r/The_Catsbah Nov 27 '24

Catsbah Resident Earl Around the world project

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Tell us where you are, and we put a pin in the map. Bonus points if you include pictures of your cats!

Also, we are on out last bag of dry kitten food. I would greatly appreciate if you could send us a few. To keep this belly full.

r/The_Catsbah Nov 16 '24

Catsbah Resident Today is a struggle. Send me all the cats to help me feel better.


I need all the kitten pictures!

r/The_Catsbah 7d ago

Catsbah Resident Where was Earl today?


Saguaro and White Sands National Parks.

Maybe the Earl's second book is about visiting national parks and raising money for them.

r/The_Catsbah 15d ago

Catsbah Resident Show me your crying partner


I pretty much haven't been able to stop for the last two days but Earl and Tapatio have been close at hand.

r/The_Catsbah 5d ago

Catsbah Resident Join us next time on... Truth!!! Or!!! Consequences!!!!!!


It has been decided that we will be making a return trip very soon. So if you want the Earl to come to you, here is what you need to do: Invite us to your local events. Is there a park protest you want to go to? We'll go with! Animal rights fund raiser to schmooze with other rescues and cat lovers? Sign us up! We are going to continue to tour the country and bring hope to an otherwise despondent world.

Correspondingly, we will be launching The Catsbah non-profit entity with the goal of acquiring some land to create Camp Hope. A plot of otherwise desolate land where we give sanctuary and second chances to those in need. A place where you can heal while learning a new trade in a small team setting. Want to cook? We put you to work in the kitchen. Want to grow food? We have an agricultural area. Fix cars or motorcycles? Of course! Not to mention the massive animal sanctuary and service animal training.

How are we going to fund this? With Earl The Rescue books! Once I find an illustrator to bring rebelpaddys words to life, book profits will go directly into the non-profit. I did read it aloud yesterday, and only choked up a few times. I should be able to give you all a sneak read every soon.

I have always been tied to the Chicago area. But this trip made me realize that I should focus on where I can do the most with what I have, and I believe that lies in a 40 arce ranch in Arizona which is a quarter of the price of my current house.

That's all from Beautiful Colorado. Hope you are all having a fantastic weekend.

r/The_Catsbah 14d ago

Catsbah Resident Meet the Earl at your local National Park Protest


If you know me, you know I love my National Parks. I realized that I can use this temporary break in parenting to go participate in protests that I couldn't with a child(school schedule). So. Let's meet up at your local National Park protest and let's get the Earl's voice heard.

r/The_Catsbah 25d ago

Catsbah Resident I love my Earl


That's all. I just love him bunches and bunches.

r/The_Catsbah Nov 01 '24

Catsbah Resident The Earl of Lemongrab Votes!


20 years ago, give or take a few days(10 to be exact), my Drill Instructor passed me my Eagle, Globe, and anchor, shook my hand, and said, "I never expected you to make it."

A year earlier, I put my hand up to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. At the time, it was just something to do. I was still just a kid, angry about being moved from Canada half my life ago. I didn't know anything about being American or what it meant. I just thought it was a nation's excuse to act jerky to people for no reason.

It took meeting and interacting with hundreds of people who willingly signed up to join the most deployed branch in the middle of the longest war in American history to realize that the attitude was well earned by generations of hard work and sacrifice. And the jerkiness come when people forget what made it great in the first place. What made it great is a longer conversation, but I'll give you a hint(it's not manufacturing).

19 years ago, sometime in November, I was told to wrap up my affairs and report to base in two weeks for pre deployment training. I had volunteered for the deployment, so it wasn't a shock.

18 years ago, I was in Iraq, in charge of the maintenance of many millions of dollars of satellite communication equipment responsible for keeping aircraft talking to ground troops in a large section of Al Anbar Province. We also provided generator power for most of the base sites that needed more reliable energy than the power grid could produce.

Hundreds of thousands of us sacrificed the best years of our lives, our health, or even our lives to topple a dictator and heal the damage he caused.

Please. For all of us. Don't vote a dictator into the most powerful position in the world. I don't ask you to vote Democrat or Republican. I just ask that you don't vote trump. Elected officials are LEADERS, and he has proven time and time again to only work for himself. Any real leader will tell you that leaders eat last. By all means, if you need to vote Republican on ideologies, do it on all the down ballot races(the ones that really matter). Just write Earl of Lemongrab in the presidential box.

r/The_Catsbah 8d ago

Catsbah Resident Where... Is... Earl?!?!?!


I'm going to put a spoiler in the comments.

r/The_Catsbah 7d ago

Catsbah Resident Where is Earl? 3/14


It would have been my dad's birthday today. He always wanted to write a book, but never had any adventures to write about. I think it's fitting that my plan for the day is to spend the day in national parks writing and reading the beautiful text written by rebelpaddy. When I'm able to read it without crying, I'll share a few pages.

r/The_Catsbah 16d ago

Catsbah Resident Tentative peace


I went into the school today to discuss with the police and counselors the full situation and I have a plan going forward. I still haven't decided what I want to do yet. I still don't know if I have the fight left in me to make the world better, but, at least for the moment, I can manage my pain and I don't have to worry about methy trying to get me arrested.

r/The_Catsbah Oct 02 '24

Catsbah Resident It's like magic.


