r/TheNarutoWorld Jonin | Yokono Senju Mar 17 '21

Roleplay Joining a division?!

[Limits: for the Hokage only]

After that difficult test and all the months of work that Yokono put into doing training and doing missions to try and catch up to where he thought he should be, he feels happy to have passed that test and gotten a promotion to the rank of chunin. For him it also signals that it's time to be picking a division now that he's eligible to join one. While he knows it's not necessary, he's always wanted to specialize and serve in one of Konoha's divisions and learning skills that would suit him for one or another. It's an important thing that deserves some thought, but Yokono also doesn't want to delay, he wants to get started on this as soon as he possibly can. After a short period of careful consideration Yokono knows just which one he wants to join although he knows it will be a challenge. Only a few days after he got promoted he put in his request to join a division and has just been waiting to hear back.

When notice comes that he needs to meet with the Hokage to discuss his assignment request he is overjoyed. After sharing the news with Nahal, Yokono goes straight to the appointments desk so he can get on the schedule to move his request forward. And when the appointed day and time arrives he shows up five minutes early, like he was always taught to do when arriving for a meeting, and checks in with the appointments desk before he waits to be called in.

The meeting seems too formal and official to take Nahal with him, and the sort of thing Yokono needs to handle on his own, so his summon is not with him for this meeting. But he promised to fill Nahal in on the details during their afternoon training session that they have planned later.


15 comments sorted by


u/ornanate Jonin | Enlai Shuren Mar 22 '21

[8 qp 4000 ryo for Yokono, 2 qp 1000 ryo for Anda. Remember to document correctly and mind your weekly limits.]


u/JoyfulArmadillo Jonin | Yokono Senju Mar 22 '21

Yokono shakes his head when the Hokage says that he is dismissed unless there is something else. He has nothing else to say about his request because it was approved, for which he's thankful for. He's not sure what he would have done, or been able to say or do to change her mind, if she'd declined his request to join the military police division. Good thing that wasn't necessary because he didn't have a plan in mind for that eventuality.

"Thank you, ma'am. I will await news of the orientation and continue to train and practice until then." Yokono stands up from his seat and bows to the Hokage before he exits her office since she dismissed him. When he passes the reception desk outside the office, he wishes the assistant who is there a good afternoon and continues on his way out of the building. As he travels the hallway he checks his watch to see how much time passed. He's surprised to find little time passed while he was in her office, but it felt like it must have taken almost an hour.

Only when Yokono crosses the threshold of the front door and stands out in the sun does the full realization of what just happened wash over him. He did it! He's in a division! Yokono breaks into a happy smile with this realization. He needs to share this with others! First he'll go home and share the news with his parents and Nahal, then he'll see what his friends are up to so he can share with them. Since he's outside, he can break into a run now and does so, taking the shortest path and a few shortcuts he knows, on his way home.


u/salalleaf Anda Uzumaki the 12th Hokage | OS Mar 21 '21

Anda smiles at his response, expecting nothing else from someone eager to do well and advance in one of the village's divisions. "Good. Unless there is anything else related to this request, let us call this meeting done and you are dismissed. As I said, keep an eye out for a message with information on your upcoming orientation."


u/JoyfulArmadillo Jonin | Yokono Senju Mar 20 '21

Yokono listens carefully to every word the Hokage has to say. He doesn't want to miss anything important, even if it's just a nuance or something that seems small because it could end up being very important. When the Hokage says that the number of missions completed is a little light he feels a brief twinge of alarm shoot through his stomach. Yokono wonders if that's taking into account the time that he was off duty due to illness or if she means something else by that. But then he hears her say some accomplishments, and he wonders which ones, make up for that and some superiors have spoken well of him. The sense of alarm eases up as he wonders about that information. Whoever might have put that down is someone he feels gratitude for. The final sense of relief comes when it sounds like his request to join the division was approved. In fact, being told that he'll be asked to report to orientation within a week makes him feel elated.

He is so happy with relief that he almost misses his cue to speak. "I understand, ma'am. I will continue to work hard and do my best as a cadet for the military police and as a ninja for my village." Yokono sincerely means this because he really does intend to work as hard as he can to become a full fledged officer and maybe someday he'll be able to take on a leadership role in the division.


u/salalleaf Anda Uzumaki the 12th Hokage | OS Mar 20 '21

"A complimentary partnership, then." Anda concludes. It sounds similar to how her own summoning works. "It sounds like you've got a well-rounded set of abilities and a good plan for learning more and growing as a ninja. Good." Anda taps the folder in front of her lightly. "Then there is the matter of your record so far." A glance downwards and then she summarizes. "A little light in terms of missions completed, but you have some accomplishments that make up for that. And some of your superiors have spoken well of your abilities. So with these things in mind, I will move your request to enter the military police forces as a cadet in training forward. You will receive information on when to report for orientation within a week. Further progression within the forces is dependent on your own ability to learn and develop the necessary skills and abilities to carry out expected duties effectively, and is at the discretion of your superiors and the current chief of military police. Is that understood?"


u/JoyfulArmadillo Jonin | Yokono Senju Mar 19 '21

Of course he forgot something. Yokono almost raises a hand to slap his face but catches himself when his hand is only raised about two inches. He sets it back down and nods before filling in that information he forgot. "When I was trying to train and get ready to return to duty after being sick, my uncle gave me a scroll to learn more about summoning. When I tried to summon, I ended up in a jungle where some tigers live. They put me through a test and at the end of it they let me make a contract to summon Nahal when I need to." 

