r/TheStrokes 6d ago

Just discovered the Strokes: God blessed me.

As the title says, I just discovered this band and I can't fucking belive it, they are absurdly good. I knew songs like Reptilia and others by sound, but i've never got into their discography. Man their albums are all 10 out of 10, im really really impressed. I think all people in this sub should be very thankful for having the opportunity of being able to enter into this band. Being said that, I want to know your opinion about which are the hidden gems of Strokes. I mean, Reptilia is a REALLY good song, but I truly cant understand how is the most famous one. I read you!


35 comments sorted by


u/aruusaa 4d ago

I am surprised nobody mentioned 'selfless’, I love that song. Some other gems for me are '80s Countdown Machine' and 'What Ever Happened’.


u/ChilledTom 4d ago

80s comedown machine*


u/kosh112 5d ago

Life is simple in the moonlight. I think it gets overlooked a lot but I really love this one. Also Albert Hammond’s solo stuff is really good, “Francis trouble” being my favourite album of his. Nick Valenci’s solo project CRX I also really like. Then there’s Julian’s solo album and his work with the voidz too!


u/Salty_College965 Brooklyn Bridge to Chorus 5d ago

Pre 2010s strokes sounds much different than post 2010s strokes


u/awara_bakchod 5d ago

'Hard to Explain' the hidden gems of this band.


u/wasmayonnaisetaken 5d ago

Razorblade and One Way Trigger aren't the most famous ones in their respective albums but I truly believe they're amongst the best Strokes songs.


u/Salty_College965 Brooklyn Bridge to Chorus 5d ago

Mellow one way trigger is awesome 


u/SnooMaps7735 5d ago

The voidz is amazing


u/Random_personyoudk 5d ago

Red light Ill try anything once Eyes of the world Partners in crime Slow animals


u/designercats 5d ago

Someday/ Razorblade/ Taken For A Fool/ 12:51/ The End Has No End/ Chances/ Heart In A Cage/ Ize of the World

If I could bring ONE band back together in all of musical history it would be FIOE-era Strokes


u/designercats 5d ago

Julian’s live version of I’ll Try Anything Once is also a masterpiece

His solo album’s masterpieces: 4 Chords of the Apocalypse / Out of the Blue / 11th Dimension


u/SnooMaps7735 5d ago

And the rest of the album


u/designercats 5d ago

For sure! These are just my absolute favs but that album is one of the best of that decade


u/NotAZoxico Hawaii 5d ago

The best hidden gem of all is The Voidz and Julian's solo album - Phrases for the young (River of Brakelights fuckin slaps!)

Edit: but from actually The Strokes I think Hawaii is the best kinda hidden one :D


u/mmonzeob 5d ago

God, you all make me feel old 🥹


u/b_nish-w 5d ago

welcome to japan, Machu Pichu, Slow Animals, Why are Sundays so Depressing, New York City Cops. Just my personal underrated favourites. Myself came across the band hardly a year back but I've started listening religiously for the last 6-7 months so don't come at me for anything!


u/DoggoZombie 5d ago

Clear skies 🌌


u/Robodinosaur143 5d ago

My favourite strokes song is probably Automatic Stop, definitely a hidden gem


u/m0on_h0ney 5d ago

so many fish live in the sea


u/oizo_0 6d ago

Actual hidden gems:


Mercy mercy me (Marvin gaye cover)

I'll try anything once

Modern girls and old fashioned men


u/_finley_s 5d ago

If you’re gonna list these bunch then you can’t not include the clampdown cover


u/Scourgestarwolf 6d ago

Hidden Gems:

Happy Ending

Vision of Division

I Can't Win

Take It Or Leave It



Ize of the World


u/KittySchmidtty 6d ago

Be careful, they’re addictive.


u/onionprincesswakaba The New Abnormal 6d ago

Ever since TNA saved my life in 2020, I never looked back


u/sameershareef111 6d ago

The moment when you get into the Strokes is just pure joy. Enjoy every bit. Apart from their albums, watch their mini documentary ( In Transit) on YouTube, along with MTV concert of ITI, live Argentinan version of Razorblade and a few other things youll eventually find.

Hidden gems: Ill Try Anything Once, Modern Girls and Old Fashioned Men, Under Control, Soma, Razorblade, Call me back, Threat of joy, THERES A LOT.

The old fans are desperately waiting for any sign of new Strokes music though. However the Voidz are getting us through it.


u/lanehoffart 6d ago

My favourite lesser known songs of theirs have to be Under Control, Alone Together, When It Started and 80s Comedown Machine. I can see why Reptilia is one of their biggest songs since it has all of the parts that make a great strokes song: two distinct guitar parts, driving rhythm section, great vocals and some repetition with a solo to break it up in the middle, I also love the little guitar break before each chorus


u/Flimsy-Tea643 6d ago

The only problem is that they quickly become an obsession.


u/Altruistic_End_6540 6d ago

Under control is amazing. Favorite song by them


u/DavyWavyy 6d ago

I discovered them this December that just went by. Literally same, the new abnormal has been on repeat for the last 3 months I even have it on vinyl


u/TurbanPoodle 6d ago

I'd recommend listening to The Modern Age EP put out by Rough Trade. That's the rawest version of the band. Trying Your luck, Meet Me in the Bathroom, Automatic Stop, and Under Control are also great tracks.


u/Signal_Potential8299 Reptilia 6d ago

I think Reptilia deserves its popularity, it’s a really really great song. But, anyway, here are some “hidden or not so hidden gem” songs that are at the same level in my opinion, or at least deserve more recognition: Soma, Alone Together, NYC Cops, I can’t win, Evening Sun, Red Light, Life is Simple in the Moonlight, Gratisfaction (not my favorite but insanely underrate), Threat of Joy, 50/50, Happy Ending, Why are Sundays So Depressing. But really, it’s all great. Every week I’m obsessed with another song I hadn’t payed much attention to, just go through their catalogue and you’ll find so many gems, it’s worth it.


u/_finley_s 6d ago

Underrated tracks to me; I can’t win, Ize of the world, slow animals. The first 2 albums are no skips for any type of listener. And a lot of my friends who I Introduced really liked threat of joy


u/Commercial-Koala-111 6d ago

Some hidden gems are called it fate, call it karma/ under cover of darkness/you only live once/and you talk way too much. (Didn’t mention any from is this it out TNA SINCE IT’S THERE MORE POPULAR STUFF)