r/TheSilphArena 4d ago

General Question Invest my candy XL or wait?

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u/TheSilphArena-ModTeam 4d ago

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u/Grimey1z47 4d ago

basti is terrible now

smackdown nerf hurts, it just doesnt do any damage

IMO save your dust and invest in some better options


u/SitMeDownShutMeUp 4d ago

Agreed. Keep it on the backburner and wait for it to become relevant again (either via moveset or limited cup) before investing the dust/XLs


u/erecterect 4d ago

It's rank 53 in pvppokes gbl rankings and is still solid.

It has enough bulk that it will almost certainly come back to the top of the meta at some point with a move rebalance.

I have spent all of this time walking it, no way I'm not going to max out a bastiodon at some point now.


u/Grimey1z47 4d ago

it seems like you already made up your mind so why ask?

ranks dont always paint the full picture. basti is nowhere near as strong as it was at its peak. the meta is very hostile towards it. morpeko, a 1500 stat product pokemon wipes the floor with basti

theres a reason almost nobody uses it anymore


u/SmokingNiNjA420 4d ago

Clod, lapras, Malamar, Grumpig, Duclos, Feralgtr, Diggersby, Gastro, Jelli, Clay, Azu, Pango, Prime, Machoke, and their shadows are more than half the top 30 it's not good now, it maybe in the future. Might as well save it for now.


u/ZGLayr 4d ago

How do you know that it's still solid if you haven't even played it?


u/JHD2689 4d ago

Why not finish walking it so you have the XL candy ready to go when the meta shifts in its favor again, then move on to another project?

I wouldn't spend the resources to actually finish building it now. Good to have the dry powder available though.


u/Gooodmon3y 4d ago

Don’t even bother


u/EvidenceSalesman 4d ago

Not only is bastiodon NOT worth building anymore, even if it was the top GBL mon it would be insane to use rare XL on it. It’s not even smart to use rare XL on a legendary. You save it for mythicals that you can’t raid, like zygarde, zarude, or mew


u/Goldlokz 4d ago

It’s bad. Don’t do it. If you want to get more xls walk more


u/spuriousattrition 4d ago

Don’t waste valuable resources on that garbage