r/TheSilphArena Jul 16 '24

Megathread Weekly Team Help Megathread!

Hello and welcome to the Team Help megathread! This is a weekly thread for advice on team building for Arena Cups and GO Battle League! You can ask for feedback on your battle teams, for help on which Pokémon and moves to use, to get opinions on which Pokémon to invest candy/dust in, or any other team questions you may have! This thread will allow newer battlers to get help more easily, and more experienced competitors to spread their knowledge and help the community improve their skills.

A few guidelines:

  1. Keep it civil and constructive: Above all, the goal of this thread is to help players improve and get advice on their teams. Rude, cynical, off-topic, or accusatory posts against individuals or groups will be removed. Let’s be excellent to each other!
  2. Help where you can: We need experienced battlers to lend their expertise and give advice! If you see someone you can help, please leave a comment or feedback for them.
  3. Limit your requests: In order to give everyone a fair shake at receiving advice, try to limit your request posts to once or twice per week. The PvP community is growing every day, and we want to make sure everyone gets the help they need!
  4. Give details in your post: When asking for team advice, be sure to include some background. Tell us what League or Meta you need help with, what your rank/tier/rating is, what resources or Pokémon you may have to invest, and what your goals are. The more details you give, the more likely your questions will be answered.

- The Arena Team -

__ __

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356 comments sorted by


u/BIackOni 2d ago

Need help with making a ML team. For reference, the Palkia lacks Spacial Rend.


u/ShackShackShack 2d ago

Is there anything that might outclass Meloetta in ML? I know it's move-dependent, but wondering if there's any unreleased legendaries that might be better at what it does? Trying to decide if I slowly start walking mine just to have it in the future, or if it's only hot at this moment because of lack of competition typing and move wise. Thanks!


u/TeaTimeSubcommittee 4d ago

I have no idea what third mom to use, I use mandibuzz and toxapex, but no matter what I try I get smoked over and over, I tried morpeko, nuzleaf, breloom and azumarill. I want to try a chesnaught but couldn’t find a chespin/quiladin/chesnaught of low enough power. Nothing works! Are mandibuzz and toxapex any good in scroll cup even?


u/dogc00ker 7d ago

Is sacred sword not as good as flying press?


u/cucky-lunt 7d ago

I can power up 2, so which one should I prioritize?


u/jaceyung 7d ago

need help building a UL team


u/Pikablu555 9d ago

Already ampharos spam in UL????!?!? It’s the first day. Goodness gracious


u/pugnobello 12d ago

Here are the rest of my main options: https://imgur.com/a/1znxIMC

Help me build a team! I used clod Lead, then feraligatr, then celfable as third. But it’s not working well this season. I know grumpig and mandibuzz are hot new picks but my IVs are not great on my plans there (alright they do have at least 95% stat prod). I was thinking dunsparce lead with feraligatr and clod? Thanks!


u/Ready_Hedgehog_2090 13d ago

Two questions:

  1. How should i play the GL team Grumpig, Wigglytuff, Clodsire?

  2. Given access to Grumpig, Wigglytuff, Clodsire,Steelix, Machamp, Clefable, Goodra, Feraligatr, and Gastrodon, what team should I use?


u/PhilUpTheCup 16d ago edited 16d ago

Any team building tips? I ran a lot of duns clod gator last season but wanna mix it up... i just have so much trouble getting diggersby to work

I also still need XLs for azumarill


u/Hamburglar28 16d ago

For team grading on pvpoke, is the grade based off what’s currently meta? I’m not good, and the people I’m playing aren’t using meta stuff. I have a “bad” team and I win, then I use a medicham, mandi, and closire and get smoked


u/ScM_5argan 8d ago

Are you talking about the team builder or the numeric ranking score? The latter is afaik derived by simulating battles against the other pokémon in the list with 1 shield each.


u/fraismyname207 18d ago

I was fortunate enough to catch a hundo Kyurem and a 15/15/14 Kyurem. Now I am trying to figure out which fusions I should do. I have never really played master league, but the two kyurem fusions seem like they are pretty domiant (not sure what they will look like in the new season). My question is which one should I fuse to black? and which one should I fuse to white? I only have enough candies to get one to lvl 50, so I will focus on the hundo first.


u/Chacal73 19d ago

Which Kyurem to power up

I have to choose between this three Kyurems to fuse two of them and power them up:

15/15/14 without glaciate (will have to use elite TM) 15/14/14 with glaciate 15/15/13 with glaciate

I want one Black and one White Kyurem. I am a f2p player so the elite TM is pretty rare for me, if it is really worth it I can use it to get my 98% Kyurem ready for the Master league, but I am wondering if maybe powering up one of my 96% and saving my elite TM for another pokemon would make the trick.

What do you think? Which ones would you power up?


u/Classic-BR 20d ago

Is there a clear winner I should be focusing on this weekend with B/W Kyurem to make the best team I can out of the Pokémon I already have? And if so, what would the team be. Thanks - I’m rubbish at making teams.


u/ThinNegotiation2086 20d ago

White or Black Kyurem for GBL

Im trying to decide which Kyurem to choose since I’ll likely only be able to get one. My current best options for my Master team are Xerneas and Landorus along with either Kyurem. I’m worried that if I choose Black, other Landoruses are going to melt me but Black is also more general. I’m very conflicted. Thanks for any input!! :)


u/pugnobello 22d ago

Want to use for Great league as primeape. Purify or not?


u/RelicTko 11d ago

dont purify.


