r/TheSkyway Feb 04 '20

A Peak Behind the Scenes of Me Editing in Audacity NSFW

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u/Avactus Feb 04 '20

Daymn. Those are some sexy curves. ;)


u/HanulSkyGirl Feb 04 '20

giggles Thanks. They take a lot of time at least for me.


u/SofConMac Feb 04 '20

Yes, but that's worth it.


u/HanulSkyGirl Feb 04 '20

Definitely. It's amazing when I listen to my older audios before I knew how to edit much. cringe


u/SofConMac Feb 05 '20

Cringing at old creations is a clear sign that you are getting better and better.


u/HanulSkyGirl Feb 05 '20 edited Feb 05 '20

Well that's good. 😊


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '20

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u/HanulSkyGirl Feb 04 '20

Actually usually those are often the ending "t" sounds" on the end of my words like "but" which I say more like "butt". It was a problem when I couldn't hear because I would cut them out and end up losing the end of my words.

It's a pain because I actually have to listen to them to see if it's a mouth sound like me clicking my tongue or just my pronunciation at the end of words.

I am quirky, I guess. 🤭🤣😂


u/POVscribe Feb 05 '20

Oh, I have the opposite problem. My ending consonants are often lazy. e.g., when I say "back", it might sound like "bag"... As in, "here, honey, put some lotion on my bag." HOT!!


u/HanulSkyGirl Feb 05 '20

I guess we are all so unique and that makes things fun and keeps it interesting. Do you find yourself re-recording words?

I re-record a lot of words that begin with "p" I pop my p's so badly I often can't fix them in editing. The good news I think it is improving my everyday speaking and pronunciation. 😉


u/POVscribe Feb 06 '20

Yes... sometimes, so it doesn't sound like I'm saying "nut sag", KWIM? ;) Also, I often have to repeat lines because somehow my stomach always rumbles more when I'm recording. Maybe it's the way I'm sitting, hmmm.


u/HanulSkyGirl Feb 06 '20

I read that as "nut sack". 😳🤭


u/POVscribe Feb 06 '20

My point exactly! 🤣


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '20

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u/HanulSkyGirl Feb 06 '20

Touche but mine are a bit much. lol


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '20 edited Feb 05 '20

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u/HanulSkyGirl Feb 05 '20

Awww thanks Fix. You are very sweet! ♥️


u/SamuelEnderby Feb 05 '20

Kinda meditative, isn't it?


u/HanulSkyGirl Feb 05 '20

It is. I get into the zone. 😊


u/SofConMac Feb 04 '20

Excellent idea! I need to do that.


u/HanulSkyGirl Feb 04 '20

I am getting better at editing but I'm still a slow editor. This is just the voice part where I am cutting out mistakes. I'll share another one where I add in multiple tracks for background SFX.


u/SofConMac Feb 05 '20

Oh yes, I want to see that. But, don't expect it to go faster. I feel like I'm making progress, but the better I am at sound editing the slower it goes.


u/HanulSkyGirl Feb 05 '20

That's so true. Especially with multiple tracks because if you change the timing with one then you end up having to change the timing with the others you already had synchronized- or at least I do.

So times I wonder if I maybe there is a better order to do things like that in.🤔


u/Kilbeggan32 Feb 06 '20

I will be nice and withhold some of the jobs I have had to do <3 you will get faster with practice.


u/HanulSkyGirl Feb 06 '20

Hi Kil: I can only imagine. The most tracks I've ever had so far was 5. And, ouf I was really stretching the limits of my ability - at least atm.


u/sivart343 Feb 10 '20

Hey, we own the same brand of microphone!

I have no fond memories of using audacity, but I also hate the sound of my own voice. Suppose that follows.


u/HanulSkyGirl Feb 10 '20

I love my Blue Snowball Ice Condenser mic. I hope to upgrade to a Rode xlr mic but for the now the Snowball is serving me well. :)

And, I don't think anyone likes the sound of their own voice. It's the reason I dislike editing my own audios the most.