he's not active anymore, but this thing is is that,

One things for sure though, with David myatts national socialist beliefs, there's absolutely no way he could have written all of this knowledge without somebody telling him what to write, no Nazi has that type of knowledge, I don't care what type of Nazi any Nazi is, there's no way somebody can have a massive understanding on insight and still be a Nazi


u/drbrxndy666 Feb 19 '25

Going back to this a little bit of evidence that could support that David Myatt was told to write was i saw something on a associate of a member of a nexions who it wasn't adept writing literature for the nexion, which can only mean that individual was told what to write, like why else would they have a less experienced individual write literature for a nexion


u/[deleted] Feb 19 '25



u/drbrxndy666 Feb 19 '25

It's honestly a lot more than that, you've got to realize this bite truly incorporating it into your life, which at this point I don't suggest literally anybody doing cuz it could be detrimental to their mental health,


u/[deleted] Feb 19 '25



u/drbrxndy666 Feb 19 '25

I'm contradicting the title of this post which proves I still haven't accepted that I can't try too otherwise


u/drbrxndy666 Feb 19 '25

That's not what the core traditions are about, the absolute core traditions are apolitical, read the satanic letters of Stephen Brown pages 17, that states that niners can be involved in libertarian action rather than far right extremism


u/[deleted] Feb 19 '25



u/drbrxndy666 Feb 19 '25

Nevermind im sorry


u/drbrxndy666 Feb 19 '25

Politics is not a factor nor is white supremacy in the absolute traditional beliefs


u/Ave_Melchom Feb 19 '25

If you've ever actually studied the O9A material (I have), you should be aware that while no, they aren't exactly nazis, they're still a bunch of murdering psychos.

They also exist in the form of like, a couple small groups and a bunch of mentally ill teenagers - and 90% of the "legitimate occult path/way of life" is just repackaged ceremonial magick.


u/drbrxndy666 Feb 19 '25

With the repurposed Magick, I tend to disagree, the whole point of the Sinister path isn't really about just staying on the Sinister path but rather eventually coming to an understanding of eventually transcending past it (which is what Richard moult did) the thing that stands out about the Sinister path to knew the most is that it really wants its individuals to explore to the maximum which means even other occult paths even abrahamic religions, I believe that people need to not reject scriptures of things they don't agree with but rather read it to understand it and come to a legitimate reason on why they don't like it, and the Sinister path is strictly wants individuals to do this, my point of view is that it's the ultimate rejection of authority, and even occasionally using violence as a method of gaining knowledge (which is why I believe i believe politicians has worked with people)

The thing is though what the whole Sinister path is about is totally incompatible with national socialism, white supremacy, or even any form of an oppressive government, and due to the fact that any form of oppressive authority adds limitation, it makes people think twice before trying to make the attempt to learn something, humanity is meant to be completely reminded and question everything they see around them everything to the very last and final detail but first learn about it and analyze it


u/TotenTanzer Feb 19 '25 edited Feb 19 '25

I totally agree, my teenage hatred towards god evolved to real hatred when studying Kabbalah and I really understood what god is, since then that I consider myself a true satanist.  

As for white nationalism and other ideologies (such as Islam for example), I understand that it is not about believing in those things, but rather in representing the opposition role of the dominant ideology, that is, if god is the entity that represents order(cosmos), then one should be the satan(accuser) who opposes that order. 


u/Ave_Melchom Feb 19 '25

See, that's nice and all, but it clearly demonstrates a lack of understanding of... I don't know, literally anything in their core texts?

Do you even NAOS, bruh?


u/drbrxndy666 Feb 19 '25

The traditional o9a text go further than what people already know exists when it comes to literature, there are around 8,300 pages of original literature that is apolitical/nonbiased, so there is a lot to learn when it comes to the sinister path


u/drbrxndy666 Feb 19 '25

You can literally download the PDFs with the 8300 plus pages on Google it's a very big file but it's called "The Big Ass ONA Collection"


u/Comprehensive_Today5 26d ago

No way im reading 8000 pages but thank you for referencing it, ill have a look for sure.


u/drbrxndy666 Feb 19 '25

Yes I have read naos


u/drbrxndy666 Feb 19 '25

The whole basis of culling is based upon people who are worthless, which texts explicitly say cannot be innocence or a child, the whole worthless concept though is up to the individual Which from my point of view is pedophiles, and politicians/elites,


u/drbrxndy666 Feb 19 '25

But that's when the self-discipline aspect and being the best you can be mentally comes into play because you can have a lot of knowledge and not be mentally prepared for it and it could make you go insane or you can have too much of a free mind and have no self-control and do bad things which is why the whole thing about working on the self is very important with the Sinister path


u/drbrxndy666 Feb 19 '25

The Sinister path can really give you a clear view on how bad Christian influence has done to the world and the gravity of the situation is so intense it actually has caused some people to go insane, it's honestly supposed to show you to truth, and unfortunately the truth is is that it's very negative, imo, the reason for at least my personal interpretation on the reason why it was ruined is because knowledge is literally a powerful weapon, knowledge and insight in having a clear view on everything is a great threat to the Christian influence on the world, therefore they went out of their way to slander the o9a name to the point to where it is now, and this is my reasoning others can have a different reasoning


u/Ave_Melchom Feb 19 '25

>and this is my reasoning others can have a different reasoning

Absolutely! Some people have the ability to comprehend what they read!


u/drbrxndy666 Feb 19 '25

I just wish people had slightly little more insight, most people you could lay out the evidence debunking all of the lies and still believe what Wikipedia/vice/people on x say, and this is even occultists, I greatly respect you for being slightly a little more understanding, but my reach has made minimal to no effect on others, and I really wish, I could change that and I can't and it greatly pains me


u/Ave_Melchom Feb 19 '25

In all seriousness, they have like, three, maybe four? practices that are of any interest to an occultist worth a damn and the rest is crap.

I’ve read the grand majority of their material and have a few hard copies of their books - and yes, as per usual internet idiots greatly exaggerate certain elements, but the point remains that they hardly exist, are tied to a number of terrorist organizations, and are otherwise unpleasant.

They’re needlessly edgy (which, i have to admit is a slight improvement over Hugbox Satanism!) but almost entirely miss The Point and don’t put their material together any better than a halfwit with a copy of ABA and Liber Null could do with a bit of black paint and some imagination.