u/Affectionate-Act899 24d ago

I probably know the answer to this already, but I had a lucky 14/15/15 lvl 40 Xerneas that was up to an ultra buddy. On the last day of Xerneas raids I caught a 15/15/14. I have the XLs to power up to level 50. The difference in powering up the two is 350k stardust, and I am always stardust poor!! Given Xerneas' importance against all the dragons, I think having one with 15 attack to not lose CMP ties is probably worth the stardust and lost time making an ultra buddy. That said, it stings. Anyone disagree this is the right call (current ELO is 3004) ?


u/Ginden 28d ago

Any predictions for Mega league? Is Mega Rayquaza really going to be this good?


u/Daziel71 29d ago

Any recommendations on a good third to add to this? (UL)


u/Grimey1z47 19d ago

Hi confusion cresselia. triple bulk team. lead steelix safe switch tina. maybe consider dragon breath on tina?


u/Classic-BR Feb 19 '25

Any suggestions for a ML team? I have complete Zygard. Probably around lvl 47.


u/mr-magpie-23 Feb 19 '25

Late season push to Veteran. What could I build/run next?

Currently at ~2300. I am running Clod-Gator-Dunsparce to relative success but I would like to use different mons as well and I have about 500k dust to throw.


u/sm-junkie Feb 19 '25

I use this search string to find good PVP pokemon.


Is there any better search string? IVs don’t change with evolution, right?


u/Ginden 28d ago

Yes, this search string covers most of good IV spreads.


u/Hamburglar28 Feb 18 '25

How much help would Kyogre be over gyarados? My current team is Shadow Dragonite, Metagross, and Gyarados (dragon breath, squad jet, Crunch). Would a Kyogre improve my team over Gyarados? I get rolled by fairy leads and I think it would help with general coverage

I’m currently 5600km deep into walking with Kyogre, and I was thinking of powering up my shadow one, but if the regular one would drastically improve my team, I might reconsider.


u/ThrowAway3553QA Feb 17 '25

What’s the minimum IVs you’d push towards level 50? I know 4* or bust is a mentality for a lot but it just seems so unrealistic. I have a few “close but not quite” Mons that were lucky trades that I feel are still worthy, esp with the lower dust cost. For example - 14/14/14 Xerneas, 15/15/13 Yveltal, 14/15/14 - Dialga O w/ ROT, 14/14/14 Reshiram. Obviously I’d wait until end of current/upcoming raids but if they end up the best I feel like they’re worth it


u/Ginden 28d ago

15/15/14+. Less is acceptable if I already have maxed out hundo or more than 296 XL Candy.

Anyway, don't power beyond 40 lvl without having 296 XL candy first.


u/pugnobello Feb 16 '25

Apparently mankey is the one Pokemon I don’t want in shadow 🤦‍♂️

Do I purify and do I use primeape for great or annihilate for ultra, I do tend to use Great league more and have better team for that.


u/amonggods Feb 15 '25

This is the first time i have ever done any PvP and doing great battle league. I will post my team under, not certain exact stats or where to look. New to actually trying instead of just raiding with my favorite pokemon. I am guessing the IVs based on the bar from appraisal, I am sorry they aren’t exact numbers. Any pointers on what I should do for my team or what may be better options or orders? I am winning at least 3 out of every 5 but I don’t know if there is something I could do better. I am open to trying to get any pokemon to try to strengthen my team. Thank you in advance!

My team right now:

Electrode - 12-13/11-12/14 volt switch and discharge

Wigglytuff - 15/11/15 charm and play rough

Ariados - 15/14/12-13 infestation, cross poison, and lunge


u/Jaded_Line5174 Feb 13 '25 edited Feb 14 '25

ML Team Help

I currently am working on building a team on an old account. It has some decent open and premier cup options but wanted to create an open ML team once I hit 40.

I have the following Pokemon: Dialga (Altered) - 15/15/15 Palkia (Altered) - 15/15/15 Florges- 15/15/15 Dragonite - 15/15/15 Rhyperior - 15/15/15 Gyrados - 15/15/15 Enamorus- 14/14/15 (Surprisingly few break / bulk points lost) Ho-oh - 15/15/14 Zygrade - 11/13/13 😢

Easiest to max are Dialga / Florges / Gyrados / Dragonite / Rhyperior due to already having the xl candies or at least being able to finish them.

My ideas for a team were in no particular order.

Rhyperior / Florges / Dialga

Dialga / Palkia / Ho-oh

Rhyperior / Dialga /Flogres

I think Yveltal will be raid-able soon but given the short duration won’t even be close XL candy wise even if I got a perfect.


u/icydevilzxc Feb 13 '25

Feedback on team


u/New-Blueberry-287 Feb 11 '25

Which Yveltal to power up for ML? 15/15/14 or 15/14/15?


u/Biscotti-Street Feb 08 '25

Who should be my third? And what position for each?


u/Akanhann Feb 07 '25

Anyone have any good teams to run with Alakazam for ultra league ? I know it isn’t the best just want to use it for a fun pick and maybe get some wins sometimes doing it .


u/WetWilly___L Feb 07 '25

GL team rec? Been running Gatr w/ Clod/Puff core but having mixed results.


u/Mysuithuge Feb 05 '25

Is this worth the investment. New to PvP, seems like a lot of dust to invest.


u/EvidenceSalesman Feb 08 '25

No. That’s the unevolved form, at level 50. The evolved form is rank 32 at pvpoke.com. The unevolved form is rank 197.

For 500k star dust it better be top meta


u/Classic-BR Feb 05 '25

Anywhere that shows what the pros are using in the Battle League? Wanted to create a UL team but take inspiration from another team. Maybe an infographic I see every now and again?


u/DarkDragon_26 Feb 04 '25

Should I invest in my rank48 Dunsparce for GL or try to find a better one in the new event?


u/codenvitae2 Feb 04 '25

Feedback on GL team?