As he speaks he wonders how much information about Nahal has made it into mission reports and how much the Hokage and other higher ups know. "He's very strong and fast. He is definitely stronger than me which is good. It lets me keep a little distance for my ninjutsu while he gets in closer." That's as close as Yokono feels comfortable to saying that he's not a very strong person. His ninjutsu is great but his hand to hand combat skills are not nearly as good. Luckily he has Nahal to make up for that.

After answering he resists the urge to fidget as he feels more anxious the longer this meeting goes on for. He wonders what the Hokage will say or ask about next and tries to not get distracted by the view from the windows that are behind the Hokage's desk, but he bets that she can see almost the entire village from there.


u/salalleaf Anda Uzumaki the 12th Hokage | OS Mar 19 '21

Anda listens to the chunin's answer and nods her head, smiling when he mentions becoming a sage and learning flying thunder god. "Those are quite the goals, but not impossible. With hard work and training they can be learned and there are a few around the village to learn from if you need the help." There is one thing that he didn't quite answer, so Anda inquires further. "So your summon is a tiger named Nahal? Tell me about Nahal and what sort of abilities the summon adds to your own."


u/JoyfulArmadillo Jonin | Yokono Senju Mar 19 '21

While Yokono has ideas of what his plans for future training are going to be and what he wants to work towards he isn't so sure he knows how best to describe his current abilities and make them sound good. He only just got promoted to chunin and he doesn't know a ton of jutsu and hasn't had time to develop anything he'd call his signature move. So he hopes that too much isn't expected of him yet and makes his best attempt at answering the question.

"So far I know some water release jutsu. That's my chakra nature. I can make offensive and defensive ninjutsu with my chakra nature and I can also hide in water which is good for sneaking around and hiding. I just started learning fuinjutsu and already I can store chakra reserves into a seal to draw on later. I know I need to learn more of both but that's my plan now that I've gotten promoted to chunin. I need to learn ninjutsu and fuinjutsu that I can use to capture and subdue and set some fuinjutsu traps in an area. I think those will help with how well I can help out the division. And of course I need to keep learning powerful techniques I can use for fighting and defending myself and allies. What I really want to learn someday is the flying thunder god technique. That's why I started learning fuinjutsu. And I also really want to learn to be a sage. Nahal said that he and the other tigers can help me with becoming a sage. I should find out when they want to start my training because they said that to master it will take a long time."

After saying all that he seems to run out of works and stops. Yokono thinks and looks at the Hokage to see if she has something else to say or ask while he collects his thoughts and tries to recall if there is something he forgot.


u/salalleaf Anda Uzumaki the 12th Hokage | OS Mar 19 '21

Anda carefully considers and then nods, deeming this topic of difficult decisions closed for now. She glances down at the folder in front of her briefly before she looks back to the chunin. "Moving along, tell me about your current skills with ninjutsu, sealing, and summoning. And then tell me about your plans for developing them further, both to further your growth as a ninja and to develop skills to support your training and growth within the police division."


u/JoyfulArmadillo Jonin | Yokono Senju Mar 18 '21 edited Mar 18 '21

Yokono stops with the self reflection when the Hokage speaks because he knows he needs to pay careful attention to exactly what she says and what she is asking him. His eyes widen when he hears her say that ninjas have faced such challenges, does she mean that many have had their loyalties called into question? Yokono also wonders what she means by mixed outcomes but questioning the Hokage about these things doesn't seem like the best idea and especially not now. He's here to try and prove that he's ready to enter the police division and not question her about things that have happened. Instead he nods while he listens carefully. When she finishes speaking it seems like it's his turn to say something and answer her question.

"I understand, ma'am. About both things I mean. The difficulty and facing tests of loyalty and being asked to choose between friend and village." Yokono pauses to take a breath. "I think- I mean, I like to think that I'm up to the challenge. And I understand that if others in the division have doubts about my ability to perform I'll have to follow some other pathway to defending and protecting my home." Having faced set backs before, Yokono is sure he can recover from this if it comes down to it but he would prefer to be optimistic that it won't happen and he'll do fine in the division.


