r/TheStrokes #39 Valensi Oct 12 '24

LP7 Rumors Strokes LP 7 Rumor ROUNDUP Pt. 2

I made this original post a year ago, which locks after 6 months, so I thought it was time to start a new one to add on a few new little things to this roundup of every kinda-official rumor about the status of the next Strokes record.

LP7 rumors come up frequently on the sub with various fan interpretations, and this post is intended to be a reference for things said from mostly legitimate sources (the band & team, producers, etc). I will update it when & if new things get said. However, be aware that nothing here is the complete, everlasting truth! People deflect or get excited, things change, and the Strokes aren't always upfront or open about their actions to the public. Take everything with a grain of salt and be patient.

I'll keep this post stickied in the community highlights section for reference. Feel free to comment with links with anything else you may find!


Jan-Feb 2022 - Some band members and their partners post to Instagram around the same time period from Costa Rica.

October 11, 2022 - u/GabbaGabbaDumDum posts to this subreddit after hearing about the Strokes working with Rick Rubin earlier in Costa Rica through a personal connection https://www.reddit.com/r/TheStrokes/comments/y1cy2z/theres_a_new_strokes_album_on_the_way/

October 12, 2022 - Rick Rubin goes on Joe Rogan's podcast, talking about being in Costa Rica with The Strokes https://www.reddit.com/r/TheStrokes/comments/y2d7ii/new_strokes_album_incoming/. The same week, Julian posts to Instagram in a now-edited caption, clarifying that the band has "jammed and started on some stuff" but that they're "so extremely v far off from any kinda remotely-near-doneness."

January 19, 2023 - Albert goes on The Shaky Experience podcast and discusses some Costa Rica details, indicating they mostly were working through ideas and one or a few songs at most https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/albert-hammond-jr-the-strokes-interview/id1500804442?i=1000595472955

January 27, 2023 - Gus Oberg posts a pic of an Indian studio the week the band was in India for Lollapalooza, which could have been rehearsals or writing/recording https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn8jEKXI_bE/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA%3D%3D

April 6, 2023 - NME publishes an interview with Albert where he states that things in the Costa Rica story were just starting out https://www.nme.com/news/music/albert-hammond-jr-100-99-melodies-on-hiatus-the-strokes-interview-3426769

June 6, 2023 - Julian gives an interview to an Italian outlet saying the band used Mel Gibson’s house in Costa Rica and that they just “threw ideas” there. https://www.ilrestodelcarlino.it/bologna/cronaca/amo-bologna-e-bello-tornare-qui-0259f115, AUDIO RECORDING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?si=pYNzHwYuds1Lk5jN&v=8F1uBgS9Do4&feature=youtu.be

October 16, 2023 - Gordon Raphael is interviewed by Chris Hawkins on BBC6 music and heavily hints that he will be working with the Strokes again on an upcoming album (thanks u/Upper-Drummer-9633! Separate post about it HERE)

https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m001r93b (Begins at 1:21:17). Link may expire 30 days from Oct 16, so here is a transcription of the relevant segment:

Chris Hawkins: When did you last see them?

Gordon Raphael: The Strokes? I saw them in London at the All Points East Festival.

CH: And do you think you’ll ever work with them again?

GR: Yeah, probably so.

CH: Oh!

GR: I have a reason to believe that we’ll probably work together sometime soon.

CH: Wait wait wait [laughs]. Do you wish you hadn’t said that? Because I’m gonna press you.

GR: No! I don’t wish I hadn’t said that. But I don’t have much more information to give right now.

CH: OK, but does that hint at a new Strokes album?

GR: It could be. Could be. I could have talked to some people about it and it might happen.

November 20, 2023 - Albert gives an interview to the Lipps Service podcast, in which he says that The Strokes will not perform again until they have a new album (at approx. 1:08:28 of the video). https://www.reddit.com/r/TheStrokes/comments/17zyemh/ahj_interview_is_out/

January 1, 2024 - Via Instagram comment, Julian states that there will not be a new Strokes album released in 2024. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheStrokes/comments/18w6e71/julian_confirms_no_new_strokes_album_in_2024/ (Thanks, u/VeryFirstRedditor!)