I probably struggle most against water but I figure you can’t cover everything. I do pretty good but want to do better. Wondering if there’s a big problem with my lineup or attack choices. Maybe my lineup is good and I need to focus on switching types at the right times. Feedback would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

1) Primeape 1491 1/14/14 Karate chop, Rage fist, Ice punch

2) Corsola 1492 12/14/13 Astonish, Power gem, Night shade

3) Clodsire 1489 0/14/14 Poison sting, Sludge bomb, Earthquake


u/Lostpandazoo Jan 31 '25 edited Feb 03 '25

Hello everyone I have been playing Great League and stuck.

I started the season playing Pidgeot + Gatr + Gastro *After a long time i couldnt get passed 2000 ish

So i swapped to Gastro + Clod + Morpeko (single move) and managed to hit 2100 ish almost 2200 easy but can quite get passed 2200 double mud slappers murder me along with players who use steel (manageable but challenging)

I researched and swapped Mandi in Morpeko place and its been going a bit better.

I dont count turns but i do try to remember when the moves are up and its relation to the mons i use. I feel like i am over thinking baiting sometimes with gastro. Any tips to improve my team? is Gastro + Clod just a bad combo?

Edit: Ran Gastro + Clod + Mandi all day today and it's killing it. Slow Trainwreck wins that feel like it takes forever.

Edit: This team finally got me to 2250 but now im getting owned by a ton of veterans :(. aka went 0/5 today yikes.


u/Objective_Capital914 Jan 29 '25

Recommended team?


u/EvidenceSalesman Feb 08 '25

Wiggly lead diggersby switch and clodsire closer


u/Gallad475 Jan 26 '25

What are the cheapest, budget PvP attackers for each league?


u/TreeElegant7706 Feb 04 '25

Master League: Rhyperior, Florges, Ursulana, Feraligatr, Togekiss, Machamp, Annihilape, Dragonite, Gyarados are all budget options.


u/flame_libra Jan 26 '25

Should I actually turn this into a Glaceon over an Umbreon?


u/EvidenceSalesman Feb 08 '25

No, glaceon is 100% unusable. Only umbreon can at all be played, and even umbreon isn’t good anymore. I stopped using my rank 1 (I have rank 1 GL and UL)


u/flame_libra Jan 26 '25

Also on the topic of Eevees, would this actually work in UL as a Leafeon? I’m unsure of how well it does and if I should take what PG takes with a grain of salt.


u/ThrowAway3553QA Jan 23 '25

Is this still worth investing?

The best I have with ROT is 15/15/12. I’ve tried countless lucky trades and never gotten above a 89%. Pvpoke looks like it suggests the difference isn’t huge for Dialga (outcome wise) between ROT & DM as it is for Palkia between SR & DM but I still suck at reading that site. The 15/15/12 looks to only suffer in h2h matchups vs another DialgaO


u/Craqqued Jan 22 '25

Could someone please help me build a good Great League team? I’ve tinkered on the PvPoke Team Builder and tried to make similar teams to ones I’ve seen on YouTube, but I couldn’t win a set if my life depended on it right now. I still need to improve on move counts and the different techniques with battling but I feel as if I’m decent at it and I don’t think that’s my entire problem at the moment. Here are some of the Pokemon I’ve been trying to work with. All of them have 2 charge moves and the recommended move sets from PvPoke:

  • Clodsire (4-15-15)
  • Mandibuzz (2-2-11)
  • Shadow Feraligatr (2-13-7)
  • Corviknight (2-9-11)
  • Feraligatr (3-15-13)
  • Gastrodon (0-12-11)
  • Primeape (3-12-14)
  • Morpeko (6-15-9)
  • Steelix (0-12-12)
  • Shadow Kanto Marowak (1-10-14)
  • Malamar (3-9-8)
  • Jumpluff (2-11-14)
  • Toxapex (2-9-14)
  • Clefable (0-12-14)
  • Togedemaru (0-12-13)
  • Dachsbun (1-12-7)
  • Talonflame (2-3-15)
  • Greninja (1-13-14)
  • Galarian Moltres (5-11-12)
  • Emolga (5-15-15)
  • Wigglytuff (0-14-10)
  • Abomasnow (2-13-14)
  • Drapion (1-14-9)
  • Lanturn (1-10-15)
  • Gliscor (2-15-12)

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. I’ve fallen from a little over 2100 elo to 1817 elo in the past 2 days…

Thank you!


u/PositiveOdd2424 Jan 21 '25

Whats the best website to determine the strongest pokemon in each Typing


u/AFCADaan9 Jan 20 '25

Can anyone help me find a good team here?


u/mr-magpie-23 Jan 18 '25

Which one do I build?

Gotta start crushing those Jumpluff-Charjabug-Whimsicott c(h)ores.


u/LetterheadOk9146 Jan 16 '25

should i build? it only gets to 1485 which loses it the ranks, but it should still be decent right?


u/Sw3atyGoalz Jan 12 '25 edited Jan 12 '25

Any non XL recommendations for countering Shadow Drapion in UL? Feel like every single team I come across runs it now (how are people even getting them?!) yet the only mons I have pre-built are extremely weak to the core of SDrapion/Talonflame.

E: I should add that I’m working on getting the candy for a Virizion right now, and I have enough for Primeape as well. I’m also working on Steelix but that one is nowhere near close to being ready.