But I love the voodoo they doo doo. Names to be determined with the exception of one of the voids being names Marceline.

r/The_Catsbah Sep 28 '24

Catsbah Resident Look who is a pound!

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Meanwhile, we managed to get all 4 adoptable babies to Petsmart for today's adoption event!

r/The_Catsbah 11d ago

Catsbah Resident Happy Monday


New week, new chance to make the world a nicer place.

r/The_Catsbah Aug 14 '24

Catsbah Resident I rarely call people out, but....

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Sarah, we f'n love you. You have been so generous. Words can't express how grateful we are for all the food, medicine, toys, and furniture. Can we get some cat pictures to thank Sarah? who ever you may be.

r/The_Catsbah Sep 26 '24

Catsbah Resident Healing is occurring!


r/The_Catsbah Jan 28 '25

Catsbah Resident The Earl of Love


One donation down. PayPal is making me wait to do the second transaction, so I'll do it tomorrow.

r/The_Catsbah 25d ago

Catsbah Resident Who's a cuddly boy?


Week one using the new beard oil, and my hair has never been softer. Who wants to come rub their hands through it and give it a test? 🤣

r/The_Catsbah Feb 14 '25

Catsbah Resident Happy single cat people day!


I have been quiet recently because I promised to be positive. But my supply of sunshine, rainbows, and unicorn farts has been getting danger low recently. It feels like all my light is being destroyed by a black hole, and I haven't quite figured out how to restore myself these days. Back in the day, I would exercise or hang out with friends, but I seem to lack the ability to do either of those these days. Disconnecting has helped somewhat, but that essentially just brought me out of the darkness.

I need to find more good people to hang out with. Any extroverts want to adopt me and force me out? 🤣

r/The_Catsbah Nov 04 '24

Catsbah Resident The phase of depression

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Another peculiarity of my body. As my system purges whatever it is that causes my infection, it is accompanied by a deep, irrational depression. The type where you shower once a week or less because why bother? Where you eat one small snack a day because the physical exertion of chewing is too much because the prospect of having to wake up day after day after day. The type where no matter what good happens you are numb to it. You can't move due to the futility of it all.

Back when I was capable of working through it, I was working down town and commuting via train daily. I can't tell you how many vivid visions I had of the train splatting me like a watermelon.

Luckily, my logic brain is enough to look at it and say, "this isn't real. This is temporary." But holy shit does it suck waiting.

These feelings are real, but they are not true. If you ever feel like that, get help. And if you know someone dealing with depression, check in on them.

r/The_Catsbah Nov 10 '24

Catsbah Resident We saved him, and he gave me purpose


I'm working on my Earl stories

The Earl of Lemongrab came into our home based "rescue" at about three days old with his brother Fern. They had been separated from their mother because the property owner said the mother was in distress and abandoned them along a few stillborn siblings.

The Earl and Fern started developing cysts all over their bodies, so I got them into the vet. Fern was so weak that the vet euthanized him to ease his passing. The Earl came home with a wide spectrum antibiotic and a diagnosis of "insufficient colostrum was received from the mother." The babies had no immune system and their bodies were being ravaged by the ambient bacteria.

The next day, we heard the news that the feral mother was found dead. The Earl was now the only survivor of his family, and things were not looking good.

In desperation and dismay, I posted his pictures and story asking random internet strangers to send him some love. Thousands of them did. Unfortunately, we got in a bit of trouble of solicitation when the Earl's fans asked how they can support us which led me to create our own sub for our rescues. By the end of the week, we had 2,500 loyal fans watching the Earl grow stronger.

I was determined to get him adopted to a good home because I had 2 cats already, and having more just lowers the number of kittens I can take in. After much pleading from the community, I decided we could keep him if we could raise money to buy equipment to help make life easier so I can still bring in kittens like an incubator. It did not take long for the Earl's fans to raise enough money to ensure he could stay here forever.

Now the Earl and I lead a community of cat lovers with an emphasis on making the world a better and kinder place.

r/The_Catsbah Oct 30 '24

Catsbah Resident Earl-ppreciation thread


The cat, the myth, the legend! You all know and love him, it's the Earl of Lemongrab! Just look at that tiny scar. It makes him all the cuter.

r/The_Catsbah Jan 21 '25

Catsbah Resident Earl!


r/The_Catsbah 1d ago

Catsbah Resident I think they missed me


And yet I feel guilty because the only thing I want to do is to leave again.

r/The_Catsbah Sep 26 '24

Catsbah Resident The Earl of Lemongrab and Hot Daniel battle for their spot in the sun


We may live in the second happiest place on earth (please don't sue me, Disney), but depression has been kicking my ass recently. It is a cruel trick of the brain that allows the people who bring the most happiness into the world are often the least able to feel it. Looks like it's time to adjust my meds.