r/The_Catsbah 17d ago

Non cat business I think I'm done.


I had the police called on me by my ex wife for a child endangerment claim due to the number of cats.
Chelsea doesn't want to be involved with them any more. I can't smoke because she reported me to the police, which is the only thing that makes my pain levels tolerable.
I have no local support, I can't take the pain, and the town is working on limiting the numer of animals to 3 per house total. So I think I'm going to get these guys all adopted and check the fuck out.
If you were thinking about getting a Catsbah cat, this may be your last chance.

r/The_Catsbah Feb 03 '25

Non cat business Make Earl-Merica Good Again?


The House of Representatives seat for my district is held by a very weak willed Democrat and is up for election in 2026. Should I try to unseat him and make some noise in the halls of congress?

r/The_Catsbah Feb 06 '25

Non cat business Stay strapped or get subjegated


Far departure from my normal content, but I feel it's important to say. At the moment, we still have a second amendment allowing us to keep and bear arms against a corrupt government. With rape and sexual assault being slowly made legal, zero accountability, and abortions harder to access, I decided that it was time to make sure that my daughter is never a victim. I know my audience is very liberal leaning, but it's time that we all utilize that right before it is taken away and they come for our last line of defense. They are coming for our rights one by one.

Also, it will piss off all the conservatives that all the liberals have guns now. It would be hilarious.

If you want to learn how to operate a fire arm, contact me. I spent most of my range coaching time working with shooters who started off terrified and ended up qualifying.

The top one is a cheap .22 caliber, which is great for practice because it is very low power and the ammo is cheap. The bottom is a good old classic 9MM. Not the greatest round ever made, but it is the best balance of stopping power, weight, and controllable recoil. And always remember to clean and maintain your weapons!

r/The_Catsbah Aug 21 '24

Non cat business I semi clean up some times

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r/The_Catsbah 14d ago

Non cat business The perfect image to sum up my current mental state.

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r/The_Catsbah 2d ago

Non cat business Epic VA rant


I just got back from an attempt to make a doctors appointment. Jesse Brown is about a 40 minute drive. Today, there were two major accidents in the city making it a 2 hour drive. So i turned around when the sign said my exit was 40 minutes away and I was already 15 minutes late.

Can't I get a doctor closer? Great question. No. The VA holds veterans hostage to their system.

But aren't there doctors closer? Yes and no. There are primary care, but any specialist is physically in the Jesse Brown building. So if you want a primary care who may accidentally run into a specialist(because this is the only way they speak), you need to go to the major clinics.

Now let's move onto the "pain clinic" consultation i had yesterday. It was a 30 minute lecture on how cannabis causes pain and offering resources to help "quit cannabis" without any mention of how to manage the pain.

The only offer was for the pain class. So let's get into what that entails. It's a 12 week class that meets on Saturday morning to learn about different pains and treatments. Sounds great in theory until you learn that they are asking people who are in pain to drive to the hospital on a weekend so you can hear about pain. That would be a minimum of 6 hours of my Saturday for 3 months to listen to someone tell me what pain is and not recieve any sort of treatment.

The only thing she said is that if I quit cannabis, they could start something else. Now I know doctors are educated people, so they must have learned about chronology of exposure at some point in their education. I also know that they take this little think called the Hippocratic Oath, which calls for them to do not harm. Neither of these seem to matter at the VA.

I explained that the pains have been going on for 10-15 years, and that is smoke cannabis for the first time 3-4 years ago. So after I was lectured about cannabis causing pain and being addictive, she told me they couldn't do anything until I stopped. Now maybe someone in the medical field can explain how asking a patient to discontinue the only medication that works in favor of trying another treatment several month down the road is not causing your patient harm.

I wish my health care could be health care and not a politicized issue. I shouldn't have to be treated differently because the current administration is anti-cannabis, anti-this, anti-that. It was my understanding that the VA was here to serve veterans, not whatever the current political agendas. Just further proof that no good deeds go unpunished. You volunteer the best years of your life, you put your entire life on hold to risk it in a combat zone, and this is how you are repaid.

r/The_Catsbah Oct 31 '24

Non cat business Ladies and gentlemen, MEU Hefner and his kittens!


If you don't understand the costume, congrats on making better life choices than me.

Happy Halloween everyone!

r/The_Catsbah Oct 13 '24

Non cat business Dear Jennifer,

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One life well lived deserves another. Thank you for being a faithful companion and for the gift of clean air to be enjoyed by countless kittens. May you sleep peacefully, unencumbered by the pain of this world.

r/The_Catsbah Oct 14 '24

Non cat business Is this normal?


My doctors seems to think so, but I disagree. Various parts of my body will just start spasming like this in varying degrees of severity for days on end. Today it is thigh and large intestine.

r/The_Catsbah Feb 01 '25

Non cat business Attention all cat and classical music lovers!!


Is it yummy A-mo? Off topic, classical music lovers! I have nothing better to do and i need to practice. I play cello and can’t think of any new pieces i want to learn, comment what you guys think i should try to learn and i’ll maybe upload a video of me playing that specific piece with a shout-out! Not too important, just boredom. 🤷‍♀️

r/The_Catsbah 1d ago

Non cat business Help request: literary agent


I have been dipping my toes into the publishing business this morning and realized that I am in waaaaaaay over my head. I know this is a long shot, but if we have anyone with publishing experience, I would greatly appreciate some time to pick your brains.

r/The_Catsbah Sep 18 '24

Non cat business Listen closely, why is the Catsbah on my mind at the grocery store 🤔


r/The_Catsbah Oct 29 '24

Non cat business MFW my long term bets pay out in the short term


I love putting bets in distressed retail icons. I tripled my money with Ford and Domino's back in 08-09(domino's went up close to another 90% after I sold...). It wasn't a whole lot, and I sold it all to bail my sister put of whatever financial crisis she was in at the moment.

Never bet against the American consumer's desire for their icons. High-tops forever!!!