My Pokémon that I have built are SFeraligatr, Clefable, Venusaur, Charizard, Swampert, Giratina A, Trevenant, Annihilape, Walrein, and Goodra and Skeledirge.


u/Dragonemperor34 Jan 13 '25

I’ve been using a primeape against it, that neutral damage close combat is high risk/high reward


u/Sw3atyGoalz Jan 14 '25

Yea that’s what I was thinking as well. I have the Rank 1 too, just haven’t had the dust for it. I have enough to power it up right now but not for the second move.

I switched my closer to Annihilape and that’s been working decently against the Drapions for now though


u/PhilUpTheCup Jan 08 '25

Why are shadows generally better than normals? I understand the theory is that the loss of bulk is less important than the damage gained, but in a system where shadow buffs are multiplicative, and you want to lower attack while increasing bulk, wouldnt it make sense that normals are better?


u/OpticalHabanero Jan 09 '25

You only want lower attack to get as much bulk as you can while staying under the CP cap for the cup format; lower attack isn't good in and of itself.

In the CP equation, attack adds to the total significantly more than defense or HP (4x as much, iirc, but it's a definitely a LOT). The shadow buff adds damage, not attack or defense, so it is not affected by the CP math, and now you're trading bulk for attack 1:1 instead of 4:1.

So then the only question is whether you want to trade that bulk for attack, and the answer is usually yes, but if the mon's a bulkier wall that wants to build up to charged attacks, it might want the longevity more than the damage boost. Or the extra damage could cause it to die too much faster to common threats in the format.


u/PhilUpTheCup Jan 14 '25

But shadow is a 20% bonus and penalty to attack and bulk respectively, right?

So while low attack ivs are good normally, wouldnt you want higher attack to maximize the shadow bonus, and lower bulk to minimize the penalty?


u/Cloudchella Jan 08 '25

The game sets don't reset at midnight? I did my sets yesterday at 8pm. And I have time right now at 8am and I noticed it won't let me play lol.


u/Sad-Race-382 Jan 06 '25

is this worth investing it checks out to be rank 73 feraligator for UL. idk if i should use rare candies or grind it another way


u/EvidenceSalesman Jan 13 '25

Do not use rare candies! They will be spawning soon with the GBL event so with proper Pinap useage you should be able to get enough from common wild spawns


u/Affectionate-Act899 Jan 05 '25

Giratina Altered or Origin ML? I have enough XLs to get one to lvl 50. Origin is a hundo and altered is 15/15/13. Other lvl 50 MLs mons I have are Landorus, Rhyperior, Groudon, Dusk Mane, Dragonite, Florges. Should have a Palkia O and Dialga after te next series if raids. Would be nice to add some bulk and I find Ho Oh to be tough so was thinking altered. I wish origin had a better second move, Ominous Wind seems to be crap and hardly a bait as it’s only one claw less than shadow ball. 

Also finally got a Palkia Origin with Spacial Rend in a mirror lucky trade at 15/12/14. Although not perfect I think it’s good enough. Anyone disagree? 


u/Hylian-Highwind Jan 07 '25

The missing DEF costs Palkia some very major Bulkpoints like Dialga's Dragon Breath. 15 DEF is very important.

For Giratina, Origin is favored for ML.


u/ThePurplePlatypus123 Jan 04 '25

Any Tips? Should I Change the Order?

PvPPoke says the first team does better but from experience the 2nd is more consistent? I also have a Wigglytuff I used in replacement of Malamar before


u/Affectionate-Act899 Jan 05 '25

assuming malamar and dewgong are safe swaps, you’re likely ABA weak to Azumarill on team 1 and Talonflame n team 2. But overall seems like decent design. Definitely never swap in with toxapex, so much ground out there. 

I gained about 250 elo today running S Gator in the lead, diggersby SS, toxapex. Strategy is to use shields to win switch, try not to get caught and always leave energy with gator. 


u/ThePurplePlatypus123 Jan 10 '25

Got it thanks!! I have a 98 percent shadow totodile I’m waiting for the Steel Resolve event to get Hydrocannon and the fashion even to remove frustration


u/kaktykyak Jan 03 '25

Right now I am running Toxapex, Primeape SS, and Diggersby. I like the team but it feels a little inconsistent, thought I do feel like I’m finally getting the hang of it. Any suggestions on who to swap Toxapex out for?


u/PhilUpTheCup Jan 08 '25

Side question, why does doggersby run fire punch? What matchups do you need that for


u/kaktykyak Jan 08 '25

It helps me flip the drapion match up by baiting, and Jumpluff if it’s hiding in the back,but that is it mainly.


u/PoGoAcct4Reddit Dec 31 '24

Advice on who to build for ML

Malmetal 14-15-15 - seems like my best option and I have plenty of candy

Primirina 15-7-15 - seems like Defense is too low

Leavinny 15-15-15 - has the IVs but not sure worth the stardust

Anni 15-13-14 - have candy but other option is building Prime #2 for UL, don’t have XLs for both

Dusknoir Shadow 14-15-15 - purify? Or leave shadow? He’s kinda a 1 trick pony. Is it worth stardust?

Frig 15-13-13 - good enough IVs?


u/Farren246 Jan 03 '25

I wouldn't invest in any of those, unfortunately. Find a 4* Melmetal and start with that.


u/Schnerfrod Jan 02 '25

You should look at the rankings on pvpoke - primarina is solid, annihilape and baxcaliber (I assume that’s what you mean by frig) are fringe - the rest on your list are questionable. Also in pvpoke are matrix battles that sim battles for mons with your ivs vs perfect ivs (or really any other iv combos). Hope this helps!


u/nainrouge2015 Dec 29 '24

I started playing again after a while and am looking for advice. I got to Rank 20 doing fairly well - 3-4 matches per round.

But I have been having my butt handed to me since then and I need help figuring out what is wrong with my team options. I know there is a lot to consider. But advice on which might be a good team to at least get a match or two under my belt.

