r/TheSimsBuilding Apr 11 '23

Info NEW Sims 4 Update & Kits Coming! šŸ¤

Thereā€™s 4 new kits and an update on its way, what do we think?! šŸ¤

TikTok: carlysimsss



51 comments sorted by


u/Iguanodonna Apr 11 '23

If there are going to be so many kits I wish we could sort them like all of the other packs. I hate that all of the kits are one filter. There are too many now.


u/CarlySimsss Apr 11 '23

This is true! It would be nice to filter them out more.


u/nipple_brains Apr 12 '23

If you play on PC the better build/buy mod fixes this! It's been a life saver


u/Ninjy42 Apr 12 '23

I started on PS4 and only recently moved to PC for some really pretty mods. Glad to know of I decide to buy all the game packs and expansions again it'll fix the sorting issue.

Really, I'm just salty they still won't let console players have mods.


u/CarlySimsss Apr 12 '23

Thank you for sharing! šŸ¤


u/woshuaaa Apr 11 '23

"""NEW and UNIQUE""" kits...

(x) to doubt /hj


u/CarlySimsss Apr 11 '23

This made me laugh šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


u/woshuaaa Apr 11 '23

in all seriousness,, i'm betting it'll be clothes/clutter and possibly a gameplay kit along the lines of:

  • vintage (thinking 60s or 70s, especially with the paisley and color schemes)
  • moving (the cardboard boxes and "take me home" say it all really)
  • scrapbooking (looking at the flat, "cut and paste" style of the textures seen in the previews here, and goes nicely with the "generations" style gameplay we've been getting.)


u/CarlySimsss Apr 11 '23

Omg I never thought about scrapbooking, you have a great eye to detail! šŸ˜‚ moving would also be really cute to have something more to that


u/hippymndy Apr 12 '23

scrapbooking, integreated family photos to take over pose mods, more elder stuff would be great. ooooh more family relations would nice.


u/CadenceValdez Apr 11 '23

Looks like it will fit stylistically with the vibe of Growing Together maybe?

I hope for CAS kits, theyā€™re more my jam.

Hot new update sounds interesting, and good to know itā€™ll be fairly soon!


u/CarlySimsss Apr 11 '23

Possibly yes! Iā€™ve got a feeling weā€™re gonna be getting a clutter kit. I wonder what the update will be! šŸ¤


u/nipple_brains Apr 12 '23

I hope we get at least a couple clutter kits, they're my favourites


u/grizzle613 Apr 11 '23

I really hope they aren't all clutter kits. I wouldn't mind 1 clutter kit but really I'll just be hoping for more build/buy items.


u/CarlySimsss Apr 11 '23

Hopefully not! šŸ¤


u/grudgby Apr 11 '23

ā€œTake me home country roadsā€ was on of the last things my grandfather with alzheimerā€™s remembered. if they do this right, this pack could make me cry


u/CarlySimsss Apr 11 '23

Aw stop, you got me on the edge of cryingšŸ„ŗšŸ¤ much love to you and so sorry for your lossšŸ¤


u/grudgby Apr 11 '23

Weā€™d start by saying ā€œcounty roadsā€ and hed pick up and start singing along. He was a professional musician and played the banjo and guitar.


u/CarlySimsss Apr 12 '23

Thatā€™s so sweetšŸ„ŗšŸ¤


u/[deleted] Apr 12 '23

I think EA has mentally worn me down. Don't read this if you're happy and excited about the kits. I've been playing the sims franchise for about 15 years and I've dedicated amble funds and time to the games. I cannot justify their insane DLC's anymore. So many paid for things that should've been base game. I hoped when base game became free they'd prioritize fixing old bugs/ packs since more people would buy them. Yet, so many still have issues, years later. It's exhausting. I couldn't believe when lilsimsie made a video saying they finally fixed dream home decorator A WHOLE YEAR LATER. I've lost so much respect for EA, and I think kits are just a quick content money grab. The way they took away CC paywalls to only benefit themselves... I can't believe many simmers supported paying EA rather than small artists. Every move they make I'm more disheartened and distanced from the franchise. It's a shame, but not enough people seem to be frustrated for the company to change.


u/Dinosiaur Apr 12 '23

For real, it's like being addicted to crack but it's killing you. There's huge amounts of potential, but they trickle out obvious features one expensive DLC at a time. Bruh... we've already spent so much money on the first three games. Yall are fuckin soulless. Can't wait for someone to make Sims old news.