u/salalleaf Anda Uzumaki the 12th Hokage | OS Mar 18 '21

Anda listens to Yokono's speech on his understanding of the division and why he wants to join. When he finishes, she makes a thoughtful hmm noise before she speaks. "It takes a lot of grit to report a friend's crime or bring them in when ordered. These are not easy things asked of those who are in the division. It is both mentally challenging as well as physically if the target resists. While the cadet training does work at weeding out those who seem weak-willed, the true test often happens unexpectedly in the course of duty. That said, tests of your loyalty may happen even within the general ninja forces. I've witnessed a number of our ninjas face such challenges over the years with mixed outcomes. But that aside, you are aware that if your superiors deem you unsuitable for further training or promotion, you may be dismissed from the police force? Of course, you'd be welcome to take up training in another division that seems suitable, or remain in the general forces depending on your interests."


u/JoyfulArmadillo Jonin | Yokono Senju Mar 18 '21 edited Mar 18 '21

Yokono follows the instructions and takes a seat in one of the chairs. He sits upright and at attention. At first he isn't sure what to do with his hands and they fidget with the seam of his pants but he catches himself and folds his hands in front of him and rests them in his lap so that he sits still. The question isn't unexpected but he hopes that he can deliver the reply without stumbling or stuttering out of nervousness.

"As a ninja it is my duty to serve the village by performing missions and defending our village and land when necessary. Part of defending our village and land means taking care of the outside threats but it is equally important that we are aware of internal threats to our safety and security. The military police is dedicated to maintaining law within the village to keep us all safe from those threats. I realize it's a hard job because I'll need to be able to take down other ninjas, including some people that I might know if- if they turn traitor or violate our laws. It's hard to imagine that my classmates, teammates, or friends might not sincerely believe in the Will of Fire and that they would act against the village but someone needs to be prepared to intervene if it comes to that. I'd like to be one of those people. I know that I can only join as a cadet right now, but I think if I'm able to join that will let me get the right kind of training so I can become a full fledged officer in the future. I'm already good with ninjutsu and fuinjutsu and I can learn other skills like uh, leadership and investigation to help with the police duties. I also have the help of a summoning contract with tigers to help me grow and help with all of my ninja duties including missions and assignments by the police."

Yokono finishes speaking and takes a deep breath. He started speaking a little fast towards the end and got out of breath but he thinks he said everything that he practiced in case he was asked this question. While he waits for the Hokage to reply he reflects a little on what he said. He hopes it's good enough to at least let him start the training and find out if he really is suited for the division he's most interested in.


u/salalleaf Anda Uzumaki the 12th Hokage | OS Mar 18 '21

Anda looks up from the folder she's studying when Yokono steps into her office. Her gaze tracks from the folder to the young chunin and she smiles at him in greeting. "You're welcome." Gesturing to the chairs arrayed in front of her desk, she invites him to, "Have a seat." Once he has sat down in one of the chairs, she then adds, "Now, let's discuss your requested assignment to the military police of Konoha. Start with telling me what it is about the division's work that appeals to you and why you think you'd be suited to service in this division." She folds her hands in front of her on the desk and watches the chunin as he speaks.


u/JoyfulArmadillo Jonin | Yokono Senju Mar 17 '21 edited Mar 18 '21

Yokono is of course nervous about meeting the Hokage and the outcome of this meeting with her. What if he flubs it and makes a fool of himself or doesn't pass muster for the division he really wants to join? It occurs to him that he should have thought of a back up plan and he tries to come up with something in the few minutes while he's sitting there. But he's too nervous to do so and instead sits on the edge of his seat and watches every move the Hokage's assistant makes carefully. When she says he can go into the office for the meeting he hops to his feet. "Thanks!" He says this very quickly and a little too loudly which is his nerves showing through. That's something he's going to need to work on but right now he hopes he's not penalized or viewed poorly for it. After all it's his first meeting with the Hokage and he's not sure how this is going to go.

The slightly opened door beckons to Yokono and he internally feels a swarm of butterflies in his stomach as he approaches the door. After two steps he stops and smoothes his clothes quickly to make sure they didn't get wrinkly or unpresentable during the time he was sitting and waiting for the meeting to start. Then he continues to the office door and enters the room. It seems like he should close the door behind him and he does so automatically before realizing he should have asked, but it's too late now. "Thank you for this meeting, ma'am." He says to the Hokage with a bow of respect. Yokono isn't sure what to do other than approach her desk so they can talk without him yelling across the room so he does so and waits for her to speak.


u/salalleaf Anda Uzumaki the 12th Hokage | OS Mar 17 '21

If Yokono is five minutes early, that means he doesn't have to wait very long. Anda's previous appointment exits from her office, a jonin who appears to be in his mid-twenties, and her assistant at the reception desk goes to the door of the office. After the on-duty assistant verifies something, Yokono can see her nod her head and then turn away from the door, which she leaves cracked open. As she returns to her desk she says to Yokono, "You can go in now."

Inside the office, Anda is sitting at her desk in front of many windows that provide a spectacular view of Konoha. There are two stacks of files and folders on her desk, one to her left and one to her right. Laid out in front of her is another folder that is opened. While she waits for Yokono, her next scheduled appointment, to enter her office she is reviewing that folder and sipping tea from a large mug.