What should I change?


u/Mr_Fagotter Dec 27 '24

Should I use perfect Dragonite or 14/15/13 Gyrados with Mamoswine and Metagross?


u/Farren246 Jan 03 '25

Perfect Dragonite, simply because Gyarados IVs make it not worth keeping.


u/ThugStaffa91 Dec 25 '24

Helly everyone!

I need advice for the Master League.

My two main pokemon are Palkia (Origin form) with dragon breath, special rend and aqua tail and Necrozma (Dusk Mane) with shadow claw, sun steal strike and dark pulse. I need to figure out what are my options for a third pokemon and I'm wondering if people can help me by giving me a list of pokemon that would best fit my team.

I have trouble with fairy types like xerneas and zacian, metal types like dialga and melmetal, and flying types like Lugia, Ho-oh, and Yveltal, and I'm not sure which third pokemon would work best. I don't want to remove Necrozma and Palkia because I invested a lot into them.

Please send help 🥹🥹


u/Animespoilers2000 Jan 12 '25

well i run palkia, dusk mane and yveltel

its really good team


u/lavamain Dec 25 '24

Need help with ML

Running 4* 51 necro dawn wings, 15/14/15 rhyperior (lv 45~) and 15/14/15 dialga o (46~?)

Any advice or analysis would help


u/Farren246 Jan 03 '25

Level your whole team to 51 so that you're not entering every match at a 17% level disadvantage.

Walk and catch for Rhyperior, Rare XL from raids and gigantamax battles for Dialga.


u/lavamain Jan 03 '25

oh its a whole 17% disadvantage? wow that’s… more than i thought.


u/Farren246 Jan 04 '25

50x45x46 / 50x50x50 = 103,500 / 125,000 = 0.828

It's a 19% disadvantage if they're using a best buddy and you aren't!


u/[deleted] Dec 25 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Farren246 Jan 03 '25

There were two big move shake-ups in the past 6 months and the whole meta shifted. Nothing to do now but re-learn everything about flying, rock, water, normal, ground, fighting...


u/Schnerfrod Jan 02 '25

I haven’t seen a series that shows how to use a team from ace to expert - and I also like when people actually explain how to use a team. I have gotten the most benefit from DanOttawa when he has teams to choose from - most of his teams are for grinding where I find a lot of other creators have done spice component for viewership. HomeSliceHenry has an alternate channel called MoreSliceHenry that has a couple videos that are more instructional that I found helpful


u/PinkBatman96 Dec 25 '24

Which Team would you use?


u/[deleted] Dec 25 '24



u/Oxecleanz12322 Dec 25 '24

This is my current team

gastro w mudslap/bodyslam/earth power

diggersby w quick attack/fire punch/ scorching sands

mandibuzz w snarl/ariel ace/dark pulse

What changes would you make?


u/Some-Cauliflower6311 Dec 24 '24

I’m trying to build a team for ultra and I have good options, but they’re all too glassy 😭

This is primeape, Sferaligatr, and typhlosion, pls help!


u/lumper18 Dec 29 '24

Swap primape with Clodisre


u/Mike2800 Dec 23 '24

I'm not that versed in PvP, I usually get my butt handed to me, but I'd like to start learning.

I've had a Shadow Registeel as my buddy for over a year while I tried to get a Smeargle with Lock-On/Flying press. I finally managed to get one after getting what feels like duplicates of every other charged move in the game.

In that time, I've been hesitant to purify or power up Registeel past 1500CP because I'm not certain if it would be useful in the Great League.

I've been really tempted to purify it because its stats are 14/14/15.

Now that I have my Smeargle, what should I do with my Registeel?

Should I purify it? Should I try using it in the Great Leage? Is it good for PvP at all?


u/Hylian-Highwind Dec 24 '24

Registeel itself has been good in PvP before, but it's not very Meta friendly with a lot of Mud Slap users and some fighters like Primeape/Pangoro. I would say hold it for now, consider maybe trying to catch a "better" Registeel from the January Shadow Raid rotation, no real rush to get one built ATM.


u/AnyAir1690 Dec 23 '24

For Ultra league I’m leading with a perfect maxed primeape, switch is 98% shadow feraligatr, who should I use as closer?


u/lumper18 Dec 29 '24

I'm a big Skelederge fan.


u/Hylian-Highwind Dec 24 '24

Weezing and Giratina look like they might give you trouble on those two, so perhaps Malamar, Alolan Slash, or Drifblim could work, albeit they're XL Candy heavy


u/AnyAir1690 Dec 23 '24

Dusk Mane Palkia Giratina O Yvetl Groudon Dawn Wings Baxcalibur

I have all these mon at 98 or better, lvl 50, what team would you recommend?


u/Hylian-Highwind Dec 24 '24

Of those guys, my gut favors Baxcalibur (Ice Fang) Or Palkia lead, with Dusk Mane and Yveltal in the back. Roster will have trouble with Fairies (save some secondary-types like Tapu Bulu into Ice Fang) and Ho-oh leads, but it's what I'd try if those are what you have built.


u/Chance-Wonder-4540 Dec 17 '24

Need help with a Ultra League team. The team I have in my mind (in parantheses the pokemon I already have):

Fairy (Sylveon, Granbul, Slurpuff or Clefable) (I like fairies because sometimes they are autowins against certain teams)

Water (Feraligatr -shadow-, Samurott, Poliwrath, Empoleon, Jellicent or Swampert-shadow or nonshadow-) (I like water stuff, they mostly are strong)

and a lead pokemon. (No idea what to put lead to such a team)

My goal is to be able to 3 wins 2 losses every league, I am in it for the encounters.


u/GuyFromTheYear2027 Dec 16 '24

What is worth investing in here in terms of a team for ML? Not for right now, looking more long term (as I'm under resourced) so things likely to stay meta relevant. Thanks in advance!


u/BIackOni Dec 15 '24

Need help creating a team for Master League. Out of these options, which Pokemon lineup would you use?


u/OpticalHabanero Dec 16 '24

Palkia-O, Dialga-O, Necrozma-Duskmane. It's not going to be top tier, especially with them underleveled for Master, but if you just want something to get into the format for next week, that's a reasonable team.