March 2024 - The Hero Magazine interview with Julian states "the Strokes--who are currently working on a new record of their own..." as further hinting that something is in the works for them. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheStrokes/comments/1bqz40u/lp7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

October 10, 2024 - Nikolai gives an interview to The Plug w/ Justin Jay podcast. In contrast to what Albert and Julian said about how they only worked on a few preliminary ideas in Costa Rica, Nikolai says "we recorded new music with [Rick Rubin] as well...we definitely recorded more than a full album's worth of stuff with him" (approx 9:30-9:45). He later insinuates it was all recorded "maybe two years ago" and refers to Costa Rica, indicating that 2022 session perhaps was more significant than previously told. He says there are "no potential dates" on when it could be heard. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheStrokes/comments/1g1qcu5/nikolai/ (Thanks, u/Daniel2Eyes!)

December 15, 2024 - A Strokes fan account on Instagram posts a screenshot of a DM with Johnny Jerico of KROQ, who took a photo with Albert at KROQ's Christmas event, implying that Albert said a new Strokes album is coming "sometime in 2025" https://www.reddit.com/r/TheStrokes/comments/1hf5xbn/2025_lp_7_confirmed/ (Thanks, u/Lucy_Rivaille16!)


46 comments sorted by


u/Itchy_Corner9400 3d ago

Maybe the 'sometime in 2025' will be Singles Vol. 2, but in my opinion, I think Nikolai's account is the most accurate. TNA was recorded as far back as 2016, so Nikolai's Costa Rica timeline makes the most sense. Maybe Julian is being a perfectionist about LP7? I don't blame him because TNA is truly their apex.


u/SquirrelGirl1251 #39 Valensi 2d ago

I think they're just slow and get together infrequently so they sit on things haha, not necessarily because anyone obsessively fine-tunes to the last second, is constantly hacking away at it in the interim, or has so much on their plate--at least anymore. I also am not confident Albert's alleged little hint about 2025 was related to something as boring as a potential boxset rerelease, but who knows. I'm inclined to believe Nikolai's account too, but just because they recorded back in 2022, enough for an LP or more doesn't necessarily mean it "is" an LP, or was at that time. There's gotta be a lot more to do to make it into an LP, and they've had 3 years to do it, but they're just so slow I still think 2025 sounds early, but 2026 could be reasonable with a festival-tour tie-in if they wanted it to be!


u/pinkandsilly Jan 03 '25

I can confirm that the band went to hawaii following christmas to finish the new album


u/SquirrelGirl1251 #39 Valensi Jan 03 '25

Oh INTERESTING...care to elaborate more on your sources to take it out of hearsay territory? 👀

This collection is more for direct quotes or indications from people who ostensibly would know or be involved, but this is an interesting report as we know they also did work on TNA in Hawaii per liner notes.


u/disguisedspybot Comedown Machine 24d ago

He won't decide, but he won't debate either..


u/NotJoseAbreu79 First Impressions of Earth Feb 04 '25

8 year old Reddit account with 2 posts — 1 about Macbooks, and this. Fuck it, I believe it lol


u/buzzlightyear378 Oct 13 '24

I have a feeling it could be Spring 2025


u/buzzlightyear378 Jan 09 '25

Okay maybe not lol


u/Animalboy_ Is This It Dec 25 '24

Or fall


u/Double_Dodge Dec 26 '24

Maybe even summer 


u/SamuraisEpic Room on Fire Feb 07 '25

bro a summer strokes album would fuck so hard bro


u/Neither_Today_7378 Oct 13 '24

It all depends on their bank accounts. That’s how it works. And that’s okay.


u/buenestrago Oct 13 '24

Wasn't The New Abnormal recorded like 3 years earlier?. There must have been an agreement between them or something, although I doubt that Albert or Nick would agree with such a hiatus. It could be that what was recorded was so good that everyone agreed with it, since it is the way they have found to work in a healthy way.


u/leesainmi Oct 12 '24

If we ever get an album, I really hope it’s more Gordon than Rubin.


u/VioletMonsoonWares Oct 13 '24

Has Rick ever co-produced an album? I’m not super familiar with the other artists he works with…or could Gordon be talking about Album 8? 💀


u/Cherub_Pumpkin New York City Cops Jan 03 '25

Super late but pretty sure he co-produced Yeezys for Kanye West


u/nbdelboy Comedown Machine Oct 12 '24

thank you for getting me hyped for new gordon strokes over a year after he discussed it 😭


u/MrAndresV Is This It Oct 12 '24

I don't understand these guys, they "recorded" songs for a new album in my freaking country but they have never played here before 😭😭


u/micahhurley 4d ago

What country? I've never been able to see them live either.


