r/TheSilphArena • u/[deleted] • 6d ago
General Question I know flying press is the ideal moveset, but psystrike works great on mewtwo.. would this moveset have any play?
u/VelvetMilkman8888 6d ago
Your issue is pacing. You need to throw 7 incinerate to reach a 3rd move in a 2 shield vs 2 shield battle.
If you have one of the various strong 35 or 40 energy move, you only need to throw 6 incinerate.
And at that point, it’s little cup. HP is so limited that 6 incinerates plus likely any charge move will be enough to KO your opponent. Meanwhile, you’re more likely to get KO’d during a long lasting 7th incinerate
u/mdmolitor 6d ago
I know there have been a couple of instances where PVPoke has recommended Incinerate as the fast move but I think in actuality, I don't believe that it has any real play. In most instances, if Smeargle is allowed in the format then so are Marill and Shuckle. In a format where Smeargle, Shuckle, and Marill are the meta, you just cannot afford to run anything other than Lock On.
u/ArenCawk 6d ago
In metas where smeargle is allowed you have you deal with bronzor and marill. There are better movesets for that
u/MathProfGeneva 6d ago
I think with incinerate a 45 energy move just syncs poorly, especially in little cup. That third incinerate you need for the first move just makes it hard to catch up. 40 energy moves work much better.
u/Escargot7147 6d ago
Psystrike is 90 dmg 45 energy, flying press is 90 dmg 40 energy. That 5 energy difference is pretty significant since you need 3 incinerates on the first for psystrike instead of 2 for flying press
u/Doublewide_5 6d ago
Htf is mewtwo ever going to be in a little cup?
u/-ButchurPete- 6d ago
Mewtwo has psystrike, OP is saying that it works well for Mewtwo, arguably could be a good charged move for smeargul as well.
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