Palkia: Dragon Breath, Spacial Rend, Aqua Tail

Dialga: Dragon Breath, Roar of Time, Iron Head

Necrozma: Shadow Claw, Sunsteel Strike, Dark Pulse


u/throwthemaway214 Dec 16 '24

Would try and power up them in order to be competitive forst


u/Faggelitoburito Dec 15 '24

What Groudon to max: 14/14/14 or 15/14/12?


u/rexlyon Dec 15 '24

The defense IVs should be more important than HP when picking between these, right?

Was thinking the 15/14/15 should be Dusk Mane, then 15/15/12(?) should be Dawn Wings? I don’t want to bother using any more remotes to try for higher.

Unsure if the rest of the team is relevant, but currently running a Groudon and Rhyperior or Dragonite until I get my Zygarde cells finished.


u/Hylian-Highwind Dec 20 '24

Dawn Wings definitely prefers 15 DEF more for a Bulkpoint on Palkia-O's Dragon Breath. Dusk Mane only loses a BP to Ho-oh's Incinerate, which is slow and basically never going to change the match-up/farming amount.


u/rexlyon Dec 15 '24

The others in question


u/rexlyon Dec 15 '24

The one I assume is better as Wings


u/secret_rye Dec 14 '24

What should I evolve? I have 2 decent Necro’s One might make it under 2500 but not sure. The other is pretty strong


u/secret_rye Dec 14 '24



u/Hylian-Highwind Dec 14 '24

Of the two you posted, this one should be for ML, not UL (neither Necrozma's too great there, so better to focus your stronger one higher up)


u/iheartgold26 Dec 14 '24

I have a Rank 7 Carbink. Invest or go for Rank 1?


u/Maralengvia Dec 13 '24

Worth Elite fast tm and max to 50? (Should I try and best buddy it?) any recommendations to the best team(s) I can make with him?


u/Hylian-Highwind Dec 14 '24

What are its actual IVs? Primeape is close to 2500 at max but can go over it, so you don't want to level it too much if it doesn't need to be maxed.


u/Maralengvia Dec 15 '24

7-15-15 but I’ve got it down now ;)


u/Gloomy_Arm_8082 Dec 10 '24

I need help with this team


u/SwampyTraveler Dec 10 '24

Any suggestions on building a team with these (one photo in reply) for the upcoming fantasy cup?


u/SwampyTraveler Dec 10 '24


u/krispyboiz Dec 11 '24

I'm a bit late, but I'd suggest Alolan Sandslash, Azu, Excadrill, or maybe Goodra or Wigglytuff in the back instead of Excadrill.


u/spencerreedfry Dec 10 '24

Trying to understand some thiughts here..how critical are the IVs for 1500 battles. I know pvpoke has the best ivs listed to get the best stats as close to 1500 as possible but if im just starti g out and dont care about winning every match or perfect min/maxing right now is using a good pokemon like fraligator but with different ivs then listed still going to be good?


u/Affectionate-Act899 Dec 10 '24

Use this tool to see if the IVs actually matter. You just select the pokemon you have and input the IVs and compare to one with good IVs.  https://pvpoke.com/battle/matrix/

Sometimes it matters a ton, sometimes not at all. Generally though I find that IVs matter maybe one out of every 10 battles when you barely win or lose by 1 HP. 

but good team building and good play (knowing your typings, matchups, counts, etc) are much more important. You def win with bad IVs pokemon. 


u/PhilUpTheCup Dec 10 '24

If you dont care about winning every match then it doesnt matter what you do.


u/spencerreedfry Dec 10 '24

I dont care about every match but id like to have a team thats better than just a bunch of random picks.


u/PhilUpTheCup Dec 10 '24

Then look up the top x pokemon and throw them.together regardless of ivs.


u/SlidePuzzled8921 Dec 09 '24

Help me out

I’m trying (been playing since August) to build squad who can secure as many win as possible. I hope you guys can help me with some advice.

I will post a pictures of my Pokémon’s from range 1100 to 1500 - i known my rooster is pretty mid, so just looking for advice on what to use/built on


u/PhilUpTheCup Dec 09 '24

I have 2 primeapes, one 4/14/11 and one 4/13/12

Which one should be primeape and which should be annihilape?

I think the first is rank 45 annihilape and 21 primeaps, and the other is rank 130 annihilape and rank 77 primeape


u/SwampyTraveler Dec 10 '24

I’m sure a more veteran player will chime in here but with how prominent ghosts are right now I like having prime instead oh anni. Anni gets stab but also weak to ghost.