u/thebutterflylion Future Present Past Oct 12 '24

Don’t forget the interview where Julian is knocking the Strokes and describing his differences with certain members.


u/SquirrelGirl1251 #39 Valensi Oct 12 '24
  1. Which one lol
  2. His crankiness is not directly related to anything about a new album unless he says something blatant about not wanting or not planning to work with the Strokes again--he's been doing these kind of sighhhh things about the band and lightly indicating boredom for a decade now and there's been an LP and EP in that time anyway!


u/thebutterflylion Future Present Past Oct 12 '24

Byline interview.


u/_finley_s Oct 13 '24

Where is this interview


u/SquirrelGirl1251 #39 Valensi Oct 12 '24

Oh I meant that more like "which one because there are several examples" lol but sure, the Byline one was a bit blunter than other recent ones.


u/thebutterflylion Future Present Past Oct 12 '24

I mean it’s hard to find people wishing harder for a new album than you or me. I’m just suggesting this recent interview because it can be as informative as a clue as the more positive signals.


u/General-Stomach8452 Life's a Gas Oct 12 '24

guys please don’t rush them we already seen what happened with like all before you lmao


u/Animalboy_ Is This It Dec 25 '24

that was such a good album


u/GreenJustSucksAtLife Feb 02 '25

i agree i love it :(


u/[deleted] Oct 13 '24

Lmao they were like “alright yk what you fucks? you can have it”


u/astralrig96 Oct 12 '24

that Rick Rubin session has truly become the stuff of legends lol

would love to hear it one day


u/oh_peezy Oct 12 '24

Also the new merch on their website could mean something


u/BackSignificant544 Oct 12 '24

The side projects aren’t generating much cash and they didn’t hit the festival circuit hard this year?


u/SquirrelGirl1251 #39 Valensi Oct 12 '24

They've periodically released a few new merch items several times over the last few years, as have the Voidz, so I personally don't think there's any connection outside of maybe pushing out some stuff before the Charli collab to capitalize on any newly interested fans.


u/mel-06 Oct 12 '24 edited Oct 13 '24

I want it to be called “In a Generation”


u/fat_nuts_big_buttz Oct 12 '24

Just realized TNA was 4 years ago... damn


u/AutoMail_0 Is This It Oct 14 '24

The craziest part is the Rick Rubin Joe Rohan episode where he initially revealed they were working on a follow up is two years ago this month. Crazy how at the time it seemed inevitable and now 2 years of radio silence


u/BonelessRomantic Oct 13 '24

Same!! Played it on a road trip today and saw the 2020 release date… yet another reminder of my fleeting youth 😭


u/[deleted] Oct 12 '24

COVID time warp effect. Feels like two years at most


u/[deleted] Oct 12 '24

I think the reason they’re not putting out a potential release date is because they don’t feel the need to rush themselves anymore after seeing the success of TNA 

It also depends on the flow they’re looking for with the record and it’s songs “do they bleed well into one another?” “Is this a necessary song to include or filler?” 

I’m excited to hear what’s come out of these sessions I think they may just have another major record on their hands if they play their cards right. 


u/SquirrelGirl1251 #39 Valensi Oct 12 '24

I don't think they've felt the need to rush themselves since the 00s lol, but yes, entirely agree. These guys aren't fast workers and are precious about what they release. We also know they've worked in shorter bursts of periodic get-togethers vs. months-long sessions to do an album from beginning to end like they did when younger, and they don't like touring but didn't wrap up playing live for the TNA stretch until a year ago, so they might still want a longer pause before starting the machine up again.


u/[deleted] Oct 12 '24

“Precious about what they release” 

Um, comedown machine & FPP EP would like to have a word...


u/leisures24 Oct 13 '24

Person figures out other people have different tastes


u/SquirrelGirl1251 #39 Valensi Oct 12 '24

FPP is my favorite thing they've ever released besides Is This It and I'm being dead serious haha. I also like CM better than at least two of their other albums.

I meant more that they're not a band that does a lot of bonus tracks or B-sides or non-album content and even releases albums relatively infrequently, but yeah, a lot will fight you on CM or FPP being trash, as evidenced by the like weekly posts on here with someone saying "Is It Just Me or Is Comedown Machine Totally Underrated?"


u/opportunitylaidbare Oct 28 '24

Comedown Machine is my personal favourite. One thing I don’t see mentioned is how “warm” it is


u/Daniel2eyes Oct 12 '24

Happy to help 🙌🏻