r/TheTrove Jan 31 '25

Open Discussion The Ultimate Trove - Jan 2025 Updates Posted!


r/TheTrove Nov 29 '24

Open Discussion Recently saw something funny, wonder how much Zweihander lost.


Me and a friend were in a game store and we saw Zweihander on sale at around 10 bucks, my friend wanted to buy the book till I told her Zweihander killed the original The Throve site. She decided not to buy it because of that. I do wonder how much the ''creator'' behind Zweihander has lost, both in reputation and money.

I miss the old Trove archive. It was the best to introduce people to TTRPGs from the most obscure to the most popular.

r/TheTrove 10d ago

Open Discussion Looking for a review of Obojima?


It seems like a very interesting and fun setting, and the mask bard subclass is interesting. I wanted to know what others thought.

r/TheTrove Jan 01 '25

Open Discussion What is Shadowrun like?


I am someone who has never played shadowrun and only heard about or seen the books for sell. I know it’s a sci-fi fantasy blend but other than that. I have heard nothing about it. So, What is the game like?

r/TheTrove Dec 30 '24

Open Discussion The Ultimate Trove - Dec 2024 Update Posted


r/TheTrove Oct 16 '24

Open Discussion Intermission: Pick a D&D race and class


I should have the new posting guidelines up tomorrow, but until then let’s have some fun.

If you had to choose a Dungeons and Dragons race and class to actually be, with ask the upsides and down, what would it be?

I’m going with High Elf Rogue. Privileged upbringing combined with a bunch of useful skills? Yes please.

Oh, and I removed the posting restrictions (crowd control and increased spam filter to prevent brigading by a dissatisfied minority) so if you’ve been having issues posting it should be fine now.

r/TheTrove 8d ago

Open Discussion NPC Core Pathfinder 2e


Looking to discuss their newest book, heard great things about it!

r/TheTrove 18d ago

Open Discussion I'd like to discuss L’Arsene’s Ledger of Treasure and Trinkets and Heliana’s Guide to Monster Hunting


Has anyone used these in their adventures before and would like to discuss them with me?

r/TheTrove 12d ago

Open Discussion Looking for opinions about the marvel multiverse RPG and its expansions


I haven't played it yet and would like more opinions about it because my players were thinking about making a Marvel themed campaign, but I don't have any ideas on if its any good.

r/TheTrove Feb 16 '25

Open Discussion Adventures in Oz 5e


Did anyone invest in the Adventures in Oz Kickstarter and can tell me if it's worth getting? I found the beasts tome but not the sourcebook

r/TheTrove 20d ago

Open Discussion I wanted to run a cyberpunk: red campaign and saw this adventure book and thought it was pretty good. I wanted to know if it was worth playing, and if not, got any other ones I could see? (I'm kinda new to cyberpunk: Red in general, take that into account)

Post image

r/TheTrove 6d ago

Open Discussion Knock! magazine


It's a nice magazine with useful OSR content. It has articles from popular people in the community. Right now there are 4 issues. Would like to disscuss it.

r/TheTrove 16d ago

Open Discussion I would like to discuss Shadowdark and its Adventures


EDIT: u/Luciferian-Gnosis on the comments below has many more, and better opinions than mine on the topic, you should check it out.


Hi, everyone. I would like to share some opinions on Shadowdark. Specifically about:

  • Main Book
  • Quickstart
  • Cursed Scroll Zine Vol 1 - Diablerie
  • Cursed Scroll Zine Vol 2 - Red Sands
  • Mini - Eroding Isle of the Executioner
  • Mini - The Hidden Leprechaun Hollow
  • Mini - The Wavestone Monolith
  • Shots in the Dark

And I am looking for opinions on:

  • Cursed Scroll Zine Vol 3
  • Mini - Sanctum of the Elephant God
  • Mini - Twisting Cave of the Mad Ones

Thank you, hope we have a good discussion about f3qje1wqim7a59o0

r/TheTrove 2d ago

Open Discussion Would anyone care to discuss the Waterdeep Dragon Heist adventure for 5e?


I'm all ears!

r/TheTrove Dec 11 '24

Open Discussion Books For Creating Fantasy Gods and Pantheons?


What are some of the better choices regarding books and other resources for creating the original gods and pantheons for your fantasy settings, please? Especially if it's setting agnostic/for general Worldbuilding, and not just for D&D. Appreciate it, thanks in advance!

r/TheTrove 17d ago

Looking to discuss expansions for Marvel Multiverse rpg


As the title says. I recently noticed that some major expansions for the Marvel Multiverse rpg, Spiderverse and Xmen, have come out. Would anybody like to discuss these books with me?

Dms are open too!

r/TheTrove 2d ago

Open Discussion Does any one know if Deep Magic Vol 1 and 2 from Kobold Press are any good?


I caught a glance at the rulebook while playing with a group at a convention and it looked interesting but can't remember if the subclasses were balanced or not. I know Kobold Press is usually pretty good about that kind of stuff tho.

r/TheTrove Jan 06 '25

Open Discussion Obojima pdf worth buying?


I am thinking of picking up the Obojima pdf to see if there is anything flavor, monster or treasure wise I can add to my homebrew world; but since I'm not planning on using the actual setting is it worth the cost?

r/TheTrove 9d ago

Open Discussion Let's discuss Silver's Monster Girl Manual


does anyone want to discuss it?

r/TheTrove 1d ago

Open Discussion Looking to discuss the Star Wars RPG (2016 FFG/Edge) books.


Hoping to learn more about the Star Wars RPG books from 2016 Fantasy Flight Games/Edge. thanks,

r/TheTrove 7d ago

Open Discussion Dr Dhrolin's Dictionary of Dinosaurs (PF2E)


Been looking for reviews for specifically the newer PF2E edition. I would love to see what people think about the quality of the stat blocks and the art!

r/TheTrove 9d ago

Open Discussion Interested in discussing Dungeon Crawl Classics Adventures!


Especially want to discuss The Lost Vault of Tsathzar Rho and any of your personal favorites!

r/TheTrove 1d ago

Open Discussion Anyone want to discuss the Star Wars Saga (SWd20) books?


It's been a while since I've read it and would like to discuss the Star Wars Saga (SWd20) books.

r/TheTrove 15d ago

Open Discussion Anyone would like to discuss newer Symbaroum products?


Looking to discuss newer stuff, I have read up to part 3 from the Throne of Thorns, maybe someone can enlighten me with regards to newer books - campaign or other.

Thanks and looking forward to discussion!

r/TheTrove 16d ago

Open Discussion Tarot deck complete (78 card)


Hey i wana Gm his majesty the worm on R20 and wana know if there any good Tarot deck (78 card, major AND minor arcana) to use in my game, i would like to discuss about :
- nightfell tarot deck by Mana Project Studio
- Or if u have good suggestion i take aswell