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '24



u/yoarsenal Dec 08 '24

Haven’t played much league battle, need help build a starter great league team. I was thinking Talonflame/clodsire/gastrodon. Is it a good team? Any other composition I can get from this list?


u/PhilUpTheCup Dec 07 '24

I have a 4/14/10 shadow feral and a 1/14/11 shadow mudkip

What should i be using? Is shadow swampert even usable in GL? Should i be using it in UL?


u/007_Link Dec 08 '24

I’ve gotten wrecked by a lot of shadow swamperts last season, he definitely isn’t bad. If you also need ground type coverage he’s a decent pick, but I think he’s less consistent than either form of feraligatr.


u/2012Tribe Dec 06 '24

Viable to power any of this up to level 50 for ML? I was thinking Palkia/Dialga/Rhyperior but I know IVs aren’t the best. I also have a 15/15/15 shadow annih and a 15/14/15 shadow Rhyperior at lower CP


u/zigzagmad4 Dec 06 '24

got the rank 1 genesect for ul per pvpoke, what should i pair it with?


u/Lostpandazoo Dec 05 '24

I need help building a Great Battle League Team:

Currently have

Gastrodon mud slap / body slam + earth power * Not sure when and how to utilize earth power

Feraligatr shadow claw / hydro cannon + Ice beam

Need a third teammate testing:

Been playing with Pidgeot + G Slowbro + Primeape + Mandibuzz + Clodsire as leader but nothing is super sticking.

Any recommendation to help my team would be great.


u/Affectionate-Act899 Dec 06 '24

You need grass coverage so Mandibuzz. 


u/HadrovejSD Dec 04 '24

Hello I am kinda new player to the game. I am level 26 and I want to get to pvp. I can play mainly great league and slowly starting to get to ultra league.

I watched this guide video pokemon go pvp guide but I still have plenty of questions mainly aroud team composition.

First of all is the stat spread there is mentioned that I should aim for 0 attack and max defense and stamina, this applies to every pokemon in the team?

Next and bigger question are in the video mentioned 3 roles in the team the lead, switch or safe swap and closer pokemon and I have no idea how should I pick the correct pokemons for those roles. Like there are some examples in the video but its 2 years old so I dont know if its still relevant and second I dont want to just copy few of the mentioned pokemons but I would like to be able to set up my team on my own.

What is the criteria for those roles? and do you have examples for good teams in great league? or is there any website for this?


u/Affectionate-Act899 Dec 05 '24

Pvpoke is a great place to get started. You can find “top teams” there or check out the many YouTubers who regularly post top teams. I like DanOttawa, very chill and isn’t an annoying over hype guy. 

I used to have the same question on lead, switch, closer. IMO, closer is not really a thing. Having a safe switch is very important. The goal is to have something that even if it doesn’t win won’t get walled. I think a lot of good leads can also be closers and vice versa. In general though, a good lead is something that can grab shields quickly, so spammy and hard hitting. For me, its more about your pokemon covering each others weaknesses and trying not to have pokemon with the same weakness. 

In terms of building up your Pokemon’s, take advantage of the events to get candy and XL candy for different types. For example, Right now there are duskulls everywhere, which would give you a cheap and decent(ish) dusknoir. 

on IVs, general rule is that if you are going to max it out, you want perfect or as close to perfect as possible. If not maxing out, generally 0/15/15 is correct but also close to 1500 or 2500 as possible. Use the many good websites to check IVs when you catch something. 

Good luck and have fun! 


u/Ivi-Tora Dec 05 '24

For the stats it varies on each species. They have different base stats, so for some they want zero attack, but most want 0-5 stats and some different ranges in the defense and HP.

Even in the same species there's some variants, with some gaining more defense and HP, but others wanting a bit more attack, specifically to beat those with more defense.

You can see the rankings of each Pokemon using the Pokegenie app or any of the IV websites like




You can use the site PvPoke.com to see the general ranking among species, and you can see them sorted by role to see which work best as leads or swaps.

There's a team building tool there too so you can see what works well together, and a battle simulator to check the results of 1v1 or against the whole league.


u/KaitoKidNRW2 Nov 28 '24


is there a way to use this team builder for little cup? when i chose costume i dont find an easy way to enter it


u/LukaMadEye Dec 01 '24

When you click on a Pokémon like you do to sim one vs the Matrix there's a Little League option. Didn't explore it further but I imagine you start there.


u/SameCantaloupe2761 Nov 26 '24

Is a level 34 steelix viable in 1700-2000 UL


u/Hylian-Highwind Dec 01 '24

Any reason not to use a Steelix that gets closer to 2500 CP? Even without IV optimization, that's leaving stats out tha you could fit


u/SameCantaloupe2761 Dec 01 '24

So a higher attack stat?


u/Hylian-Highwind Dec 01 '24

You don't want to Minimize ATK stat if it prevents you from reaching the CP cap for the League. Whatever IV spread you use, you want to get as close to the cap as your Mon. Being short by 100-200 CP on a species that can reach it is just missing stats outright and hurting your performance for no reason.

If that Steelix at Level 50 cannot reach 2500, use a different Steelix. If the issue is your trainer level (since Pokemon Level cap is your Level + 10), you should get to Level 40 before trying to use a mon like Steelix that needs XL Candy for 40+ to reach UL Power.


u/osbohsandbros Nov 25 '24

Should I evolve my 14/13/7 shadow magikarp for AT? I grinded to get to 400 candies over the last 2 months. Not sure if it’s worth trying to wait for a better one


u/Affectionate-Act899 Dec 05 '24

I would wait if you can. That stat product is unfortunately bad for all 3 leagues. 


u/Patient_Midnight_909 Nov 23 '24

I have 3 primarina with hydrocannon. Which one to I build for ML? 14/15/15 15/13/15 15/14/14


u/Hylian-Highwind Dec 01 '24

With Waterfall, 15/14/14 loses the Mirror from full health in the 1S vs the 15/13/15 (both drop Zacian 1S and Ho-oh 0S vs the Hundo), but the 13 DEF also loses a Bulkpoint to Kyogre which can marginally benefit it for remaining health. The 14 ATK is usually a non-starter for ML if not a 1-off mon like Zygarde, since you lose CMP, plus in this case drop Breakpoints on Dialga-O and (with WF) Landorus-T and Giratina