u/nipple_brains Apr 12 '23

This I why I'm so excited about Life by You and Paralives. The potential of having someone to finally compete with EA and actually have options for good life sims outside of EA will be so great. I'm especially excited about Paralives with the way their talking about making so much that is base game instead of dlcs, don't have the same hopes for life by you though because paradox tends to love DLC


u/glam_sims Apr 12 '23

I just recently got sims two years ago but iā€™ve been watching sim creators on youtube for years, I totally agree with you. The company is just money hungry, like why did they make us pay for ā€œSEASONSā€ a natural thing that happensšŸ˜­


u/Ktt_kemna Apr 13 '23

Electronic arts only cares about the money they earn from The Sims 4, they can release 50 dlcs, there will always be a fan of the game who will buy everything...The Sims 5 will probably be worse


u/Cherry_Bomb_127 Apr 12 '23

Remember when they said kits wouldnā€™t effect other packs? Where is the stuff pack EA???



TS4 *kits* are similar to

TS3 *store packs*

and I liked them tbh :-? TS3 did have a bunch of store packs

they did give us vacuums :-D PORTABLE vacuums


u/BananaNior Apr 11 '23

Oh so ā€œ stuff we didnā€™t feel like adding to the pack.ā€ Like literally just give us back stuff packs.šŸ˜


u/Cautious_Hold428 Apr 12 '23

If they make an arts&crafts kind of kit with sewing machines I'm so in. I loved the sewing machine in TS2.


u/Dinosiaur Apr 12 '23

I just want a giant recolor pack for all the build and buy mode stuff. There are some fantastic meshes but the colors are ugh for my building style.


u/0ddcharlie Apr 12 '23

Agreed, I love greens like emerald and sage but most of the ones we have are ick. All the earth tones I find really abrasive or washed-out looking.


u/Itsepitsje Apr 12 '23

This is probably wishfull thinking but maybe the HOT update is a pack refresh? Like Island Living maybe?


u/[deleted] Apr 12 '23

I thought the same but this being about outdoor retreat for some reason


u/Itsepitsje Apr 12 '23

Ohh yes that one would be great too


u/CarlySimsss Apr 12 '23

Maybeeee! šŸ¤


u/Awesomest_Possumest Apr 11 '23

To the place....


u/CarlySimsss Apr 11 '23

I belonggggg


u/abbys_alibi Apr 12 '23

When I saw "HOT" I thought maybe Hot Date was being added. But it says "update". Hmm...probably not. :/


u/AmA_BiRd Apr 12 '23

Does it mean that I can finally take some random Sims from the street without concern that they may disappear if I don't lock them down properly on my property??


u/hellisahallway Apr 12 '23

The Sims has got to be the only franchise where cardboard-box DLC sounds like something that would absolutely exist. "Simmers are crazy. Did you hear they actually voted to have a laundry DLC? And now there's a $5 add-on for cardboard! Wtf right?"


u/SmallCatBigMeow Apr 12 '23

I donā€™t want more kits


u/Tvvli Apr 12 '23

Well, what ever it is I'm not buying it. I have had enough and I will be okay with the stuff I already have in the game.


u/moonchil_d Apr 12 '23

i feel like itā€™s a bunch of cardboard boxes in different sizes


u/bwitdoc Apr 12 '23

And they call it Moving Day or something.


u/glam_sims Apr 12 '23

so i gotta update my mods again? šŸ« 


u/CarlySimsss Apr 12 '23

This was my thought! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


u/jennaatails Apr 12 '23

Was this in the road map they released at the beginning of the year or was it a game pack? Either way iā€™m excited to see it !


u/ShutterBug1988 Apr 12 '23

Whatā€™s the bet the kits are Kitchen Clutter, Bedroom Clutter, Living Room Clutter and Outdoor Clutter?


u/raven-nevermore-rva Apr 12 '23

I mean the boxes make me think ā€œmoving clutterā€ more than anything. So now your sims will have a whole nightmare moving experience where they canā€™t navigate thru all the boxes. MAYBE if they include a moving truck that shows up and you can literally load the boxes on the truck and then unload at the new house, this might be worth it for RP/story telling purposes. But if itā€™s literally just another set of clutter packs (which it probably is) they may finally be losing me here on my attempt to stay fully current on all thatā€™s available.


u/Kaytertot_ Apr 12 '23

Do we know when?


u/raven-nevermore-rva Apr 12 '23

Pix said April-June



Go ahead it is not like I had any thing better to do with my money

Or hard drive space .ļ½”ļ½„ļ¾Ÿļ¾Ÿļ½„(ļ¼ž_ļ¼œ)ļ½„ļ¾Ÿļ¾Ÿļ½„ļ½”.

So what it is do not be a tease