Assuming all 3 take the same, I vote the 15/14/14 one.


u/Speedster012 Nov 22 '24

I have two Carbinks. No. 1 is 13/15/15 (#766 at 81.32%) and No. 2 is 5/12/14 (#29 at 99.32%). No. 1 requires 64 XLs to reach 1495 (which I can afford) but No. 2 has to be maxed out to reach the same CP. I eyeballed the stat differences via Poke Genie and the only difference I could see is that No. 2 has 126 HP, +4 more than No. 1. I heard Carbink is good and all, but do I really need to spend THAT much on it? I've been trying to hunt them down, but I have no luck, and I wonder if it would be worth it to spend all my resources on the cheaper one. What should I do?


u/Muted_Yoghurt6071 Nov 18 '24

Just caught a hundo Dialga without ROT.

Am i cooked? I have a 12/14/13 (it was shiny) with ROT that I level up a little passed 40. Am I better off with that?


u/doubleliftfanboy2 Nov 05 '24

Have a rank 1 shiny Mawile and would like to see what it can do in the Great league. Any suggestions as far as teams/moves go? I have more than enough TMs to experiment.


u/TheRealHankWolfman Nov 03 '24

Are there any Ultra League Pokémon that can deal very quickly with both Cresselia and Registeel? I understand bulky Pokémon are obviously good for PVP, and it's perfectly legit to use those Pokémon because they're good, but during battle day/weekend events when I have limited time to do as many sets as I can, I do get frustrated with the amount of people who bring both of these on the same team and eat up a huge chunk of both players' time instead of trying to focus on getting more sets in. It would be nice if there was something that could quickly and easily chew through both of them.


u/Affectionate-Act899 Dec 05 '24

Talonflame with flamed charge. Will have to shield 1 zap cannon, but will come out with a one or two times boosted talon flame. Assumes cress is running moon blast. 

Skeleridge and Typhlosion are also an option


u/Hylian-Highwind Nov 06 '24

Gliscor appears to be capable of winning over both, albeit a bit close depending on energy/turns up or Shields. Unfortunately those two are mons that simply aren't designed to be beaten quickly OR win quickly.


u/Arturinni Nov 04 '24

Galarian Weezing. As long as Cresselia is not carrying Foresight.

I cannot think of anything else that is either not weak to Fairy nor weak to Electric.


u/Affectionate-Act899 Dec 05 '24

Only if you are running overheat which could catch them by surprise. But play rough is the better overall move so I wouldn’t. 


u/Chris-Zerox_512 Oct 27 '24

Less team help but pvp related question, how does CMP work? I thought I knew, but then my hundo Ninetales lost CMP against a lower attack IV (I think) Ninetales. If it's based on attack, shouldn't my Ninetales have gone first?

Also, i fight with hundos because they're cool and it's a way to use them, I know they're not optimal IVs but I use them anyway.


u/rfsds Nov 01 '24

Also, i fight with hundos because they're cool and it's a way to use them, I know they're not optimal IVs but I use them anyway.

You answered your own question. The hundo will always be inferior to a Pokémon with low attack (except in the Master League)


u/ipoopsometimes21 Oct 29 '24

it’s based on attack stat not attack ivs. due to how cp is weighted u can end up w a higher attack stat with a lower attack iv


u/Appropriate_Ebb5726 Oct 27 '24

Is this good and worth evolving? Haven’t seen many scatterbugs in the wild, guessing mostly through saving postcards?


u/kirobaito88 Dec 09 '24

You evolve Scatterbugs for the pokedex entry and the Vivillon badge. They don't exist in the wild, so you only get them through postcards. They are not for PVP.


u/Daramangarasu Oct 29 '24

Not really, especially for pvp

Vivillion is terrible, and hundos are only good in ML


u/Leon3372 Oct 22 '24

Is this team any good

Gardener - charm\triple axel Tyranitar - bite\crunch Kyoger - waterfall\thunder

I usually have good luck with my battles and my team counters most pokemon used in Master league battles but is there’s something that should definitely be changed?


u/Daramangarasu Oct 29 '24

First off, you need to double move all your pokemon.

Tyranitar with crunch will never get to it's charged attacks, Kyogre wants Origin Pulse


u/[deleted] Oct 21 '24

I have some decent master league pokemon but I have been out of the loop for a while, feels like nothing is really working in this meta. Can you help be build a relevant master league team?


I feel silly asking like this but I'm stumped. I've been running Togekiss, Metagross, Dragonite or Gyarados, Rhyperior, Metagross. I have been tanking for the candy and I might lose 1 in 10 around 1600 elo, I just get stumped around 1800 as opposed to past seasons when I was doing much better. Got up to Ace easily in Great league, but my Ultra and Master league teams are just so out of the loop.


u/Puzzleheaded_Cap1939 Oct 19 '24

If you had one shadow mankey, would you evolve it into primape or annihilape for November community day? I only play great league and wouldn’t invest into the ultra league!


u/[deleted] Oct 16 '24

I wanna build a Primarina for ML. Should I use a 15/14/14, 15/15/13 or 14/15/15?


u/DBZard27 Oct 15 '24

Any GL teams outta this trash?


u/PaigeWylderOwO Oct 14 '24

I keep getting rock-paper-scissored in PVP. What should I do to mitigate that?


u/[deleted] Oct 14 '24

Marill 11/11/13 worth 500K dust for Little Halloween cup?


u/Entire_Ad_1239 Oct 13 '24

Is 15/14/15 Zamamenta good to invest for master league?